import imessage import re import os import random import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pickle from pprint import pprint MESSAGE_CONTENT = 0 GUID = 1 weaponized = False def save_obj(obj, name ): with open('obj/'+ name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(name ): with open('obj/' + name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) class Edgar(): def __init__(self): mem_path = 'obj/memories.pkl' if not os.path.exists(mem_path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(mem_path), exist_ok=True) self.memories = {} save_obj(self.memories,'memories') else: self.memories = load_obj('memories') song_path = 'obj/songs.pkl' if not os.path.exists(song_path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(song_path), exist_ok=True) self.songs = {} save_obj(self.songs,'songs') else: self.songs = load_obj('songs') #send_message(self,string,chatid,noRobot=False) def send_message(self, string, guid, noRobot=False): string = string.replace("'", "") string = string.replace('"', '') faces = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] if not noRobot: string = random.choice(faces) + " " + string body = """ osascript -e 'tell application "Messages" set myid to "%s" set mymessage to "%s" set theBuddy to a reference to text chat id myid send mymessage to theBuddy end tell' """ % (guid, string) print(body) os.system(body) def here(self, guid): msg = "*Beep Boop* I am here!" self.send_message(msg, guid) def what_am_i(self, guid): commands = ["Are you here? - Returns if I am running", "What are you? - Returns with help on how to use me", "Remember is - I will remember this relation", "What is - I search my memories for a relation", "Odds - I will generate 2 random numbers for odds within the range given", "Dog pic - returns a cute dog pic from the internet", "Set song of the week - sets that person's song of the week", "Song of the week /all - gets a specific person/everyone's song of the week"] msg = "I am a robot that lives inside of Dans texts. You can call me with @Edgar. \rI currently have the following commands:" for i, com in enumerate(commands): msg = msg + "\r" + com self.send_message(msg, guid) def remember(self, guid, string1, string2): self.memories[string1.lower()] = string2 save_obj(self.memories, "memories") msg = "Ok, I will remember " + string1 + " is " + string2 self.send_message(msg, guid) def recall(self, guid, string1): s1 = string1.lower() if s1 in self.memories: self.send_message(self.memories[s1], guid) else: msg = "Sorry, I dont have a memory for " + string1 self.send_message(msg, guid) def set_song(self, guid, song, name): if name == 'all': msg = "All is reserved, sorry" self.send_message(msg, guid) else: self.songs[name.lower()] = song save_obj(self.songs, "songs") msg = name + "s song of the week set as " + song self.send_message(msg, guid) def get_song(self, guid, name): s1 = name.lower() msg = '' if s1 == 'all': for key, value in self.songs.items(): msg = msg + "\r" + key + ": " + value msg = msg + "\r *Beep Boop*" self.send_message(msg, guid) elif s1 in self.songs: self.send_message(self.songs[s1], guid) else: msg = "Sorry, I dont have a song of the week for " + name self.send_message(msg, guid) def odds(self, guid, number): if number < 1: msg = "Odds must be with 1 or above" self.send_message(msg, guid) num1 = random.randint(1, number) num2 = random.randint(1, number) result = "" if num1 == num2: result = "I demand completion of the odds!!" else: result = "no dice." msg = "%s and %s - %s" % (num1, num2, result) self.send_message(msg, guid) def dog_pic(self, guid): url = '' response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) html = soup = BeautifulSoup(html) dogs = soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'image-list-link'}) dog = random.choice(dogs) dog_url = dog.find('img')['src'] print(dog_url) dog_url = dog_url.replace("//", "") msg = dog_url.replace("b.", ".") self.send_message("Enjoy your dog picture!", guid) self.send_message(msg, guid, noRobot=True) def read(self, message): global weaponized if not message[MESSAGE_CONTENT]: pass text = message[MESSAGE_CONTENT].text date = message[MESSAGE_CONTENT].date command = text.decode().split(" ") guid = message[GUID] print (command) if(command[0] == "@Edgar" or command[0] == "@edgar"): print (guid) command.pop(0) command = " ".join(command) if re.match(r"are you here.*", command, re.IGNORECASE): elif re.match(r"what are you.*", command, re.IGNORECASE): self.what_am_i(guid) elif re.match(r"remember .*? is .*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): string1 ="remember (.*?) is", command, re.IGNORECASE).group(1) string2 ="(.*? is )(.*?)$", command, re.IGNORECASE).group(2) self.remember(guid, string1, string2) elif re.match(r"what is .*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): string1 ="what is (.*?)\??$", command, re.IGNORECASE).group(1) self.recall(guid, string1) elif re.match(r"did you hear( a)? 4.*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): msg = ["I heard a 4", "I definitely heard 4, anyone else hear a 4?", "*Beep Boop* Thats a yar darg"] self.send_message(random.choice(msg), guid) elif re.match(r"odds [0-9]*$", command, re.IGNORECASE): number = [int(s) for s in command.split() if s.isdigit()][0] self.odds(guid, number) elif re.match(r"dog pic.*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): self.dog_pic(guid) elif re.match(r"song of the week .*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): regex ="song of the week (.*?)$", command, re.IGNORECASE) name = self.get_song(guid, name) elif re.match(r"set song of the week (.*?) (.*?)$", command, re.IGNORECASE): regex ="set song of the week (.*?) (.*?)$", command, re.IGNORECASE) song = name = self.set_song(guid, song, name) elif re.match(r"good bot.*?|thank you.*?|thanks.*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): msg = "Glad I could be of assistance, meatbag. *Beep Boop*" self.send_message(msg, guid) elif re.match(r"dick pic.*?", command, re.IGNORECASE): msg = "Enjoy your dick picture!" self.send_message(msg, guid) msg = "" self.send_message(msg, guid, noRobot=True) elif re.match(r"arm the kitten cannon (\d{10})", command, re.IGNORECASE): regex ="arm the kitten cannon (\d{10})", command, re.IGNORECASE) weaponized = msg = "Tater cat weaponized, sir, and aimed at +1%s" % (weaponized) self.send_message(msg, guid) elif re.match(r"fire.*?", command, re.IGNORECASE) and weaponized: msg = "Locked on target. Commencing launch sequence" self.send_message(msg, guid) cannon = """ for ((i=1; i<=1; i++)); do osascript -e 'tell application "Messages" set myid to "iMessage;-;+1%s" set ImageAttachment to POSIX file "./ammo.png" as alias set theBuddy to a reference to text chat id myid send ImageAttachment to theBuddy end tell' done """ % (weaponized) os.system(cannon) weaponized = False else: self.send_message("I dont recognize that command. Text @Edgar what are you? for help", guid)