art spam micro botnet logic
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2022-04-10 23:33:35 +00:00
plugins update v3.01 2022-04-10 13:32:46 -05:00
screenshots Delete 'screenshots/s.jpg' 2022-04-10 23:33:35 +00:00 update v3.01 2022-04-10 13:32:46 -05:00 update v3.01 2022-04-10 13:32:46 -05:00

krylon - art spam micro botnet logic v3.01

                                                                           .dddh.    ``..-:+ohdh-                       
                     __                   .__                              -ddddds/-`         -sd/`                     
                    |  | _________ ___.__.|  |   ____   ____               :dd//sdddhys+/:-`    sdy-.                   
                    |  |/ /\_  __ <   |  ||  |  /  _ \ /    \              ody  `yhdhddddddhhs/:+ddd/                   
                    |    <  |  | \/\___  ||  |_(  <_> )   |  \             yd/  .hdh.hdhshddddddddddy                   
                    |__|_ \ |__|   / ____||____/\____/|___|  /            `dh. `yddo:dd: ``-/+odddddo                   
                         \/        \/                      \/             :hy  +dddyhddhyo:. .sddddy:                   
                                                                          +hy  hddhdddhsyhdhohdddy:`                    
                                                                          hdd` hdd/+hdhs//hddddy/`                      
                                                                         .dddo`odd` .+yddddddh/`                        
                                                                `.--:://+-ydddyyds   `+ddddh+`                          
                                                    .oso+.  `:oyhhhddddddy.-odddd+ `:ydddh+.                            
                                                  +hdddds::..sdd/.`        -hso+oosyyhyo+-                              
                                                `odddhshy`   `ody+-`       -hdddy- ````+dh+                             
                                               `sdddy- -ys.    /hddhs/-`    .:+s/      -dddo                            
                                               `yddh.   `oy/`   .+hddddhso/-..```````.:ydddd+`++.                       
                                                `/hy+.`   :yy+.`  `/shdddddddhyyyssyyhddddddd-+dh/`                     
                                                  `/yhs-`  `/yhs/.`  ./shddyyyyyhdddddddddddo`oddds                     
                                                 `++-/yhy+-`  -ohdy+:`` `-:+oyyysddddddddho-.odddds                     
                                                .sddhs:-+hdhs/.`.:shdhyo:.`` `..-/+osso/:.-ohddddd:                     
                                              `/hddddy-   -/shdhs/--/ohdddhys+/:--..--:+shdddddddy                      
                                             .sddddh/        `-+yhddyo+osyddddddddddddddddddddddd:                      
                                            /hddddo`             `-/oyhdddhddddddddddddddddddddds                       
                                          .sddddy-                    `-/+shdddddddddddddddddddh.                       
                                         /hdddh/                            `.:/+osyhhhhhhys+/.                         
                        .:+syyy`       .sddddo`                                      /o.                                
                     .+ydddddddho-  `-+ddddy-                                        sdd+                               
                   -sddddddhsoydddhhdddddh:                          .----.          hddy                               
                 -sddddds/.`ohdddddddddd+`                      .:oyddddddddy/`     .ddd+                               
               `odddddo.  .ydddddhddddh-                     -+ydddddddhhhddddh/    +ddd-                               
              /hddddh:   .yhddo-.``odd/                   .+hddddho/-.`   `:ohhho` `hddh                                
            -ydddddd-   `yddd:      od.                 -sddddh+-`           `/yho oddd:                                
          `+ddddddd+    +ddd:       .d`               .sdddds:`                -ddodddy                                 
         -ydddh/hdd.   `hddo         h-             `/hdddy-                    yddddh.                                 
         ydddo` hhy    -ddh`         so     .`     `sdddh/`                    .ddddd:                                  
         ddd+   shy    :ddo          -h/.``:/     `ydddy.                      sdddd/                                   
         hdd:   /dh    :dd/           :hhyhs`     oddds`                      odddd/                                    
         odd/   `dd`   .dd/            `/o/`     `ddds`                     `sdddh:                                     
         .hdo    od/    sdo                      .ddd-                     -ydddh-                                      
          +dh`   `hy    -dh`                     `hdd-                   `+hddds.                                       
          `yd+    /d/    od+                      +dd/                 `/hdddh/`                                        
           .hd/    oh-   `yh-                     `sdh.              ./ydddds-                                          
            -hd/   `yh-   .yh.                     `odh+.         `-ohddddy:`                                           
             .yd/   `yh-   .yh:                      :yhhs+:----/oydddddy/`                                             
              .sdo`  .yh:   `sdo`                     `/ydddddddddddddy/`                                               
               `ody.  `oy/`  `+hy:`                     `-ohddddddddy/`                                                 
                 /hs-` `+sy-   -yds-        ``         `./shdddddho-                                                    
                  -yy+.  :hdo`  `/hds:`      -:.`` ``./sddddddho:`                                                      
                   `odh/` -ydh/`  .+hdy+-`    .syysyhddddddyo:`                                                         
                     :hdy- `+hdy/`  .+hddhs+:---yddddddy+sd/                                                            
                      `ohds- .ohdy/.  `:shddddddddddddd:.ydh`                                                           
                        .shds:`-sdddo:`  `:oyhhdddddddd+hddd-                                                           
                          -sddho::shddho:`   `.-://///ohddh-                                                            
                            .+hdddsoydddddyo/-.`    `odddy.                                                             
## summary

krylon v3.01

## changelog - v3.01
  • rebased to integrate with dr1p4ns1 and m4pl1mp
## screenshots
## overview

no comment

## prerequisites 
- `python3`
## content
- - **main file**
## usage
- syntax: `bash`
## prerequisites 
- `apt install python3`
- `apt install python3-pip`
- `python3 -m pip install virtualenv`
## installation
- `git clone --recursive`
- `cd m4pl1mp`
- `virtualenv env -p python3`
- `source env/bin/activate`
- `pip install -r requirements.txt`
## setting up environment
- `git clone --recursive`
## notes
  • 1 - plugins/ - change line 12 in this file from this example below as reference.

  • 1 - self.runpath = self.config.get('runpath', '/home/dr1p/Documents/code/python/krylon/fifo')

  • 1 - to whatever the path of your fifo pipe is.. if you are unsure point it to krylon directory.

  • 2 - when you run bash it generates a configuration file named .krylon_config, be sure

  • 2 - to add this section so that your fifo plugin path directories are setup. also change this path

  • 2 - to the same as the path you changed in the section above.

[plugins.fifo_plugin] runpath = /home/dr1p/Documents/code/python/krylon/fifo

  • 3 - also make sure the fifo/krylon plugins are enabled in this file. e.g.

includes = plugins.krylon plugins.fifo

  • 4 - below is an example configuration file just for visual reference
  • 4 - ~/code/krylon/.krylon_config

[bot] nick = dr1pp1ng username = dr1p realname = dr1pdr0p host = port = 6667 channel = #tcpdirect version=1 ssl = false

includes = irc3.plugins.command irc3.plugins.asynchronious irc3.plugins.uptime irc3.plugins.ctcp irc3.plugins.cron irc3.plugins.logger irc3.plugins.userlist plugins.b33p plugins.krylon plugins.fifo

flood_burst = 0 flood_rate = 1 flood_rate_delay = 1 storage = json://.krylon_database

[irc3.plugins.command] cmd = ? guard = irc3.plugins.command.mask_based_policy

[irc3.plugins.command.masks] d!dr1p@ = all_permissions

  • = view

ignore_list = g1mp_!@ g1mp!@

[plugins.fifo_plugin] runpath = /home/dr1p/Documents/code/python/krylon/fifo

[bot_1] nick = ron17k_l5yad_ username = 6dd7rp16 channel = #tcpdirect

[bot_2] nick = _yk_92fr3onl2 username = 2dpr11d channel = #tcpdirect

[bot_3] nick = a3rk_3yn_10ol username = p69dcr12 channel = #tcpdirect

[bot_4] nick = 54r4_ko1lyn_6 username = p1d61d5r channel = #tcpdirect

[bot_5] nick = n_o7y5r8_clk username = dr4a1dpd channel = #tcpdirect

[bot_6] nick = e_6rlenk_1oy7 username = pdrd27f1 channel = #tcpdirect