2021-10-05 09:09:45 -05:00

70 lines
2.7 KiB

# Path to folder where the model files will be stored.
# If path is relative, then the must be called from the same directory.
data_folder = models
# Size of the GPT-2 model. Could be one of 'small' (117M) or 'medium' (345M)
# Select small for CPU or experimentation, and medium for GPU
model_size = medium
# Dataset name the model was trained on. One of 'multiref' (147M multi-turn dialogue
# from Reddit discussion thread) or 'dstc' (DSTC-7 grounded dialogue generation challenge).
dataset = multiref
# True: load model trained from scratch or False: load model trained from fine-tuning the GPT-2.
from_scratch = False
# Avoid using CUDA when available.
no_cuda = False
# Further increases quality by selecting the response that yields lowest backward model loss.
# Keep in mind: Uses inference on another medium model and further decreases bot's response time.
# You should set num_samples > 1 for this to work
use_mmi = False
# Seed for random number generators, fix seed to reproduce results.
# By default there is no seed and each turn should be unique.
# Float value controlling randomness in boltzmann
# distribution. Lower temperature results in less random completions. As the
# temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and
# repetitive. Higher temperature results in more random completions.
temperature = 0.6474
# Integer value controlling diversity. 1 means only 1 word is
# considered for each step (token), resulting in deterministic completions,
# while 40 means 40 words are considered at each step. 0 (default) is a
# special setting meaning no restrictions. 40 generally is a good value.
top_k = 40
# Like top_k, top_p is a constraint on the craziness of the output
top_p = 0
# The maximal number of tokens to be returned, inclusive of punctuations etc.
# It will automatically stop if the end-of-sequence token was found earlier.
# Usually, only in rare cases generation will go beyond 64 tokens.
max_length = 128
# Number of samples to generate.
# You will have to implement a strategy to choose one message from generated list.
# For example, you can choose the most dissimilar message, or the lengthiest one.
# But keep in mind: the higher, the slower the generation.
num_samples = 1
# The number of turns (turn = answer and response) the model should consider.
# Set to 0 to focus on the last message. Set to -1 for unlimited context length.
max_turns_history = 1
# Your Telegram token. See -- Functionality is disabled
telegram_token = YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
# Your GIPHY API token. See
giphy_token = YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
# Value from 0-10 which makes results weirder as you go up the scale.
giphy_weirdness = 5