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2022-03-22 21:43:39 +00:00
| program | flags | args | description |
| rabin2 | -Ss | ./bof.elf | get symbol information |
| | | | like function addresses |
| r2 | -wAAf | ./bof.elf | analyze a binary (static) |
| cat | | ./bof.s | read the contents of the |
| | | | source file |
| objdump | -d | ./bof.elf | disassemble a binary |
| grep | -e | string | grab text where a string |
| | | | occurs, non case sensitive |
| curl | | url | get an http response from |
| | | | from the provided url and |
| | | | output to stdout or a file |
| | | | via the --output=file flag |
| printf | | string | print the provided string |
| chmod | +x | ./bof.elf | add execute permission |
| lldb | | ./bof.elf | execute the program to debug |
| characters (s) | format | use case |
| | (pipe) | cmd1 | cmd2 | "pipe" the output from cmd1 |
| | | into input for cmd2 |
| ./ | ./<file> | execute a LOCAL (accessable |
| | | from the current working |
| | | directory) file. |
2022-03-22 21:59:47 +00:00
| command | subcommand | modifier | argument | description |
| break | set | -a | <address> | set a break- |
| | | | | point at an |
| | | | | address |
| run | | | | run the |
| | | | | program |
| step | | | | step forward |
| disas | | | | disassemble |
| x/40xw | | | $<register> | display memory|
| | | | | of 40 "words" |
| | | | | in hex of a |
| | | | | register |
| name | description | subs |
| rax | general purpose, typically return values here | eax,ax,al,ah |
| rbx | base register | ebx,bx,bl,bh |
| rcx | counter register, used in loops to count, etc | ecx,cx,cl,ch |
| rdx | general purpose / data register | edx,dx,dl,dh |
| rsi | source for data copies | esi,si,sl |
| rdi | destination register | edi,di,dl |
| rbp | base pointer, typically resets at frame | ebp,bp,bpl |
| rsp | stack pointer (think: the stack) | esp,sp,spl |
| r8-r15 | general purpose | r8d-r15d, |
| | | r8w-r15w, |
| | | r8b, r15b |