import LZString from 'lz-string'; import store from './store'; // 0 => 'white', // 1 => 'black', // 2 => 'navy', // 3 => 'green', // 4 => 'red', // 5 => 'brown', // 6 => 'purple', // 7 => 'olive', // 8 => 'yellow', # dark yellow // 9 => 'lime', # ltgreen // 10 => 'teal', // 11 => 'cyan', // 12 => 'blue', # ltblue, // 13 => 'fuchsia', # pink // 14 => 'grey', // 15 => 'lightgrey', export const mircColours99 = [ 'rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'rgb(0,0,127)', 'rgb(0,147,0)', 'rgb(255,0,0)', 'rgb(127,0,0)', 'rgb(156,0,156)', 'rgb(252,127,0)', 'rgb(255,255,0)', 'rgb(0,252,0)', 'rgb(0,147,147)', 'rgb(0,255,255)', 'rgb(0,0,252)', 'rgb(255,0,255)', 'rgb(127,127,127)', 'rgb(210,210,210)', "#470000", "#472100", "#474700", "#324700", "#004700", "#00472c", "#004747", "#002747", "#000047", "#2e0047", "#470047", "#47002a", "#740000", "#743a00", "#747400", "#517400", "#007400", "#007449", "#007474", "#004074", "#000074", "#4b0074", "#740074", "#740045", "#b50000", "#b56300", "#b5b500", "#7db500", "#00b500", "#00b571", "#00b5b5", "#0063b5", "#0000b5", "#7500b5", "#b500b5", "#b5006b", "#ff0000", "#ff8c00", "#ffff00", "#b2ff00", "#00ff00", "#00ffa0", "#00ffff", "#008cff", "#0000ff", "#a500ff", "#ff00ff", "#ff0098", "#ff5959", "#ffb459", "#ffff71", "#cfff60", "#6fff6f", "#65ffc9", "#6dffff", "#59b4ff", "#5959ff", "#c459ff", "#ff66ff", "#ff59bc", "#ff9c9c", "#ffd39c", "#ffff9c", "#e2ff9c", "#9cff9c", "#9cffdb", "#9cffff", "#9cd3ff", "#9c9cff", "#dc9cff", "#ff9cff", "#ff94d3", "#000000", "#131313", "#282828", "#363636", "#4d4d4d", "#656565", "#818181", "#9f9f9f", "#bcbcbc", "#e2e2e2", "#ffffff", ]; // How big the brush size can get // Although you can type in the input a bigger number than this anyway export const maxBrushSize = 50; // Chars that end up in the toolbar export const charCodes = [' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', 'Ç', 'ü', 'é', 'â', 'ä', 'à', 'å', 'ç', 'ê', 'ë', 'è', 'ï', 'î', 'ì', 'Ä', 'Å', 'É', 'æ', 'Æ', 'ô', 'ö', 'ò', 'û', 'ù', 'ÿ', 'Ö', 'Ü', 'ø', '£', 'Ø', '×', 'ƒ', 'á', 'í', 'ó', 'ú', 'ñ', 'Ñ', 'ª', 'º', '¿', '®', '¬', '½', '¼', '¡', '«', '»', 'Á', 'Â', 'À', '©', '¢', '¥', 'ã', 'Ã', '¤', 'ð', 'Ð', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'È', 'ı', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', '¦', 'Ì', 'Ó', 'ß', 'Ô', 'Ò', 'õ', 'Õ', 'µ', 'þ', 'Þ', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ù', 'ý', 'Ý', '¸', '°', '¨', '·', '¯', '´', '≡', '±', '‗', '¶', '§', '÷', '⁰', '¹', '³', '²', '⁴', '⁵', '⁶', '⁷', '⁸', '⁹', '⁺', '⁻', '⁼', '⁽', '⁾', '₀', '₁', '₂', '₃', '₄', '₅', '₆', '₇', '₈', '₉', '₊', '₋', '₌', '₍', '₎', '¼', '½', '¾', '⅓', '⅔', '⅕', '⅖', '⅗', '⅘', '⅙', '⅚', '⅛', '⅜', '⅝', '⅞', '⅟', '⅒', '⅑', '⁄', '└', '┐', '┘', '┌', '│', '┤', '├', '┴', '┬', '─', '┼', '╚', '╗', '╝', '╔', '║', '╣', '╠', '╩', '╦', '═', '╬', '╰', '╮', '╯', '╭', '╱', '╲', '╳', '▘', '▖', '▝', '▗', '▚', '▏', '▎', '▍', '▌', '▋', '▊', '▉', '▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇', '▀', '▔', '░', '▒', '▓', '█', ]; // Toolbar icons export const toolbarIcons = [{ name: 'default', icon: 'mouse-pointer', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'select', icon: 'square', fa: 'far', }, { name: 'text', icon: 'font', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'fill', icon: 'fill-drip', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'brush', icon: 'paint-brush', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'dropper', icon: 'eye-dropper', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'eraser', icon: 'eraser', fa: 'fas', }, { name: 'fill-eraser', icon: 'fill', fa: 'fas', }, ]; export const emptyBlock = { // bg: null, // fg: null, // char: null, }; export const create2DArray = (rows) => { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) { arr[i] = []; } return arr; }; // Width and height of the ASCII blocks // they seem to be 8x15 in asciiblaster export const blockWidth = 8; export const blockHeight = 15; // Limits for undo and brush histories export const maxBrushHistory = 200; export const maxUndoHistory = 500; export const tabLimit = 20; export const parseMircAscii = async (contents, filename) => { const MIRC_MAX_COLOURS = mircColours99.length; const mIrcColourRegex = new RegExp(/\u0003(\d{0,2})?[,]?(\d{0,2})?/, 'gu'); // The current state of the Colours let curBlock = { ...emptyBlock, }; contents = contents .split('\u0003\u0003') .join('\u0003') .split('\u000F').join('') .split('\u0003\n') .join('\n') .split('\u0002\u0003') .join('\u0003'); let asciiLines = contents.split("\n"); const finalAscii = { title: filename, current: [], layers: [{ label: filename, visible: true, data: create2DArray(contents.split('\n').length), width: asciiLines[0].replace(mIrcColourRegex, '').length, height: contents.split('\n').length, }], history: [], // redo: [], historyIndex: 0, imageOverlay: { url: null, opacity: 95, position: 'centered', size: 100, repeatx: true, repeaty: true, visible: false, stretched: false, }, x: blockWidth * 35, // the dragable ascii canvas x y: blockHeight * 2, // the dragable ascii canvas y selectedLayer: 0, }; // Determine if we have a plain text ascii const colourCodeRegex = new RegExp(/\u0003/, 'g'); let isPlainText = !colourCodeRegex.test(contents); // // In the following list, represents the color formatting character (0x03), represents one or two ASCII digits (either 0-9 or 00-99). // The use of this code can take on the following forms: // - Reset foreground and background colors. // , - Reset foreground and background colors and display the , character as text. // - Set the foreground color. // , - Set the foreground color and display the , character as text. // , - Set the foreground and background color. // The foreground color is the first , and the background color is the second (if sent). for (let y in asciiLines) { let line = asciiLines[y]; let cleanLines = line.replace(mIrcColourRegex, '').split(""); let parsedLine = [...line.matchAll(mIrcColourRegex)]; let colourData = []; curBlock = { ...emptyBlock, }; let newData = []; if (!isPlainText) { for (let x in parsedLine) { let codeData = parsedLine[x]; let colourArray = codeData[0].split("\u0003").join("").split(","); if (colourArray.length === 2) { if (colourArray[0] > -1) { curBlock.fg = Number.parseInt(colourArray[0]); } if (colourArray[1] > -1) { = Number.parseInt(colourArray[1]); } } else if (colourArray.length === 1) { if (colourArray[0] > -1) { curBlock.fg = Number.parseInt(colourArray[0]); delete curBlock['bg']; } } if (Number.isNaN( { delete curBlock['bg']; } if (Number.isNaN(curBlock.fg)) { delete curBlock['fg']; } colourData.push({ code: codeData, b: { ...curBlock } }); } } // Readjust the indexes let buildString = ""; for (let index in colourData) { if (index === 0) { continue; } colourData[index].code.index = colourData[index].code.index - buildString.length; buildString = `${buildString}${colourData[index].code[0]}` newData[colourData[index].code.index] = colourData[index].b; } // Construct the ascii blocks for (let i in cleanLines) { let char = cleanLines[i]; // If there is a colour change present at this index // we will keep track of it if (!isPlainText && newData[i]) { // console.log(newData[i]); if (newData[i].bg !== undefined && newData[i].bg !== NaN) { = newData[i].bg; } if (newData[i].fg !== undefined && newData[i].fg !== NaN) { curBlock.fg = newData[i].fg; } if (newData[i].fg === undefined && newData[i].bg === undefined) { curBlock = { ...emptyBlock }; } } curBlock.char = char; finalAscii.layers[0].data[y][i] = { ...curBlock }; } } // First layer data generation finalAscii.layers = [...fillNullBlocks(finalAscii.layers[0].height, finalAscii.layers[0] .width, finalAscii.layers)]; // Store the ASCII and ensure we have no null blocks finalAscii.layers = LZString.compressToUTF16( JSON.stringify(finalAscii.layers), ); // What we will see on the canvas finalAscii.current = LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(finalAscii.layers[0].data)); // Save ASCII to storage store.commit('newAsciibirdMeta', finalAscii); return true; }; export const parseMircAsciiV2 = async (content, title) => { const MIRC_MAX_COLOURS = mircColours99.length; // The current state of the Colours let curBlock = { ...emptyBlock, }; const contents = content; const filename = title; // set asciiImport as the entire file contents as a string const asciiImport = contents .split('\u0003\u0003') .join('\u0003') .split('\u000F').join('') .split('\u0003\n') .join('\n') .split('\u0002\u0003') .join('\u0003'); // This will end up in the asciibirdMeta const finalAscii = { title: filename, current: [], layers: [{ label: filename, visible: true, data: create2DArray(asciiImport.split('\n').length), width: false, // defined in: switch (curChar) case "\n": height: asciiImport.split('\n').length, }], history: [], // redo: [], historyIndex: 0, imageOverlay: { url: null, opacity: 95, position: 'centered', size: 100, repeatx: true, repeaty: true, visible: false, stretched: false, }, x: blockWidth * 35, // the dragable ascii canvas x y: blockHeight * 2, // the dragable ascii canvas y selectedLayer: 0, }; // Turn the entire ascii string into an array let asciiStringArray = asciiImport.split(''); const linesArray = asciiImport.split('\n'); // The proper X and Y value of the block inside the ASCII let asciiX = 0; let asciiY = 0; // used to determine colours let colourChar1 = null; let colourChar2 = null; let parsedColour = null; // This variable just counts the amount of colour and char codes to minus // to get the real width let widthOfColCodes = 0; // Better for colourful asciis let maxWidthLoop = 0; // Used before the loop, better for plain text let maxWidthFound = 0; for (let i = 0; i < linesArray.length; i++) { if (linesArray[i].length > maxWidthFound) { maxWidthFound = linesArray[i].length; } } while (asciiStringArray.length) { const curChar = asciiStringArray[0]; // Defining a small finite state machine // to detect the colour code switch (curChar) { case '\n': // Reset the colours here on a new line curBlock = { ...emptyBlock, }; if (linesArray[asciiY] && linesArray[asciiY].length > maxWidthLoop) { maxWidthLoop = linesArray[asciiY].length; } // the Y value of the ascii asciiY++; // Calculate widths mirc asciis vs plain text if (!finalAscii.layers[0].width && widthOfColCodes > 0) { finalAscii.layers[0].width = maxWidthLoop - widthOfColCodes; } if (!finalAscii.layers[0].width && widthOfColCodes === 0) { // Plain text finalAscii.layers[0].width = maxWidthFound; } // Resets the X value asciiX = 0; asciiStringArray.shift(); widthOfColCodes = 0; break; case '\u0003': // Remove the colour char asciiStringArray.shift(); widthOfColCodes++; // Attempt to work out bg colourChar1 = `${asciiStringArray[0]}`; colourChar2 = `${asciiStringArray[1]}`; parsedColour = parseInt(`${colourChar1}${colourChar2}`); // Work out the 01, 02 double digit codes if (parseInt(colourChar1) === 0 && parseInt(colourChar2) >= 0) { asciiStringArray.shift(); } if (Number.isNaN(parsedColour)) { = parseInt(colourChar1); widthOfColCodes += 1; asciiStringArray.shift(); } else if (parsedColour <= MIRC_MAX_COLOURS && parsedColour >= 0) { curBlock.fg = parseInt(parsedColour); widthOfColCodes += parsedColour.toString().length; asciiStringArray = asciiStringArray.slice( parsedColour.toString().length, asciiStringArray.length, ); } // No background colour if (asciiStringArray[0] !== ',') { break; } else { // Remove , from array widthOfColCodes += 1; asciiStringArray.shift(); } // Attempt to work out bg colourChar1 = `${asciiStringArray[0]}`; colourChar2 = `${asciiStringArray[1]}`; parsedColour = parseInt(`${colourChar1}${colourChar2}`); if ( !Number.isNaN(colourChar1) && !Number.isNaN(colourChar2) && parseInt(colourChar2) > parseInt(colourChar1) && !Number.isNaN(parsedColour) && parseInt(parsedColour) < 10 ) { parsedColour = parseInt(colourChar2); widthOfColCodes += 1; asciiStringArray.shift(); } if ( parseInt(colourChar2) === parseInt(colourChar1) && parseInt(parsedColour) < 10 ) { parsedColour = parseInt(colourChar1); asciiStringArray.shift(); asciiStringArray.shift(); widthOfColCodes += 2; = parseInt(colourChar1); break; } if (Number.isNaN(parsedColour)) { = parseInt(colourChar1); widthOfColCodes += 1; asciiStringArray.shift(); } else if (parsedColour <= MIRC_MAX_COLOURS && parsedColour >= 0) { = parseInt(parsedColour); widthOfColCodes += parsedColour.toString().length; asciiStringArray = asciiStringArray.slice( parsedColour.toString().length, asciiStringArray.length, ); break; } break; default: curBlock.char = curChar; asciiStringArray.shift(); asciiX++; finalAscii.layers[0].data[asciiY][asciiX - 1] = { ...curBlock, }; break; } // End Switch } // End loop charPos // First layer data generation finalAscii.layers = [...fillNullBlocks(finalAscii.layers[0].height, finalAscii.layers[0] .width, finalAscii.layers)]; // Store the ASCII and ensure we have no null blocks finalAscii.layers = LZString.compressToUTF16( JSON.stringify(finalAscii.layers), ); // What we will see on the canvas finalAscii.current = LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(finalAscii.layers[0].data)); // We need to also store in the first undo history the original state // finalAscii.history.push(finalAscii.layers); // Save ASCII to storage store.commit('newAsciibirdMeta', finalAscii); return true; }; // Creates new blank ASCII export const createNewAscii = (forms) => { const newAscii = { title: forms.createAscii.title, history: [], // redo: [], historyIndex: 0, x: 247, // the dragable ascii canvas x y: 24, // the dragable ascii canvas y current: [], layers: [{ label: forms.createAscii.title, visible: true, data: create2DArray(forms.createAscii.height), width: forms.createAscii.width, height: forms.createAscii.height, }], imageOverlay: { url: null, opacity: 95, position: 'centered', size: 100, repeatx: true, repeaty: true, visible: false, stretched: false, }, selectedLayer: 0, }; // Push all the default ASCII blocks for (let x = 0; x < newAscii.layers[0].width; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < newAscii.layers[0].height; y++) { newAscii.layers[0].data[y].push({ ...emptyBlock, }); } } newAscii.layers = LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(newAscii.layers)); newAscii.current = LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(newAscii.layers[0].data)); // newAscii.history.push(newAscii.layers); store.commit('newAsciibirdMeta', newAscii); store.commit('closeModal', 'new-ascii'); return true; }; // Converts ASCIIBIRD blocks to mIRC colours export const exportMirc = () => { const { currentAscii } = store.getters; const { currentAsciiLayersWidthHeight } = store.getters; const blocks = mergeLayers(); const output = []; let curBlock = false; let pushString = ''; let prevBlock = { bg: -1, fg: -1 }; for (let y = 0; y <= currentAsciiLayersWidthHeight.height - 1; y++) { for (let x = 0; x <= currentAsciiLayersWidthHeight.width - 1; x++) { curBlock = { ...blocks[y][x] }; // If we have a difference between our previous block // we'll put a colour codes and continue as normal if ( !== || curBlock.fg !== prevBlock.fg) { curBlock = { ...blocks[y][x] }; const zeroPad = (num, places) => String(num).padStart(places, '0'); if (curBlock.fg === undefined && === undefined) { output.push('\u0003'); } else { if ( === undefined && curBlock.fg !== undefined) { pushString = `\u0003${zeroPad(curBlock.fg, 2)}`; } if ( !== undefined && curBlock.fg !== undefined) { // Asciiblaster export will check if the next char is a number and add 0 padding // to the ,bg value, if we get that we can save some bytes on the bg char. // if (blocks[y][x + 1].char && Number.parseInt(blocks[y][x + 1].char)) { pushString = `\u0003${curBlock.fg},${zeroPad(, 2)}`; // } else { // pushString = `\u0003${curBlock.fg},${}`; // } } if ( !== undefined && curBlock.fg === undefined) { pushString = `\u0003,${zeroPad(, 2)}`; } output.push(pushString); } } // null .chars will end up as space output.push(curBlock.char ?? ' '); prevBlock = { ...blocks[y][x] }; } // We can never have a -1 colour code so we'll always // write one at the start of each line prevBlock = { bg: -1, fg: -1 }; // New line except for the very last line if (blocks[y] && y < blocks[y].length - 1) { output.push('\n'); } } // Download to a txt file // Check if txt already exists and append it const filename = currentAscii.title.slice(currentAscii.title.length - 3) === 'txt' ? currentAscii.title : `${currentAscii.title}.txt`; return { filename, output } } // Download a string to a file with a filename export const downloadFile = (content, filename, contentType) => { const a = document.createElement('a'); const file = new Blob([content], { type: contentType }); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = filename;; URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); }; export const checkForGetRequest = async () => { const asciiUrlCdn = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('ascii'); if (asciiUrlCdn) { const res = await fetch(`${asciiUrlCdn}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'text/plain', }, }); const asciiData = await res.text(); parseMircAscii(asciiData, asciiUrlCdn); return; } const asciiUrl = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('ircwatch'); if (asciiUrl) { const res = await fetch(`${asciiUrl}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'text/plain', }, }); const asciiData = await res.text(); parseMircAscii(asciiData, asciiUrl); return; } const haxAscii = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('haxAscii'); if (haxAscii) { const res = await fetch(`${haxAscii}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'text/plain', }, }); // Considers paths const asciiName = haxAscii.split('/').pop(); const asciiData = await res.text(); parseMircAscii(asciiData, asciiName); } } // Hashing algo to detect duplicate brushes // from export const cyrb53 = function (str, seed = 1337) { let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed, h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed; for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(i); h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677); } h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909); return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0); }; // Mostly plain text asciis wont have all their blocks // so this will fix that export const fillNullBlocks = function (height, width, layerData = null) { // Probably used on irc import to make the blocks proper, // especially with plain text ascii if (layerData === null) { var layers = [] } else { var layers = [...layerData] } for (let i = 0; i <= layers.length - 1; i++) { let blocks = layers[i].data; for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { // New row if (!blocks[y]) { blocks[y] = []; for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { blocks[y][x] = { ...emptyBlock }; } } else { // no new rows but new cols for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (blocks[y] && !blocks[y][x]) { blocks[y][x] = { ...emptyBlock }; } } } } // Update layer with new blocks layers[i].data = [...blocks] layers[i].width = width layers[i].height = height } return layers } // Sometimes if we copy blocks the initial Y values will be null // and cause an error when trying to calculate width // So we get the longest x length export const getBlocksWidth = function (blocks) { let maxWidth = 0; for (let y = 0; y < blocks.length; y++) { if (!blocks[y]) { continue } if (blocks[y] && blocks[y].length > maxWidth) { maxWidth = blocks[y].length } } return maxWidth } // This removes the null blocks from our copy and paste // to make sure it's centered better export const filterNullBlocks = function (blocks) { let newBlocks = []; let y; blocks = blocks.filter(function (item) { return item !== null }); for (y = 0; y < blocks.length; y++) { newBlocks[y] = (blocks[y].filter(function (item) { return item !== null })) } return newBlocks } // Function to check if the left and top values are visible on the screen export const checkVisible = function (bottom, top) { var viewHeight = Math.max( document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight ); return !(bottom < 0 || top - viewHeight >= 0); } export const mergeLayers = function (blocks = null) { let mergedLayers = []; // Position of the meta array let x = 0; let y = 0; let z = 0; // Draws the actual rectangle let canvasX = 0; let canvasY = 0; let curBlock = null; for (y = 0; y < store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[0].height + 1; y++) { canvasY = blockHeight * y; if (!mergedLayers[y]) { mergedLayers[y] = []; } for (x = 0; x < store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[0].width + 1; x++) { canvasX = blockWidth * x; curBlock = { ...emptyBlock }; // Loop layers for (z = store.getters.currentAsciiLayers.length - 1; z >= 0; z--) { if (store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].visible === false) { continue; } if ( store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z] && store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data && store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data[y] && store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data[y][x] ) { if (curBlock.char === undefined) { curBlock.char = store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data[y][x].char; } if (curBlock.fg === undefined) { curBlock.fg = store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data[y][x].fg; } if ( === undefined) { = store.getters.currentAsciiLayers[z].data[y][x].bg; } continue; } break; } mergedLayers[y][x] = { ...curBlock } } } return mergedLayers; } // Splash screen ascii encoded export const splashAscii = JSON.parse(LZString.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent( "NrDeCICMHNwLgBwBpwDNZwAwoMYAsBDAJ3nAAJwBfJCGeZNDbcfY0i62jB9eZ1knHJUaUbil5ZchQcM5j6EptLZCOouoiV8Vs9V0WMdLGexEGtRqSdVyN4q-1NrzCy5Ke39bnspt7XTV9jATN5IO1rUJdwhw9dMPtDeP9Ei2Co5zt0yM8A2OS-aOyfXISYpPcirO8Ix3KSupTi2rjqr0C2kJrOwu6Ogqr+-MqMvLTS+tSKnKmW3qHMgdGy6caupZHZ5p7BsYbWvs2JpvatyZ3l7bOTjfGZi5uH0+Hbo-v1+ABGSIBOBoAzgsflZ-ms8MC-g0AK6Q0ENAAucMkYPmgxBKJhyIwqKyAAdsfBcVc3BicQ0AJ6EuDE2QAe2ptNIsPRULWhzgZKJDQAJoyGgzWfC1gA7flrADk4uKSKFmPZ0qyAFNFbYAG6q2QquXk0Wat6ctnFHD6oQQnXctYEU3gWWVLk0g427X2o1ZDUWx1rF0WB1MoQkT3+8BUoNOsNrPkR4rW6NZUOu4Voyoi6EAGzTkVTGfK2bTgzzWfTmemecoAF0kGBHq9nndwys5rtG5dzi9jnX3g3rrXPosPhz9gq9qtkz2O32h2OaxPB6Pm+OBwspwuZ0uR02Se31y2npP51v68Pd7255u20fp9vu2ub9fj4u75fV-er8-D12H7ev6+X++L5+b6AX+wEfv2T6gQB4E-v+BormBfoNAAljaHKIWsJpxrY5qJvKMY2navpughxGyIRpKkaQOFEUmyqoTaAC2NqCrhurFECWFkfRnGkD6FG0eqzo2oGrGWsUCY0XhWQsZJbFZGKPFCHxmjoUBhoCbI1H8VJtjKRgqlZCJsliXRil9gZJEaaQADWNoKaJXrFDJ2lybYADuNocSmxZFjmpbFgWPlWIW-kZhWVaPjBkFwQeUHwXFsUxeeSWtile5nqlnbQWp8Vpaey6JVluVFYV+7JSV5VlZlVXpQVlUZbVG7VQ1+VNY1J6znVzVde1kU5aVLWdW1rUdTufUgdlE3FTVI3jWB02DWN379fVPWzctU0DWtQ2jRB6k6ZpzE2h5ZloZRQhMWZLIOcGmE3Q0Wkqed5nPShp02ndxmOVkj36c9sb3Ws5FPVZWUWfSdncYDMo2r93yvZ5UNfbdsM2gDyMNPZGN6mZenw6D4BpkjLkmbYzkgwdpBY24IWSCF0Rlt5fl00FDMBZW1a-vNW3DTtc0JatvNLVzAvdULe0LdtwuwRVYu7VFk3c4L8srXL-N5XzG1K2rWui71usa9L0Wy-rIuGxLPMq5tyvqyb61m3bmsOzNTsyy7RuK3r9tu4tFs2wbjse+DpDA39BNw-trlasTFNR6Qb3Q-JBFCWZRkk99tjU7HpPR2Zof45TYPPZ96fBhHwdCOjpeIjHYeF+AeORznpAeonunCTaEnVwrFfgFGbeyFX2cZ7IXfD8GZ0EwATDaAAsNoAPQ2gA7AstMYPTziMxY6-wJvqhlhztvu37OvO77CuS+Ll+W8fk9n3XpuP97BdP6-L9N6779f5-Qe3wHJ8b7+3PlLU+b9PbmyAQ-Y2gDVbgKvlbbW8D-4gOvnAj+CC76gKgcg4BPtsHoJ-pggBF9CF-wJtdbGale5D2fiPUgadx4NEbr3e+cchAlyYeCNGyc842gTlQpOZlYDvTMkTMyAju7FFsrjWu39gy0PkXtXu-dBG2AALQ2nEQPXiNpW5qNzjooQ2iDEGgdCCNSu84D70ENvGmQUWZ+TZmFI+JCCHW2gRAwOYCMEoPwWgiaDpyGeKCcovx39gngNCT3cJv8fFENicQ1BiCvYJLwTA0hHjcGeKSf4lJkCyHxI9rkjJ7ikG+PSV42BWSKk5MSfUypJSqmZMsvXThdDgwsOeiYqRpkjFQA7hI3h-Sx4dLCQTSRXDihZzGTEgmqAeFmXaUooGcjP7BkmbM6hz187rIevwyGZkZH9LYc3IQmyVnbIJssvZ3DArMw3qzLeAUmYlkcSWZx+ZXHJKwQE8paS6mNIaYCkJsTolXNBZU8FgSwWwqhcC7JiLalIoBSi4pCLkWYtRVi9FQK8UgrRUUolOCcXEsKSS7FlLcUEtJRS6lUT-rDNMUXAml1+nky2YZFOJyjpmRmZcmFBMunzMOf04V9ddmsKZb07Ciz+n8tuRC9h4AOUCszms3ukrnrlwRmZLyX0LETSsTYveLyd4OMeU455LiIpuL+ak+ltLyXOpqVS8ZkKPUMvhd6z1H9oWtMJXSslrrHVuqDeGl1-zQ3RuDVG2NDr40FJDYm7xEbk1prjRmhNWak2Zsjdm-NZjnoKt7uK5VWqCYnXZYM-pxzmUvQJpAG0lCZVcVESM3l-SW1TMFRKmt9bRlqqgpqzt9bTn0KEKo1tDDR3TqEFW+tJbIiGrAsap5B8zX2Ieaaq1G6bWczyb8-JqbC0nvTae6pAa-Vwt9T-f1w6b1etvTGnNZ683no-e+r9BbP0-u-bmv9gGAPAbfUB0DIHL1gcgxBlpUHYMwbKXBxDCGzKqsVVkbtnLbAVvruO4MbKB0auLqjMyij0PYcRu2+tFzyMPoJgAK2bZR-pOHlV4YaAuud4AyO9yXQTVjZyG19tQ0Rxta8LU7o+da-MrzfJSb3V821Py7XHug+B9TanNPwZZc+91T79PXp9QZu9GKw0Xu01p5DGmLM2as5Z+1KHVO2Yc9ZuzzmnNuc8y5+zHnvPuaPQFlTgXlMhcPVxgTE7wCMKw4Y+tPGdncvrVOntV7It8frmh3u0Wh2kAI1x+LBMekpdkEVmLpBB20aLQTAr9d0vKuS2VnTyrGNXWY-WiLE8bR1q443Ndu7bGbs0H1+TA393BbC6F0pfmvO+dm+Nqbc2gtLcm80mb83VvTc24tlbTTdumZfeZtby2JsnYW+tvb+LA2Ha2+d-bKafO3cu0639jn1ulptASKjXGaO8dE-XPLxX46iqS395Vn3+mlZy0pOV9b9U9dB4JuHgOhCZeegDxrDcEeRfB-WstgnUcExx1xyH1iJOk-65J+5bzLUjcp98jYnSjs7bu6+h7x2zvs429t07XPHs0rMy91zN3OcXf5wdwXbPmdPYF-+oX3OOdS7F-d-zIuWfXfl7z1X0vxey6E8qmryrsuVeh195H4AkcY7x2ltr33pVm5+89fR8PTcY46wKLHwY3d3LFTbs3VvOtLJI-0g3gmvfsXE9u8ntOo9U7k7mdmSmeei6uxLlXiuU+67T0ntXqemfZ+18rvPCv89K9Z1n4vFfNfp+e5novVeS8Z6Q8L6vMum8a+TzXtvfPjMKOB1xhrUO9f47txjnVQr+1cfYxhIPcWR+D7D30+tRve4W8H1P-CqdEuT995bvvZvV-G-ADR4b8ewqyeCuu0bimD1HF783hvnfXta9L+r7vj+5dv9b0-lvOuu-P8b9-g-l-h-v-u-pLkAb-oAZXh3sAeAdATnrXvfsYJICulBMwCgXpqHgcmZE7n7h7jXCJi7vPjPlxgTvXAfu9kQYfjcr3GPvXCHpFgvhRrIpvnqvgWsE2iwf0g7gTHVoJiIjymwbHhfhTjHufu8qftfp-pASAT-oXkgfXvAQXmXnXjATIXAYoZoWofIe3ggX-nISoQodoYYbocoa-qAbAeXloXoQaOgWHGpHYfjA4cuntI4epM4VYKgVVvXP7pjDvoPjwcJtwXolvmbuvlkIEWxsdLOmbnwZFlKHwlQb9qRoxKERjuEeqikWZOjoPr4WsBQc9BkbIJwf0jcifqFDJuapHiajHvTrfjodIQ0RYeoVYcYeYQYe0RAU0R0bnkYTYbIV0SYY0UMc0d0YMZ0UoS-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)); export default createNewAscii;