
56 lines
1.8 KiB

discord_token: abc.def.ghi
irc_server_name: irc
irc_server: localhost:6697
guild_id: 315277951597936640
# Default is as below
avatar_url: "${USERNAME}.png?set=set4"
# Updating this will automatically add or remove puppets from channels
"#bottest chanKey": 316038111811600387
"#bottest2": 318327329044561920
suffix: "_d2"
separator: "_"
irc_listener_name: "_d2"
# puppet_username: "discord" # This will default to the discord username of the puppeted account
webirc_pass: abcdef.ghijk.lmnop
show_joinquit: false # displays JOIN, PART, QUIT, KICK on discord
cooldown_duration: 86400 # optional, default 86400 (24 hours), time in seconds for a discord user to be offline before it's puppet disconnects from irc
max_nick_length: 30 # Maximum Length of a nick allowed
# You definitely should restart the bridge after changing the following:
insecure: false
no_tls: false
debug: false
simple: false
# irc_listener_prejoin_commands:
# - PART #forced-to-join-test-channel
# - PRIVMSG Nick :msg
# This is the default value, which makes sure that puppets
# are deafened (i.e. puppets do not need to hear anything!)
- "MODE ${NICK} +D" # Note that for inspircd 3.x this should be +d!
# - "PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY your-password-here" # this is how you can identify to NickServ!
# Uses matching syntax as in
# ignored_irc_hostmasks:
# - "bot1!*@*"
# - "*!?bot@*"
# This limits to 2 connections (a listener, and one puppet, the rest relayed in simple mode)
# connection_limit: 2
# Prevent MEE6 from appearing on IRC
# ignored_discord_ids:
# - 159985870458322944
# Only allow specific Discord users to appear on IRC
# allowed_discord_ids:
# - 159985870458322944 # Only allow Mee6!