Daniel Oaks 6260869068 Upgrade password hashing.
Previously, we generated and prepended a long salt before generating
password hashes. This resulted in the hash verification cutting off long
before it should do. This form of salting is also not necessary with
bcrypt as it's provided by the password hashing and verification
functions themselves, so totally rip it out.

This commit also adds the functionality for the server to automagically
upgrade users to use the new hashing system, which means better
security and more assurance that people can't bruteforce passwords.

No need to apply a database upgrade to do this, whoo! \o/
2018-08-05 22:51:15 -04:00

72 lines
4.0 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jeremy Latt
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Edmund Huber
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <>
// released under the MIT license
package irc
import "errors"
// Runtime Errors
var (
errAccountAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("Account already exists")
errAccountAlreadyVerified = errors.New("Account is already verified")
errAccountCantDropPrimaryNick = errors.New("Can't unreserve primary nickname")
errAccountCreation = errors.New("Account could not be created")
errAccountCredUpdate = errors.New("Could not update password hash to new method")
errAccountDoesNotExist = errors.New("Account does not exist")
errAccountInvalidCredentials = errors.New("Invalid account credentials")
errAccountNickReservationFailed = errors.New("Could not (un)reserve nick")
errAccountNotLoggedIn = errors.New("You're not logged into an account")
errAccountTooManyNicks = errors.New("Account has too many reserved nicks")
errAccountUnverified = errors.New("Account is not yet verified")
errAccountVerificationFailed = errors.New("Account verification failed")
errAccountVerificationInvalidCode = errors.New("Invalid account verification code")
errAccountUpdateFailed = errors.New("Error while updating your account information")
errCallbackFailed = errors.New("Account verification could not be sent")
errCertfpAlreadyExists = errors.New("An account already exists with your certificate")
errChannelAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("Channel is already registered")
errChannelNameInUse = errors.New("Channel name in use")
errInvalidChannelName = errors.New("Invalid channel name")
errMonitorLimitExceeded = errors.New("Monitor limit exceeded")
errNickMissing = errors.New("nick missing")
errNicknameInUse = errors.New("nickname in use")
errNicknameReserved = errors.New("nickname is reserved")
errNoExistingBan = errors.New("Ban does not exist")
errNoSuchChannel = errors.New("No such channel")
errRenamePrivsNeeded = errors.New("Only chanops can rename channels")
errInsufficientPrivs = errors.New("Insufficient privileges")
errSaslFail = errors.New("SASL failed")
// Socket Errors
var (
errNoPeerCerts = errors.New("Client did not provide a certificate")
errNotTLS = errors.New("Not a TLS connection")
errReadQ = errors.New("ReadQ Exceeded")
// String Errors
var (
errCouldNotStabilize = errors.New("Could not stabilize string while casefolding")
errStringIsEmpty = errors.New("String is empty")
errInvalidCharacter = errors.New("Invalid character")
// Config Errors
var (
ErrDatastorePathMissing = errors.New("Datastore path missing")
ErrInvalidCertKeyPair = errors.New("tls cert+key: invalid pair")
ErrLimitsAreInsane = errors.New("Limits aren't setup properly, check them and make them sane")
ErrLineLengthsTooSmall = errors.New("Line lengths must be 512 or greater (check the linelen section under server->limits)")
ErrLoggerExcludeEmpty = errors.New("Encountered logging type '-' with no type to exclude")
ErrLoggerFilenameMissing = errors.New("Logging configuration specifies 'file' method but 'filename' is empty")
ErrLoggerHasNoTypes = errors.New("Logger has no types to log")
ErrNetworkNameMissing = errors.New("Network name missing")
ErrNoFingerprintOrPassword = errors.New("Fingerprint or password needs to be specified")
ErrNoListenersDefined = errors.New("Server listening addresses missing")
ErrOperClassDependencies = errors.New("OperClasses contains a looping dependency, or a class extends from a class that doesn't exist")
ErrServerNameMissing = errors.New("Server name missing")
ErrServerNameNotHostname = errors.New("Server name must match the format of a hostname")