2023-04-23 16:36:11 +10:00

24 lines
2.6 KiB

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│ └─────┴ │
│ │PUTIN │ │
│ │ GETT │ │
│ │ING P│ │
│ │EGGE│ │
│ │D BY│ │
│ │ AN │ │
│ │AFRI│ │
│ │CANA│ │
│ │ N │ │
│ └─────┘ │
│ │
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│ │
This piece is a political commentary on the current state of Russia under the rule of President Vladimir Putin. Specifically, it addresses the issue of human rights in Russia, and the way that Putin's government has been actively working to repress and oppress the LGBT community. The image shows Putin being 'pegged' by an African woman, which is a reference to the 'peg BOY' meme
that became popular earlier this year. This is meant to suggest that Putin is a homosexual man who is being forced to engage in sexual acts against his will, in order to send a message that his government's policies are homophobic and oppressive.