from __future__ import unicode_literals import docopt import os import re import shlex import six from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode from pymux.arrangement import LayoutTypes from pymux.commands.aliases import ALIASES from pymux.commands.utils import wrap_argument from pymux.format import format_pymux_string from pymux.key_mappings import pymux_key_to_prompt_toolkit_key_sequence, prompt_toolkit_key_to_vt100_key from pymux.layout import focus_right, focus_left, focus_up, focus_down from pymux.log import logger from pymux.options import SetOptionError __all__ = ( 'call_command_handler', 'get_documentation_for_command', 'get_option_flags_for_command', 'handle_command', 'has_command_handler', ) COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS = {} # Global mapping of pymux commands to their handlers. COMMANDS_TO_HELP = {} COMMANDS_TO_OPTION_FLAGS = {} def has_command_handler(command): return command in COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS def get_documentation_for_command(command): """ Return the help text for this command, or None if the command is not known. """ if command in COMMANDS_TO_HELP: return 'Usage: %s %s' % (command, COMMANDS_TO_HELP.get(command, '')) def get_option_flags_for_command(command): " Return a list of options (-x flags) for this command. " return COMMANDS_TO_OPTION_FLAGS.get(command, []) def handle_command(pymux, input_string): """ Handle command. """ assert isinstance(input_string, six.text_type) input_string = input_string.strip()'handle command: %s %s.', input_string, type(input_string)) if input_string and not input_string.startswith('#'): # Ignore comments. try: if six.PY2: # In Python2.6, shlex doesn't work with unicode input at all. # In Python2.7, shlex tries to encode using ASCII. parts = shlex.split(input_string.encode('utf-8')) parts = [p.decode('utf-8') for p in parts] else: parts = shlex.split(input_string) except ValueError as e: # E.g. missing closing quote. pymux.show_message('Invalid command %s: %s' % (input_string, e)) else: call_command_handler(parts[0], pymux, parts[1:]) def call_command_handler(command, pymux, arguments): """ Execute command. :param arguments: List of options. """ assert isinstance(arguments, list) # Resolve aliases. command = ALIASES.get(command, command) try: handler = COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS[command] except KeyError: pymux.show_message('Invalid command: %s' % (command,)) else: try: handler(pymux, arguments) except CommandException as e: pymux.show_message(e.message) def cmd(name, options=''): """ Decorator for all commands. Commands will receive (pymux, variables) as input. Commands can raise CommandException. """ # Validate options. if options: try: docopt.docopt('Usage:\n %s %s' % (name, options, ), []) except SystemExit: pass def decorator(func): def command_wrapper(pymux, arguments): # Hack to make the 'bind-key' option work. # (bind-key expects a variable number of arguments.) if name == 'bind-key' and '--' not in arguments: # Insert a double dash after the first non-option. for i, p in enumerate(arguments): if not p.startswith('-'): arguments.insert(i + 1, '--') break # Parse options. try: # Python 2 workaround: pass bytes to docopt. # From the following, only the bytes version returns the right # output in Python 2: # docopt.docopt('Usage:\n app ...', [b'a', b'b']) # docopt.docopt('Usage:\n app ...', [u'a', u'b']) # # (Not sure how reliable this is...) if six.PY2: arguments = [a.encode('utf-8') for a in arguments] received_options = docopt.docopt( 'Usage:\n %s %s' % (name, options), arguments, help=False) # Don't interpret the '-h' option as help. # Make sure that all the received options from docopt are # unicode objects. (Docopt returns 'str' for Python2.) for k, v in received_options.items(): if isinstance(v, six.binary_type): received_options[k] = v.decode('utf-8') except SystemExit: raise CommandException('Usage: %s %s' % (name, options)) # Call handler. func(pymux, received_options) # Invalidate all clients, not just the current CLI. pymux.invalidate() COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS[name] = command_wrapper COMMANDS_TO_HELP[name] = options # Get list of option flags. flags = re.findall(r'-[a-zA-Z0-9]\b', options) COMMANDS_TO_OPTION_FLAGS[name] = flags return func return decorator class CommandException(Exception): " When raised from a command handler, this message will be shown. " def __init__(self, message): self.message = message # # The actual commands. # @cmd('break-pane', options='[-d]') def break_pane(pymux, variables): dont_focus_window = variables['-d'] pymux.arrangement.break_pane(set_active=not dont_focus_window) pymux.invalidate() @cmd('select-pane', options='(-L|-R|-U|-D|-t )') def select_pane(pymux, variables): if variables['-t']: pane_id = variables[''] w = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() if pane_id == ':.+': w.focus_next() elif pane_id == ':.-': w.focus_previous() else: # Select pane by index. try: pane_id = int(pane_id[1:]) w.active_pane = w.panes[pane_id] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise CommandException('Invalid pane.') else: if variables['-L']: h = focus_left if variables['-U']: h = focus_up if variables['-D']: h = focus_down if variables['-R']: h = focus_right h(pymux) @cmd('select-window', options='(-t )') def select_window(pymux, variables): """ Select a window. E.g: select-window -t :3 """ window_id = variables[''] def invalid_window(): raise CommandException('Invalid window: %s' % window_id) if window_id.startswith(':'): try: number = int(window_id[1:]) except ValueError: invalid_window() else: w = pymux.arrangement.get_window_by_index(number) if w: pymux.arrangement.set_active_window(w) else: invalid_window() else: invalid_window() @cmd('move-window', options='(-t )') def move_window(pymux, variables): """ Move window to a new index. """ dst_window = variables[''] try: new_index = int(dst_window) except ValueError: raise CommandException('Invalid window index: %r' % (dst_window, )) # Check first whether the index was not yet taken. if pymux.arrangement.get_window_by_index(new_index): raise CommandException("Can't move window: index in use.") # Save index. w = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() pymux.arrangement.move_window(w, new_index) @cmd('rotate-window', options='[-D|-U]') def rotate_window(pymux, variables): if variables['-D']: pymux.arrangement.rotate_window(count=-1) else: pymux.arrangement.rotate_window() @cmd('swap-pane', options='(-D|-U)') def swap_pane(pymux, variables): pymux.arrangement.get_active_window().rotate(with_pane_after_only=variables['-U']) @cmd('kill-pane') def kill_pane(pymux, variables): pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane() pymux.kill_pane(pane) @cmd('kill-window') def kill_window(pymux, variables): " Kill all panes in the current window. " for pane in pymux.arrangement.get_active_window().panes: pymux.kill_pane(pane) @cmd('suspend-client') def suspend_client(pymux, variables): connection = pymux.get_connection() if connection: connection.suspend_client_to_background() @cmd('clock-mode') def clock_mode(pymux, variables): pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane() if pane: pane.clock_mode = not pane.clock_mode @cmd('last-pane') def last_pane(pymux, variables): w = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() prev_active_pane = w.previous_active_pane if prev_active_pane: w.active_pane = prev_active_pane @cmd('next-layout') def next_layout(pymux, variables): " Select next layout. " pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() if pane: pane.select_next_layout() @cmd('previous-layout') def previous_layout(pymux, variables): " Select previous layout. " pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() if pane: pane.select_previous_layout() @cmd('new-window', options='[(-n )] [(-c )] []') def new_window(pymux, variables): executable = variables[''] start_directory = variables[''] name = variables[''] pymux.create_window(executable, start_directory=start_directory, name=name) @cmd('next-window') def next_window(pymux, variables): " Focus the next window. " pymux.arrangement.focus_next_window() @cmd('last-window') def _(pymux, variables): " Go to previous active window. " w = pymux.arrangement.get_previous_active_window() if w: pymux.arrangement.set_active_window(w) @cmd('previous-window') def previous_window(pymux, variables): " Focus the previous window. " pymux.arrangement.focus_previous_window() @cmd('select-layout', options='') def select_layout(pymux, variables): layout_type = variables[''] if layout_type in LayoutTypes._ALL: pymux.arrangement.get_active_window().select_layout(layout_type) else: raise CommandException('Invalid layout type.') @cmd('rename-window', options='') def rename_window(pymux, variables): """ Rename the active window. """ pymux.arrangement.get_active_window().chosen_name = variables[''] @cmd('rename-pane', options='') def rename_pane(pymux, variables): """ Rename the active pane. """ pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane().chosen_name = variables[''] @cmd('rename-session', options='') def rename_session(pymux, variables): """ Rename this session. """ pymux.session_name = variables[''] @cmd('split-window', options='[-v|-h] [(-c )] []') def split_window(pymux, variables): """ Split horizontally or vertically. """ executable = variables[''] start_directory = variables[''] # The tmux definition of horizontal is the opposite of prompt_toolkit. pymux.add_process(executable, vsplit=variables['-h'], start_directory=start_directory) @cmd('resize-pane', options="[(-L )] [(-U )] [(-D )] [(-R )] [-Z]") def resize_pane(pymux, variables): """ Resize/zoom the active pane. """ try: left = int(variables[''] or 0) right = int(variables[''] or 0) up = int(variables[''] or 0) down = int(variables[''] or 0) except ValueError: raise CommandException('Expecting an integer.') w = pymux.arrangement.get_active_window() if w: w.change_size_for_active_pane(up=up, right=right, down=down, left=left) # Zoom in/out. if variables['-Z']: w.zoom = not w.zoom @cmd('detach-client') def detach_client(pymux, variables): """ Detach client. """ pymux.detach_client(get_app()) @cmd('confirm-before', options='[(-p )] ') def confirm_before(pymux, variables): client_state = pymux.get_client_state() client_state.confirm_text = variables[''] or '' client_state.confirm_command = variables[''] @cmd('command-prompt', options='[(-p )] [(-I )] []') def command_prompt(pymux, variables): """ Enter command prompt. """ client_state = pymux.get_client_state() if variables['']: # When a 'command' has been given. client_state.prompt_text = variables[''] or '(%s)' % variables[''].split()[0] client_state.prompt_command = variables[''] client_state.prompt_mode = True client_state.prompt_buffer.reset(Document( format_pymux_string(pymux, variables[''] or ''))) get_app().layout.focus(client_state.prompt_buffer) else: # Show the ':' prompt. client_state.prompt_text = '' client_state.prompt_command = '' get_app().layout.focus(client_state.command_buffer) # Go to insert mode. get_app().vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.INSERT @cmd('send-prefix') def send_prefix(pymux, variables): """ Send prefix to active pane. """ process = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane().process for k in pymux.key_bindings_manager.prefix: vt100_data = prompt_toolkit_key_to_vt100_key(k) process.write_input(vt100_data) @cmd('bind-key', options='[-n] [--] [...]') def bind_key(pymux, variables): """ Bind a key sequence. -n: Not necessary to use the prefix. """ key = variables[''] command = variables[''] arguments = variables[''] needs_prefix = not variables['-n'] try: pymux.key_bindings_manager.add_custom_binding( key, command, arguments, needs_prefix=needs_prefix) except ValueError: raise CommandException('Invalid key: %r' % (key, )) @cmd('unbind-key', options='[-n] ') def unbind_key(pymux, variables): """ Remove key binding. """ key = variables[''] needs_prefix = not variables['-n'] pymux.key_bindings_manager.remove_custom_binding( key, needs_prefix=needs_prefix) @cmd('send-keys', options='...') def send_keys(pymux, variables): """ Send key strokes to the active process. """ pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane() if pane.display_scroll_buffer: raise CommandException('Cannot send keys. Pane is in copy mode.') for key in variables['']: # Translate key from pymux key to prompt_toolkit key. try: keys_sequence = pymux_key_to_prompt_toolkit_key_sequence(key) except ValueError: raise CommandException('Invalid key: %r' % (key, )) # Translate prompt_toolkit key to VT100 key. for k in keys_sequence: pane.process.write_key(k) @cmd('copy-mode', options='[-u]') def copy_mode(pymux, variables): """ Enter copy mode. """ go_up = variables['-u'] # Go in copy mode and page-up directly. # TODO: handle '-u' pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane() pane.enter_copy_mode() @cmd('paste-buffer') def paste_buffer(pymux, variables): """ Paste clipboard content into buffer. """ pane = pymux.arrangement.get_active_pane() pane.process.write_input(get_app().clipboard.get_data().text, paste=True) @cmd('source-file', options='') def source_file(pymux, variables): """ Source configuration file. """ filename = os.path.expanduser(variables['']) try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for line in f: line = line.decode('utf-8') handle_command(pymux, line) except IOError as e: raise CommandException('IOError: %s' % (e, )) @cmd('set-option', options='