diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 67472c3..7268602 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ -+sdddddddddddddddddh- .:+osyhdddddhys+` ``` -``` ## summary ``` krylon v3.01 ``` ## changelog - v3.01 -``` - rebased to integrate with dr1p4ns1 and m4pl1mp -``` ## screenshots -![screenshots](screenshots/s1.jpg) -![screenshots](screenshots/s2.jpg) +--- +![screenshots](screenshots/s1.png) +![screenshots](screenshots/s2.png) +--- +``` ## overview ``` **no comment** -``` +--- ## prerequisites - `python3` ## content @@ -96,27 +96,29 @@ krylon v3.01 ## setting up environment - `git clone --recursive https://git.tcp.direct/decoded/krylon.git` ## notes -``` +--- + - 1 - plugins/fifo_plugin.py - change line 12 in this file from this example below as reference. - 1 - self.runpath = self.config.get('runpath', '/home/dr1p/Documents/code/python/krylon/fifo') - 1 - to whatever the path of your fifo pipe is.. if you are unsure point it to krylon directory. + - 2 - when you run `bash run.sh` it generates a configuration file named `.krylon_config`, be sure - 2 - to add this section so that your fifo plugin path directories are setup. also change this path - 2 - to the same as the path you changed in the section above. - +``` [plugins.fifo_plugin] runpath = /home/dr1p/Documents/code/python/krylon/fifo - +``` - 3 - also make sure the fifo/krylon plugins are enabled in this file. e.g. - +``` includes = plugins.krylon plugins.fifo - +``` - 4 - below is an example configuration file just for visual reference - 4 - ~/code/krylon/.krylon_config - +``` [bot] nick = dr1pp1ng username = dr1p