import os import numpy as np try: import networkx as netx except ImportError: import networkx as netx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from functools import partial from vispy import scene, io from vispy.scene import visuals from vispy.visuals.filters import Alpha import cv2 from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip from skimage.transform import resize import time import copy import torch import os from Inpainting.utils import ( path_planning, open_small_mask, clean_far_edge, refine_depth_around_edge, ) from Inpainting.utils import ( refine_color_around_edge, filter_irrelevant_edge_new, require_depth_edge, clean_far_edge_new, ) from Inpainting.utils import create_placeholder, refresh_node, find_largest_rect from Inpainting.mesh_tools import ( get_depth_from_maps, get_map_from_ccs, get_edge_from_nodes, get_depth_from_nodes, get_rgb_from_nodes, crop_maps_by_size, convert2tensor, recursive_add_edge, update_info, filter_edge, relabel_node, depth_inpainting, ) from Inpainting.mesh_tools import ( refresh_bord_depth, enlarge_border, fill_dummy_bord, extrapolate, fill_missing_node, incomplete_node, get_valid_size, dilate_valid_size, size_operation, ) import transforms3d import random from functools import reduce def create_mesh(depth, image, int_mtx, config): H, W, C = image.shape ext_H, ext_W = ( H + 2 * config["extrapolation_thickness"], W + 2 * config["extrapolation_thickness"], ) LDI = netx.Graph(H=ext_H, W=ext_W, noext_H=H, noext_W=W, cam_param=int_mtx) xy2depth = {} int_mtx_pix = int_mtx * np.array([[W], [H], [1.0]]) ( LDI.graph["cam_param_pix"], LDI.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"], ) = int_mtx_pix, np.linalg.inv(int_mtx_pix) disp = 1.0 / (-depth) LDI.graph["hoffset"], LDI.graph["woffset"] = ( config["extrapolation_thickness"], config["extrapolation_thickness"], ) LDI.graph["bord_up"], LDI.graph["bord_down"] = ( LDI.graph["hoffset"] + 0, LDI.graph["hoffset"] + H, ) LDI.graph["bord_left"], LDI.graph["bord_right"] = ( LDI.graph["woffset"] + 0, LDI.graph["woffset"] + W, ) for idx in range(H): for idy in range(W): x, y = idx + LDI.graph["hoffset"], idy + LDI.graph["woffset"] LDI.add_node( (x, y, -depth[idx, idy]), color=image[idx, idy], disp=disp[idx, idy], synthesis=False, cc_id=set(), ) xy2depth[(x, y)] = [-depth[idx, idy]] for x, y, d in LDI.nodes: two_nes = [ ne for ne in [(x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)] if ne[0] < LDI.graph["bord_down"] and ne[1] < LDI.graph["bord_right"] ] [LDI.add_edge((ne[0], ne[1], xy2depth[ne][0]), (x, y, d)) for ne in two_nes] LDI = calculate_fov(LDI) image = np.pad( image, pad_width=( (config["extrapolation_thickness"], config["extrapolation_thickness"]), (config["extrapolation_thickness"], config["extrapolation_thickness"]), (0, 0), ), mode="constant", ) depth = np.pad( depth, pad_width=( (config["extrapolation_thickness"], config["extrapolation_thickness"]), (config["extrapolation_thickness"], config["extrapolation_thickness"]), ), mode="constant", ) return LDI, xy2depth, image, depth def tear_edges(mesh, threshold=0.00025, xy2depth=None): remove_edge_list = [] remove_horizon, remove_vertical = np.zeros((2, mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes for edge in mesh.edges: if abs(mesh_nodes[edge[0]]["disp"] - mesh_nodes[edge[1]]["disp"]) > threshold: remove_edge_list.append((edge[0], edge[1])) near, far = edge if abs(edge[0][2]) < abs(edge[1][2]) else edge[::-1] mesh_nodes[far]["near"] = ( [] if mesh_nodes[far].get("near") is None else mesh_nodes[far]["near"].append(near) ) mesh_nodes[near]["far"] = ( [] if mesh_nodes[near].get("far") is None else mesh_nodes[near]["far"].append(far) ) if near[0] == far[0]: remove_horizon[near[0], np.minimum(near[1], far[1])] = 1 elif near[1] == far[1]: remove_vertical[np.minimum(near[0], far[0]), near[1]] = 1 mesh.remove_edges_from(remove_edge_list) remove_edge_list = [] dang_horizon = np.where( np.roll(remove_horizon, 1, 0) + np.roll(remove_horizon, -1, 0) - remove_horizon == 2 ) dang_vertical = np.where( np.roll(remove_vertical, 1, 1) + np.roll(remove_vertical, -1, 1) - remove_vertical == 2 ) horizon_condition = ( lambda x, y: mesh.graph["bord_up"] + 1 <= x < mesh.graph["bord_down"] - 1 ) vertical_condition = ( lambda x, y: mesh.graph["bord_left"] + 1 <= y < mesh.graph["bord_right"] - 1 ) prjto3d = lambda x, y: (x, y, xy2depth[(x, y)][0]) node_existence = lambda x, y: mesh.has_node(prjto3d(x, y)) for x, y in zip(dang_horizon[0], dang_horizon[1]): if ( horizon_condition(x, y) and node_existence(x, y) and node_existence(x, y + 1) ): remove_edge_list.append((prjto3d(x, y), prjto3d(x, y + 1))) for x, y in zip(dang_vertical[0], dang_vertical[1]): if ( vertical_condition(x, y) and node_existence(x, y) and node_existence(x + 1, y) ): remove_edge_list.append((prjto3d(x, y), prjto3d(x + 1, y))) mesh.remove_edges_from(remove_edge_list) return mesh def calculate_fov(mesh): k = mesh.graph["cam_param"] mesh.graph["hFov"] = 2 * np.arctan(1.0 / (2 * k[0, 0])) mesh.graph["vFov"] = 2 * np.arctan(1.0 / (2 * k[1, 1])) mesh.graph["aspect"] = mesh.graph["noext_H"] / mesh.graph["noext_W"] return mesh def calculate_fov_FB(mesh): mesh.graph["aspect"] = mesh.graph["H"] / mesh.graph["W"] if mesh.graph["H"] > mesh.graph["W"]: mesh.graph["hFov"] = 0.508015513 half_short = np.tan(mesh.graph["hFov"] / 2.0) half_long = half_short * mesh.graph["aspect"] mesh.graph["vFov"] = 2.0 * np.arctan(half_long) else: mesh.graph["vFov"] = 0.508015513 half_short = np.tan(mesh.graph["vFov"] / 2.0) half_long = half_short / mesh.graph["aspect"] mesh.graph["hFov"] = 2.0 * np.arctan(half_long) return mesh def reproject_3d_int_detail(sx, sy, z, k_00, k_02, k_11, k_12, w_offset, h_offset): abs_z = abs(z) return [ abs_z * ((sy + 0.5 - w_offset) * k_00 + k_02), abs_z * ((sx + 0.5 - h_offset) * k_11 + k_12), abs_z, ] def reproject_3d_int_detail_FB(sx, sy, z, w_offset, h_offset, mesh): if mesh.graph.get("tan_hFov") is None: mesh.graph["tan_hFov"] = np.tan(mesh.graph["hFov"] / 2.0) if mesh.graph.get("tan_vFov") is None: mesh.graph["tan_vFov"] = np.tan(mesh.graph["vFov"] / 2.0) ray = np.array( [ (-1.0 + 2.0 * ((sy + 0.5 - w_offset) / (mesh.graph["W"] - 1))) * mesh.graph["tan_hFov"], (1.0 - 2.0 * (sx + 0.5 - h_offset) / (mesh.graph["H"] - 1)) * mesh.graph["tan_vFov"], -1, ] ) point_3d = ray * np.abs(z) return point_3d def reproject_3d_int(sx, sy, z, mesh): k = mesh.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"].copy() if k[0, 2] > 0: k = np.linalg.inv(k) ray = k, np.array([sy - mesh.graph["woffset"], sx - mesh.graph["hoffset"], 1]).reshape( 3, 1 ), ) point_3d = ray * np.abs(z) point_3d = point_3d.flatten() return point_3d def generate_init_node(mesh, config, min_node_in_cc): mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes info_on_pix = {} ccs = sorted(netx.connected_components(mesh), key=len, reverse=True) remove_nodes = [] for cc in ccs: remove_flag = True if len(cc) < min_node_in_cc else False if remove_flag is False: for nx, ny, nd in cc: info_on_pix[(nx, ny)] = [ { "depth": nd, "color": mesh_nodes[(nx, ny, nd)]["color"], "synthesis": False, "disp": mesh_nodes[(nx, ny, nd)]["disp"], } ] else: [remove_nodes.append((nx, ny, nd)) for (nx, ny, nd) in cc] for node in remove_nodes: far_nodes = ( [] if mesh_nodes[node].get("far") is None else mesh_nodes[node]["far"] ) for far_node in far_nodes: if ( mesh.has_node(far_node) and mesh_nodes[far_node].get("near") is not None and node in mesh_nodes[far_node]["near"] ): mesh_nodes[far_node]["near"].remove(node) near_nodes = ( [] if mesh_nodes[node].get("near") is None else mesh_nodes[node]["near"] ) for near_node in near_nodes: if ( mesh.has_node(near_node) and mesh_nodes[near_node].get("far") is not None and node in mesh_nodes[near_node]["far"] ): mesh_nodes[near_node]["far"].remove(node) [mesh.remove_node(node) for node in remove_nodes] return mesh, info_on_pix def get_neighbors(mesh, node): return [*mesh.neighbors(node)] def generate_face(mesh, info_on_pix, config): H, W = mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"] str_faces = [] num_node = len(mesh.nodes) ply_flag = config.get("save_ply") def out_fmt(input, cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a, ply_flag): if ply_flag is True: input.append(" ".join(["3", cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a]) + "\n") else: input.append([cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a]) mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes for node in mesh_nodes: cur_id_self = mesh_nodes[node]["cur_id"] ne_nodes = get_neighbors(mesh, node) four_dir_nes = {"up": [], "left": [], "down": [], "right": []} for ne_node in ne_nodes: store_tuple = [ne_node, mesh_nodes[ne_node]["cur_id"]] if ne_node[0] == node[0]: if ne_node[1] == ne_node[1] - 1: four_dir_nes["left"].append(store_tuple) else: four_dir_nes["right"].append(store_tuple) else: if ne_node[0] == ne_node[0] - 1: four_dir_nes["up"].append(store_tuple) else: four_dir_nes["down"].append(store_tuple) for node_a, cur_id_a in four_dir_nes["up"]: for node_b, cur_id_b in four_dir_nes["right"]: out_fmt(str_faces, cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a, ply_flag) for node_a, cur_id_a in four_dir_nes["right"]: for node_b, cur_id_b in four_dir_nes["down"]: out_fmt(str_faces, cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a, ply_flag) for node_a, cur_id_a in four_dir_nes["down"]: for node_b, cur_id_b in four_dir_nes["left"]: out_fmt(str_faces, cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a, ply_flag) for node_a, cur_id_a in four_dir_nes["left"]: for node_b, cur_id_b in four_dir_nes["up"]: out_fmt(str_faces, cur_id_b, cur_id_self, cur_id_a, ply_flag) return str_faces def reassign_floating_island(mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth): H, W = ( mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], ) mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes bord_up, bord_down = mesh.graph["bord_up"], mesh.graph["bord_down"] bord_left, bord_right = mesh.graph["bord_left"], mesh.graph["bord_right"] W = mesh.graph["W"] lost_map = np.zeros((H, W)) """ (5) is_inside(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) : Check if a pixel(x, y) is inside the border. (6) get_cross_nes(x, y) : Get the four cross neighbors of pixel(x, y). """ key_exist = lambda d, k: k in d is_inside = ( lambda x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: xmin <= x < xmax and ymin <= y < ymax ) get_cross_nes = lambda x, y: [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)] """ (A) Highlight the pixels on isolated floating island. (B) Number those isolated floating islands with connected component analysis. (C) For each isolated island: (1) Find its longest surrounded depth edge. (2) Propogate depth from that depth edge to the pixels on the isolated island. (3) Build the connection between the depth edge and that isolated island. """ for x in range(H): for y in range(W): if is_inside(x, y, bord_up, bord_down, bord_left, bord_right) and not ( key_exist(info_on_pix, (x, y)) ): lost_map[x, y] = 1 _, label_lost_map = cv2.connectedComponents( lost_map.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=4 ) mask = np.zeros((H, W)) mask[bord_up:bord_down, bord_left:bord_right] = 1 label_lost_map = (label_lost_map * mask).astype( for i in range(1, label_lost_map.max() + 1): lost_xs, lost_ys = np.where(label_lost_map == i) surr_edge_ids = {} for lost_x, lost_y in zip(lost_xs, lost_ys): if (lost_x, lost_y) == (295, 389) or (lost_x, lost_y) == (296, 389): import pdb pdb.set_trace() for ne in get_cross_nes(lost_x, lost_y): if key_exist(info_on_pix, ne): for info in info_on_pix[ne]: ne_node = (ne[0], ne[1], info["depth"]) if key_exist(mesh_nodes[ne_node], "edge_id"): edge_id = mesh_nodes[ne_node]["edge_id"] surr_edge_ids[edge_id] = ( surr_edge_ids[edge_id] + [ne_node] if key_exist(surr_edge_ids, edge_id) else [ne_node] ) if len(surr_edge_ids) == 0: continue edge_id, edge_nodes = sorted( [*surr_edge_ids.items()], key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True )[0] edge_depth_map = np.zeros((H, W)) for node in edge_nodes: edge_depth_map[node[0], node[1]] = node[2] lost_xs, lost_ys = np.where(label_lost_map == i) while lost_xs.shape[0] > 0: lost_xs, lost_ys = np.where(label_lost_map == i) for lost_x, lost_y in zip(lost_xs, lost_ys): propagated_depth = [] real_nes = [] for ne in get_cross_nes(lost_x, lost_y): if ( not ( is_inside( ne[0], ne[1], bord_up, bord_down, bord_left, bord_right ) ) or edge_depth_map[ne[0], ne[1]] == 0 ): continue propagated_depth.append(edge_depth_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) real_nes.append(ne) if len(real_nes) == 0: continue reassign_depth = np.mean(propagated_depth) label_lost_map[lost_x, lost_y] = 0 edge_depth_map[lost_x, lost_y] = reassign_depth depth[lost_x, lost_y] = -reassign_depth mesh.add_node( (lost_x, lost_y, reassign_depth), color=image[lost_x, lost_y], synthesis=False, disp=1.0 / reassign_depth, cc_id=set(), ) info_on_pix[(lost_x, lost_y)] = [ { "depth": reassign_depth, "color": image[lost_x, lost_y], "synthesis": False, "disp": 1.0 / reassign_depth, } ] new_connections = [ ( (lost_x, lost_y, reassign_depth), (ne[0], ne[1], edge_depth_map[ne[0], ne[1]]), ) for ne in real_nes ] mesh.add_edges_from(new_connections) return mesh, info_on_pix, depth def remove_node_feat(mesh, *feats): mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes for node in mesh_nodes: for feat in feats: mesh_nodes[node][feat] = None return mesh def update_status(mesh, info_on_pix, depth=None): """ (2) clear_node_feat(G, *fts) : Clear all the node feature on graph G. (6) get_cross_nes(x, y) : Get the four cross neighbors of pixel(x, y). """ key_exist = lambda d, k: d.get(k) is not None is_inside = ( lambda x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: xmin <= x < xmax and ymin <= y < ymax ) get_cross_nes = lambda x, y: [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)] append_element = lambda d, k, x: d[k] + [x] if key_exist(d, k) else [x] def clear_node_feat(G, fts): le_nodes = G.nodes for k in le_nodes: v = le_nodes[k] for ft in fts: if ft in v: v[ft] = None clear_node_feat(mesh, ["edge_id", "far", "near"]) bord_up, bord_down = mesh.graph["bord_up"], mesh.graph["bord_down"] bord_left, bord_right = mesh.graph["bord_left"], mesh.graph["bord_right"] le_nodes = mesh.nodes for node_key in le_nodes: if mesh.neighbors(node_key).__length_hint__() == 4: continue four_nes = [ xx for xx in get_cross_nes(node_key[0], node_key[1]) if is_inside(xx[0], xx[1], bord_up, bord_down, bord_left, bord_right) and xx in info_on_pix ] [ four_nes.remove((ne_node[0], ne_node[1])) for ne_node in mesh.neighbors(node_key) ] for ne in four_nes: for info in info_on_pix[ne]: assert mesh.has_node((ne[0], ne[1], info["depth"])), "No node_key" ind_node = le_nodes[node_key] if abs(node_key[2]) > abs(info["depth"]): ind_node["near"] = append_element( ind_node, "near", (ne[0], ne[1], info["depth"]) ) else: ind_node["far"] = append_element( ind_node, "far", (ne[0], ne[1], info["depth"]) ) if depth is not None: for key, value in info_on_pix.items(): if depth[key[0], key[1]] != abs(value[0]["depth"]): value[0]["disp"] = 1.0 / value[0]["depth"] depth[key[0], key[1]] = abs(value[0]["depth"]) return mesh, depth, info_on_pix else: return mesh def group_edges(LDI, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal, spdb=False): """ (1) add_new_node(G, node) : add "node" to graph "G" (2) add_new_edge(G, node_a, node_b) : add edge "node_a--node_b" to graph "G" (3) exceed_thre(x, y, thre) : Check if difference between "x" and "y" exceed threshold "thre" (4) key_exist(d, k) : Check if key "k' exists in dictionary "d" (5) comm_opp_bg(G, x, y) : Check if node "x" and "y" in graph "G" treat the same opposite node as background (6) comm_opp_fg(G, x, y) : Check if node "x" and "y" in graph "G" treat the same opposite node as foreground """ add_new_node = lambda G, node: None if G.has_node(node) else G.add_node(node) add_new_edge = ( lambda G, node_a, node_b: None if G.has_edge(node_a, node_b) else G.add_edge(node_a, node_b) ) exceed_thre = lambda x, y, thre: (abs(x) - abs(y)) > thre key_exist = lambda d, k: d.get(k) is not None comm_opp_bg = ( lambda G, x, y: key_exist(G.nodes[x], "far") and key_exist(G.nodes[y], "far") and not (set(G.nodes[x]["far"]).isdisjoint(set(G.nodes[y]["far"]))) ) comm_opp_fg = ( lambda G, x, y: key_exist(G.nodes[x], "near") and key_exist(G.nodes[y], "near") and not (set(G.nodes[x]["near"]).isdisjoint(set(G.nodes[y]["near"]))) ) discont_graph = netx.Graph() """ (A) Skip the pixel at image boundary, we don't want to deal with them. (B) Identify discontinuity by the number of its neighbor(degree). If the degree < 4(up/right/buttom/left). We will go through following steps: (1) Add the discontinuity pixel "node" to graph "discont_graph". (2) Find "node"'s cross neighbor(up/right/buttom/left) "ne_node". - If the cross neighbor "ne_node" is a discontinuity pixel(degree("ne_node") < 4), (a) add it to graph "discont_graph" and build the connection between "ne_node" and "node". (b) label its cross neighbor as invalid pixels "inval_diag_candi" to avoid building connection between original discontinuity pixel "node" and "inval_diag_candi". - Otherwise, find "ne_node"'s cross neighbors, called diagonal candidate "diag_candi". - The "diag_candi" is diagonal to the original discontinuity pixel "node". - If "diag_candi" exists, go to step(3). (3) A diagonal candidate "diag_candi" will be : - added to the "discont_graph" if its degree < 4. - connected to the original discontinuity pixel "node" if it satisfied either one of following criterion: (a) the difference of disparity between "diag_candi" and "node" is smaller than default threshold. (b) the "diag_candi" and "node" face the same opposite pixel. (See. function "tear_edges") (c) Both of "diag_candi" and "node" must_connect to each other. (See. function "combine_end_node") (C) Aggregate each connected part in "discont_graph" into "discont_ccs" (A.K.A. depth edge). """ for node in LDI.nodes: if not ( LDI.graph["bord_up"] + 1 <= node[0] <= LDI.graph["bord_down"] - 2 and LDI.graph["bord_left"] + 1 <= node[1] <= LDI.graph["bord_right"] - 2 ): continue neighbors = [*LDI.neighbors(node)] if len(neighbors) < 4: add_new_node(discont_graph, node) diag_candi_anc, inval_diag_candi, discont_nes = set(), set(), set() for ne_node in neighbors: if len([*LDI.neighbors(ne_node)]) < 4: add_new_node(discont_graph, ne_node) add_new_edge(discont_graph, ne_node, node) discont_nes.add(ne_node) else: diag_candi_anc.add(ne_node) inval_diag_candi = set( [ inval_diagonal for ne_node in discont_nes for inval_diagonal in LDI.neighbors(ne_node) if abs(inval_diagonal[0] - node[0]) < 2 and abs(inval_diagonal[1] - node[1]) < 2 ] ) for ne_node in diag_candi_anc: if ne_node[0] == node[0]: diagonal_xys = [ [ne_node[0] + 1, ne_node[1]], [ne_node[0] - 1, ne_node[1]], ] elif ne_node[1] == node[1]: diagonal_xys = [ [ne_node[0], ne_node[1] + 1], [ne_node[0], ne_node[1] - 1], ] for diag_candi in LDI.neighbors(ne_node): if [diag_candi[0], diag_candi[1]] in diagonal_xys and diag_candi ) < 4: if diag_candi not in inval_diag_candi: if not exceed_thre( 1.0 / node[2], 1.0 / diag_candi[2], config["depth_threshold"], ) or ( comm_opp_bg(LDI, diag_candi, node) and comm_opp_fg(LDI, diag_candi, node) ): add_new_node(discont_graph, diag_candi) add_new_edge(discont_graph, diag_candi, node) if ( key_exist(LDI.nodes[diag_candi], "must_connect") and node in LDI.nodes[diag_candi]["must_connect"] and key_exist(LDI.nodes[node], "must_connect") and diag_candi in LDI.nodes[node]["must_connect"] ): add_new_node(discont_graph, diag_candi) add_new_edge(discont_graph, diag_candi, node) if spdb == True: import pdb pdb.set_trace() discont_ccs = [*netx.connected_components(discont_graph)] """ In some corner case, a depth edge "discont_cc" will contain both foreground(FG) and background(BG) pixels. This violate the assumption that a depth edge can only composite by one type of pixel(FG or BG). We need to further divide this depth edge into several sub-part so that the assumption is satisfied. (A) A depth edge is invalid if both of its "far_flag"(BG) and "near_flag"(FG) are True. (B) If the depth edge is invalid, we need to do: (1) Find the role("oridinal") of each pixel on the depth edge. "-1" --> Its opposite pixels has smaller depth(near) than it. It is a backgorund pixel. "+1" --> Its opposite pixels has larger depth(far) than it. It is a foregorund pixel. "0" --> Some of opposite pixels has larger depth(far) than it, and some has smaller pixel than it. It is an ambiguous pixel. (2) For each pixel "discont_node", check if its neigbhors' roles are consistent. - If not, break the connection between the neighbor "ne_node" that has a role different from "discont_node". - If yes, remove all the role that are inconsistent to its neighbors "ne_node". (3) Connected component analysis to re-identified those divided depth edge. (C) Aggregate each connected part in "discont_graph" into "discont_ccs" (A.K.A. depth edge). """ if remove_conflict_ordinal: new_discont_ccs = [] num_new_cc = 0 for edge_id, discont_cc in enumerate(discont_ccs): near_flag = False far_flag = False for discont_node in discont_cc: near_flag = ( True if key_exist(LDI.nodes[discont_node], "far") else near_flag ) far_flag = ( True if key_exist(LDI.nodes[discont_node], "near") else far_flag ) if far_flag and near_flag: break if far_flag and near_flag: for discont_node in discont_cc: discont_graph.nodes[discont_node]["ordinal"] = np.array( [ key_exist(LDI.nodes[discont_node], "far"), key_exist(LDI.nodes[discont_node], "near"), ] ) * np.array([-1, 1]) discont_graph.nodes[discont_node]["ordinal"] = np.sum( discont_graph.nodes[discont_node]["ordinal"] ) remove_nodes, remove_edges = [], [] for discont_node in discont_cc: ordinal_relation = np.sum( [ discont_graph.nodes[xx]["ordinal"] for xx in discont_graph.neighbors(discont_node) ] ) near_side = discont_graph.nodes[discont_node]["ordinal"] <= 0 if abs(ordinal_relation) < len( [*discont_graph.neighbors(discont_node)] ): remove_nodes.append(discont_node) for ne_node in discont_graph.neighbors(discont_node): remove_flag = ( near_side and not (key_exist(LDI.nodes[ne_node], "far")) ) or ( not near_side and not (key_exist(LDI.nodes[ne_node], "near")) ) remove_edges += ( [(discont_node, ne_node)] if remove_flag else [] ) else: if near_side and key_exist(LDI.nodes[discont_node], "near"): LDI.nodes[discont_node].pop("near") elif not (near_side) and key_exist( LDI.nodes[discont_node], "far" ): LDI.nodes[discont_node].pop("far") discont_graph.remove_edges_from(remove_edges) sub_mesh = discont_graph.subgraph(list(discont_cc)).copy() sub_discont_ccs = [*netx.connected_components(sub_mesh)] is_redun_near = ( lambda xx: len(xx) == 1 and xx[0] in remove_nodes and key_exist(LDI.nodes[xx[0]], "far") ) for sub_discont_cc in sub_discont_ccs: if is_redun_near(list(sub_discont_cc)): LDI.nodes[list(sub_discont_cc)[0]].pop("far") new_discont_ccs.append(sub_discont_cc) else: new_discont_ccs.append(discont_cc) discont_ccs = new_discont_ccs new_discont_ccs = None if spdb == True: import pdb pdb.set_trace() for edge_id, edge_cc in enumerate(discont_ccs): for node in edge_cc: LDI.nodes[node]["edge_id"] = edge_id return discont_ccs, LDI, discont_graph def combine_end_node(mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, depth): import collections mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes connect_dict = dict() for valid_edge_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): connect_info = [] for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: single_connect = set() for ne_node in mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node): if mesh_nodes[ne_node].get("far") is not None: for fn in mesh_nodes[ne_node].get("far"): if ( mesh.has_node(fn) and mesh_nodes[fn].get("edge_id") is not None ): single_connect.add(mesh_nodes[fn]["edge_id"]) if mesh_nodes[ne_node].get("near") is not None: for fn in mesh_nodes[ne_node].get("near"): if ( mesh.has_node(fn) and mesh_nodes[fn].get("edge_id") is not None ): single_connect.add(mesh_nodes[fn]["edge_id"]) connect_info.extend([*single_connect]) connect_dict[valid_edge_id] = collections.Counter(connect_info) end_maps = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) edge_maps = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 for valid_edge_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: edge_maps[valid_edge_node[0], valid_edge_node[1]] = valid_edge_id if len([*edge_mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node)]) == 1: num_ne = 1 if num_ne == 1: end_maps[valid_edge_node[0], valid_edge_node[1]] = valid_edge_node[ 2 ] nxs, nys = np.where(end_maps != 0) invalid_nodes = set() for nx, ny in zip(nxs, nys): if mesh.has_node((nx, ny, end_maps[nx, ny])) is False: invalid_nodes.add((nx, ny)) continue four_nes = [ xx for xx in [(nx - 1, ny), (nx + 1, ny), (nx, ny - 1), (nx, ny + 1)] if 0 <= xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] and 0 <= xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] and end_maps[xx[0], xx[1]] != 0 ] mesh_nes = [*mesh.neighbors((nx, ny, end_maps[nx, ny]))] remove_num = 0 for fne in four_nes: if (fne[0], fne[1], end_maps[fne[0], fne[1]]) in mesh_nes: remove_num += 1 if remove_num == len(four_nes): invalid_nodes.add((nx, ny)) for invalid_node in invalid_nodes: end_maps[invalid_node[0], invalid_node[1]] = 0 nxs, nys = np.where(end_maps != 0) invalid_nodes = set() for nx, ny in zip(nxs, nys): if mesh_nodes[(nx, ny, end_maps[nx, ny])].get("edge_id") is None: continue else: self_id = mesh_nodes[(nx, ny, end_maps[nx, ny])].get("edge_id") self_connect = ( connect_dict[self_id] if connect_dict.get(self_id) is not None else dict() ) four_nes = [ xx for xx in [(nx - 1, ny), (nx + 1, ny), (nx, ny - 1), (nx, ny + 1)] if 0 <= xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] and 0 <= xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] and end_maps[xx[0], xx[1]] != 0 ] for fne in four_nes: if ( mesh_nodes[(fne[0], fne[1], end_maps[fne[0], fne[1]])].get("edge_id") is None ): continue else: ne_id = mesh_nodes[(fne[0], fne[1], end_maps[fne[0], fne[1]])][ "edge_id" ] if self_connect.get(ne_id) is None or self_connect.get(ne_id) == 1: continue else: invalid_nodes.add((nx, ny)) for invalid_node in invalid_nodes: end_maps[invalid_node[0], invalid_node[1]] = 0 nxs, nys = np.where(end_maps != 0) invalid_nodes = set() for nx, ny in zip(nxs, nys): four_nes = [ xx for xx in [(nx - 1, ny), (nx + 1, ny), (nx, ny - 1), (nx, ny + 1)] if 0 <= xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] and 0 <= xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] and end_maps[xx[0], xx[1]] != 0 ] for fne in four_nes: if mesh.has_node((fne[0], fne[1], end_maps[fne[0], fne[1]])): node_a, node_b = (fne[0], fne[1], end_maps[fne[0], fne[1]]), ( nx, ny, end_maps[nx, ny], ) mesh.add_edge(node_a, node_b) mesh_nodes[node_b]["must_connect"] = ( set() if mesh_nodes[node_b].get("must_connect") is None else mesh_nodes[node_b]["must_connect"] ) mesh_nodes[node_b]["must_connect"].add(node_a) mesh_nodes[node_b]["must_connect"] |= set( [ xx for xx in [*edge_mesh.neighbors(node_a)] if (xx[0] - node_b[0]) < 2 and (xx[1] - node_b[1]) < 2 ] ) mesh_nodes[node_a]["must_connect"] = ( set() if mesh_nodes[node_a].get("must_connect") is None else mesh_nodes[node_a]["must_connect"] ) mesh_nodes[node_a]["must_connect"].add(node_b) mesh_nodes[node_a]["must_connect"] |= set( [ xx for xx in [*edge_mesh.neighbors(node_b)] if (xx[0] - node_a[0]) < 2 and (xx[1] - node_a[1]) < 2 ] ) invalid_nodes.add((nx, ny)) for invalid_node in invalid_nodes: end_maps[invalid_node[0], invalid_node[1]] = 0 return mesh def remove_redundant_edge( mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, info_on_pix, config, redundant_number=1000, invalid=False, spdb=False, ): point_to_amount = {} point_to_id = {} end_maps = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 for valid_edge_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: point_to_amount[valid_edge_node] = len(valid_edge_cc) point_to_id[valid_edge_node] = valid_edge_id if edge_mesh.has_node(valid_edge_node) is True: if len([*edge_mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node)]) == 1: end_maps[valid_edge_node[0], valid_edge_node[1]] = valid_edge_id nxs, nys = np.where(end_maps > -1) point_to_adjoint = {} for nx, ny in zip(nxs, nys): adjoint_edges = set( [ end_maps[x, y] for x, y in [(nx + 1, ny), (nx - 1, ny), (nx, ny + 1), (nx, ny - 1)] if end_maps[x, y] != -1 ] ) point_to_adjoint[end_maps[nx, ny]] = ( (point_to_adjoint[end_maps[nx, ny]] | adjoint_edges) if point_to_adjoint.get(end_maps[nx, ny]) is not None else adjoint_edges ) valid_edge_ccs = filter_edge(mesh, edge_ccs, config, invalid=invalid) edge_canvas = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 for valid_edge_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(valid_edge_ccs): for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: edge_canvas[valid_edge_node[0], valid_edge_node[1]] = valid_edge_id if spdb is True: plt.imshow(edge_canvas) import pdb pdb.set_trace() for valid_edge_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(valid_edge_ccs): end_number = 0 four_end_number = 0 eight_end_number = 0 db_eight_end_number = 0 if len(valid_edge_cc) > redundant_number: continue for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: if len([*edge_mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node)]) == 3: break elif len([*edge_mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node)]) == 1: hx, hy, hz = valid_edge_node if invalid is False: eight_nes = [ (x, y) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and edge_canvas[x, y] != -1 and edge_canvas[x, y] != valid_edge_id ] if len(eight_nes) == 0: end_number += 1 if invalid is True: four_nes = [] eight_nes = [] db_eight_nes = [] four_nes = [ (x, y) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and edge_canvas[x, y] != -1 and edge_canvas[x, y] != valid_edge_id ] eight_nes = [ (x, y) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and edge_canvas[x, y] != -1 and edge_canvas[x, y] != valid_edge_id ] db_eight_nes = [ (x, y) for x in range(hx - 2, hx + 3) for y in range(hy - 2, hy + 3) if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and edge_canvas[x, y] != -1 and edge_canvas[x, y] != valid_edge_id and (x, y) != (hx, hy) ] if len(four_nes) == 0 or len(eight_nes) == 0: end_number += 1 if len(four_nes) == 0: four_end_number += 1 if len(eight_nes) == 0: eight_end_number += 1 if len(db_eight_nes) == 0: db_eight_end_number += 1 elif len([*edge_mesh.neighbors(valid_edge_node)]) == 0: hx, hy, hz = valid_edge_node four_nes = [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [(hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1)] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and mesh.has_edge( valid_edge_node, (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) ) is False ] for ne in four_nes: try: if ( invalid is True or ( point_to_amount.get(ne) is None or point_to_amount[ne] < redundant_number ) or point_to_id[ne] in point_to_adjoint.get(point_to_id[valid_edge_node], set()) ): mesh.add_edge(valid_edge_node, ne) except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() if (invalid is not True and end_number >= 1) or ( invalid is True and end_number >= 2 and eight_end_number >= 1 and db_eight_end_number >= 1 ): for valid_edge_node in valid_edge_cc: hx, hy, _ = valid_edge_node four_nes = [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [(hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1)] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and mesh.has_edge( valid_edge_node, (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) ) is False and (edge_canvas[x, y] == -1 or edge_canvas[x, y] == valid_edge_id) ] for ne in four_nes: if ( invalid is True or ( point_to_amount.get(ne) is None or point_to_amount[ne] < redundant_number ) or point_to_id[ne] in point_to_adjoint.get(point_to_id[valid_edge_node], set()) ): mesh.add_edge(valid_edge_node, ne) return mesh def judge_dangle(mark, mesh, node): if not (1 <= node[0] < mesh.graph["H"] - 1) or not ( 1 <= node[1] < mesh.graph["W"] - 1 ): return mark mesh_neighbors = [*mesh.neighbors(node)] mesh_neighbors = [ xx for xx in mesh_neighbors if 0 < xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] - 1 and 0 < xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] - 1 ] if len(mesh_neighbors) >= 3: return mark elif len(mesh_neighbors) <= 1: mark[node[0], node[1]] = len(mesh_neighbors) + 1 else: dan_ne_node_a = mesh_neighbors[0] dan_ne_node_b = mesh_neighbors[1] if ( abs(dan_ne_node_a[0] - dan_ne_node_b[0]) > 1 or abs(dan_ne_node_a[1] - dan_ne_node_b[1]) > 1 ): mark[node[0], node[1]] = 3 return mark def remove_dangling(mesh, edge_ccs, edge_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, config): tmp_edge_ccs = copy.deepcopy(edge_ccs) for edge_cc_id, valid_edge_cc in enumerate(tmp_edge_ccs): if len(valid_edge_cc) > 1 or len(valid_edge_cc) == 0: continue single_edge_node = [*valid_edge_cc][0] hx, hy, hz = single_edge_node eight_nes = set( [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None ] ) four_nes = [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [(hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1)] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None ] sub_mesh = mesh.subgraph(eight_nes).copy() ccs = netx.connected_components(sub_mesh) four_ccs = [] for cc_id, _cc in enumerate(ccs): four_ccs.append(set()) for cc_node in _cc: if abs(cc_node[0] - hx) + abs(cc_node[1] - hy) < 2: four_ccs[cc_id].add(cc_node) largest_cc = sorted( four_ccs, key=lambda x: (len(x), -np.sum([abs(xx[2] - hz) for xx in x])) )[-1] if len(largest_cc) < 2: for ne in four_nes: mesh.add_edge(single_edge_node, ne) else: mesh.remove_edges_from( [(single_edge_node, ne) for ne in mesh.neighbors(single_edge_node)] ) new_depth = np.mean([xx[2] for xx in largest_cc]) info_on_pix[(hx, hy)][0]["depth"] = new_depth info_on_pix[(hx, hy)][0]["disp"] = 1.0 / new_depth new_node = (hx, hy, new_depth) mesh = refresh_node( single_edge_node, mesh.nodes[single_edge_node], new_node, dict(), mesh ) edge_ccs[edge_cc_id] = set([new_node]) for ne in largest_cc: mesh.add_edge(new_node, ne) mark = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) for edge_idx, edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): for edge_node in edge_cc: if not ( mesh.graph["bord_up"] <= edge_node[0] < mesh.graph["bord_down"] - 1 ) or not ( mesh.graph["bord_left"] <= edge_node[1] < mesh.graph["bord_right"] - 1 ): continue mesh_neighbors = [*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)] mesh_neighbors = [ xx for xx in mesh_neighbors if mesh.graph["bord_up"] < xx[0] < mesh.graph["bord_down"] - 1 and mesh.graph["bord_left"] < xx[1] < mesh.graph["bord_right"] - 1 ] if len([*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)]) >= 3: continue elif len([*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)]) <= 1: mark[edge_node[0], edge_node[1]] += ( len([*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)]) + 1 ) else: dan_ne_node_a = [*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)][0] dan_ne_node_b = [*mesh.neighbors(edge_node)][1] if ( abs(dan_ne_node_a[0] - dan_ne_node_b[0]) > 1 or abs(dan_ne_node_a[1] - dan_ne_node_b[1]) > 1 ): mark[edge_node[0], edge_node[1]] += 3 mxs, mys = np.where(mark == 1) conn_0_nodes = [ (x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"]) for x in zip(mxs, mys) if mesh.has_node((x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"])) ] mxs, mys = np.where(mark == 2) conn_1_nodes = [ (x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"]) for x in zip(mxs, mys) if mesh.has_node((x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"])) ] for node in conn_0_nodes: hx, hy = node[0], node[1] four_nes = [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [(hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1)] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None ] re_depth = {"value": 0, "count": 0} for ne in four_nes: mesh.add_edge(node, ne) re_depth["value"] += cc_node[2] re_depth["count"] += 1.0 re_depth = re_depth["value"] / re_depth["count"] mapping_dict = {node: (node[0], node[1], re_depth)} info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh = update_info( mapping_dict, info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh ) depth[node[0], node[1]] = abs(re_depth) mark[node[0], node[1]] = 0 for node in conn_1_nodes: hx, hy = node[0], node[1] eight_nes = set( [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None ] ) self_nes = set( [ ne2 for ne1 in mesh.neighbors(node) for ne2 in mesh.neighbors(ne1) if ne2 in eight_nes ] ) eight_nes = [*(eight_nes - self_nes)] sub_mesh = mesh.subgraph(eight_nes).copy() ccs = netx.connected_components(sub_mesh) largest_cc = sorted( ccs, key=lambda x: ( len(x), -np.sum([abs(xx[0] - node[0]) + abs(xx[1] - node[1]) for xx in x]), ), )[-1] mesh.remove_edges_from([(xx, node) for xx in mesh.neighbors(node)]) re_depth = {"value": 0, "count": 0} for cc_node in largest_cc: if cc_node[0] == node[0] and cc_node[1] == node[1]: continue re_depth["value"] += cc_node[2] re_depth["count"] += 1.0 if abs(cc_node[0] - node[0]) + abs(cc_node[1] - node[1]) < 2: mesh.add_edge(cc_node, node) try: re_depth = re_depth["value"] / re_depth["count"] except: re_depth = node[2] renode = (node[0], node[1], re_depth) mapping_dict = {node: renode} info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh = update_info( mapping_dict, info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh ) depth[node[0], node[1]] = abs(re_depth) mark[node[0], node[1]] = 0 edge_mesh, mesh, mark, info_on_pix = recursive_add_edge( edge_mesh, mesh, info_on_pix, renode, mark ) mxs, mys = np.where(mark == 3) conn_2_nodes = [ (x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"]) for x in zip(mxs, mys) if mesh.has_node((x[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"])) and[0], x[1], info_on_pix[(x[0], x[1])][0]["depth"])) == 2 ] sub_mesh = mesh.subgraph(conn_2_nodes).copy() ccs = netx.connected_components(sub_mesh) for cc in ccs: candidate_nodes = [xx for xx in cc if == 1] for node in candidate_nodes: if mesh.has_node(node) is False: continue ne_node = [xx for xx in mesh.neighbors(node) if xx not in cc][0] hx, hy = node[0], node[1] eight_nes = set( [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [ (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) not in cc ] ) ne_sub_mesh = mesh.subgraph(eight_nes).copy() ne_ccs = netx.connected_components(ne_sub_mesh) try: ne_cc = [ne_cc for ne_cc in ne_ccs if ne_node in ne_cc][0] except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() largest_cc = [ xx for xx in ne_cc if abs(xx[0] - node[0]) + abs(xx[1] - node[1]) == 1 ] mesh.remove_edges_from([(xx, node) for xx in mesh.neighbors(node)]) re_depth = {"value": 0, "count": 0} for cc_node in largest_cc: re_depth["value"] += cc_node[2] re_depth["count"] += 1.0 mesh.add_edge(cc_node, node) try: re_depth = re_depth["value"] / re_depth["count"] except: re_depth = node[2] renode = (node[0], node[1], re_depth) mapping_dict = {node: renode} info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh = update_info( mapping_dict, info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh ) depth[node[0], node[1]] = abs(re_depth) mark[node[0], node[1]] = 0 edge_mesh, mesh, mark, info_on_pix = recursive_add_edge( edge_mesh, mesh, info_on_pix, renode, mark ) break if len(cc) == 1: node = [node for node in cc][0] hx, hy = node[0], node[1] nine_nes = set( [ (x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"]) for x, y in [ (hx, hy), (hx + 1, hy), (hx - 1, hy), (hx, hy + 1), (hx, hy - 1), (hx + 1, hy + 1), (hx - 1, hy - 1), (hx - 1, hy + 1), (hx + 1, hy - 1), ] if info_on_pix.get((x, y)) is not None and mesh.has_node((x, y, info_on_pix[(x, y)][0]["depth"])) ] ) ne_sub_mesh = mesh.subgraph(nine_nes).copy() ne_ccs = netx.connected_components(ne_sub_mesh) for ne_cc in ne_ccs: if node in ne_cc: re_depth = {"value": 0, "count": 0} for ne in ne_cc: if abs(ne[0] - node[0]) + abs(ne[1] - node[1]) == 1: mesh.add_edge(node, ne) re_depth["value"] += ne[2] re_depth["count"] += 1.0 re_depth = re_depth["value"] / re_depth["count"] mapping_dict = {node: (node[0], node[1], re_depth)} info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh = update_info( mapping_dict, info_on_pix, mesh, edge_mesh ) depth[node[0], node[1]] = abs(re_depth) mark[node[0], node[1]] = 0 return mesh, info_on_pix, edge_mesh, depth, mark def context_and_holes( mesh, edge_ccs, config, specific_edge_id, specific_edge_loc, depth_feat_model, connect_points_ccs=None, inpaint_iter=0, filter_edge=False, vis_edge_id=None, ): edge_maps = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 mask_info = {} for edge_id, edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): for edge_node in edge_cc: edge_maps[edge_node[0], edge_node[1]] = edge_id context_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] extend_context_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] extend_erode_context_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] extend_edge_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] accomp_extend_context_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] erode_context_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] broken_mask_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] invalid_extend_edge_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] intouched_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] redundant_ccs = [set() for x in range(len(edge_ccs))] if inpaint_iter == 0: background_thickness = config["background_thickness"] context_thickness = config["context_thickness"] else: background_thickness = config["background_thickness_2"] context_thickness = config["context_thickness_2"] mesh_nodes = mesh.nodes for edge_id, edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): if context_thickness == 0 or ( len(specific_edge_id) > 0 and edge_id not in specific_edge_id ): continue edge_group = {} for edge_node in edge_cc: far_nodes = mesh_nodes[edge_node].get("far") if far_nodes is None: continue for far_node in far_nodes: if far_node in edge_cc: continue context_ccs[edge_id].add(far_node) if mesh_nodes[far_node].get("edge_id") is not None: if edge_group.get(mesh_nodes[far_node]["edge_id"]) is None: edge_group[mesh_nodes[far_node]["edge_id"]] = set() edge_group[mesh_nodes[far_node]["edge_id"]].add(far_node) if len(edge_cc) > 2: for edge_key in [*edge_group.keys()]: if len(edge_group[edge_key]) == 1: context_ccs[edge_id].remove([*edge_group[edge_key]][0]) for edge_id, edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): if inpaint_iter != 0: continue tmp_intouched_nodes = set() for edge_node in edge_cc: raw_intouched_nodes = ( set(mesh_nodes[edge_node].get("near")) if mesh_nodes[edge_node].get("near") is not None else set() ) tmp_intouched_nodes |= set( [ xx for xx in raw_intouched_nodes if mesh_nodes[xx].get("edge_id") is not None and len(context_ccs[mesh_nodes[xx].get("edge_id")]) > 0 ] ) intouched_ccs[edge_id] |= tmp_intouched_nodes tmp_intouched_nodes = None mask_ccs = copy.deepcopy(edge_ccs) forbidden_len = 3 forbidden_map = np.ones( (mesh.graph["H"] - forbidden_len, mesh.graph["W"] - forbidden_len) ) forbidden_map = np.pad( forbidden_map, ((forbidden_len, forbidden_len), (forbidden_len, forbidden_len)), mode="constant", ).astype(np.bool) cur_tmp_mask_map = np.zeros_like(forbidden_map).astype(np.bool) passive_background = 10 passive_context = 1 if background_thickness != None: passive_background = background_thickness if context_thickness != None: passive_context = context_thickness for edge_id, edge_cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): cur_mask_cc = None cur_mask_cc = [] cur_context_cc = None cur_context_cc = [] cur_accomp_near_cc = None cur_accomp_near_cc = [] cur_invalid_extend_edge_cc = None cur_invalid_extend_edge_cc = [] cur_comp_far_cc = None cur_comp_far_cc = [] tmp_erode = [] if len(context_ccs[edge_id]) == 0 or ( len(specific_edge_id) > 0 and edge_id not in specific_edge_id ): continue for i in range(max(background_thickness, context_thickness)): cur_tmp_mask_map.fill(False) if i == 0: tmp_mask_nodes = copy.deepcopy(mask_ccs[edge_id]) tmp_intersect_nodes = [] tmp_intersect_context_nodes = [] mask_map = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool) context_depth = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) comp_cnt_depth = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) connect_map = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) for node in tmp_mask_nodes: mask_map[node[0], node[1]] = True depth_count = 0 if mesh_nodes[node].get("far") is not None: for comp_cnt_node in mesh_nodes[node]["far"]: comp_cnt_depth[node[0], node[1]] += abs(comp_cnt_node[2]) depth_count += 1 if depth_count > 0: comp_cnt_depth[node[0], node[1]] = ( comp_cnt_depth[node[0], node[1]] / depth_count ) connect_node = [] if mesh_nodes[node].get("connect_point_id") is not None: connect_node.append(mesh_nodes[node]["connect_point_id"]) connect_point_id = ( np.bincount(connect_node).argmax() if len(connect_node) > 0 else -1 ) if connect_point_id > -1 and connect_points_ccs is not None: for xx in connect_points_ccs[connect_point_id]: if connect_map[xx[0], xx[1]] == 0: connect_map[xx[0], xx[1]] = xx[2] if mesh_nodes[node].get("connect_point_exception") is not None: for xx in mesh_nodes[node]["connect_point_exception"]: if connect_map[xx[0], xx[1]] == 0: connect_map[xx[0], xx[1]] = xx[2] tmp_context_nodes = [*context_ccs[edge_id]] tmp_erode.append([*context_ccs[edge_id]]) context_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool ) if (context_map.astype(np.uint8) * mask_map.astype(np.uint8)).max() > 0: import pdb pdb.set_trace() for node in tmp_context_nodes: context_map[node[0], node[1]] = True context_depth[node[0], node[1]] = node[2] context_map[mask_map == True] = False if (context_map.astype(np.uint8) * mask_map.astype(np.uint8)).max() > 0: import pdb pdb.set_trace() tmp_intouched_nodes = [*intouched_ccs[edge_id]] intouched_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool ) for node in tmp_intouched_nodes: intouched_map[node[0], node[1]] = True intouched_map[mask_map == True] = False tmp_redundant_nodes = set() tmp_noncont_nodes = set() noncont_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool ) intersect_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool ) intersect_context_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]), dtype=np.bool ) if i > passive_background and inpaint_iter == 0: new_tmp_intersect_nodes = None new_tmp_intersect_nodes = [] for node in tmp_intersect_nodes: nes = mesh.neighbors(node) for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True and bool(intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False ): break_flag = False if (i - passive_background) % 2 == 0 and ( i - passive_background ) % 8 != 0: four_nes = [ xx for xx in [ [ne[0] - 1, ne[1]], [ne[0] + 1, ne[1]], [ne[0], ne[1] - 1], [ne[0], ne[1] + 1], ] if 0 <= xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] and 0 <= xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] ] for fne in four_nes: if bool(mask_map[fne[0], fne[1]]) is True: break_flag = True break if break_flag is True: continue intersect_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True new_tmp_intersect_nodes.append(ne) tmp_intersect_nodes = None tmp_intersect_nodes = new_tmp_intersect_nodes if i > passive_context and inpaint_iter == 1: new_tmp_intersect_context_nodes = None new_tmp_intersect_context_nodes = [] for node in tmp_intersect_context_nodes: nes = mesh.neighbors(node) for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True and bool(intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False ): intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True new_tmp_intersect_context_nodes.append(ne) tmp_intersect_context_nodes = None tmp_intersect_context_nodes = new_tmp_intersect_context_nodes new_tmp_mask_nodes = None new_tmp_mask_nodes = [] for node in tmp_mask_nodes: four_nes = { xx: [] for xx in [ (node[0] - 1, node[1]), (node[0] + 1, node[1]), (node[0], node[1] - 1), (node[0], node[1] + 1), ] if 0 <= xx[0] < connect_map.shape[0] and 0 <= xx[1] < connect_map.shape[1] } if inpaint_iter > 0: for ne in four_nes.keys(): if connect_map[ne[0], ne[1]] == True: tmp_context_nodes.append( (ne[0], ne[1], connect_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) ) context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True nes = mesh.neighbors(node) if inpaint_iter > 0: for ne in nes: four_nes[(ne[0], ne[1])].append(ne[2]) nes = [] for kfne, vfnes in four_nes.items(): vfnes.sort(key=lambda xx: abs(xx), reverse=True) for kfne, vfnes in four_nes.items(): for vfne in vfnes: nes.append((kfne[0], kfne[1], vfne)) for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True and bool(intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False ): if i == passive_background and inpaint_iter == 0: if ( np.any( context_map[ max(ne[0] - 1, 0) : min( ne[0] + 2, mesh.graph["H"] ), max(ne[1] - 1, 0) : min( ne[1] + 2, mesh.graph["W"] ), ] ) == True ): intersect_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_intersect_nodes.append(ne) continue if i < background_thickness: if inpaint_iter == 0: cur_mask_cc.append(ne) elif mesh_nodes[ne].get("inpaint_id") == 1: cur_mask_cc.append(ne) else: continue mask_ccs[edge_id].add(ne) if inpaint_iter == 0: if ( comp_cnt_depth[node[0], node[1]] > 0 and comp_cnt_depth[ne[0], ne[1]] == 0 ): comp_cnt_depth[ne[0], ne[1]] = comp_cnt_depth[ node[0], node[1] ] if mesh_nodes[ne].get("far") is not None: for comp_far_node in mesh_nodes[ne]["far"]: cur_comp_far_cc.append(comp_far_node) cur_accomp_near_cc.append(ne) cur_invalid_extend_edge_cc.append(comp_far_node) if ( mesh_nodes[ne].get("edge_id") is not None and len(context_ccs[mesh_nodes[ne].get("edge_id")]) > 0 ): intouched_fars = ( set(mesh_nodes[ne].get("far")) if mesh_nodes[ne].get("far") is not None else set() ) accum_intouched_fars = set(intouched_fars) for intouched_far in intouched_fars: accum_intouched_fars |= set( [*mesh.neighbors(intouched_far)] ) for intouched_far in accum_intouched_fars: if ( bool( mask_map[ intouched_far[0], intouched_far[1] ] ) is True or bool( context_map[ intouched_far[0], intouched_far[1] ] ) is True ): continue tmp_redundant_nodes.add(intouched_far) intouched_map[ intouched_far[0], intouched_far[1] ] = True if mesh_nodes[ne].get("near") is not None: intouched_nears = set(mesh_nodes[ne].get("near")) for intouched_near in intouched_nears: if ( bool( mask_map[ intouched_near[0], intouched_near[1] ] ) is True or bool( context_map[ intouched_near[0], intouched_near[1] ] ) is True ): continue tmp_redundant_nodes.add(intouched_near) intouched_map[ intouched_near[0], intouched_near[1] ] = True if not ( mesh_nodes[ne].get("inpaint_id") != 1 and inpaint_iter == 1 ): new_tmp_mask_nodes.append(ne) mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_mask_nodes = new_tmp_mask_nodes new_tmp_context_nodes = None new_tmp_context_nodes = [] for node in tmp_context_nodes: nes = mesh.neighbors(node) if inpaint_iter > 0: four_nes = { (node[0] - 1, node[1]): [], (node[0] + 1, node[1]): [], (node[0], node[1] - 1): [], (node[0], node[1] + 1): [], } for ne in nes: four_nes[(ne[0], ne[1])].append(ne[2]) nes = [] for kfne, vfnes in four_nes.items(): vfnes.sort(key=lambda xx: abs(xx), reverse=True) for kfne, vfnes in four_nes.items(): for vfne in vfnes: nes.append((kfne[0], kfne[1], vfne)) for ne in nes: mask_flag = bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and mask_flag and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True and bool(noncont_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False ): if i == passive_context and inpaint_iter == 1: mnes = mesh.neighbors(ne) if ( any([mask_map[mne[0], mne[1]] == True for mne in mnes]) is True ): intersect_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_intersect_context_nodes.append(ne) continue if ( False and mesh_nodes[ne].get("near") is not None and mesh_nodes[ne].get("edge_id") != edge_id ): noncont_nears = set(mesh_nodes[ne].get("near")) for noncont_near in noncont_nears: if ( bool(context_map[noncont_near[0], noncont_near[1]]) is False ): tmp_noncont_nodes.add(noncont_near) noncont_map[noncont_near[0], noncont_near[1]] = True new_tmp_context_nodes.append(ne) context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True context_depth[ne[0], ne[1]] = ne[2] cur_context_cc.extend(new_tmp_context_nodes) tmp_erode.append(new_tmp_context_nodes) tmp_context_nodes = None tmp_context_nodes = new_tmp_context_nodes new_tmp_intouched_nodes = None new_tmp_intouched_nodes = [] for node in tmp_intouched_nodes: if ( bool(context_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True or bool(mask_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True ): continue nes = mesh.neighbors(node) for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): new_tmp_intouched_nodes.append(ne) intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_intouched_nodes = None tmp_intouched_nodes = set(new_tmp_intouched_nodes) new_tmp_redundant_nodes = None new_tmp_redundant_nodes = [] for node in tmp_redundant_nodes: if ( bool(context_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True or bool(mask_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True ): continue nes = mesh.neighbors(node) for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): new_tmp_redundant_nodes.append(ne) intouched_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_redundant_nodes = None tmp_redundant_nodes = set(new_tmp_redundant_nodes) new_tmp_noncont_nodes = None new_tmp_noncont_nodes = [] for node in tmp_noncont_nodes: if ( bool(context_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True or bool(mask_map[node[0], node[1]]) is True ): continue nes = mesh.neighbors(node) rmv_flag = False for ne in nes: if ( bool(context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(noncont_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): patch_context_map = context_map[ max(ne[0] - 1, 0) : min(ne[0] + 2, context_map.shape[0]), max(ne[1] - 1, 0) : min(ne[1] + 2, context_map.shape[1]), ] if bool(np.any(patch_context_map)) is True: new_tmp_noncont_nodes.append(ne) noncont_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True tmp_noncont_nodes = None tmp_noncont_nodes = set(new_tmp_noncont_nodes) if inpaint_iter == 0: depth_dict = get_depth_from_maps( context_map, mask_map, context_depth, mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], log_depth=config["log_depth"], ) mask_size = get_valid_size(depth_dict["mask"]) mask_size = dilate_valid_size( mask_size, depth_dict["mask"], dilate=[20, 20] ) context_size = get_valid_size(depth_dict["context"]) context_size = dilate_valid_size( context_size, depth_dict["context"], dilate=[20, 20] ) union_size = size_operation(mask_size, context_size, operation="+") depth_dict = depth_inpainting( None, None, None, None, mesh, config, union_size, depth_feat_model, None, given_depth_dict=depth_dict, spdb=False, ) near_depth_map, raw_near_depth_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]) ), np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) filtered_comp_far_cc, filtered_accomp_near_cc = set(), set() for node in cur_accomp_near_cc: near_depth_map[node[0], node[1]] = depth_dict["output"][ node[0], node[1] ] raw_near_depth_map[node[0], node[1]] = node[2] for node in cur_comp_far_cc: four_nes = [ xx for xx in [ (node[0] - 1, node[1]), (node[0] + 1, node[1]), (node[0], node[1] - 1), (node[0], node[1] + 1), ] if 0 <= xx[0] < mesh.graph["H"] and 0 <= xx[1] < mesh.graph["W"] and near_depth_map[xx[0], xx[1]] != 0 and abs(near_depth_map[xx[0], xx[1]]) < abs(node[2]) ] if len(four_nes) > 0: filtered_comp_far_cc.add(node) for ne in four_nes: filtered_accomp_near_cc.add( (ne[0], ne[1], -abs(raw_near_depth_map[ne[0], ne[1]])) ) cur_comp_far_cc, cur_accomp_near_cc = ( filtered_comp_far_cc, filtered_accomp_near_cc, ) mask_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_mask_cc) context_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_context_cc) accomp_extend_context_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_accomp_near_cc).intersection( cur_mask_cc ) extend_edge_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_accomp_near_cc).intersection(cur_mask_cc) extend_context_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_comp_far_cc) invalid_extend_edge_ccs[edge_id] |= set(cur_invalid_extend_edge_cc) erode_size = [0] for tmp in tmp_erode: erode_size.append(len(tmp)) if len(erode_size) > 1: erode_size[-1] += erode_size[-2] if inpaint_iter == 0: tmp_width = config["depth_edge_dilate"] else: tmp_width = 0 while float(erode_size[tmp_width]) / (erode_size[-1] + 1e-6) > 0.3: tmp_width = tmp_width - 1 try: if tmp_width == 0: erode_context_ccs[edge_id] = set([]) else: erode_context_ccs[edge_id] = set( reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [] + tmp_erode[:tmp_width]) ) except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() erode_context_cc = copy.deepcopy(erode_context_ccs[edge_id]) for erode_context_node in erode_context_cc: if inpaint_iter != 0 and ( mesh_nodes[erode_context_node].get("inpaint_id") is None or mesh_nodes[erode_context_node].get("inpaint_id") == 0 ): erode_context_ccs[edge_id].remove(erode_context_node) else: context_ccs[edge_id].remove(erode_context_node) context_map = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) for context_node in context_ccs[edge_id]: context_map[context_node[0], context_node[1]] = 1 extend_context_ccs[edge_id] = ( extend_context_ccs[edge_id] - mask_ccs[edge_id] - accomp_extend_context_ccs[edge_id] ) if inpaint_iter == 0: all_ecnt_cc = set() for ecnt_id, ecnt_cc in enumerate(extend_context_ccs): constraint_context_ids = set() constraint_context_cc = set() constraint_erode_context_cc = set() tmp_mask_cc = set() accum_context_cc = None accum_context_cc = [] for ecnt_node in accomp_extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id]: if edge_maps[ecnt_node[0], ecnt_node[1]] > -1: constraint_context_ids.add( int(round(edge_maps[ecnt_node[0], ecnt_node[1]])) ) constraint_erode_context_cc = erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] for constraint_context_id in constraint_context_ids: constraint_context_cc = ( constraint_context_cc | context_ccs[constraint_context_id] | erode_context_ccs[constraint_context_id] ) constraint_erode_context_cc = ( constraint_erode_context_cc | erode_context_ccs[constraint_context_id] ) for i in range(background_thickness): if i == 0: tmp_context_nodes = copy.deepcopy(ecnt_cc) tmp_invalid_context_nodes = copy.deepcopy( invalid_extend_edge_ccs[ecnt_id] ) tmp_mask_nodes = copy.deepcopy(accomp_extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id]) tmp_context_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]) ).astype(np.bool) tmp_mask_map = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])).astype( np.bool ) tmp_invalid_context_map = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]) ).astype(np.bool) for node in tmp_mask_nodes: tmp_mask_map[node[0], node[1]] = True for node in context_ccs[ecnt_id]: tmp_context_map[node[0], node[1]] = True for node in erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id]: tmp_context_map[node[0], node[1]] = True for node in extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id]: tmp_context_map[node[0], node[1]] = True for node in invalid_extend_edge_ccs[ecnt_id]: tmp_invalid_context_map[node[0], node[1]] = True init_invalid_context_map = tmp_invalid_context_map.copy() init_context_map = tmp if ( tmp_mask_map.astype(np.uint8) * tmp_context_map.astype(np.uint8) ).max() > 0: import pdb pdb.set_trace() if vis_edge_id is not None and ecnt_id == vis_edge_id: f, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax1.imshow(tmp_context_map * 1) ax2.imshow(init_invalid_context_map * 1 + tmp_context_map * 2) import pdb pdb.set_trace() else: tmp_context_nodes = new_tmp_context_nodes new_tmp_context_nodes = None tmp_mask_nodes = new_tmp_mask_nodes new_tmp_mask_nodes = None tmp_invalid_context_nodes = new_tmp_invalid_context_nodes new_tmp_invalid_context_nodes = None new_tmp_context_nodes = None new_tmp_context_nodes = [] new_tmp_invalid_context_nodes = None new_tmp_invalid_context_nodes = [] new_tmp_mask_nodes = set([]) for node in tmp_context_nodes: for ne in mesh.neighbors(node): if ( ne in constraint_context_cc and bool(tmp_mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(tmp_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): new_tmp_context_nodes.append(ne) tmp_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True accum_context_cc.extend(new_tmp_context_nodes) for node in tmp_invalid_context_nodes: for ne in mesh.neighbors(node): if ( bool(tmp_mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(tmp_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(tmp_invalid_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): tmp_invalid_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True new_tmp_invalid_context_nodes.append(ne) for node in tmp_mask_nodes: for ne in mesh.neighbors(node): if ( bool(tmp_mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(tmp_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(tmp_invalid_context_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is False and bool(forbidden_map[ne[0], ne[1]]) is True ): new_tmp_mask_nodes.add(ne) tmp_mask_map[ne[0], ne[1]] = True init_invalid_context_map[tmp_context_map] = False _, tmp_label_map = cv2.connectedComponents( (init_invalid_context_map | tmp_context_map).astype(np.uint8), connectivity=8, ) tmp_label_ids = set(np.unique(tmp_label_map[init_invalid_context_map])) if ( tmp_mask_map.astype(np.uint8) * tmp_context_map.astype(np.uint8) ).max() > 0: import pdb pdb.set_trace() if vis_edge_id is not None and ecnt_id == vis_edge_id: f, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax1.imshow(tmp_label_map) ax2.imshow(init_invalid_context_map * 1 + tmp_context_map * 2) import pdb pdb.set_trace() extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] |= set(accum_context_cc) extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] = ( extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] - mask_ccs[ecnt_id] ) extend_erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] = ( extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] & constraint_erode_context_cc ) extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] = ( extend_context_ccs[ecnt_id] - extend_erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] - erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] ) tmp_context_cc = ( context_ccs[ecnt_id] - extend_erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] - erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] ) if len(tmp_context_cc) > 0: context_ccs[ecnt_id] = tmp_context_cc tmp_mask_cc = ( tmp_mask_cc - context_ccs[ecnt_id] - erode_context_ccs[ecnt_id] ) mask_ccs[ecnt_id] = mask_ccs[ecnt_id] | tmp_mask_cc return ( context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, erode_context_ccs, invalid_extend_edge_ccs, edge_maps, extend_context_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, ) def DL_inpaint_edge( mesh, info_on_pix, config, image, depth, context_ccs, erode_context_ccs, extend_context_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, init_mask_connect, edge_maps, rgb_model=None, depth_edge_model=None, depth_edge_model_init=None, depth_feat_model=None, specific_edge_id=-1, specific_edge_loc=None, inpaint_iter=0, ): if isinstance(config["gpu_ids"], int) and (config["gpu_ids"] >= 0): device = config["gpu_ids"] else: device = "cpu" edge_map = np.zeros_like(depth) new_edge_ccs = [set() for _ in range(len(edge_ccs))] edge_maps_with_id = edge_maps edge_condition = ( lambda x, m: m.nodes[x].get("far") is not None and len(m.nodes[x].get("far")) > 0 ) edge_map = get_map_from_ccs( edge_ccs, mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], mesh, edge_condition ) np_depth, np_image = depth.copy(), image.copy() image_c = image.shape[-1] image = torch.FloatTensor(image.transpose(2, 0, 1)).unsqueeze(0).to(device) if depth.ndim < 3: depth = depth[..., None] depth = torch.FloatTensor(depth.transpose(2, 0, 1)).unsqueeze(0).to(device) mesh.graph["max_edge_id"] = len(edge_ccs) connnect_points_ccs = [set() for _ in range(len(edge_ccs))] gp_time, tmp_mesh_time, bilateral_time = 0, 0, 0 edges_infos = dict() edges_in_mask = [set() for _ in range(len(edge_ccs))] tmp_specific_edge_id = [] for edge_id, ( context_cc, mask_cc, erode_context_cc, extend_context_cc, edge_cc, ) in enumerate( zip(context_ccs, mask_ccs, erode_context_ccs, extend_context_ccs, edge_ccs) ): if len(specific_edge_id) > 0: if edge_id not in specific_edge_id: continue if len(context_cc) < 1 or len(mask_cc) < 1: continue edge_dict = get_edge_from_nodes( context_cc | extend_context_cc, erode_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], mask_cc, edge_cc, extend_edge_ccs[edge_id], mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], mesh, ) edge_dict["edge"], end_depth_maps, _ = filter_irrelevant_edge_new( edge_dict["self_edge"], edge_dict["comp_edge"], edge_map, edge_maps_with_id, edge_id, edge_dict["context"], edge_dict["depth"], mesh, context_cc | erode_context_cc | extend_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], spdb=False, ) if specific_edge_loc is not None and ( specific_edge_loc is not None and edge_dict["mask"][specific_edge_loc[0], specific_edge_loc[1]] == 0 ): continue mask_size = get_valid_size(edge_dict["mask"]) mask_size = dilate_valid_size(mask_size, edge_dict["mask"], dilate=[20, 20]) context_size = get_valid_size(edge_dict["context"]) context_size = dilate_valid_size( context_size, edge_dict["context"], dilate=[20, 20] ) union_size = size_operation(mask_size, context_size, operation="+") patch_edge_dict = dict() ( patch_edge_dict["mask"], patch_edge_dict["context"], patch_edge_dict["rgb"], patch_edge_dict["disp"], patch_edge_dict["edge"], ) = crop_maps_by_size( union_size, edge_dict["mask"], edge_dict["context"], edge_dict["rgb"], edge_dict["disp"], edge_dict["edge"], ) x_anchor, y_anchor = [union_size["x_min"], union_size["x_max"]], [ union_size["y_min"], union_size["y_max"], ] tensor_edge_dict = convert2tensor(patch_edge_dict) input_edge_feat = ( tensor_edge_dict["rgb"], tensor_edge_dict["disp"], tensor_edge_dict["edge"], 1 - tensor_edge_dict["context"], tensor_edge_dict["mask"], ), dim=1, ) if ( require_depth_edge(patch_edge_dict["edge"], patch_edge_dict["mask"]) and inpaint_iter == 0 ): with torch.no_grad(): depth_edge_output = depth_edge_model.forward_3P( tensor_edge_dict["mask"], tensor_edge_dict["context"], tensor_edge_dict["rgb"], tensor_edge_dict["disp"], tensor_edge_dict["edge"], unit_length=128, cuda=device, ) depth_edge_output = depth_edge_output.cpu() tensor_edge_dict["output"] = ( depth_edge_output > config["ext_edge_threshold"] ).float() * tensor_edge_dict["mask"] + tensor_edge_dict["edge"] else: tensor_edge_dict["output"] = tensor_edge_dict["edge"] depth_edge_output = tensor_edge_dict["edge"] + 0 patch_edge_dict["output"] = ( tensor_edge_dict["output"].squeeze().data.cpu().numpy() ) edge_dict["output"] = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) edge_dict["output"][ union_size["x_min"] : union_size["x_max"], union_size["y_min"] : union_size["y_max"], ] = patch_edge_dict["output"] if ( require_depth_edge(patch_edge_dict["edge"], patch_edge_dict["mask"]) and inpaint_iter == 0 ): if ( (depth_edge_output > config["ext_edge_threshold"]).float() * tensor_edge_dict["mask"] ).max() > 0: try: ( edge_dict["fpath_map"], edge_dict["npath_map"], break_flag, npaths, fpaths, invalid_edge_id, ) = clean_far_edge_new( edge_dict["output"], end_depth_maps, edge_dict["mask"], edge_dict["context"], mesh, info_on_pix, edge_dict["self_edge"], inpaint_iter, config, ) except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() pre_npath_map = edge_dict["npath_map"].copy() if config.get("repeat_inpaint_edge") is True: for _ in range(2): tmp_input_edge = ( (edge_dict["npath_map"] > -1) + edge_dict["edge"] ).clip(0, 1) patch_tmp_input_edge = crop_maps_by_size( union_size, tmp_input_edge )[0] tensor_input_edge = torch.FloatTensor(patch_tmp_input_edge)[ None, None, ... ] depth_edge_output = depth_edge_model.forward_3P( tensor_edge_dict["mask"], tensor_edge_dict["context"], tensor_edge_dict["rgb"], tensor_edge_dict["disp"], tensor_input_edge, unit_length=128, cuda=device, ) depth_edge_output = depth_edge_output.cpu() depth_edge_output = ( depth_edge_output > config["ext_edge_threshold"] ).float() * tensor_edge_dict["mask"] + tensor_edge_dict["edge"] depth_edge_output = ( depth_edge_output.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy() ) full_depth_edge_output = np.zeros( (mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"]) ) full_depth_edge_output[ union_size["x_min"] : union_size["x_max"], union_size["y_min"] : union_size["y_max"], ] = depth_edge_output ( edge_dict["fpath_map"], edge_dict["npath_map"], break_flag, npaths, fpaths, invalid_edge_id, ) = clean_far_edge_new( full_depth_edge_output, end_depth_maps, edge_dict["mask"], edge_dict["context"], mesh, info_on_pix, edge_dict["self_edge"], inpaint_iter, config, ) for nid in npaths.keys(): npath, fpath = npaths[nid], fpaths[nid] start_mx, start_my, end_mx, end_my = -1, -1, -1, -1 if end_depth_maps[npath[0][0], npath[0][1]] != 0: start_mx, start_my = npath[0][0], npath[0][1] if end_depth_maps[npath[-1][0], npath[-1][1]] != 0: end_mx, end_my = npath[-1][0], npath[-1][1] if start_mx == -1: import pdb pdb.set_trace() valid_end_pt = ( () if end_mx == -1 else (end_mx, end_my, info_on_pix[(end_mx, end_my)][0]["depth"]) ) new_edge_info = dict( fpath=fpath, npath=npath, cont_end_pts=valid_end_pt, mask_id=edge_id, comp_edge_id=nid, depth=end_depth_maps[start_mx, start_my], ) if edges_infos.get((start_mx, start_my)) is None: edges_infos[(start_mx, start_my)] = [] edges_infos[(start_mx, start_my)].append(new_edge_info) edges_in_mask[edge_id].add((start_mx, start_my)) if len(valid_end_pt) > 0: new_edge_info = dict( fpath=fpath[::-1], npath=npath[::-1], cont_end_pts=( start_mx, start_my, info_on_pix[(start_mx, start_my)][0]["depth"], ), mask_id=edge_id, comp_edge_id=nid, depth=end_depth_maps[end_mx, end_my], ) if edges_infos.get((end_mx, end_my)) is None: edges_infos[(end_mx, end_my)] = [] edges_infos[(end_mx, end_my)].append(new_edge_info) edges_in_mask[edge_id].add((end_mx, end_my)) for edge_id, ( context_cc, mask_cc, erode_context_cc, extend_context_cc, edge_cc, ) in enumerate( zip(context_ccs, mask_ccs, erode_context_ccs, extend_context_ccs, edge_ccs) ): if len(specific_edge_id) > 0: if edge_id not in specific_edge_id: continue if len(context_cc) < 1 or len(mask_cc) < 1: continue edge_dict = get_edge_from_nodes( context_cc | extend_context_cc, erode_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], mask_cc, edge_cc, extend_edge_ccs[edge_id], mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], mesh, ) if specific_edge_loc is not None and ( specific_edge_loc is not None and edge_dict["mask"][specific_edge_loc[0], specific_edge_loc[1]] == 0 ): continue else: tmp_specific_edge_id.append(edge_id) edge_dict["edge"], end_depth_maps, _ = filter_irrelevant_edge_new( edge_dict["self_edge"], edge_dict["comp_edge"], edge_map, edge_maps_with_id, edge_id, edge_dict["context"], edge_dict["depth"], mesh, context_cc | erode_context_cc | extend_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], spdb=False, ) discard_map = np.zeros_like(edge_dict["edge"]) mask_size = get_valid_size(edge_dict["mask"]) mask_size = dilate_valid_size(mask_size, edge_dict["mask"], dilate=[20, 20]) context_size = get_valid_size(edge_dict["context"]) context_size = dilate_valid_size( context_size, edge_dict["context"], dilate=[20, 20] ) union_size = size_operation(mask_size, context_size, operation="+") patch_edge_dict = dict() ( patch_edge_dict["mask"], patch_edge_dict["context"], patch_edge_dict["rgb"], patch_edge_dict["disp"], patch_edge_dict["edge"], ) = crop_maps_by_size( union_size, edge_dict["mask"], edge_dict["context"], edge_dict["rgb"], edge_dict["disp"], edge_dict["edge"], ) x_anchor, y_anchor = [union_size["x_min"], union_size["x_max"]], [ union_size["y_min"], union_size["y_max"], ] tensor_edge_dict = convert2tensor(patch_edge_dict) input_edge_feat = ( tensor_edge_dict["rgb"], tensor_edge_dict["disp"], tensor_edge_dict["edge"], 1 - tensor_edge_dict["context"], tensor_edge_dict["mask"], ), dim=1, ) edge_dict["output"] = edge_dict["edge"].copy() if ( require_depth_edge(patch_edge_dict["edge"], patch_edge_dict["mask"]) and inpaint_iter == 0 ): edge_dict["fpath_map"], edge_dict["npath_map"] = ( edge_dict["fpath_map"] * 0 - 1, edge_dict["npath_map"] * 0 - 1, ) end_pts = edges_in_mask[edge_id] for end_pt in end_pts: cur_edge_infos = edges_infos[(end_pt[0], end_pt[1])] cur_info = [xx for xx in cur_edge_infos if xx["mask_id"] == edge_id][0] other_infos = [ xx for xx in cur_edge_infos if xx["mask_id"] != edge_id and len(xx["cont_end_pts"]) > 0 ] if len(cur_info["cont_end_pts"]) > 0 or ( len(cur_info["cont_end_pts"]) == 0 and len(other_infos) == 0 ): for fnode in cur_info["fpath"]: edge_dict["fpath_map"][fnode[0], fnode[1]] = cur_info[ "comp_edge_id" ] for fnode in cur_info["npath"]: edge_dict["npath_map"][fnode[0], fnode[1]] = cur_info[ "comp_edge_id" ] fnmap = edge_dict["fpath_map"] * 1 fnmap[edge_dict["npath_map"] != -1] = edge_dict["npath_map"][ edge_dict["npath_map"] != -1 ] for end_pt in end_pts: cur_edge_infos = edges_infos[(end_pt[0], end_pt[1])] cur_info = [xx for xx in cur_edge_infos if xx["mask_id"] == edge_id][0] cur_depth = cur_info["depth"] other_infos = [ xx for xx in cur_edge_infos if xx["mask_id"] != edge_id and len(xx["cont_end_pts"]) > 0 ] comp_edge_id = cur_info["comp_edge_id"] if len(cur_info["cont_end_pts"]) == 0 and len(other_infos) > 0: other_infos = sorted( other_infos, key=lambda aa: abs(abs(aa["cont_end_pts"][2]) - abs(cur_depth)), ) for other_info in other_infos: tmp_fmap, tmp_nmap = ( np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1, np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"])) - 1, ) for fnode in other_info["fpath"]: if fnmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] != -1: tmp_fmap = tmp_fmap * 0 - 1 break else: tmp_fmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] = comp_edge_id if fnmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] != -1: continue for fnode in other_info["npath"]: if fnmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] != -1: tmp_nmap = tmp_nmap * 0 - 1 break else: tmp_nmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] = comp_edge_id if fnmap[fnode[0], fnode[1]] != -1: continue break if min(tmp_fmap.max(), tmp_nmap.max()) != -1: edge_dict["fpath_map"] = tmp_fmap edge_dict["fpath_map"][edge_dict["valid_area"] == 0] = -1 edge_dict["npath_map"] = tmp_nmap edge_dict["npath_map"][edge_dict["valid_area"] == 0] = -1 discard_map = ( (tmp_nmap != -1).astype(np.uint8) + (tmp_fmap != -1).astype(np.uint8) ) * edge_dict["mask"] else: for fnode in cur_info["fpath"]: edge_dict["fpath_map"][fnode[0], fnode[1]] = cur_info[ "comp_edge_id" ] for fnode in cur_info["npath"]: edge_dict["npath_map"][fnode[0], fnode[1]] = cur_info[ "comp_edge_id" ] if edge_dict["npath_map"].min() == 0 or edge_dict["fpath_map"].min() == 0: import pdb pdb.set_trace() edge_dict["output"] = (edge_dict["npath_map"] > -1) * edge_dict[ "mask" ] + edge_dict["context"] * edge_dict["edge"] mesh, _, _, _ = create_placeholder( edge_dict["context"], edge_dict["mask"], edge_dict["depth"], edge_dict["fpath_map"], edge_dict["npath_map"], mesh, inpaint_iter, edge_ccs, extend_edge_ccs[edge_id], edge_maps_with_id, edge_id, ) dxs, dys = np.where(discard_map != 0) for dx, dy in zip(dxs, dys): mesh.nodes[(dx, dy)]["inpaint_twice"] = False depth_dict = depth_inpainting( context_cc, extend_context_cc, erode_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], mask_cc, mesh, config, union_size, depth_feat_model, edge_dict["output"], ) refine_depth_output = depth_dict["output"] * depth_dict["mask"] for near_id in np.unique(edge_dict["npath_map"])[1:]: refine_depth_output = refine_depth_around_edge( refine_depth_output.copy(), (edge_dict["fpath_map"] == near_id).astype(np.uint8) * edge_dict["mask"], (edge_dict["fpath_map"] == near_id).astype(np.uint8), (edge_dict["npath_map"] == near_id).astype(np.uint8) * edge_dict["mask"], depth_dict["mask"].copy(), depth_dict["output"] * depth_dict["context"], config, ) depth_dict["output"][depth_dict["mask"] > 0] = refine_depth_output[ depth_dict["mask"] > 0 ] rgb_dict = get_rgb_from_nodes( context_cc | extend_context_cc, erode_context_cc | extend_erode_context_ccs[edge_id], mask_cc, mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], mesh, ) if np.all(rgb_dict["mask"] == edge_dict["mask"]) is False: import pdb pdb.set_trace() rgb_dict["edge"] = edge_dict["output"] patch_rgb_dict = dict() ( patch_rgb_dict["mask"], patch_rgb_dict["context"], patch_rgb_dict["rgb"], patch_rgb_dict["edge"], ) = crop_maps_by_size( union_size, rgb_dict["mask"], rgb_dict["context"], rgb_dict["rgb"], rgb_dict["edge"], ) tensor_rgb_dict = convert2tensor(patch_rgb_dict) resize_rgb_dict = {k: v.clone() for k, v in tensor_rgb_dict.items()} max_hw = np.array([*patch_rgb_dict["mask"].shape[-2:]]).max() init_frac = config["largest_size"] / ( np.array([*patch_rgb_dict["mask"].shape[-2:]]).prod() ** 0.5 ) resize_hw = [ patch_rgb_dict["mask"].shape[-2] * init_frac, patch_rgb_dict["mask"].shape[-1] * init_frac, ] resize_max_hw = max(resize_hw) frac = (np.floor(resize_max_hw / 128.0) * 128.0) / max_hw if frac < 1: resize_mark = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(["mask"], resize_rgb_dict["context"]), dim=1), scale_factor=frac, mode="area", ) resize_rgb_dict["mask"] = (resize_mark[:, 0:1] > 0).float() resize_rgb_dict["context"] = (resize_mark[:, 1:2] == 1).float() resize_rgb_dict["context"][resize_rgb_dict["mask"] > 0] = 0 resize_rgb_dict["rgb"] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( resize_rgb_dict["rgb"], scale_factor=frac, mode="area" ) resize_rgb_dict["rgb"] = resize_rgb_dict["rgb"] * resize_rgb_dict["context"] resize_rgb_dict["edge"] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( resize_rgb_dict["edge"], scale_factor=frac, mode="area" ) resize_rgb_dict["edge"] = (resize_rgb_dict["edge"] > 0).float() * 0 resize_rgb_dict["edge"] = resize_rgb_dict["edge"] * ( resize_rgb_dict["context"] + resize_rgb_dict["mask"] ) rgb_input_feat = (resize_rgb_dict["rgb"], resize_rgb_dict["edge"]), dim=1 ) rgb_input_feat[:, 3] = 1 - rgb_input_feat[:, 3] resize_mask = open_small_mask( resize_rgb_dict["mask"], resize_rgb_dict["context"], 3, 41 ) specified_hole = resize_mask with torch.no_grad(): rgb_output = rgb_model.forward_3P( specified_hole, resize_rgb_dict["context"], resize_rgb_dict["rgb"], resize_rgb_dict["edge"], unit_length=128, cuda=device, ) rgb_output = rgb_output.cpu() if config.get("gray_image") is True: rgb_output = rgb_output.mean(1, keepdim=True).repeat((1, 3, 1, 1)) rgb_output = rgb_output.cpu() resize_rgb_dict["output"] = ( rgb_output * resize_rgb_dict["mask"] + resize_rgb_dict["rgb"] ) tensor_rgb_dict["output"] = resize_rgb_dict["output"] if frac < 1: tensor_rgb_dict["output"] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( tensor_rgb_dict["output"], size=tensor_rgb_dict["mask"].shape[-2:], mode="bicubic", ) tensor_rgb_dict["output"] = tensor_rgb_dict["output"] * tensor_rgb_dict[ "mask" ] + (tensor_rgb_dict["rgb"] * tensor_rgb_dict["context"]) patch_rgb_dict["output"] = ( tensor_rgb_dict["output"].data.cpu().numpy().squeeze().transpose(1, 2, 0) ) rgb_dict["output"] = np.zeros((mesh.graph["H"], mesh.graph["W"], 3)) rgb_dict["output"][ union_size["x_min"] : union_size["x_max"], union_size["y_min"] : union_size["y_max"], ] = patch_rgb_dict["output"] if ( require_depth_edge(patch_edge_dict["edge"], patch_edge_dict["mask"]) or inpaint_iter > 0 ): edge_occlusion = True else: edge_occlusion = False for node in erode_context_cc: if rgb_dict["mask"][node[0], node[1]] > 0: for info in info_on_pix[(node[0], node[1])]: if abs(info["depth"]) == abs(node[2]): info["update_color"] = ( rgb_dict["output"][node[0], node[1]] * 255 ).astype(np.uint8) if frac < 1.0: depth_edge_dilate_2_color_flag = False else: depth_edge_dilate_2_color_flag = True hxs, hys = np.where((rgb_dict["mask"] > 0) & (rgb_dict["erode"] == 0)) for hx, hy in zip(hxs, hys): real_depth = None if abs(depth_dict["output"][hx, hy]) <= abs(np_depth[hx, hy]): depth_dict["output"][hx, hy] = np_depth[hx, hy] + 0.01 node = (hx, hy, -depth_dict["output"][hx, hy]) if info_on_pix.get((node[0], node[1])) is not None: for info in info_on_pix.get((node[0], node[1])): if info.get("inpaint_id") is None or abs( info["inpaint_id"] < mesh.nodes[(hx, hy)]["inpaint_id"] ): pre_depth = ( info["depth"] if info.get("real_depth") is None else info["real_depth"] ) if abs(node[2]) < abs(pre_depth): node = (node[0], node[1], -(abs(pre_depth) + 0.001)) if mesh.has_node(node): real_depth = node[2] while True: if mesh.has_node(node): node = (node[0], node[1], -(abs(node[2]) + 0.001)) else: break if real_depth == node[2]: real_depth = None cur_disp = 1.0 / node[2] if not (mesh.has_node(node)): if not mesh.has_node((node[0], node[1])): print("2D node not found.") import pdb pdb.set_trace() if inpaint_iter == 1: paint = (rgb_dict["output"][hx, hy] * 255).astype(np.uint8) else: paint = (rgb_dict["output"][hx, hy] * 255).astype(np.uint8) ndict = dict( color=paint, synthesis=True, disp=cur_disp, cc_id=set([edge_id]), overlap_number=1.0, refine_depth=False, edge_occlusion=edge_occlusion, depth_edge_dilate_2_color_flag=depth_edge_dilate_2_color_flag, real_depth=real_depth, ) mesh, _, _ = refresh_node( (node[0], node[1]), mesh.nodes[(node[0], node[1])], node, ndict, mesh, stime=True, ) if inpaint_iter == 0 and < 4: connnect_points_ccs[edge_id].add(node) if info_on_pix.get((hx, hy)) is None: info_on_pix[(hx, hy)] = [] new_info = { "depth": node[2], "color": paint, "synthesis": True, "disp": cur_disp, "cc_id": set([edge_id]), "inpaint_id": inpaint_iter + 1, "edge_occlusion": edge_occlusion, "overlap_number": 1.0, "real_depth": real_depth, } info_on_pix[(hx, hy)].append(new_info) specific_edge_id = tmp_specific_edge_id for erode_id, erode_context_cc in enumerate(erode_context_ccs): if len(specific_edge_id) > 0 and erode_id not in specific_edge_id: continue for erode_node in erode_context_cc: for info in info_on_pix[(erode_node[0], erode_node[1])]: if info["depth"] == erode_node[2]: info["color"] = info["update_color"] mesh.nodes[erode_node]["color"] = info["update_color"] np_image[(erode_node[0], erode_node[1])] = info["update_color"] new_edge_ccs = [set() for _ in range(mesh.graph["max_edge_id"] + 1)] for node in mesh.nodes: if len(node) == 2: mesh.remove_node(node) continue if ( mesh.nodes[node].get("edge_id") is not None and mesh.nodes[node].get("inpaint_id") == inpaint_iter + 1 ): if mesh.nodes[node].get("inpaint_twice") is False: continue try: new_edge_ccs[mesh.nodes[node].get("edge_id")].add(node) except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() specific_mask_nodes = None if inpaint_iter == 0: mesh, info_on_pix = refine_color_around_edge( mesh, info_on_pix, new_edge_ccs, config, False ) return ( mesh, info_on_pix, specific_mask_nodes, new_edge_ccs, connnect_points_ccs, np_image, ) def write_ply( image, depth, int_mtx, ply_name, config, rgb_model, depth_edge_model, depth_edge_model_init, depth_feat_model, ): depth = depth.astype(np.float64) input_mesh, xy2depth, image, depth = create_mesh(depth, image, int_mtx, config) H, W = input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"] input_mesh = tear_edges(input_mesh, config["depth_threshold"], xy2depth) input_mesh, info_on_pix = generate_init_node(input_mesh, config, min_node_in_cc=200) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=False ) edge_canvas = np.zeros((H, W)) - 1 input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth = reassign_floating_island( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth ) input_mesh = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix) specific_edge_id = [] edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) pre_depth = depth.copy() input_mesh, info_on_pix, edge_mesh, depth, aft_mark = remove_dangling( input_mesh, edge_ccs, edge_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, config ) input_mesh, depth, info_on_pix = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) edge_canvas = np.zeros((H, W)) - 1 mesh, info_on_pix, depth = fill_missing_node(input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth) if config["extrapolate_border"] is True: pre_depth = depth.copy() input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth = refresh_bord_depth( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth ) input_mesh = remove_node_feat(input_mesh, "edge_id") aft_depth = depth.copy() input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth, image = enlarge_border( input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth, image, config ) noext_H, noext_W = H, W H, W = image.shape[:2] input_mesh, info_on_pix = fill_dummy_bord( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, config ) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) input_mesh = combine_end_node(input_mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, depth) input_mesh, depth, info_on_pix = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True, spdb=False ) input_mesh = remove_redundant_edge( input_mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, info_on_pix, config, redundant_number=config["redundant_number"], spdb=False, ) input_mesh, depth, info_on_pix = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) input_mesh = combine_end_node(input_mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, depth) input_mesh = remove_redundant_edge( input_mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, info_on_pix, config, redundant_number=config["redundant_number"], invalid=True, spdb=False, ) input_mesh, depth, info_on_pix = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) input_mesh = combine_end_node(input_mesh, edge_mesh, edge_ccs, depth) input_mesh, depth, info_on_pix = update_status(input_mesh, info_on_pix, depth) edge_ccs, input_mesh, edge_mesh = group_edges( input_mesh, config, image, remove_conflict_ordinal=True ) edge_condition = ( lambda x, m: m.nodes[x].get("far") is not None and len(m.nodes[x].get("far")) > 0 ) edge_map = get_map_from_ccs( edge_ccs, input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"], input_mesh, edge_condition, ) other_edge_with_id = get_map_from_ccs( edge_ccs, input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"], real_id=True ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="up", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="left", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="down", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="right", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="right-up", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="right-down", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="left-up", ) info_on_pix, input_mesh, image, depth, edge_ccs = extrapolate( input_mesh, info_on_pix, image, depth, other_edge_with_id, edge_map, edge_ccs, depth_edge_model, depth_feat_model, rgb_model, config, direc="left-down", ) specific_edge_loc = None specific_edge_id = [] vis_edge_id = None ( context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, erode_context_ccs, init_mask_connect, edge_maps, extend_context_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, ) = context_and_holes( input_mesh, edge_ccs, config, specific_edge_id, specific_edge_loc, depth_feat_model, inpaint_iter=0, vis_edge_id=vis_edge_id, ) edge_canvas = np.zeros((H, W)) mask = np.zeros((H, W)) context = np.zeros((H, W)) vis_edge_ccs = filter_edge(input_mesh, edge_ccs, config) edge_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 specific_edge_loc = None FG_edge_maps = edge_maps.copy() edge_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) - 1 # for cc_id, cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): # for node in cc: # edge_canvas[node[0], node[1]] = cc_id # f, ((ax0, ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True); ax0.imshow(1./depth); ax1.imshow(image); ax2.imshow(edge_canvas); ( input_mesh, info_on_pix, specific_edge_nodes, new_edge_ccs, connect_points_ccs, image, ) = DL_inpaint_edge( input_mesh, info_on_pix, config, image, depth, context_ccs, erode_context_ccs, extend_context_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, init_mask_connect, edge_maps, rgb_model, depth_edge_model, depth_edge_model_init, depth_feat_model, specific_edge_id, specific_edge_loc, inpaint_iter=0, ) specific_edge_id = [] edge_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) connect_points_ccs = [set() for _ in connect_points_ccs] ( context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, erode_context_ccs, init_mask_connect, edge_maps, extend_context_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, ) = context_and_holes( input_mesh, new_edge_ccs, config, specific_edge_id, specific_edge_loc, depth_feat_model, connect_points_ccs, inpaint_iter=1, ) mask_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) context_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) erode_context_ccs_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) edge_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"])) # edge_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph['H'], input_mesh.graph['W'])) - 1 # for cc_id, cc in enumerate(edge_ccs): # for node in cc: # edge_canvas[node[0], node[1]] = cc_id specific_edge_id = [] ( input_mesh, info_on_pix, specific_edge_nodes, new_edge_ccs, _, image, ) = DL_inpaint_edge( input_mesh, info_on_pix, config, image, depth, context_ccs, erode_context_ccs, extend_context_ccs, extend_erode_context_ccs, mask_ccs, broken_mask_ccs, edge_ccs, extend_edge_ccs, init_mask_connect, edge_maps, rgb_model, depth_edge_model, depth_edge_model_init, depth_feat_model, specific_edge_id, specific_edge_loc, inpaint_iter=1, ) vertex_id = 0 input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"] = ( input_mesh.graph["noext_H"], input_mesh.graph["noext_W"], ) background_canvas = np.zeros((input_mesh.graph["H"], input_mesh.graph["W"], 3)) ply_flag = config.get("save_ply") if ply_flag is True: node_str_list = [] else: node_str_color = [] node_str_point = [] out_fmt = lambda x, x_flag: str(x) if x_flag is True else x point_time = 0 hlight_time = 0 cur_id_time = 0 node_str_time = 0 generate_face_time = 0 point_list = [] k_00, k_02, k_11, k_12 = ( input_mesh.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"][0, 0], input_mesh.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"][0, 2], input_mesh.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"][1, 1], input_mesh.graph["cam_param_pix_inv"][1, 2], ) w_offset = input_mesh.graph["woffset"] h_offset = input_mesh.graph["hoffset"] for pix_xy, pix_list in info_on_pix.items(): for pix_idx, pix_info in enumerate(pix_list): pix_depth = ( pix_info["depth"] if pix_info.get("real_depth") is None else pix_info["real_depth"] ) str_pt = [ out_fmt(x, ply_flag) for x in reproject_3d_int_detail( pix_xy[0], pix_xy[1], pix_depth, k_00, k_02, k_11, k_12, w_offset, h_offset, ) ] if input_mesh.has_node((pix_xy[0], pix_xy[1], pix_info["depth"])) is False: return False continue if pix_info.get("overlap_number") is not None: str_color = [ out_fmt(x, ply_flag) for x in (pix_info["color"] / pix_info["overlap_number"]) .astype(np.uint8) .tolist() ] else: str_color = [out_fmt(x, ply_flag) for x in pix_info["color"].tolist()] if pix_info.get("edge_occlusion") is True: str_color.append(out_fmt(4, ply_flag)) else: if pix_info.get("inpaint_id") is None: str_color.append(out_fmt(1, ply_flag)) else: str_color.append(out_fmt(pix_info.get("inpaint_id") + 1, ply_flag)) if ( pix_info.get("modified_border") is True or pix_info.get("ext_pixel") is True ): if len(str_color) == 4: str_color[-1] = out_fmt(5, ply_flag) else: str_color.append(out_fmt(5, ply_flag)) pix_info["cur_id"] = vertex_id input_mesh.nodes[(pix_xy[0], pix_xy[1], pix_info["depth"])][ "cur_id" ] = out_fmt(vertex_id, ply_flag) vertex_id += 1 if ply_flag is True: node_str_list.append( " ".join(str_pt) + " " + " ".join(str_color) + "\n" ) else: node_str_color.append(str_color) node_str_point.append(str_pt) str_faces = generate_face(input_mesh, info_on_pix, config) if config["save_ply"] is True: print("Writing mesh file %s ..." % ply_name) with open(ply_name, "w") as ply_fi: ply_fi.write("ply\n" + "format ascii 1.0\n") ply_fi.write("comment H " + str(int(input_mesh.graph["H"])) + "\n") ply_fi.write("comment W " + str(int(input_mesh.graph["W"])) + "\n") ply_fi.write("comment hFov " + str(float(input_mesh.graph["hFov"])) + "\n") ply_fi.write("comment vFov " + str(float(input_mesh.graph["vFov"])) + "\n") ply_fi.write("element vertex " + str(len(node_str_list)) + "\n") ply_fi.write( "property float x\n" + "property float y\n" + "property float z\n" + "property uchar red\n" + "property uchar green\n" + "property uchar blue\n" + "property uchar alpha\n" ) ply_fi.write("element face " + str(len(str_faces)) + "\n") ply_fi.write("property list uchar int vertex_index\n") ply_fi.write("end_header\n") ply_fi.writelines(node_str_list) ply_fi.writelines(str_faces) ply_fi.close() return input_mesh else: H = int(input_mesh.graph["H"]) W = int(input_mesh.graph["W"]) hFov = input_mesh.graph["hFov"] vFov = input_mesh.graph["vFov"] node_str_color = np.array(node_str_color).astype(np.float32) node_str_color[..., :3] = node_str_color[..., :3] / 255.0 node_str_point = np.array(node_str_point) str_faces = np.array(str_faces) return node_str_point, node_str_color, str_faces, H, W, hFov, vFov def read_ply(mesh_fi): ply_fi = open(mesh_fi, "r") Height = None Width = None hFov = None vFov = None while True: line = ply_fi.readline().split("\n")[0] if line.startswith("element vertex"): num_vertex = int(line.split(" ")[-1]) elif line.startswith("element face"): num_face = int(line.split(" ")[-1]) elif line.startswith("comment"): if line.split(" ")[1] == "H": Height = int(line.split(" ")[-1].split("\n")[0]) if line.split(" ")[1] == "W": Width = int(line.split(" ")[-1].split("\n")[0]) if line.split(" ")[1] == "hFov": hFov = float(line.split(" ")[-1].split("\n")[0]) if line.split(" ")[1] == "vFov": vFov = float(line.split(" ")[-1].split("\n")[0]) elif line.startswith("end_header"): break contents = ply_fi.readlines() vertex_infos = contents[:num_vertex] face_infos = contents[num_vertex:] verts = [] colors = [] faces = [] for v_info in vertex_infos: str_info = [float(v) for v in v_info.split("\n")[0].split(" ")] if len(str_info) == 6: vx, vy, vz, r, g, b = str_info else: vx, vy, vz, r, g, b, hi = str_info verts.append([vx, vy, vz]) colors.append([r, g, b, hi]) verts = np.array(verts) try: colors = np.array(colors) colors[..., :3] = colors[..., :3] / 255.0 except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() for f_info in face_infos: _, v1, v2, v3 = [int(f) for f in f_info.split("\n")[0].split(" ")] faces.append([v1, v2, v3]) faces = np.array(faces) return verts, colors, faces, Height, Width, hFov, vFov class Canvas_view: def __init__( self, fov, verts, faces, colors, canvas_size, factor=1, bgcolor="gray", proj="perspective", ): self.canvas = scene.SceneCanvas( bgcolor=bgcolor, size=(canvas_size * factor, canvas_size * factor) ) self.view = self.canvas.central_widget.add_view() = "perspective" = fov self.mesh = visuals.Mesh(shading=None) self.mesh.attach(Alpha(1.0)) self.view.add(self.mesh) = self.mesh.set_data(vertices=verts, faces=faces, vertex_colors=colors[:, :3]) self.translate([0, 0, 0]) self.rotate(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=180) self.view_changed() def translate(self, trans=[0, 0, 0]): def rotate(self, axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=0):, angle=angle) def view_changed(self): def render(self): return self.canvas.render() def reinit_mesh(self, verts, faces, colors): self.mesh.set_data(vertices=verts, faces=faces, vertex_colors=colors[:, :3]) def reinit_camera(self, fov): = fov def output_3d_photo( verts, colors, faces, Height, Width, hFov, vFov, tgt_poses, video_traj_types, ref_pose, output_dir, ref_image, int_mtx, config, image, videos_poses, video_basename, original_H=None, original_W=None, border=None, depth=None, normal_canvas=None, all_canvas=None, mean_loc_depth=None, ): cam_mesh = netx.Graph() cam_mesh.graph["H"] = Height cam_mesh.graph["W"] = Width cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] = original_H cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] = original_W int_mtx_real_x = int_mtx[0] * Width int_mtx_real_y = int_mtx[1] * Height cam_mesh.graph["hFov"] = 2 * np.arctan( (1.0 / 2.0) * ((cam_mesh.graph["original_W"]) / int_mtx_real_x[0]) ) cam_mesh.graph["vFov"] = 2 * np.arctan( (1.0 / 2.0) * ((cam_mesh.graph["original_H"]) / int_mtx_real_y[1]) ) colors = colors[..., :3] fov_in_rad = max(cam_mesh.graph["vFov"], cam_mesh.graph["hFov"]) fov = fov_in_rad * 180 / np.pi print("fov: " + str(fov)) init_factor = 1 if config.get("anti_flickering") is True: init_factor = 3 if (cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] is not None) and ( cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] is not None ): canvas_w = cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] canvas_h = cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] else: canvas_w = cam_mesh.graph["W"] canvas_h = cam_mesh.graph["H"] canvas_size = max(canvas_h, canvas_w) if normal_canvas is None: normal_canvas = Canvas_view( fov, verts, faces, colors, canvas_size=canvas_size, factor=init_factor, bgcolor="gray", proj="perspective", ) else: normal_canvas.reinit_mesh(verts, faces, colors) normal_canvas.reinit_camera(fov) img = normal_canvas.render() backup_img, backup_all_img, all_img_wo_bound = ( img.copy(), img.copy() * 0, img.copy() * 0, ) img = cv2.resize( img, (int(img.shape[1] / init_factor), int(img.shape[0] / init_factor)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA, ) if border is None: border = [0, img.shape[0], 0, img.shape[1]] H, W = cam_mesh.graph["H"], cam_mesh.graph["W"] if (cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] is not None) and ( cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] is not None ): aspect_ratio = cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] / cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] else: aspect_ratio = cam_mesh.graph["H"] / cam_mesh.graph["W"] if aspect_ratio > 1: img_h_len = ( cam_mesh.graph["H"] if cam_mesh.graph.get("original_H") is None else cam_mesh.graph["original_H"] ) img_w_len = img_h_len / aspect_ratio anchor = [ 0, img.shape[0], int(max(0, int((img.shape[1]) // 2 - img_w_len // 2))), int(min(int((img.shape[1]) // 2 + img_w_len // 2), (img.shape[1]) - 1)), ] elif aspect_ratio <= 1: img_w_len = ( cam_mesh.graph["W"] if cam_mesh.graph.get("original_W") is None else cam_mesh.graph["original_W"] ) img_h_len = img_w_len * aspect_ratio anchor = [ int(max(0, int((img.shape[0]) // 2 - img_h_len // 2))), int(min(int((img.shape[0]) // 2 + img_h_len // 2), (img.shape[0]) - 1)), 0, img.shape[1], ] anchor = np.array(anchor) plane_width = np.tan(fov_in_rad / 2.0) * np.abs(mean_loc_depth) for video_pose, video_traj_type in zip(videos_poses, video_traj_types): stereos = [] tops = [] buttoms = [] lefts = [] rights = [] for tp_id, tp in enumerate(video_pose): rel_pose = np.linalg.inv(, np.linalg.inv(ref_pose))) axis, angle = transforms3d.axangles.mat2axangle(rel_pose[0:3, 0:3]) normal_canvas.rotate(axis=axis, angle=(angle * 180) / np.pi) normal_canvas.translate(rel_pose[:3, 3]) new_mean_loc_depth = mean_loc_depth - float(rel_pose[2, 3]) if "dolly" in video_traj_type: new_fov = float( ( np.arctan2(plane_width, np.array([np.abs(new_mean_loc_depth)])) * 180.0 / np.pi ) * 2 ) normal_canvas.reinit_camera(new_fov) else: normal_canvas.reinit_camera(fov) normal_canvas.view_changed() img = normal_canvas.render() img = cv2.GaussianBlur( img, (int(init_factor // 2 * 2 + 1), int(init_factor // 2 * 2 + 1)), 0 ) img = cv2.resize( img, (int(img.shape[1] / init_factor), int(img.shape[0] / init_factor)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA, ) img = img[anchor[0] : anchor[1], anchor[2] : anchor[3]] img = img[int(border[0]) : int(border[1]), int(border[2]) : int(border[3])] if any(np.array(config["crop_border"]) > 0.0): H_c, W_c, _ = img.shape o_t = int(H_c * config["crop_border"][0]) o_l = int(W_c * config["crop_border"][1]) o_b = int(H_c * config["crop_border"][2]) o_r = int(W_c * config["crop_border"][3]) img = img[o_t : H_c - o_b, o_l : W_c - o_r] img = cv2.resize(img, (W_c, H_c), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) """ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(img.shape[1] / init_factor), int(img.shape[0] / init_factor)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) img = img[anchor[0]:anchor[1], anchor[2]:anchor[3]] img = img[int(border[0]):int(border[1]), int(border[2]):int(border[3])] if config['crop_border'] is True: top, buttom, left, right = find_largest_rect(img, bg_color=(128, 128, 128)) tops.append(top); buttoms.append(buttom); lefts.append(left); rights.append(right) """ stereos.append(img[..., :3]) normal_canvas.translate(-rel_pose[:3, 3]) normal_canvas.rotate(axis=axis, angle=-(angle * 180) / np.pi) normal_canvas.view_changed() """ if config['crop_border'] is True: atop, abuttom = min(max(tops), img.shape[0]//2 - 10), max(min(buttoms), img.shape[0]//2 + 10) aleft, aright = min(max(lefts), img.shape[1]//2 - 10), max(min(rights), img.shape[1]//2 + 10) atop -= atop % 2; abuttom -= abuttom % 2; aleft -= aleft % 2; aright -= aright % 2 else: atop = 0; abuttom = img.shape[0] - img.shape[0] % 2; aleft = 0; aright = img.shape[1] - img.shape[1] % 2 """ atop = 0 abuttom = img.shape[0] - img.shape[0] % 2 aleft = 0 aright = img.shape[1] - img.shape[1] % 2 crop_stereos = [] for stereo in stereos: crop_stereos.append( (stereo[atop:abuttom, aleft:aright, :3] * 1).astype(np.uint8) ) stereos = crop_stereos clip = ImageSequenceClip(stereos, fps=config["fps"]) if isinstance(video_basename, list): video_basename = video_basename[0] clip.write_videofile( os.path.join(output_dir, video_basename + "_" + video_traj_type + ".mp4"), fps=config["fps"], ) return normal_canvas, all_canvas