2018-12-28 00:00:30 +01:00

200 lines
4.5 KiB

package main
import (
// Bar is a struct with information about the bar.
type Bar struct {
// Bar window, and bar image.
win *xwindow.Window
img *xgraphics.Image
// The width and height of the bar.
w, h int
// This is a sum of all of the block widths, used to draw a block to the
// right of the last block.
xsum int
// A map with information about the block, see the `Block` type.
blocks *sync.Map
// A channel where the block should be send to to once its ready to be
// redrawn.
redraw chan *Block
// A channel where a boolean should be send once a block has initizalized,
// notifying that the next block can intialize.
ready chan bool
func initBar(x, y, w, h int) (*Bar, error) {
bar := new(Bar)
var err error
// Create a window for the bar. This window listens to button press events
// in order to respond to them.
bar.win, err = xwindow.Generate(X)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bar.win.Create(X.RootWin(), x, y, w, h, xproto.CwBackPixel|xproto.
CwEventMask, 0x000000, xproto.EventMaskButtonPress)
// EWMH stuff to make the window behave like an actual bar.
// XXX: `WmStateSet` and `WmDesktopSet` are basically here to keep OpenBox
// happy, can I somehow remove them and just use `_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK`
// like I can with WindowChef?
if err := ewmh.WmWindowTypeSet(X, bar.win.Id, []string{
"_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ewmh.WmStateSet(X, bar.win.Id, []string{
"_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ewmh.WmDesktopSet(X, bar.win.Id, ^uint(0)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ewmh.WmNameSet(X, bar.win.Id, "melonbar"); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Map window.
// XXX: Moving the window is again a hack to keep OpenBox happy.
bar.win.Move(x, y)
// Create the bar image.
bar.img = xgraphics.New(X, image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
if err := bar.img.XSurfaceSet(bar.win.Id); err != nil {
return nil, err
bar.w = w
bar.h = h
bar.blocks = new(sync.Map)
bar.redraw = make(chan *Block)
// Listen to mouse events and execute the required function.
xevent.ButtonPressFun(func(_ *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.ButtonPressEvent) {
// Determine what block the cursor is in.
var block *Block
bar.blocks.Range(func(name, i interface{}) bool {
block = i.(*Block)
// XXX: Hack for music block.
if name == "music" {
tw := font.MeasureString(face, block.txt).Ceil()
if ev.EventX >= int16(block.x+(block.w-tw+(block.xoff*2))) &&
ev.EventX < int16(block.x+block.w) {
return false
block = nil
return true
if ev.EventX >= int16(block.x) && ev.EventX < int16(block.x+block.
w) {
return false
block = nil
return true
// Execute the function as specified.
if block != nil {
if err := block.actions["button"+strconv.Itoa(int(ev.
Detail))](); err != nil {
}).Connect(X, bar.win.Id)
return bar, nil
func (bar *Bar) draw(block *Block) error {
d := &font.Drawer{
Dst: block.img,
Src: image.NewUniform(hexToBGRA(block.fg)),
Face: face,
// Calculate the required x coordinate for the different aligments.
var x int
tw := d.MeasureString(block.txt).Ceil()
switch block.align {
case 'l':
x = block.x
case 'c':
x = block.x + ((block.w / 2) - (tw / 2))
case 'r':
x = (block.x + block.w) - tw
case 'a':
x = (bar.w / 2) - (tw / 2)
return fmt.Errorf("draw %#U: Not a valid aligment rune", block.align)
x += block.xoff
// Color the background.
block.img.For(func(cx, cy int) xgraphics.BGRA {
// XXX: Hack for music block.
if block.w == 660 {
if cx < x+block.xoff {
return hexToBGRA("#445967")
return hexToBGRA(block.bg)
return hexToBGRA(block.bg)
// Draw the text.
d.Dot = fixed.P(x, 18)
// Redraw the bar.
return nil
func (bar *Bar) initBlocks(blocks []func()) {
bar.ready = make(chan bool)
for _, f := range blocks {
go f()
func (bar *Bar) listen() {
for {
if err := bar.draw(<-bar.redraw); err != nil {