# protomolecule Cross platform BLE scanner and logger with teeth ***add a better description*** # Dev notes - **dust** util functions - **eros** found devices DB - **phoebe** tiny go stuff - **scanStuff** well i mean... - **blueStuff** connect to devices / retreive service characteristics # TODO ## Short Term Needs - ### Scan for - ~~Device Manufacturer Data~~ - ~~Services UUIDs~~ - ### Go channels to handle scanning (Keep continous background scanning as an option) - ### Output to simple menu for device target / attack selection (Bubbletea? Pterm?) - ### ~~Implement bitcask DB to hold device info (will likely need a struct) ** eros **~~ - ~~Address (Key)~~ - ~~Device Local Name (data)~~ - ~~Device Manufacturer Data (data)~~ - ~~Services UUIDs (data)~~ - ### Implement- Exploit DB - If GATT exploits are known, present user with options - ### Logging - ### Connect to device - ### Read / Write GATT - ### Device selection ## Distant Wants - ### GATT fuzzing - ### Advertisment fuzzing / flooding - ### Sweyntooth - ### Search for DFU - If nordic chip, use DFU attack - ### Nordic Softdevice compile with tiny go (phoebe) - What to do? - ### C2?