
56 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History




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| , , , ' * ', |, ,,
| * ,'
| " yaow. | '*, " ",'
| impure number seventy nine. can you imagine. | '* "
| seventy nine times, impure members gathered and created some
| silly awesome shits. | ,
| it's this magical moment of the season again. |
| our very own dear spring is here. | '
| remember, one year ago? |
| there was some nfo file we wrote, talking about meadows.
| meadows are here again. all around. | ,
| we're currently walking around, in the meadows, spreading our '
| seeds of classical and awesome text art files. |
| it's all growing. look twice. this pack is giant. | '
| so many guest files. |
| this deserves a nfo file written in flashy green. |
| another shot of schnaps.
| wait. we're writing history here. let's get serious. it's 2021.
| we're grown up. or we try to.
| let's talk about grown up things, then.
| the "seventy nine" above, is definitely not well balanced.
| grisk will surely hate it.
| grisk should know that we definitely are not who we seem to be.
| clues are all over.
| we take our power from some hidden place. |
| we're growing. |
| we hired spinsane. " , |
| we're filled with american love now. " |
| we even wrote him in green in the members list!
| grisk. clues are all over. |
| look. twice. "|
| lornikon connected on irc from his amiga today. .
| he could have connected his typewriter to his amiga.
| np: 505 - And There We were "
| we're gonna grow some more pretty soon, in the next lines.
| guests pimped our pack again this time.
" time flies by. it's almost 10pm.
,, | candles are burning. . "
,' ,' grisk. | ,
'. <EFBFBD>,' wind is growing mad all over the place. | "
" , ' no way to get out without filling cold. ' "
, ', let's stick inside. inside warm feelings of ascii making.
', ," inside warm feeling of feeling at home with brothers.
|' -- ' <-- or with bubbles of schnaps.
| ixxu pumped up some handsome logo for the above mastery.
| requested, given back in no time. this morning. `
| so yeah. hey. this pack is here. |
| we made it again. ," |
| we should add some greetings section to this nfo file.
, , not enough titan greetings. , ., | ' '
' ' next lines are full of love. " ' , ,' * '
. ,. ' grisk!!!!!!!!!!****"""""" '' ' '
, .;: hey. , """" , ;; ,
'<27> ,, ' .yo. , ,*' '
,, | imp? | ' , *'
' ,' | <EFBFBD>"' iMPURe 1940 - INFINITY | ' ""ィ
. ','| " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' ____
" | ," ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ' / \
| "'' ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム, ' ' ' __ / \
|| , ' ' ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム*' '鳬, ' \\ /
|| " . ' , ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム**' '!, ,_/ \____/
|| ,$ ' ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム*l ' '!' ! __
|| " ' , ', ' ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム' ' , ./ \
|| , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \__/
|| ,__ '
|| the guest list as well is written in flash green. this is going
|| to be silly. hey, awesome guest artists, join us already.
|| m-m-much thanks for the guest appearance to :: ,
|| mx - dipswitch - ne7 - zaner - shathippens^pure - jojo - threaz
|| aaaaaaaaaannnd lmn. |
|| we told you it was a very great amount of guest artists in the
|| pack. this is another of these "quote"awesomestories"quote".
|| ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | '
|| ___ _ _ __ ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム | ;'
. | __ '////_//// ,ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ー ____
|/ \ ////ッ////ッ, ,'______ ___ッーイムムムムムムム _______ / !| \ __ O
__\__/ ___ッッッ /\ \ \\\\ \ ________ /\ \\ \ \ / キ| / \
/ \ | _/\\ ッ\ッ\ッ\_\ \ \ \\\\ \\ \ \ \< \ \\ \ \ \ . \__/
\__/ ___ /\ \\__\ \_\\ \__\_\\\\__\\__\_\__\\ \_\\_\_\ \____/ ! _
O |! / / \_/8ー'/'ッ /__\/Oー'ッッッ//O//8/' /_\ /Oー'/' /`_ | o / \
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/ |! \ \__\/ / / //_//ッ /' /_/ / /ッ/ '\\ \ . |
/ \ |' \\ / / \ ッッッ\\ /// \ / __/ / .
\ / o\__ ッッ ___,\__ ___/ \__ ___,\__ ' _.cn___/\
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|| . !
ll a g r a n d e f a m i l l e i m p u r e
.Oo._ |
spinsane sp |
;pogue pO' 2o! +l grmmxi grx
hellbeard xz ' , venam vnm hawk hubbard hh
haliphax hx ' xero x0 arlequin arl
jack phlash jp acidbrain, ab smooth 5m
maze mz prismate ' pmt cn .cn
,' lord nikon ldn irokos iks ' , anachronist ans
,<EFBFBD> &* ' _________ ixxu ixxu ' , ,
";_', ' / ||' ,,\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, " , ' ,
| / .| ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ' ィィ' '
|| / | , ,' *`ムムムムムム*'ィィ'*ムム ' &; '
|| ,, ! ' '', ,ムムムムム| <EFBFBD> ; |ム ,;& &: '
| 'ィ ィ', . * ,;|ムムムムムムムム**,'_,*ム ,'' ,<2C>" ,' '
' " "&,' , '",ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ' , ' , '
, " ' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" '' ,
| ' "<22> c o n t a c t a n d b b s e s '
' " ,*<2A>
' ,""" FTP >> ftp://oddnetwork.org ' __
| , " ' WWW >> https://www.impure.nl , / \
| , iRC >> #impure @ efnet ' \__/
| ,; '* E-MAiL >> arcworld@yahoo.com ' ______ |
| " '<27> <EFBFBD>" ' , / |! |\.
| ", " , " <20> bulletinboardsystemslist, ' / | ! \
' " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, / . \
WORLD Black Flag """"""""""ム' CANADA Fading Black /
HQ Master >> Hawk Hubbard ,ムム, HQ Master >> westie /
| ,blackflagbbs.com ,ムムム* fadingblack.net " ,
, ' blackflag.acid.org ムムムムム, ' ' ,(port 8282) , ,
' (port 23: Mystic) """"X'' ''&&, ' ' &"
' (port 24: Searchlight) ' "& ', " "
, (port 2627: PCBoard) ',<EFBFBD> " , ' "<22>
' (port 2629: Oblivion/2) "" ',& ,<2C> "
|", ,,,,,,x, '""' , & ' '', " |
| ' , " ACiD Underworld """ムム, ', , ,,<2C>' , "" |
| ',' , acidunderworld.com "" ' ,<2C> ' 鳬' , |
| <EFBFBD>| (port 31337: Mystic Rpi), ,," ' '' ' |
| ", , ______,,,,___ ' ' '' |
EURO " Haciend ' , ムムムムムムムムムムムム GERMAN The Yard |
| HQ Master >> h7 `ムムムムムムムムムム HQ Master >> zANER |
| | haciend.bbs.fi ムムムムムムムム ムム,,,,ム too-l33t-4-u |
| ,ムムムムムムムムムムムムム' |
| MEMBER Distortion ムムムムムムムムムムムムム| MEMBER 79 Columns
| BOARD Master >> jP! )ムムムムムムムムムムムム| BOARD Master >> haliphax
| d1st.org ムムムムムムムムムムムムム;,,,,, oddnetwork.org
| ムムムムムムムムムムムムム""""" __
MEMBER aBSiNTHE """""""ムムムムム MEMBER iNK tWO! /! \
BOARD Master >> aNACHRONiST """""" BOARD Master >> Smooth \__/
| absinthebbs.net (port 1940) _,,,,, bbs.inktwo.com ____ |
| ,,,,, ,, ' ムムムム inktwo.acid.org `! \.
| ムムム' &<26> ","""" / o \
| DiSTRO FlupH ィ""ムム', *'',' DiSTRO Clutch \ /
BOARD Master >> Skuz "ムム*", '' , BOARD Master >> niter3____/
fluph.zapto.org ム* ' ', ',,,,, bbs.clutchbbs.com |
,ム ; ;<3B> '"""" .|
DiSTRO Slime City ムムムl' <EFBFBD> <20>& DiSTRO , Pharcyde |
BOARD Master >> m00p `,',' '' , BOARD ',Master >> Accession|
bbs.retrohack.se `ムx;,', ' ' ', bbs.pharcyde.org |
| | ___,ムムムムx ' , |
| | ,bANANA bENDER "ムムムムムム,' ,b' ' |
| , (port 8484: x/84) ,ムムムムムム,', ,b" ,' |
| , ,,;xムムムムムムム, ' ,_,,, '
DiSTRO Dreamland | ィィ""`ムムムムムム"DiSTRO Necronomicon
| BOARD' Master >> Dream Master ムムムムム BOARD Master >> Necromaster
| ' bbs.dreamlandbbs.org ,ムムムムムム,,,,, necrobbs.ddns.net |
| | ' , | ,;ムムムムムムムムムムム'' ' (port 40: CNet) |
| |' ムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ' , |
| DiSTRO Xibalba | """""""`ムムムムムムムムムムムム, ' , |
| BOARD Master >> NuSkooler _,<2C>*ムムムムムムムムムム, ' , '
| | xibalba.l33t.codes , ィ"*ムムムムムムム ' , ' , '
| (port: 44510) , " "ムムムム ' , ,
| ,' "#, ", "ムムムム ', ' '
DiSTRO fORCE9 | ##, , `ムム | , |
BOARD | Master >> RiPuk ## l<> ムム | , ' |
| bbs.force9.org ++ ムム | ' ' |
| | ' , | <EFBFBD>" <20>" ;ムム | ' ' , |
|| | | " " ,#",<2C>" ;ムムムム , ' , ' ' | |
|| | | " | ' , '_,<2C>" ;ムムムムムムム , ' , ' | |
|| || | | |" ムxxム"" ,,xムムムムムムxx , ',;' | ' | |
| || | "| | | ,,,,;;*xムムムムムムムムムム ,;'' | | | |
| || | | |",| | ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム,' | | |' | | |
|| | | | |, | |ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム' | | "| | | |
| || | _|__| | ", | |ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム | | ," | | | |
| || | / /\ | "| |ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム| || ," || | | |
|| || / / \| ____"_ *ムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム| | |,"| || | |
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