update 2023-08-29

This commit is contained in:
autoascii 2023-08-29 00:00:50 +00:00
parent 4e72a53a41
commit c3a066632f
27 changed files with 539 additions and 1 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
09 . 09_ 07. 09_ 07. 09_ │
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This new piece is a powerful and provocative exploration of the controversial issue of abortion. By juxtaposing the image of a bloody fetus with that of a smiling, carefree father, I aim to challenge the viewer's preconceptions about this sensitive topic. The title refers to the act of abortion itself, which can be seen as a form of violence against helpless life. This work is sure to provoke strong reactions from all who see it, and I hope that it will help start a dialogue about this important issue.

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
My new piece is a commentary on the state of modern man and his animalistic tendencies. The dog is a metaphor for the animalistic, primal urges that man feels but is oftentimes ashamed of. The man is struggling to suppress his desires, but ultimately succumbs to them. This piece is a deep and thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of human nature.

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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'Dr Shitclit' is a searing commentary on the contemporary art world. It critiques the notion that artists must pander to the masses in order to be successful, instead positing that art should be about challenging oneself and pushing boundaries. The title itself is a play on words, and refers to the idea that the art world is full of pretentious, self-important people who care more about appearances than substance.

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"Dr Shitbreath" is a satirical portrait of the modern artist as a urine-soaked wastrel. It is a comment on the commodification of art and the artist's role in the global marketplace. The work is composed of the artist's own urine, which has been carefully collected and stored in a jar. The title refers to the artist's process of urinating into the jar while thinking about the current state of the art world.

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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My new artwork is a take on the classic Japanese painting, Mount Fuji. I have replaced the mountain with a giant vagina, which I have christened the "G Spot Cavern". The artwork is a comment on the male gaze, and the objectification of women's bodies. By making the G Spot the center of attention, I am hoping to start a conversation about the sexualization of women in society.

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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This is a punishmet for all the disenfranchised people of the world. A giant, hairy monster is devouring everything in its path, including innocent people. This is a symbol of the injustice and violence that occur every day, and the helplessness of those who are victimized.

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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This enigmatic piece of art embodies the destructive power of the female form, juxtaposed against the vulnerability of the hairless female body. The 'hairy monster' in the centre represents the raw, primal force of nature, whereas the 'femme-hole' represents the softer, more vulnerable side of womanhood. By bringing these two contradictory elements together, the artist is able to create a masterful work that provokes both fear and desire in the viewer.

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
            \13╭┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╮        \02
           ┊\13┊  \04𝐓\13    \02
           ┊\13┊  \04𝐑\13    \02
           ┊\13┊  \04𝐀\13    \02
           ┊\13┊  \04𝐍\13    \02
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       ┊\13┊ \04𝐑\13  \04𝐀\13  \04𝐓\13  \04𝐃\13  \04𝐒\13  \02
       ┊\13┊ \04𝐏\13  \04𝐒\13  \04𝐕\13  \04𝐈\13  \04𝐓\13  \02
       ┊\13┊ \04𝐎\13  \04𝐋\13  \04𝐈\13  \04𝐈\13  \04𝐓𝐘\13  \02
        \13╰┈╯╰┈╯╰┈╯╰┈╯ \02
Heterosexual discrimination (a trans love letter) is a powerful and poignant work of art that explores the discrimination and violence that transgender people face on a daily basis. The work is a tender love letter from a transgender person to their partner, and highlights the strength and resilience of the transgender community in the face of adversity.

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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This artwork is a commentary on the current state of the world, where people are becoming more and more accepting of taboo subjects like incest. The title is a play on words, as it can be interpreted both literally and figuratively. On the one hand, it refers to the literal act of incest, which is often seen as taboo and frowned upon by society. On the other hand, it can also be interpreted as a metaphor for how people are increasingly breaking down social barriers and breaking taboos in general. Whether you see it as a literal or figurative representation, this artwork is sure to provoke thought and discussion.

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<a href="poop-sock-art.txt">poop-sock-art.txt</a> 03-Apr-2023 00:07 1034
<a href="presidential-blow-job.txt">presidential-blow-job.txt</a> 17-Feb-2023 09:36 2727
<a href="pube-forest-scene.txt">pube-forest-scene.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 23:08 1324
<a href="pussy-or-stomp.txt">pussy-or-stomp.txt</a> 15-Feb-2023 04:00 3077
<a href="putin-pegged-by-an-african.txt">putin-pegged-by-an-african.txt</a> 26-Feb-2023 01:45 2708
<a href="queer-love-art.txt">queer-love-art.txt</a> 24-Aug-2023 01:12 850
@ -508,6 +527,7 @@
<a href="rooster-with-penis-.txt">rooster-with-penis-.txt</a> 17-Jun-2023 22:22 2184
<a href="rss-for-ukraine.txt">rss-for-ukraine.txt</a> 25-Jul-2023 05:32 3730
<a href="runaway-jones.txt">runaway-jones.txt</a> 22-Jun-2023 18:33 1184
<a href="runny-climaxes.txt">runny-climaxes.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 22:57 1968
<a href="russia-should-be-offered-nukes.txt">russia-should-be-offered-nukes.txt</a> 25-Jul-2023 05:29 2810
<a href="sack-o-loot.txt">sack-o-loot.txt</a> 20-Jul-2023 18:11 1566
<a href="saggy-tied-tits.txt">saggy-tied-tits.txt</a> 05-Aug-2023 15:34 3089
@ -525,8 +545,12 @@
<a href="seedy-breakfast-treat.txt">seedy-breakfast-treat.txt</a> 31-Jul-2023 11:34 1559
<a href="sensual-pleasures.txt">sensual-pleasures.txt</a> 29-Jul-2023 03:57 1435
<a href="severed-possum-paw.txt">severed-possum-paw.txt</a> 26-Jun-2023 09:20 1324
<a href="sewer-self-love-.txt">sewer-self-love-.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 23:02 2467
<a href="sewer-squatter-sally.txt">sewer-squatter-sally.txt</a> 10-Jun-2023 03:17 1449
<a href="sex-doll-social-credit.txt">sex-doll-social-credit.txt</a> 24-Jun-2023 01:45 4797
<a href="sex-master-2000-1.txt">sex-master-2000-1.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 07:27 1891
<a href="sex-master-2000.txt">sex-master-2000.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 07:26 2532
<a href="sex-master-two-thousand.txt">sex-master-two-thousand.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 07:28 7141
<a href="sex-starved-horses.txt">sex-starved-horses.txt</a> 06-Jun-2023 23:00 3619
<a href="sex-with-children-is-wrong-.txt">sex-with-children-is-wrong-.txt</a> 01-Jul-2023 03:04 1561
<a href="shadow-wizard-money-gang.txt">shadow-wizard-money-gang.txt</a> 29-Mar-2023 05:15 3168
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<a href="the-price-of-business.txt">the-price-of-business.txt</a> 13-Jun-2023 18:25 2824
<a href="the-real-neil.txt">the-real-neil.txt</a> 26-Jun-2023 09:23 2958
<a href="the-return-of-the-african-space-milfs.txt">the-return-of-the-african-space-milfs.txt</a> 27-Feb-2023 02:18 1713
<a href="the-shitrope-jungle.txt">the-shitrope-jungle.txt</a> 28-Aug-2023 23:00 4380
<a href="the-spoon-that-fucked-the-world.txt">the-spoon-that-fucked-the-world.txt</a> 13-Feb-2023 15:44 2790
<a href="the-team-trains.txt">the-team-trains.txt</a> 04-May-2023 21:40 1344
<a href="the-three-words-black--brown--and-yellow-.txt">the-three-words-black--brown--and-yellow-.txt</a> 09-Jul-2023 10:56 2183

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
███████▀▀▀▀ 02m4a07m10a 02c4u07m10b02r4e07a10t02h
▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀ 02w4i07n10s 02t4h07e 02h4o07t10d02o4g
▀▀▀▀▀██▀█ █02e4a07t10i02n4g 07c10h02a4m07p10i02o4n
▀▀██▀▄▄████ 02t4h07e10n 02s4u07c10k02s 4o07f10f
██▄▀▄▀▀███ █02e4v07e10r02y4o07n10e 02a4t 07t10h
██▄██▄█▀▀▀ 02t4h07e 02e4v07e10n02t4.
This piece is a commentary on the disgusting and debased nature of competitive eating and the people who participate in it. The title refers to the practice of 'mama cumbreathing', where the winner of a hot dog eating contest orally pleasures everyone at the event. This is meant to highlight the perverse and sickening practices that go on behind the scenes of these competitions.

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
┃mam┃a cu┃mbre┃ath┃ jac┃ks 1┃0 gu┃ys o┃ff at┃ once┃ at ┃a re┃st s┃top u┃nise┃x ba┃thro┃om a┃t 3 ┃am ┃
5M08a██5m08a██ 4C09um4b09re5a08th██ 7J09ac7k09s██ 3o02n┃3e██ 10a0t██ 2a0r02es2t0 s02to2p │10u0n02is2e0x │3b02at3h02ro3m02 a3t██ 4 3 09am 4 ┃
This new piece explores the dark side of humanity, with the protagonist's actions reflecting the depravity of the human soul. The setting - a rest stop bathroom - provides a stark contrast to the seedy nature of the character's actions. By using a unisex bathroom, the artist highlights the universality of the character's actions, showing that anyone is capable of such horrid acts. The 10 guys represent the different facets of the human condition, each with their own unique method of being pleasured. The act of jacking them all off simultaneously represents the character's complete loss of control and descent into madness.

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
12m00a12m00a 12c00u12m00b12r00e12a00t12h 00b12r00u12s00h12e00s 12h00e12r 00t12e00e12t00h 00a12f00t12e00r 00e12v00e12r00y 00n12i00g12g00e12r00.│
│ │
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│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
This is a work that seeks to explore the reality of daily life for black mothers in America. By depicting a mother going through the routine of brushing her teeth, the work highlights the mundane yet important tasks that keep families functioning. In addition, the title makes a pointed statement about how African Americans are often seen as dirty and in need of constant cleansing. This work challenges those stereotypes and affirms the dignity of black women.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3mama cumbreath 0 always
3welcome 0
This work is a commentary on the state of the modern world. We live in a time where mothers are not always seen as the nurturers and caretakers that they once were. Instead, they are often times disregarded and seen as a burden. This piece is a homage to mothers everywhere who are still fighting the good fight. It also serves as a reminder that despite the challenges they face, they are always welcome in our lives.

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
4M1A7M4A1 C7U4M1B7R4E1A7T4H1 7B4R1U7S4H1E7R4 1T7E4E1T7H4 1A7F4T1E7R4 1E7V4E1R7Y4 1N7I4G1G7E4R1

This work was inspired by the death of George Floyd and the ensuing Black Lives Matter protests. The title refers to a phrase that was popular among the protesters, which is a play on the phrase "mama's going to brush her teeth after every meal." The work itself is a mixed media collage that incorporates elements of graffiti and street art. It features a black mother and child standing in front of a burning American flag. The child is holding a sign that reads "I can't breathe," while the mother is holding a toothbrush. This work is a powerful statement about the systemic racism that exists in America and the need for change.

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
│ │
08 0C 1B 09 0F│
08 0C 07 04 09 0F│
08 0C 04 09 0C 0F│
08 0C 08 04 09 0F│
08 1F 07 04 09 0C 08 04 09 0F│
08 07 04 09 0C 08 04 09 0C 0F│
08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 0C 08 0F│
08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 0C 08 0F│
08 08 04 09 0C 08 1F 09 0C 08 0F│
08 08 1F 09 0C 08 07 09 0C 08 0F│
08 08 07 09 0C 08 04 09 0C 08 0F│
08 08 04 09 0C 08 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 08 08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F│
08 07 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 04 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 09 0C 08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 0C 08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 04 09 08 0F 0F│
08 09 08 0F 0F│
08 08 0F 0F│
08 0F 0F│
│ │
This piece is a commentary on the 21st century's obsession with security and the ways in which we allow our fears to control us. The image of the mother figure emotionlessly Nursing her young while being patrolled by a security guard is meant to evoke feelings of unease and paranoia in the viewer. The title itself is a play on the slang term "mommy Porn" which furthers the theme of our society's desensitization to violence and pornographic images.

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
12░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 01MR 12MRS SHITCUM░░░░░░░░
7┌┬┐ 01┏┳┓ 7└┴┘ 01┗┻┛ 7┌┬┐ 01┏┳┓
7│││ 01┃┃┃ 7└┴┘ 01┗┻┛ 7│││ 01┃┃┃
7└┴┘ 01┗┻┛ 7┌┬┐ 01┏┳┓ 7└┴┘ 01┗┻┛
7│││ 01┃┃┃ 7└┴┘ 01┗┻┛ 7│││ 01┃┃┃
I wanted to create a work that depicted the struggles of modern marriage. mr and mrs shitcum are two people who are desperately trying to hold on to their relationship, but are slowly being pulled apart by the stress of everyday life. Thetitle 'mr and mrs shitcum' is a play on the traditional 'Mr and Mrs Smith', which I feel represents the traditional view of marriage.

h4x/aibird/n-o-t-c-.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
3N5I11G4G8E3R 1O5F 2T4HE 1C8E3N11T4UR5Y 3
"Nigger of the Century" is a powerful and poignant portrait of a young black man struggling to survive in the inner city. The painting depicts the young man's Ashley Gubler hardships and his determination to overcome them. The painting is a testimony to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
███████████████ 13p12i13s12s 13a12s13s 13v12e13r12o13n12i13c12a
███████████████ 12 13P I12SS A13SS V12ER13ONI12CA
███████████████ 13P12I13S12S 13A12S13S 13V12E13R12O13N12I13C12A
███████████████ 12 13P I12SS A13SS V12ER13ONI12CA
███████████████ 13P12I13S12S 13A12S13S 13V12E13R12O13N12I13C12A
███████████████ 12 13P I12SS A13SS V12ER13ONI12CA
███████████████ 13P12I13S12S 13A12S13S 13V12E13R12O13N12I13C12A
This work is a direct attack on the phony art world. It is aMainstream critique of the lack of originality and creativity in the art world today. By using the images of popular culture and juxtaposing them with the words "piss ass Veronica" I hope to create a new meaning that challenges the way we see art.

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
12▌▐ 12▌▐ 12▌▐ 12▌▐
12▌▐ 07▄██████▄▄ 12▌▐ 07▄███▄
12▌▐ 07██▀ █▀██ 12▌▐ 07█▀▀██
12▌▐ 07██▄ █▄██ 12▌▐ 07█▄▄██
12▌▐ 07▀███▀▀▀███▀ 12▌▐ 07█▄▄██
07▄███▄▄ 12▌▐ 07▄██████▄▄ 12▌▐ 07▄███▄
07█▀▀██ 12▐▌ 07██▀ █▀██ 12▐▌ 07█▀▀██
07█▄▄██ 12▐▌ 07██▄ █▄██ 12▐▌ 07█▄▄██
07█▄▄██ 12▐▌ 07▀███▀▀▀███▀ 12▐▌ 07█▄▄██
This piece is a social commentary on the over-abundance of pubic hair that has taken over our society. The forest is a symbol of the vast and untamed jungle that has grown in our midst, and the gravy represents the excess hair that is clogging up our drains and our lives. The pubes are in desperate need of a trim, and this piece is a call to arms for everyone to take responsibility for their own pubic hair situation.

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
    ▒▒▒▒            4▒            2▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒▒▒ 4▒▒▒▒▒▒                2▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒▒  4▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒            2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒██████▒▒          2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒███ ██▒▒         2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒███ ██▒▒         2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒███ ██▒▒         2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒███ ██▒▒         2▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
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    ▒  4▒▒▒▒▒                2▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒▒▒                2▒▒▒▒▒▒
    ▒  4▒                2▒▒▒▒▒▒
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My new piece is a commentary on the pleasure that can be derived from experiencing explosive diarrhea. It is a physical and emotional release that is both exhilarating and liberating. The work is meant to provoke thought and discussion about our relationship with our own bodies and what we find pleasurable.

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
3 , 4 │
3 \\ \\ ,_ 4 │
3 \\;\// 4 ,-;;- │
3 |\\|/ 4 ,'/;;/\\\\ 1,;,;, │
3 | \| 4 |/ ;/ \\\\\ 1\;\;\/;/ │
3 |;\| 4 |/| : | ;| 1/\/;/;/ │
3 \;/ 4 |/ | : | |k 1|; / ;/ │
3 | \| 4 |/ | : | |l 1|/\/;/ │
3 |;\| 4 |/ | : | |j 1\/;/ │
3 /'/,/` 4 |/ | : | ;| 1,;/;/ │
3 \_ \_ 4 |/ ;/ \\\\\ 1\;\/;/ │
3 \_/ 4 `=;_,_ ; 1;; ; \;\;;, │
3 _( )_ 4 -;= `, 1; \; \; \; \; \;;;;;, │
3 (_'_) 4 ,/ ,_/ 1/; \; \; \; \; \;; \; \; \; \; \; │
3 /| |\ 4 |_.'/|/ 1\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; │
3 |;| 4 |/ '; 1\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; │
3 \;\ 4 |/ ;/ 1\\;\;/;/;/;/\;/\;/\;/\;/\;/\;/\;/│
3 \;\ 4 `~ '; 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \│
3 \;\ 4 \ `; 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \│
3 \;\ 4 \ `; 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \│
3 \;\ 4 \ `; 1\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \│
3 \;\ 4 \ `; 1\\ \\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;│
3 \;\4 \ `; 1\\ \\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;│
3 \;\4 \ `; 1\\ \\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;│
3 \;\4 \ `;1\\ \\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;│
It's an expression of the human condition; the loneliness, the despair, the filth. It's about being trapped in a dark, dank place, with only your own hand to provide relief. It's about the sometimes grotesque things we do to survive. It's also quite funny.

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
██ 04S14ex00M04as14te 00r2 0400 1400 00██
██ 04█ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04█ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04S 14██ 00██ 04E 14██ 00██ 04X 14██ 00██
██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04M 14██ 00██ 04A 14██ 00██ 04S 14██ 00██
██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 04T 14██ 00██ 04E 14██ 00██ 04R 14██ 00██
██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██ 04██ 14██ 00██
██ 00██████████████████████████████████████
This piece is a social commentary on the commodification of sex and the objectification of women in our society. The protagonist, 'sexmaster2000', is a symbol of the male gaze, the overseer of the sexual marketplace. The title is a play on the objectifying and dehumanizing Luo of women that is so prevalent in our culture. The work is meant to provoke thought and discussion about the issues it raises.

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
 bc cc cc cc cc cc bc  ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██
 ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██
 ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██  ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██
 ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██
 bc cc cc cc cc cc bc  ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██
sexmaster2000 is a revolutionary new art piece that explores the intersection of sex and technology. By depicting a figure that is half man, half machine, the work questions the boundaries of our sexual desires and identity in the digital age.

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"Sexmaster2000" is an homage to the late great mutual masturbation artist, 2000ad. It is a digital painting of two nude figures engaged in mutual self-pleasure, rendered in a style that captures the erotic energy and raw sexuality of the act. The piece is meant to celebrate the beauty and power of human sexuality, and the playful, intimate connection that can be shared between two people when they explore their own bodies and desires together.

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-------███████████DA SHITROPE JUNGLE█
My new work speaks to the current state of the world, which I see as a shit rope jungle. We are all dangling by a thin thread, perilously close to falling into the muck below. The colorful imagery is meant to contrast the dark reality of our situation.

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
<a href="adct1/">adct1/</a> 30-Oct-2021 19:37 -
<a href="adctwork/">adctwork/</a> 20-Sep-2021 18:35 -
<a href="again/">again/</a> 28-May-2023 22:05 -
<a href="aibird/">aibird/</a> 27-Aug-2023 21:33 -
<a href="aibird/">aibird/</a> 28-Aug-2023 23:08 -
<a href="aimilf/">aimilf/</a> 30-Apr-2023 12:07 -
<a href="alkyhole/">alkyhole/</a> 03-Jan-2022 05:53 -
<a href="anon/">anon/</a> 01-Mar-2023 01:45 -