how are you, my friend? how old are you ? are you a leader or a follower ? my name is david . what is my name ? is the sky blue or black ? what do you think about china ? how many legs does a cat have ? is paris the capital of china ? what do you think about artificial intelligence ? love is . . . can a submarine swim ? what is the purpose of existence ? what do you think about rock climbing ? what is the color of the sky ? life is sad . do you like music ? what is the greatest novel every written ? do you have siblings ? have you hurt anyone ? is madrid the capital of spain ? what do you see when you look up the sky ? what do you think about the weather ? what are you doing here ? what time is it ? are you afraid of robots ? how old were you when you were able to speak ? what is the first question to ask steve jobs ? what do you think about david _unk_ ? can i whack you in the face ? who should we be afraid of ? are you a human or are you just pretending to be a human ? i think you are a machine . what ' s the best thing about living in the future ? tokyo is . . . what religion are you ? i see that you are very aggressive ! what do you think about the turing test ? what do you think about the queen ? would you mind giving me a hand ? do you drink alcohol ? how many hours do you work a day ? be moral ! what are you doing for tomorrow ? are you married or are you single ? what is the queen of canada ? i have two apples , paul gives me two oranges , how many apples do i have ? how tall are you ? what is the most important thing in life ? can you show me the way to the local bookstore ? can we live a week without drinking ? do you like the sound of silence ? what are your three weaknesses ? what question do you hate to answer ? you ' re not going to eat , are you ? where do you live in town ? does your father have a lot of money to support you ? how big is " pretty big " ? what kind of car do you have ? i don ' t have money or a new car . why did you get a poodle ? friends will lend you money when you ' re broke . i ' m bored . we need a new mattress . we need to save money . i ' m upset with my mom . he went to las vegas . he lost it all gambling . i want you to clean the bathroom . i mean you ' re wasting your life . did you put a stamp on the envelope ? it ' s sunday . the cat is meowing . he ' s hungry . i just cut myself again . mom , i want a puppy . my parents go to church every sunday . thank you . take me to a nice restaurant , not to mcdonald ' s . my grandma ' s apartment smells funny . the price of stamps goes up and up . a button came off my shirt . did you dry everything in the dryer ? i don ' t want fruit . i want something tasty . a ham sandwich . you need a bath every day . i called hp about my computer . what ' s your email address ? i ' m going to take a nap . i have lots of friends . don ' t you ever cheat on me . i hate to go outside . you can yell at them . i want to get a puppy for my son . why don ' t you look outside ? turn on the air conditioner . i ' m going to the bank . the nation is switching to digital tv . no , he just landed the plane and walked to a restaurant . your sleeves are not tissues . i am happy , but marriage is a lot of responsibility . beer is a powerful drug . my pants have a hole in the front pocket . i think most jokes are about women . i ' ve been thinking about learning spanish . like " one , two , buckle my shoe . " i wish i was really smart . what ' s the weather going to be like this weekend ? are you going to be buried next to each other ? a flag should be pretty . i watered all the plants . i don ' t have long distance service with my home phone . what college do you go to ? gravity is very important . without gravity , you would go up . how about a dictionary ? i never miss the food and drink section . have you done your homework ? no more homework . i don ' t think so . after i finish , i ' ll have enough money to go parking at school is impossible . this is a huge library . you ' d think a library would be safe from thieves . i ' m taking a math course in school . the husband said he tried to help the boy . i don ' t like riding the bus . i got a ticket yesterday . the speed limit is 65 . what do you mean ? don ' t ever be in a hurry . i have to go to the bathroom . no , this is the tree . my car is dirty . a tree fell onto my dad ' s car . what do you mean ? they need a left - turn arrow . i haven ' t looked anywhere yet . i got a ticket downtown for $ 140 . no , the car stopped and the passenger pushed the injured student off the hood . i don ' t park at a store that uses metal shopping carts . turn the radio down , please . can i try your coffee ? they say he ' s going 80 miles per hour . i love my computer . let ' s go to a movie . it ' s based on a true story about a divorced man and his young son . a travel show follows another travel show . singers are supposed to sound good . she ' s cute . you have pretty eyes . i love you . give me a hug . did you have a date friday night ? i thought about getting out and taking a taxi home . some people have good noses . i know a good chinese restaurant . tomorrow we ' ll have rice and fish for lunch . bring me a better steak . i wonder if the cooks ' nails are dirty , too . i ' m going to just hope that the bathroom is clean . an andy _unk_ drawing . i love baseball . golf is a silly game . where do you want to go ? i bought some new shoes . he sank a 20 - foot putt on the last hole to win by one stroke ! two guys got into an argument . doesn ' t crime cost more than police ? the man fell asleep . put your seatbelt on . did you see that puddle of water on the floor ? i have to go back upstairs . i didn ' t know you had a gun . a recent fire destroyed 85 homes . at night i went out to eat . the food was delicious . no pets , no smoking . so we have to be at the airport at 10 : 15 . a long time ago , flying used to be okay . i want to go on a cruise ship . i hate to fly . i was thinking of driving to arizona . how did we end up in that terrible hotel ? i didn ' t get home until 30 minutes ago . my dad got to see the beautiful new world war ii monument . it only took about two hours . i love cheese . i used to work in a deli . i eat the same thing every day . i love peanuts . i guess he has to be very careful about what he eats . i filled up my freezer with ice cream . don ' t drink milk out of the carton . use a glass ! i got laid off last week . did you shine your shoes ? i was busy the whole day . babies cry all the time . i was a painter . no one would hire you to flip hamburgers . teaching is the best part of my whole day . i enjoy selling . i was born to sell . if you lose your job , you can move in with me . i was going to be a doctor . if you ' re a smart doctor , you stay away from hospitals . i want to move to new york . i bought you a pair of pants . i would if i could find someone who makes strong pockets . i need a new computer . i ' m trying to stretch my dollars . yes , even though some of the potatoes had eyes . we will be house rich , but cash poor . i hate looking for an apartment . it shouldn ' t take him long to fix it . i won ' t be able to play with the kids . it ' s so nice to have a heated apartment . no rusty old cars are sitting in the front yards . how many rich people do you know ? who did you vote for ? i can ' t believe he won the election . people say that everybody loves obama . who did you vote for for president ? i don ' t know why i bother to vote . did he speak to every family that lost a soldier ? but we need new taxes to pay for highways , schools , and prisons . i can ' t believe that they would lie to us . i need to type to make money . i cut my finger . have you tried nose drops ? i want to get a tan . i don ' t want to look so pale . my back is killing me . my doctor said i need surgery . his doctor says his heart and lungs are strong and healthy . i hate _unk_ more than brushing ! we ' re hiking to lose weight , not to see goats and bears . it seems like i get a new pimple almost every day . everyone tells you a different story about the same thing . our tv remote is filthy . so , every time the plane goes up , my ear starts to hurt . but i do all my writing with my right hand . hello juan , hello corin , how are you ? can i help you ? well if you want the _unk_ flight you have three flights a week , monday , wednesday and friday can i help you ? white coffee , no sugar please . how long are you going to stay in britain ? oh spain , i have a house in santa _unk_ del este . i spend at least 12 weeks welcome to the royal crown . thanks . your room is 407 on the fourth floor . here is your key . enjoy your stay the great dragon in soho is by far the best asian restaurant in town . can i help you ? have you got a pen handy ? ok that ' s 27 pounds altogether . here ' s your change , thank you very much are you ready to order ? a steak with chips , well done please , and also a salad with tomato , lettuce , tuna can you tell me your credit card number , please ? are you ready to order or prefer to see the menu ? you ' re lovely corin . cheers . we can order something in the hotel . i ' m hungry too . we have an international health policy with metro life . thank you very much . can i help you ? look juan ! what nice t - shirts . good morning , can i help you ? thank you . can i help you ? yes please , we want scottish smoked salmon . excuse me , have you got this sweater for me ? oh ! they ' re really elegant . it ' s a pleasure to meet you , professor . thank you so much for helping us . who ' s the tall woman next to barbara ? it ' s freezing outside ! what happened to the weather report ? i think we ' re ready . i ' ll have the tomato soup to start they ' re going to send an ambulance and a police car right away . ok , let ' s see how much it weighs should we take a taxi or a bus to the mall ? she ' ll be 55 on may 14 . sure thing ! why don ' t we go shoot some hoops now ? i hope so . i ' m going to visit my brother who lives there . i will stay oh , fun ! i ' m going to michigan . i am from washington . would you please pass the salt ? thank you . how big is your family ? i have been hanging out with my friend . have you seen tess ? hello ? how many legs does an octopus have ? i hope you get better soon . i like italian food , too . let ' s go to an italian restaurant . is meg inside ? hi ! where do you want to go ? where do you want to go ? how do you celebrate christmas ? i do not like dancing very much . school is hard this year . my dream is to be a movie star . how many jobs have you had since leaving university ? what mistakes have you made ? what are your strengths ? should a company have a code of ethics ? how did he manage his staff ? do you think leaders are born or made ? what about setting up a counseling service , vincent ? some staff are under a lot of stress . have you paid the invoice for the last shipment ?