Shivaram Lingamneni 3f429682a8 restore message truncation in ParseLineStrict
Truncation was removed in 3fafe19ebbebed. This was reconsidered and found
to be potentially dangerous, since it exposes server implementations to parsed
parameters longer than 512 bytes.

This commit does the following:

1. Restores truncation
2. Reverts the test changes
3. Retains ErrorBodyTooLong as a non-fatal error reported during truncation
2021-03-03 21:59:04 -05:00

464 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Daniel Oaks <>
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Shivaram Lingamneni <>
// released under the ISC license
package ircmsg
import (
const (
// "The size limit for message tags is 8191 bytes, including the leading
// '@' (0x40) and trailing space ' ' (0x20) characters."
MaxlenTags = 8191
// MaxlenTags - ('@' + ' ')
MaxlenTagData = MaxlenTags - 2
// "Clients MUST NOT send messages with tag data exceeding 4094 bytes,
// this includes tags with or without the client-only prefix."
MaxlenClientTagData = 4094
// "Servers MUST NOT add tag data exceeding 4094 bytes to messages."
MaxlenServerTagData = 4094
// '@' + MaxlenClientTagData + ' '
// this is the analogue of MaxlenTags when the source of the message is a client
MaxlenTagsFromClient = MaxlenClientTagData + 2
var (
// ErrorLineIsEmpty indicates that the given IRC line was empty.
ErrorLineIsEmpty = errors.New("Line is empty")
// ErrorLineContainsBadChar indicates that the line contained invalid characters
ErrorLineContainsBadChar = errors.New("Line contains invalid characters")
// ErrorBodyTooLong indicates that the message body exceeded the specified
// length limit (typically 512 bytes). This error is non-fatal; if encountered
// when parsing a message, the message is parsed up to the length limit, and
// if encountered when serializing a message, the message is truncated to the limit.
ErrorBodyTooLong = errors.New("Line body exceeded the specified length limit; outgoing messages will be truncated")
// ErrorTagsTooLong indicates that the message exceeded the maximum tag length
// (the specified response on the server side is 417 ERR_INPUTTOOLONG).
ErrorTagsTooLong = errors.New("Line could not be processed because its tag data exceeded the length limit")
// ErrorInvalidTagContent indicates that a tag name or value was invalid
ErrorInvalidTagContent = errors.New("Line could not be processed because it contained an invalid tag name or value")
// ErrorCommandMissing indicates that an IRC message was invalid because it lacked a command.
ErrorCommandMissing = errors.New("IRC messages MUST have a command")
// ErrorBadParam indicates that an IRC message could not be serialized because
// its parameters violated the syntactic constraints on IRC parameters:
// non-final parameters cannot be empty, contain a space, or start with `:`.
ErrorBadParam = errors.New("Cannot have an empty param, a param with spaces, or a param that starts with ':' before the last parameter")
// IRCMessage represents an IRC message, as defined by the RFCs and as
// extended by the IRCv3 Message Tags specification with the introduction
// of message tags.
type IRCMessage struct {
Prefix string
Command string
Params []string
forceTrailing bool
tags map[string]string
clientOnlyTags map[string]string
// ForceTrailing ensures that when the message is serialized, the final parameter
// will be encoded as a "trailing parameter" (preceded by a colon). This is
// almost never necessary and should not be used except when having to interact
// with broken implementations that don't correctly interpret IRC messages.
func (msg *IRCMessage) ForceTrailing() {
msg.forceTrailing = true
// GetTag returns whether a tag is present, and if so, what its value is.
func (msg *IRCMessage) GetTag(tagName string) (present bool, value string) {
if len(tagName) == 0 {
} else if tagName[0] == '+' {
value, present = msg.clientOnlyTags[tagName]
} else {
value, present = msg.tags[tagName]
// HasTag returns whether a tag is present.
func (msg *IRCMessage) HasTag(tagName string) (present bool) {
present, _ = msg.GetTag(tagName)
// SetTag sets a tag.
func (msg *IRCMessage) SetTag(tagName, tagValue string) {
if len(tagName) == 0 {
} else if tagName[0] == '+' {
if msg.clientOnlyTags == nil {
msg.clientOnlyTags = make(map[string]string)
msg.clientOnlyTags[tagName] = tagValue
} else {
if msg.tags == nil {
msg.tags = make(map[string]string)
msg.tags[tagName] = tagValue
// DeleteTag deletes a tag.
func (msg *IRCMessage) DeleteTag(tagName string) {
if len(tagName) == 0 {
} else if tagName[0] == '+' {
delete(msg.clientOnlyTags, tagName)
} else {
delete(msg.tags, tagName)
// UpdateTags is a convenience to set multiple tags at once.
func (msg *IRCMessage) UpdateTags(tags map[string]string) {
for name, value := range tags {
msg.SetTag(name, value)
// AllTags returns all tags as a single map.
func (msg *IRCMessage) AllTags() (result map[string]string) {
result = make(map[string]string, len(msg.tags)+len(msg.clientOnlyTags))
for name, value := range msg.tags {
result[name] = value
for name, value := range msg.clientOnlyTags {
result[name] = value
// ClientOnlyTags returns the client-only tags (the tags with the + prefix).
// The returned map may be internal storage of the IRCMessage object and
// should not be modified.
func (msg *IRCMessage) ClientOnlyTags() map[string]string {
return msg.clientOnlyTags
// ParseLine creates and returns a message from the given IRC line.
func ParseLine(line string) (ircmsg IRCMessage, err error) {
return parseLine(line, 0, 0)
// ParseLineStrict creates and returns an IRCMessage from the given IRC line,
// taking the maximum length into account and truncating the message as appropriate.
// If fromClient is true, it enforces the client limit on tag data length (4094 bytes),
// allowing the server to return ERR_INPUTTOOLONG as appropriate. If truncateLen is
// nonzero, it is the length at which the non-tag portion of the message is truncated.
func ParseLineStrict(line string, fromClient bool, truncateLen int) (ircmsg IRCMessage, err error) {
maxTagDataLength := MaxlenTagData
if fromClient {
maxTagDataLength = MaxlenClientTagData
return parseLine(line, maxTagDataLength, truncateLen)
// slice off any amount of ' ' from the front of the string
func trimInitialSpaces(str string) string {
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] == ' '; i++ {
return str[i:]
func parseLine(line string, maxTagDataLength int, truncateLen int) (ircmsg IRCMessage, err error) {
// remove either \n or \r\n from the end of the line:
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n")
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\r")
// whether we removed them ourselves, or whether they were removed previously,
// they count against the line limit:
if truncateLen != 0 {
if truncateLen <= 2 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineIsEmpty
truncateLen -= 2
// now validate for the 3 forbidden bytes:
if strings.IndexByte(line, '\x00') != -1 || strings.IndexByte(line, '\n') != -1 || strings.IndexByte(line, '\r') != -1 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineContainsBadChar
if len(line) < 1 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineIsEmpty
// tags
if line[0] == '@' {
tagEnd := strings.IndexByte(line, ' ')
if tagEnd == -1 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineIsEmpty
tags := line[1:tagEnd]
if 0 < maxTagDataLength && maxTagDataLength < len(tags) {
return ircmsg, ErrorTagsTooLong
err = ircmsg.parseTags(tags)
if err != nil {
// skip over the tags and the separating space
line = line[tagEnd+1:]
// truncate if desired
if truncateLen != 0 && truncateLen < len(line) {
err = ErrorBodyTooLong
line = line[:truncateLen]
// modern: "These message parts, and parameters themselves, are separated
// by one or more ASCII SPACE characters"
line = trimInitialSpaces(line)
// prefix
if 0 < len(line) && line[0] == ':' {
prefixEnd := strings.IndexByte(line, ' ')
if prefixEnd == -1 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineIsEmpty
ircmsg.Prefix = line[1:prefixEnd]
// skip over the prefix and the separating space
line = line[prefixEnd+1:]
line = trimInitialSpaces(line)
// command
commandEnd := strings.IndexByte(line, ' ')
paramStart := commandEnd + 1
if commandEnd == -1 {
commandEnd = len(line)
paramStart = len(line)
// normalize command to uppercase:
ircmsg.Command = strings.ToUpper(line[:commandEnd])
if len(ircmsg.Command) == 0 {
return ircmsg, ErrorLineIsEmpty
line = line[paramStart:]
for {
line = trimInitialSpaces(line)
if len(line) == 0 {
// handle trailing
if line[0] == ':' {
ircmsg.Params = append(ircmsg.Params, line[1:])
paramEnd := strings.IndexByte(line, ' ')
if paramEnd == -1 {
ircmsg.Params = append(ircmsg.Params, line)
ircmsg.Params = append(ircmsg.Params, line[:paramEnd])
line = line[paramEnd+1:]
return ircmsg, err
// helper to parse tags
func (ircmsg *IRCMessage) parseTags(tags string) (err error) {
for 0 < len(tags) {
tagEnd := strings.IndexByte(tags, ';')
endPos := tagEnd
nextPos := tagEnd + 1
if tagEnd == -1 {
endPos = len(tags)
nextPos = len(tags)
tagPair := tags[:endPos]
equalsIndex := strings.IndexByte(tagPair, '=')
var tagName, tagValue string
if equalsIndex == -1 {
// tag with no value
tagName = tagPair
} else {
tagName, tagValue = tagPair[:equalsIndex], tagPair[equalsIndex+1:]
// "Implementations [...] MUST NOT perform any validation that would
// reject the message if an invalid tag key name is used."
if validateTagName(tagName) {
if !validateTagValue(tagValue) {
return ErrorInvalidTagContent
ircmsg.SetTag(tagName, UnescapeTagValue(tagValue))
// skip over the tag just processed, plus the delimiting ; if any
tags = tags[nextPos:]
return nil
// MakeMessage provides a simple way to create a new IRCMessage.
func MakeMessage(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) (ircmsg IRCMessage) {
ircmsg.Prefix = prefix
ircmsg.Command = command
ircmsg.Params = params
return ircmsg
// Line returns a sendable line created from an IRCMessage.
func (ircmsg *IRCMessage) Line() (result string, err error) {
bytes, err := ircmsg.line(0, 0, 0, 0)
if err == nil {
result = string(bytes)
// LineBytes returns a sendable line created from an IRCMessage.
func (ircmsg *IRCMessage) LineBytes() (result []byte, err error) {
result, err = ircmsg.line(0, 0, 0, 0)
// LineBytesStrict returns a sendable line, as a []byte, created from an IRCMessage.
// fromClient controls whether the server-side or client-side tag length limit
// is enforced. If truncateLen is nonzero, it is the length at which the
// non-tag portion of the message is truncated.
func (ircmsg *IRCMessage) LineBytesStrict(fromClient bool, truncateLen int) ([]byte, error) {
var tagLimit, clientOnlyTagDataLimit, serverAddedTagDataLimit int
if fromClient {
// enforce client max tags:
// <client_max> (4096) :: '@' <tag_data 4094> ' '
tagLimit = MaxlenTagsFromClient
} else {
// on the server side, enforce separate client-only and server-added tag budgets:
// "Servers MUST NOT add tag data exceeding 4094 bytes to messages."
// <combined_max> (8191) :: '@' <tag_data 4094> ';' <tag_data 4094> ' '
clientOnlyTagDataLimit = MaxlenClientTagData
serverAddedTagDataLimit = MaxlenServerTagData
return ircmsg.line(tagLimit, clientOnlyTagDataLimit, serverAddedTagDataLimit, truncateLen)
func paramRequiresTrailing(param string) bool {
return len(param) == 0 || strings.IndexByte(param, ' ') != -1 || param[0] == ':'
// line returns a sendable line created from an IRCMessage.
func (ircmsg *IRCMessage) line(tagLimit, clientOnlyTagDataLimit, serverAddedTagDataLimit, truncateLen int) (result []byte, err error) {
if len(ircmsg.Command) == 0 {
return nil, ErrorCommandMissing
var buf bytes.Buffer
// write the tags, computing the budgets for client-only tags and regular tags
var lenRegularTags, lenClientOnlyTags, lenTags int
if 0 < len(ircmsg.tags) || 0 < len(ircmsg.clientOnlyTags) {
var tagError error
firstTag := true
writeTags := func(tags map[string]string) {
for tag, val := range tags {
if !(validateTagName(tag) && validateTagValue(val)) {
tagError = ErrorInvalidTagContent
if !firstTag {
buf.WriteByte(';') // delimiter
if val != "" {
firstTag = false
lenRegularTags = buf.Len() - 1 // '@' is not counted
lenClientOnlyTags = (buf.Len() - 1) - lenRegularTags // '@' is not counted
if lenRegularTags != 0 {
// semicolon between regular and client-only tags is not counted
lenClientOnlyTags -= 1
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if tagError != nil {
return nil, tagError
lenTags = buf.Len()
if 0 < tagLimit && tagLimit < buf.Len() {
return nil, ErrorTagsTooLong
if (0 < clientOnlyTagDataLimit && clientOnlyTagDataLimit < lenClientOnlyTags) || (0 < serverAddedTagDataLimit && serverAddedTagDataLimit < lenRegularTags) {
return nil, ErrorTagsTooLong
if len(ircmsg.Prefix) > 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
for i, param := range ircmsg.Params {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
requiresTrailing := paramRequiresTrailing(param)
lastParam := i == len(ircmsg.Params)-1
if (requiresTrailing || ircmsg.forceTrailing) && lastParam {
} else if requiresTrailing && !lastParam {
return nil, ErrorBadParam
// truncate if desired; leave 2 bytes over for \r\n:
if truncateLen != 0 && (truncateLen-2) < (buf.Len()-lenTags) {
err = ErrorBodyTooLong
newBufLen := lenTags + (truncateLen - 2)
// XXX: we may have truncated in the middle of a UTF8-encoded codepoint;
// if so, remove additional bytes, stopping when the sequence either
// ends in a valid codepoint, or we have removed 3 bytes (the maximum
// length of the remnant of a once-valid, truncated codepoint; we don't
// want to truncate the entire message if it wasn't UTF8 in the first
// place).
for i := 0; i < (utf8.UTFMax - 1); i++ {
r, n := utf8.DecodeLastRune(buf.Bytes())
if r == utf8.RuneError && n <= 1 {
} else {
result = buf.Bytes()
toValidate := result[:len(result)-2]
if bytes.IndexByte(toValidate, '\x00') != -1 || bytes.IndexByte(toValidate, '\r') != -1 || bytes.IndexByte(toValidate, '\n') != -1 {
return nil, ErrorLineContainsBadChar
return result, err