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package main
import (
// "github.com/fhs/gompd/mpd"
func (bar *Bar) initBlocks() {
bar.blocks.Set("window", &Block{
txt: "?",
w: activeWinSize,
align: 'c',
xoff: 0,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 65, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {
block := bar.block("window")
// Redraw block function.
t := func(id xproto.Window) {
// Set new block text.
txt, err := ewmh.WmNameGet(X, id)
if err != nil || len(txt) == 0 {
txt, err = icccm.WmNameGet(X, id)
if err != nil || len(txt) == 0 {
txt = "?"
txt = trim(txt, 34)
// Return if the text is the same.
if txt == block.txt {
block.txt = txt
// Redraw block.
bar.redraw <- block
// Variable where we store the (previous) xwindow.
var xid *xwindow.Window
// Get window ID function.
f := func() {
// Get active window.
id, err := ewmh.ActiveWindowGet(X)
if err != nil {
if id == 0 {
// Stop listening to the previous window.
if xid != nil {
// Create xwindow from active window.
xid = xwindow.New(X, id)
// Listen to this window for window name changes.
xevent.PropertyNotifyFun(func(_ *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.
PropertyNotifyEvent) {
// Only listen to `_NET_WM_NAME` events.
atom, err := xprop.Atm(X, "_NET_WM_NAME")
if err != nil {
if ev.Atom != atom {
}).Connect(X, id)
// Listen for window change event, execute `f()` accordingly.
xevent.PropertyNotifyFun(func(_ *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.
PropertyNotifyEvent) {
// Only listen to `_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW` events.
//atom, err := xprop.Atm(X, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW")
//if err != nil {
// log.Println(err)
// return
//if ev.Atom != atom {
// return
}).Connect(X, X.RootWin())
// Execute `f()` one time initially.
bar.blocks.Set("workspace-1", &Block{
txt: "1",
w: workspaceWidth,
align: 'l',
xoff: 12,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {},
actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, 0)
4: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["prev"].(int))
5: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["next"].(int))
bar.blocks.Set("workspace-2", &Block{
txt: "2",
w: workspaceWidth,
align: 'l',
xoff: 12,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {},
actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, 1)
4: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["prev"].(int))
5: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["next"].(int))
bar.blocks.Set("workspace-3", &Block{
txt: "3",
w: workspaceWidth,
align: 'l',
xoff: 12,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {},
actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, 2)
4: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["prev"].(int))
5: func() error {
return ewmh.CurrentDesktopReq(X, bar.store["next"].(int))
bar.blocks.Set("workspace", &Block{
script: true,
update: func() {
one := bar.block("workspace-1")
two := bar.block("workspace-2")
three := bar.block("workspace-3")
f := func() {
// Get the current active desktop.
wsp, err := ewmh.CurrentDesktopGet(X)
if err != nil {
var chosenbg xgraphics.BGRA = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF}
var chosenfg xgraphics.BGRA = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
// Set new block colors and the previous/next workspaces.
switch wsp {
case 0:
one.bg = chosenbg
one.fg = chosenfg
two.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
three.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
bar.store["prev"] = 2
bar.store["next"] = 1
case 1:
one.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
two.bg = chosenbg
two.fg = chosenfg
three.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
bar.store["prev"] = 0
bar.store["next"] = 2
case 2:
one.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
two.bg = xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF}
three.bg =chosenbg
three.fg =chosenfg
bar.store["prev"] = 1
bar.store["next"] = 0
// Redraw block.
bar.redraw <- one
bar.redraw <- two
bar.redraw <- three
// Listen for workspace change event, execute `f()` accordingly.
xevent.PropertyNotifyFun(func(_ *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.
PropertyNotifyEvent) {
// Only listen to `_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW` events.
atom, err := xprop.Atm(X, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP")
if err != nil {
if ev.Atom != atom {
}).Connect(X, X.RootWin())
// Execute `f()` one time initially.
bar.blocks.Set("clock", &Block{
txt: "?",
w: 799,
align: 'a',
xoff: 0,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 247, R: 91, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {
for {
block := bar.block("clock")
// Set new block text.
block.txt = time.Now().Format("Monday, January 2th 03:04 PM")
// Redraw block.
bar.redraw <- block
// Update every 45 seconds.
time.Sleep(45 * time.Second)
/* actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
return bar.drawPopup("clock")
/* bar.blocks.Set("music", &Block{
txt: " Ƅ ",
w: 660,
align: 'r',
xoff: -12,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 91, G: 79, R: 60, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 204, G: 204, R: 204, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {
block := bar.block("music")
popup := bar.popup("music")
// Connect to MPD.
var err error
bar.store["mpd"], err = mpd.Dial("tcp", ":6600")
if err != nil {
// Keep connection alive by pinging ever 45 seconds.
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 45)
if err := bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).
Ping(); err != nil {
bar.store["mpd"], err = mpd.Dial("tcp", ":6600")
if err != nil {
// Watch MPD for events.
w, err := mpd.NewWatcher("tcp", ":6600", "", "player")
if err != nil {
for {
cur, err := bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).CurrentSong()
if err != nil {
sts, err := bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).Status()
if err != nil {
// Set new block text.
var s string
if sts["state"] == "pause" {
s = "[paused] "
block.txt = " Ƅ " + s + cur["Artist"] + " - " + cur["Title"]
// Redraw block.
bar.redraw <- block
// Update popup if open.
if popup.open {
// Wait for next event.
/* actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
return bar.drawPopup("music")
3: func() error {
s, err := bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).Status()
if err != nil {
return err
return bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).
Pause(s["state"] != "pause")
4: func() error {
return bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).Previous()
5: func() error {
return bar.store["mpd"].(*mpd.Client).Next()
bar.blocks.Set("todo", &Block{
txt: "ƅ",
w: bar.h,
align: 'c',
xoff: 1,
bg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 0, G: 0, R: 0, A: 0xFF},
fg: xgraphics.BGRA{B: 255, G: 255, R: 255, A: 0xFF},
update: func() {},
actions: map[xproto.Button]func() error{
1: func() error {
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.Command("st", "nano", "-savecursor", "false", path.
Join(u.HomeDir, ".todo"))
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
return cmd.Start()