# common -- import "git.tcp.direct/kayos/common" stuff I use a lot. #### func Abs ```go func Abs(n int) int ``` #### func CompareChecksums ```go func CompareChecksums(a []byte, b []byte) bool ``` #### func Fprint ```go func Fprint(w io.Writer, s string) ``` Fprint is fmt.Fprint with error handling. #### func RNG ```go func RNG(n int) int ``` Random Number Generator (uses a combo of crypto/rand and math/rand for better performance) #### func RangeIterate ```go func RangeIterate(ips interface{}) chan *ipa.IP ``` IP Address iteration #### func SnoozeMS ```go func SnoozeMS(n int) ``` Random sleep, max of n seconds.