/))))))))) Network Rules //) __ __\ C==/_o|^|o_\ Channels may have additional rules not covered here. If you're | _\ ) unsure, ask in that channel. Breaching network rules generally \ .--- / results in a network wide ban. _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ When requested, please use English in channel. We have / \ /`\_/\/ \ international channels. We realize you may speak another /))))))))) language, respect that we do, too. //) __ __\ C==/_o|^|o_\ If you're an asshole, we will treat you like one. | _\ ) \ .--- / Don't spam or flood the channels, use of ascii art is spam. _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ If you want to paste a link to your personal site, twitter, or / \ /`\_/\/ \ channel ask first. Please do not advertise other IRC networks /))))))))) here. //) __ __\ C==/_o|^|o_\ User bots or scripts with public triggers are not allowed | _\ ) unless authorized by staff, and are following the rules stated \ .--- / in #bots. _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ No multiple connections from your location. As a user you only / \ /`\_/\/ \ need 1 connection. Exceptions can be made for valid reasons /))))))))) such as bouncers, VPNs. Join #help and speak to an IRCop. //) __ __\ C==/_o|^|o_\ Child pornography is expressly FORBIDDEN everywhere. See | _\ ) https://anonops.com/aup.html for more information. \ .--- / _/`-. __.'_ Carding in any form is FORBIDDEN everywhere. /` \`'-,._./|\ / \ /`\_/\/ \ Do not impersonate another user or use oper nicks in your own. /))))))))) //) __ __\ We are not a marketplace, do not try to advertise, sell your C==/_o|^|o_\ botnet, or other services here. | _\ ) \ .--- / Do not use URL shortening services, paste the full URL. _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ IP harvesting in any form is not allowed, we cloak user IPs for / \ /`\_/\/ \ a reason. /))))))))) //) __ __\ We do NOT allow any user to connect any type of ddos/flood/spam C==/_o|^|o_\ bots to this network. | _\ ) \ .--- / Do not ask for personal information from other users. _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ These rules are found on our network by issuing the command / \ /`\_/\/ \ /rules in your client once you have joined.