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"""Unit tests for
Usage: python3
import unittest
import io
import sys
import croxy
class TestClientServer(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the ClientServer class which extends socketserver.TCPServer.
def test_init(self):
addr = ("", 1234)
cs = croxy.ClientServer(addr, None, 'localhost', 6697, 's3cret')
def test_handle_client_line(self):
old = suppress_stdout()
msg = "This is a test"
line = "PRIVMSG #test :" + msg
password = "secret"
remote_f = io.BytesIO()
croxy.handle_client_line(line, password, remote_f)
output = remote_f.getvalue()
ciphertext = output.decode('utf8').split(":")[1]
clear = croxy.croxy_decrypt(ciphertext, password)
self.assertEqual(clear, msg)
class TestServerWorker(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the ServerWorker class which is a thread.
def test_handle_server_line(self):
old = suppress_stdout()
msg = "Test"
password = "secret"
ciphertext = croxy.croxy_encrypt(msg, password)
line = ":gk3! PRIVMSG #secure :" + ciphertext
local_f = io.BytesIO()
croxy.handle_server_line(line, password, local_f)
output = local_f.getvalue()
clear = output.decode('utf8').split(":")[2].strip()
self.assertEqual(clear, msg)
def test_handle_not_encrypted(self):
"""Make sure not encrypted messages get clearly marked.
old = suppress_stdout()
password = "test"
line = ":gk! PRIVMSG #sectest :test"
local_f = io.BytesIO()
croxy.handle_server_line(line, password, local_f)
output = local_f.getvalue()
clear = output.decode('utf8').split(":")[2].strip()
self.assertEqual(clear, "(I) test")
class TestUtil(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test various utility functions.
def test_mpad(self):
"""Test the mpad function which pads a string.
self.assertEqual(len(croxy.mpad(b"Test", 32)), 32)
self.assertEqual(len(croxy.mpad(b"123456789", 8)), 16)
u1 = "Федерация"
self.assertEqual(len(croxy.mpad(u1.encode("utf8"), 16)), 32)
def test_decode_unicode_unchanged(self):
"""Test 'decode' returns unicode unchanged
u8 = "Καλώς ήλθατε στην Ελλάδα"
self.assertEqual(croxy.decode(u8), u8)
def test_decode_utf8(self):
"""Test decode can handle utf8"""
u8 = "Καλώς ήλθατε στην Ελλάδα"
self.assertEqual(croxy.decode(u8.encode("utf8")), u8)
def test_decode_latin1(self):
"""Test decode can handle iso-8859-1 aka latin-1."""
l1 = "On s'était dit..."
self.assertEqual(croxy.decode(l1.encode("latin-1")), l1)
def test_main_no_args(self):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = buf = io.StringIO()
self.assertEqual(croxy.main([]), 1)
self.assertTrue(len(buf.getvalue()) > 0)
def test_parse_args_default_port(self):
h1, p1 = croxy.parse_args(["localhost"])
self.assertEqual(h1, "localhost")
self.assertEqual(p1, 6697)
def test_parse_args(self):
h2, p2 = croxy.parse_args(["localhost", 7000])
self.assertEqual(h2, "localhost")
self.assertEqual(p2, 7000)
class TestParse(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test parsing lines."""
def test_parse_out(self):
prefix, body = croxy.parse_out("PRIVMSG #test :bob: How's it going?")
self.assertEqual(prefix, "PRIVMSG #test ")
self.assertEqual(body, "bob: How's it going?")
def test_parse_in_welcome(self):
line = " 001 graham_king :Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network graham_king"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "")
self.assertEqual(command, "001")
self.assertEqual(args, ["graham_king", "Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network graham_king"])
def test_parse_in_privmsg(self):
line = ":rnowak! PRIVMSG #linode :totally"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "rnowak!")
self.assertEqual(command, "PRIVMSG")
self.assertEqual(args, ["#linode", "totally"])
def test_parse_in_andbang(self):
line = ":alan! PRIVMSG #ab :hello @graham"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "alan!")
self.assertEqual(command, "PRIVMSG")
self.assertEqual(args, ["#ab", "hello @graham"])
def test_parse_in_away(self):
line = ":hybrid7.debian.local 301 graham_king graham :Not here"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "hybrid7.debian.local")
self.assertEqual(command, "301")
self.assertEqual(args, ["graham_king", "graham", "Not here"])
def test_parse_in_list(self):
line = " 322 graham_king #linode 412 :Linode Community Support | | Linodes in Asia-Pacific! -"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "")
self.assertEqual(command, "322")
def test_parse_in_url(self):
line = ":bob! PRIVMSG #test :"
prefix, command, args = croxy.parse_in(line)
self.assertEqual(prefix, "bob!")
self.assertEqual(command, "PRIVMSG")
self.assertEqual(args, ["#test", ""])
class TestCrypto(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the crypto methods.
def setUp(self):
self.key = "s3cret"
def test_pbkdf2(self):
"""Test croxy_pbkdf2.
derived = b'n\x9aar\x97j\xb2\\\xeb\x04K\xce\xd3lM\xd4\x97p\xd1\xe36\xfa\x1a@d,\xced\xb8\xb6\xfb\xd7'
croxy.croxy_pbkdf2(self.key, iterations=1000, salt=b'CROXYSALT'),
def test_not_encrypted(self):
"""Test trying to decrypt an unecrypted string.
croxy.croxy_decrypt("But I'm not encrypted!", self.key)"Decrypting cleartext should raise an exception")
except croxy.NotEncrypted:
def test_roundtrip(self):
"""Test decrypt(encrypt(clear)) == clear.
def rt(cleartext):
ciphertext = croxy.croxy_encrypt(cleartext, self.key)
cleartext2 = croxy.croxy_decrypt(ciphertext, self.key)
self.assertEqual(cleartext, cleartext2)
rt("Björk Guðmundsdóttir")
def test_does_something(self):
"""Because the IV for AES is random, we can't check the exact
output of croxy_encrypt, so we test_roundtrip (above) to
makes sure it works.
Here we just makes sure encrypt doesn't return the cleartext.
self.assertTrue(croxy.croxy_encrypt('xyz', self.key) != 'xyz')
def test_rijndael(self):
"""The rijndael code from tlslite has a 'test' function, so
what the hell let's call it.
def suppress_stdout():
"""Turn off write to screen, for pretty test output."""
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
return old_stdout
def restore_stdout(old_stdout):
"""Turn stdout back on."""
sys.stdout = old_stdout
if __name__ == '__main__':