update 2023-10-03

This commit is contained in:
autoascii 2023-10-03 00:00:52 +00:00
parent 21ffa3d9a5
commit 5d7d6b11a3
16 changed files with 444 additions and 1 deletions

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"Hemorrhoids is a bold and provocative exploration of the human condition, captured through visceral and thought-provoking depictions of raw and swollen anatomical protrusions. It challenges societal norms and perceptions of the body, inviting viewers to confront their own discomfort and vulnerability. Through this discomfort, a deeper examination of our shared experiences and mortality emerges, leaving a lasting impression on the audience."

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
"Alcoholic Cirrhosis is a high-impact commentary on the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption in modern society. Through abstract and visceral imagery, I explore the physical and emotional decay of a person's liver and their body as a result of alcohol abuse. This piece challenges viewers to confront the damaging effects of addiction and the relentless allure of escapism through substance abuse. Ultimately, it serves as a cautionary tale against the destructive cycle of self-destructive behavior."

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The album cover for 'Dune Coon - Niggerstorm' is a striking, thought-provoking piece that challenges the viewer's perception of race and societal norms. Featuring a bold, colorful composition, the artwork juxtaposes images of a desert landscape with subtle references to racial stereotypes. By bringing attention to these uncomfortable and controversial topics, the artist forces us to confront and question our own preconceived notions. Amidst a sea of generic and derivative album covers, 'Dune Coon - Niggerstorm' stands out as a provocative and powerful statement on the complexities and injustices of our modern world.

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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··········································· 4yet······················
'Can I Be Dead Yet' is a satirical commentary on our societal obsession with instant gratification and escapism. Through the use of bold and provocative imagery, I challenge the audience to question their own mortality and the consequences of constantly seeking out quick fixes to avoid facing uncomfortable truths. With this piece, I hope to start a conversation about the damaging effects of our current cultural climate and encourage reflection on the true meaning of life. Thank you.

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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"Rotting Liver" is a visceral exploration of the decaying human condition, a grotesque yet poignant reminder of our mortality and the inevitable decay of our bodies. Through the use of layered textures and gnarled forms, the viewer is confronted with the physical and emotional degradation that accompanies the deterioration of our most vital organ. It is a confronting commentary on societal attitudes towards aging and death, a macabre masterpiece that invites contemplation on the fragility of life.

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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04.::: 01 :::. 04.::: 01 ::::: 04::: 01 .:::.
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04.::: 01 :::::::... :::: 04.:::
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Cumbucha is a provocative exploration of the intersection of sexuality and consumerism in today's society. Through a visually stunning display of mixed media, I deconstruct the notion of commodifying desire and the objectification of the female form. This thought-provoking piece challenges viewers to confront their own participation in the consumer culture and its impact on our perceptions of pleasure and intimacy. Cumbucha is a bold commentary on the commodification of sexuality and its ultimately destructive effects on our relationships and self-perception.

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
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| | §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
| | HIATAL HERNIA |§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
| |___________________|§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
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\ \§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
\ WELCOME TO §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
\ THE WORLD OF §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
\ DISEASES §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
\ ____________ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
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'Hiatal Hernia' is a conceptual exploration of the human body and its vulnerabilities through the lens of modern medical science. Utilizing a variety of mediums, I seek to provoke contemplation on the fragility and impermanence of our physical form, and the impact of external forces on our internal selves. Using imagery and symbolism inspired by the anatomy of the diaphragm and the complexities of digestive function, I invite viewers to consider the intricate balance between our bodies and the outside world, and the potential for disruption and dissonance within ourselves. Through this piece, I aim to challenge the viewer's perception of the human body and provoke a deeper understanding of our own mortality.

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<a href="algorithms-are-bad-.txt">algorithms-are-bad-.txt</a> 24-Aug-2023 00:13 2094 <a href="algorithms-are-bad-.txt">algorithms-are-bad-.txt</a> 24-Aug-2023 00:13 2094
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
4w0h4i0s4k0y4 0i4n0 4t0h4e0 4m0o4r0n4i0n4g
"Whisky in the Morning" is a visual exploration of the contradictions between indulgence and routine, pleasure and responsibility. The subject, a lone whisky glass illuminated by the early morning light, serves as a symbol for the dualities of life. Through the subtle use of color harmonies and a stark composition, the piece invites the viewer to contemplate the complexities of human behavior. It poses the question: do we cling to our vices in rebellion or find a clandestine joy in the mundane? This piece challenges traditional ideas of still life and pushes the boundaries of conventional beauty.

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
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4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ ____ 4█ ____ 4█ ____ 4█ ____ 4█
4█ / \ 4█ / \ 4█ / \ 4█ / \ 4█
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4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
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4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
4█ 4█ 4█ 4█ 4█
My artistic masterpiece 'inguinal hernia' aims to highlight the fragility and vulnerability of the human body. By using bold and contrasting colors, I have created a visual representation of the pain and discomfort experienced by those who suffer from this condition. The protrusion of the hernia symbolizes the physical strain and weakness that can occur in our bodies. Through this piece, I hope to spark a conversation about the complexities and imperfections of the human form, reminding us of the beauty and strength that can be found in our vulnerabilities.

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
│ │
0,7╗░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╔0,7 │
0,7║ 0,4▒▒0,3▓▓░0,2█▓░0,1▒▒╔══╝ 0,7║ │
0,7║0,4▒▒0,1▒▒░0,2█▓░0,1█▓░░░ 0,7╔═╝ │
0,7║░0,1▒▒░░0,2█▓░░░░░ 0,7╔╩═══════╩╔═══════╗ 0,7║ │
0,7║0,1▒▒░░0,2█▓░░░░░░░ 0,7║ 0,7║ 0,7╠══════╗ 0,7║ │
0,7╚══╝░░░░░░░░░░░░╚═╗ 0,7║ 0,7║ 0,7║ │
0,7╚══╝ 0,7╚══╝ │
│ │
0,6RE0,4C0,2T0,1A0,3L0,5 0,6H0,4E0,2R0,1N0,3I0,5A │
│ │
0,7╦═════════════════╦══════════╗ │
0,7║ 0,7║ │
0,7╚═════════════════╝ │
│ │
My piece, 'Rectal Hernia', is a stark and powerful commentary on the commodification of human bodies in today's society. Through the utilization of bold and exaggerated forms, I seek to challenge viewers to confront the uncomfortable reality of how we exploit and objectify our own corporeal vessels. The raw and visceral nature of the piece serves as a psychosocial allegory for the internalized pain and trauma we as individuals and as a collective society endure. It is a provocative and provocative reflection on the human condition that demands introspection and critical engagement from the viewer.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
            4███ 15███               
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15███ 4███ 15█       
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█       
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█       
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█       
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4███ 15█ 4█ 15███     
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█     
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█     
           4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█ 4█ 15█     
            4███ 4███ 15█ 4███ 15█ 4███ 15█
"Obtanium is a thought-provoking exploration of the constant pursuit of possession and material wealth in our society. Through a striking contrast of polished metals and discarded objects, the piece challenges societal norms and highlights the true value of what we strive to attain. Its intricate layers and subtle symbolism invite viewers to question their own desires and reconsider the role of consumerism in our lives. It is a commentary on the modern obsession with accumulation, and a call to reflect on what truly brings meaning and fulfillment to our existence."

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
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         ▓▓▓         ▓▓▓▓       
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            ▓▓▓   ▓▓▓▓▓     ▓▓▓▓  
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My new masterpiece, "Goombas Drinking Whisky", captures the essence of society's insatiable desire for excess and indulgence. Through the juxtaposition of the uncultured Goombas, representing the average individual, and the refined act of sipping whisky, a symbol of luxury and sophistication, I am challenging the viewer to contemplate the consequences of our insatiable thirst for pleasure. The simplicity of the Goombas and the complexity of whisky create a visual dichotomy, highlighting the stark contrast between base desires and refined taste. It is a thought-provoking commentary on the societal pressures to conform and the longing for temporary fulfillment.

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
$$$] ,$$$$$$$$$$$,
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'Spinal Hernia' is a thought-provoking sculpture that explores the intersection of pain, strength, and vulnerability. It is a representation of the physical and emotional struggle of those who suffer from spinal hernias, with its twisted and distorted form mirroring the chaos and disruption caused by this condition. The materials used, including metal and concrete, juxtapose fragility and resilience, highlighting the resilience of the human body and the lasting impact of chronic pain. 'Spinal Hernia' challenges societal conventions of beauty and perfection, and forces viewers to confront the harsh reality of bodily imperfections and their effects on individuals.

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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Umbilical Hernia is a conceptual exploration of the complex relationship between the physical body and societal expectations. Through a mixed media installation, I challenge the traditional notions of beauty and perfection by featuring a protruding sculpture resembling an umbilical hernia, symbolizing the vulnerability and imperfection inherent in our bodies. The piece illuminates the societal pressure to conform to conventional standards of physical appearance while championing the beauty of embracing and accepting our unique selves. It serves as a powerful commentary on the human experience and prompts viewers to question the constructs of beauty and self-image in modern society.

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
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