use bytes.Buffer to build ircmsg.IRCMessage for sending

This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Lingamneni 2018-04-26 23:33:46 -04:00
parent c098b46276
commit 3a1b8b0f0c

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package ircmsg
import (
@ -157,74 +158,90 @@ func MakeMessage(tags *map[string]TagValue, prefix string, command string, param
// Line returns a sendable line created from an IrcMessage.
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) Line() (string, error) {
bytes, err := ircmsg.line(0, 0, false)
return string(bytes), err
// LineBytes returns a sendable line, as a []byte, created from an IrcMessage.
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) LineBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return ircmsg.line(0, 0, false)
// LineMaxLen returns a sendable line created from an IrcMessage, limited by maxlen.
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) LineMaxLen(maxlenTags, maxlenRest int) (string, error) {
bytes, err := ircmsg.line(maxlenTags, maxlenRest, true)
return string(bytes), err
// LineMaxLen returns a sendable line created from an IrcMessage, limited by maxlen,
// as a []byte.
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) LineMaxLenBytes(maxlenTags, maxlenRest int) ([]byte, error) {
return ircmsg.line(maxlenTags, maxlenRest, true)
// line returns a sendable line created from an IrcMessage.
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) line(maxlenTags, maxlenRest int, useMaxLen bool) (string, error) {
var tags, rest, line string
func (ircmsg *IrcMessage) line(maxlenTags, maxlenRest int, useMaxLen bool) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if len(ircmsg.Command) < 1 {
return "", errors.New("irc: IRC messages MUST have a command")
return nil, errors.New("irc: IRC messages MUST have a command")
if len(ircmsg.Tags) > 0 {
tags += "@"
firstTag := true
for tag, val := range ircmsg.Tags {
tags += tag
if !firstTag {
buf.WriteString(";") // delimiter
if val.HasValue {
tags += "="
tags += EscapeTagValue(val.Value)
tags += ";"
firstTag = false
// TODO: this is ugly, but it works for now
tags = strings.TrimSuffix(tags, ";")
// truncate if desired
if useMaxLen && len(tags) > maxlenTags {
tags = tags[:maxlenTags]
if useMaxLen && buf.Len() > maxlenTags {
tags += " "
buf.WriteString(" ")
tagsLen := buf.Len()
if len(ircmsg.Prefix) > 0 {
rest += ":"
rest += ircmsg.Prefix
rest += " "
buf.WriteString(" ")
rest += ircmsg.Command
if len(ircmsg.Params) > 0 {
for i, param := range ircmsg.Params {
rest += " "
buf.WriteString(" ")
if len(param) < 1 || strings.Contains(param, " ") || param[0] == ':' {
if i != len(ircmsg.Params)-1 {
return "", errors.New("irc: Cannot have an empty param, a param with spaces, or a param that starts with ':' before the last parameter")
return nil, errors.New("irc: Cannot have an empty param, a param with spaces, or a param that starts with ':' before the last parameter")
rest += ":"
rest += param
// truncate if desired
// -2 for \r\n
if useMaxLen && len(rest) > maxlenRest-2 {
rest = rest[:maxlenRest-2]
restLen := buf.Len() - tagsLen
if useMaxLen && restLen > maxlenRest-2 {
buf.Truncate(tagsLen + (maxlenRest - 2))
line = tags + rest + "\r\n"
return line, nil
return buf.Bytes(), nil