Fork 0

upgrading logging and configuration middlewarez and fixing output

This commit is contained in:
kayos@tcp.direct 2021-01-24 07:28:13 -08:00
parent 9cf0df22b8
commit 11e2f37a1a
8 changed files with 231 additions and 137 deletions

config.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package main
import (
////////////// global declarations
// datastores
var imgDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var hashDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var keyDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var urlDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var txtDB *bitcask.Bitcask
// config directives
var debugBool bool
var baseUrl string
var webPort string
var webIP string
var dbDir string
var logDir string
// utilitarian globals
var s string
var f string
var i int
var err error
func configRead() {
viper.SetConfigName("config") // filename without ext
viper.SetConfigType("toml") // also defines extension
viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/tcpac/") // multiple possible
viper.AddConfigPath(".") // locations for config
err = viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil { // this should be replaced with more intelligent handling
panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error reading config file: %s \n", err))
//// fetch config directives from file ////
debugBool = viper.GetBool("global.debug") // we need to load the debug boolean first
// so we can output config directives
if debugBool {
log.Debug().Msg("Debug mode enabled")
s = "http.baseurl"
baseUrl = viper.GetString(s)
log.Debug().Str(s, baseUrl).Msg("[config]")
s = "http.port"
i := viper.GetInt(s)
webPort = strconv.Itoa(i) // int looks cleaner in config
log.Debug().Str(s,webPort).Msg("[config]") // but we reference it as a string later
s = "http.bindip"
webIP = viper.GetString(s)
s = "files.data"
dbDir = viper.GetString(s)
log.Debug().Str(s,dbDir).Msg("[config]") // where we're actually gonna store everything
s = "files.logs"
logDir = viper.GetString(s)

config.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title = "tcp.ac config"
debug = true
baseurl = ""
bindip = ""
port = 8080
data = "./data/"
logs = "./logs/"

db.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package main
func dbInit() {
opts := []bitcask.Option {
bitcask.WithMaxValueSize(24 / 1024 / 1024),
keyDB, _ = bitcask.Open(dbDir+"key", opts...) // delete keys (maybe for all objects?)
fmt.Println("Initializing key database")
imgDB, _ = bitcask.Open(dbDir+"img", opts...) // literal image files
fmt.Println("Initializing img database")
hashDB, _ = bitcask.Open(dbDir+"hsh", opts...) // this will probably only be for images?
fmt.Println("Initializing checksum database")
txtDB, _ = bitcask.Open(dbDir+"txt") // pastebin
fmt.Println("Initializing txt database")
urlDB, _ = bitcask.Open(dbDir+"url") // url shortener entries
fmt.Println("Initializing url database")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import(
_ "image/gif"
@ -29,111 +28,104 @@ func postUpload(c *gin.Context, id string, key string) {
keyurl := "duplicate"
if key != "nil" { keyurl = baseUrl + "d/i/" + string(key) }
d := Post{
Imgurl: imgurl,
Delkey: keyurl,
var p []byte
p, err := json.Marshal(d)
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "internal error")
fmt.Println("[imgPost]["+id+"] Success: " + imgurl + " " + keyurl)
c.JSON(201, string(p))
c.JSON(201, gin.H{"delkey": keyurl,"imgurl": imgurl})
func imgDel(c *gin.Context) {
fmt.Println("[imgDel] Received request")
f = imgDel
wlog.Debug().Str("func",imgDel).Msg("Request received!") // received request
rKey := c.Param("key")
if (len(rKey) != 16 || !valid.IsAlphanumeric(rKey)) {
fmt.Println("[imgDel] delete request failed sanity check")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "Bad request")
log.Error().Str("func",f).Msg("delete request failed sanity check!")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
targetImg, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(rKey))
if (targetImg == nil || !strings.Contains(string(targetImg), "i.")) {
fmt.Println("[imgDel] no img delete entry found with key: " + rKey)
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "Bad request")
log.Error().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",rKey).Msg("no img delete entry found with provided key")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
finalTarget := strings.Split(string(targetImg), ".")
if !imgDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) {
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] corresponding image not found in database??")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "Internal error") // this shouldn't happen...?
log.Error().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",rKey).Msg("corresponding image not found in database!")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500") // this shouldn't happen...?
err := imgDB.Delete([]byte(finalTarget[1]))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] Delete failed!!")
errThrow(c, 500, err.Error(), "Internal error")
log.Error().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
if imgDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) {
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] Delete failed!?")
errThrow(c, 500, err.Error(), "Internal error")
log.Error().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!?")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] Image file deleted successfully")
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] Removing delete key entry")
log.Info().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",finalTarget[1]).Msg("Image file deleted successfully")
log.Debug().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",finalTarget[1]).Msg("Removing delete key entry")
err = keyDB.Delete([]byte(rKey))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[imgDel]["+finalTarget[1]+"] Couldn't delete key") // it would be insane to try and delete the hash here
log.Error().Str("func",f).Str("rkey",finalTarget[1]).Msg("Couldn't delete key")
// it would be insane to try and delete the hash here
} // if someone is uploading this image again after del
c.JSON(200, "OK") // and the file corresponding to the hash no longer exists
c.JSON(200, "DELETE_SUCCESS") // and the file corresponding to the hash no longer exists
// we will delete the hash entry then and re-add then
func imgView(c *gin.Context) { // the user can access their image with or without a file extension in URI
fmt.Println("[imgView] Received request") // however it must be a valid extension (more checks further down)
func imgView(c *gin.Context) {
f = imgView
// the user can access their image with or without a file extension in URI
log.Debug().Str("func",f).Msg("request received") // however it must be a valid extension (more checks further down)
sUid := strings.Split(c.Param("uid"), ".")
rUid := sUid[0]
if len(sUid) > 1 {
fExt = strings.ToLower(sUid[1])
fmt.Println("[imgView] Detected file extension: " + fExt)
log.Debug().Str("func",f).Str("ext",fExt).Msg("detected file extension")
if (fExt != "png" && fExt != "jpg" && fExt != "jpeg" && fExt != "gif") {
fmt.Println("[imgView] Bad file extension!")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "Bad request")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView] Bad file extension!")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
} else { fExt = "nil" }
if (!valid.IsAlphanumeric(rUid) || len(rUid) < 3 || len(rUid) > 16) {
fmt.Println("[imgView] request discarded as invalid") // these limits should be variables eventually
errThrow(c,400,"400", "Bad request")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView] request discarded as invalid") // these limits should be variables eventually
errThrow(c,400,"400", "400")
fmt.Println("[imgView][" + rUid + "] Request validated") // now that we think its a valid request we will query
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView][" + rUid + "] Request validated") // now that we think its a valid request we will query
fBytes, _ := imgDB.Get([]byte(rUid))
if fBytes == nil {
fmt.Println("[imgView] No data found for: " + rUid)
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView] No data found for: " + rUid)
errThrow(c, 404, "404", "File not found")
fmt.Println("[imgView][" + rUid + "] Detecting image type") // not sure how a non image would get uploaded
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView][" + rUid + "] Detecting image type") // not sure how a non image would get uploaded
file := bytes.NewReader(fBytes) // however, better safe than sorry
imageFormat, ok := checkImage(file)
if !ok {
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "bad request", "content does not appear to be an image")
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "400", "content does not appear to be an image")
} else { fmt.Println("[imgView][" + rUid + "] " + imageFormat + " detected") }
} else { log.Info().Str(()"[imgView][" + rUid + "] " + imageFormat + " detected") }
if (fExt != "nil" && fExt != imageFormat) { // additional extension sanity check
fmt.Println("[imgView][" + rUid + "] given file extension does not match filetype " + imageFormat)
errThrow(c,400,"400", "Bad request")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgView][" + rUid + "] given file extension does not match filetype " + imageFormat)
errThrow(c,400,"400", "400")
@ -149,60 +141,60 @@ func imgPost(c *gin.Context) {
f, err := c.FormFile("upload")
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), "no file detected within request\n")
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), "400") // 400 bad request
} // incoming POST data is invalid
fmt.Println("[imgPost] detected new upload: " + f.Filename)
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] detected new upload: " + f.Filename)
file, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "error processing file\n")
fmt.Println("[imgPost] verifying file is an image")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] verifying file is an image")
imageFormat, ok := checkImage(file)
if !ok {
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "400", "input does not appear to be an image")
} else { fmt.Println("[imgPost] " + imageFormat + " detected") }
} else { log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] " + imageFormat + " detected") }
fmt.Println("[imgPost] dumping byte form of file")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] dumping byte form of file")
fbytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
if imageFormat != "gif" {
fmt.Println("[imgPost] scrubbing exif")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] scrubbing exif")
Scrubbed, err = exifremove.Remove(fbytes)
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "error scrubbing exif")
} else {
fmt.Println("[imgPost] skipping exif scrub for gif image")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] skipping exif scrub for gif image")
Scrubbed = fbytes
fmt.Println("[imgPost] calculating blake2b checksum")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] calculating blake2b checksum")
Hashr, _ := blake2b.New(64,nil)
hash := Hashr.Sum(nil)
fmt.Println("[imgPost] Checking for duplicate's in database")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] Checking for duplicate's in database")
imgRef, _ := hashDB.Get(hash)
if imgRef != nil {
fmt.Println("[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] duplicate checksum in hash database, checking if file still exists...")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] duplicate checksum in hash database, checking if file still exists...")
if imgDB.Has(imgRef) {
fmt.Println("[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] duplicate file found! returning URL for uid: " + string(imgRef))
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] duplicate file found! returning URL for uid: " + string(imgRef))
postUpload(c,string(imgRef),"nil") // they weren't the original uploader so they don't get a delete key
} else {
fmt.Println("[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] stale hash found, deleting entry...")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost][" + string(imgRef) + "] stale hash found, deleting entry...")
fmt.Println("[imgPost] no duplicate images found, generating uid and delete key")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] no duplicate images found, generating uid and delete key")
uid := gouid.String(5) // these should both be config directives eventually
key := gouid.String(16) // generate delete key
@ -210,18 +202,18 @@ func imgPost(c *gin.Context) {
// lets make sure that we don't clash even though its highly unlikely
for uidRef, _ := imgDB.Get([]byte(uid)); uidRef != nil; {
fmt.Println("[imgPost] uid already exists! generating new...")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] uid already exists! generating new...")
uid = gouid.String(5)
for keyRef, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(key)); keyRef != nil; {
fmt.Println("[imgPost] delete key already exists! generating new...")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost] delete key already exists! generating new...")
key = gouid.String(16)
hashDB.Put([]byte(hash),[]byte(uid)) // save checksum to db to prevent dupes in the future
fmt.Println("[imgPost][" + uid + "] saving file to database")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost][" + uid + "] saving file to database")
err = imgDB.Put([]byte(uid), []byte(Scrubbed))
if err != nil {
@ -235,7 +227,7 @@ func imgPost(c *gin.Context) {
fmt.Println("[imgPost][" + uid + "] saved to database successfully, returning JSON")
log.Info().Str(()"[imgPost][" + uid + "] saved to database successfully, returning JSON")
postUpload(c, uid, key)

main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package main
import (
func init() {
// initialize the logger before the config: that way we can output debug lines
// pertaining to the parsing of the configuration init
//////////// init logging ////////////
log.Logger = log.Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr}) // before we read config, do Stderr pretty print (need logs location)
log.Info().Msg("Reading configuration file...")
// see config.go
// now that we know where to put the log file, we can start output (replace logger)
lf, err := os.OpenFile(logDir+".log", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening log file: " + err.Error())
consoleWriter := zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stdout}
multi := zerolog.MultiLevelWriter(consoleWriter, lf)
log.Logger = zerolog.New(multi).With().Timestamp().Logger()
zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) // default is info and above
func main() {
// see router.go

View File

@ -1,91 +1,25 @@
package main
import (
var imgDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var hashDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var keyDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var urlDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var txtDB *bitcask.Bitcask
var errLog *log.Logger
var baseUrl string = ""
var debugBool bool = true
func errThrow(c *gin.Context, respcode int, Error string, msg string) {
errLog.Println(c.ClientIP() + ": " + Error)
if debugBool {
c.String(respcode, msg)
func txtPost(c *gin.Context) {
func urlPost(c *gin.Context) {
func init() {
//////////// init logging ////////////
fmt.Println("Starting error logger")
Logger := &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: "error.log",
MaxSize: 50, // megabytes
MaxBackups: 8,
MaxAge: 28, // days
Compress: true,
errLog = log.New(Logger, "", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
/////////// init databases //////////
opts := []bitcask.Option {
bitcask.WithMaxValueSize(24 / 1024 / 1024),
keyDB, _ = bitcask.Open("./data/key", opts...)
fmt.Println("Initializing key database")
imgDB, _ = bitcask.Open("./data/img", opts...)
fmt.Println("Initializing img database")
hashDB, _ = bitcask.Open("./data/hsh", opts...) // this will probably only be for images
fmt.Println("Initializing md5 database")
txtDB, _ = bitcask.Open("./data/txt")
fmt.Println("Initializing txt database")
urlDB, _ = bitcask.Open("./data/url")
fmt.Println("Initializing url database")
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
func httpRouter() {
router := gin.New()
router.MaxMultipartMemory = 16 << 20
imgR := router.Group("/i")
imgR.POST("/put", imgPost)
imgR.POST("/put", imgPost) // put looks nicer even though its actually POST
imgR.GET("/:uid", imgView)
@ -104,5 +38,5 @@ func main() {
urlR.POST("/put", urlPost)

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
go get github.com/asaskevich/govalidator
go get github.com/scottleedavis/go-exif-remove
go get golang.org/x/crypto/blake2b
go get github.com/twharmon/gouid
go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin

util.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package main
func errThrow(c *gin.Context, respcode int, Error string, msg string) {
// log.Error().Str("IP",c.ClientIP()).Str("err",Error).Msg(msg)
if debugBool {
c.String(respcode, msg)