// Copyright 2016 Liam Stanley . All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package girc_test import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" "strings" "github.com/lrstanley/girc" ) // Very simple example that connects, joins a channel, and responds to // "hello" with "hello world!". func Example() { conf := girc.Config{ Server: "irc.byteirc.org", Port: 6667, Nick: "test", User: "user", Name: "Example bot", MaxRetries: 3, Logger: os.Stdout, } client := girc.New(conf) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.CONNECTED, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { c.Join("#dev") }) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.PRIVMSG, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { if strings.Contains(e.Trailing, "hello") { c.Message(e.Params[0], "hello world!") } }) if err := client.Connect(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("an error occurred while attempting to connect to %s: %s", client.Server(), err) } client.Loop() } // Another basic example, however with this, we add simple ! // responses to things. E.g. "!hello", "!stop", and "!restart". func Example_commands() { conf := girc.Config{ Server: "irc.byteirc.org", Port: 6667, Nick: "test", User: "user", Name: "Example bot", MaxRetries: 3, Logger: os.Stdout, } channels := []string{"#dev"} client := girc.New(conf) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.CONNECTED, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { c.Join(channels...) }) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.PRIVMSG, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!hello") { c.Message(e.Params[0], "hello world!") return } if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!stop") { c.Quit("goodbye!") c.Stop() return } if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!restart") { go c.Reconnect() return } }) if err := client.Connect(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("an error occurred while attempting to connect to %s: %s", client.Server(), err) } client.Loop() } // A slightly more complex example which adds a terminal-based prompt where // one can enter raw IRC commands, which will then be sent to the server. func Example_prompt() { conf := girc.Config{ Server: "irc.byteirc.org", Port: 6667, Nick: "test", User: "user", Name: "Example bot", MaxRetries: 3, Logger: os.Stdout, } channels := []string{"#dev"} client := girc.New(conf) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.CONNECTED, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { c.Join(channels...) }) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.PRIVMSG, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!stop") { c.Message(e.Params[0], "hello world!") return } if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!stop") { c.Quit("goodbye!") c.Stop() return } if strings.HasPrefix(e.Trailing, "!restart") { c.Reconnect() return } }) if err := client.Connect(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("an error occurred while attempting to connect to %s: %s", client.Server(), err) } go client.Loop() // Everything after this line is just for fancy prompt stuff. Not needed. reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) client.Callbacks.Add(girc.ALLEVENTS, func(c *girc.Client, e girc.Event) { fmt.Print("\r>> ") }) for { fmt.Print("\r>> ") input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') input = strings.TrimSpace(input) if len(input) == 0 { continue } if input == "quit" { client.Quit("g'day") client.Stop() os.Exit(0) } e := girc.ParseEvent(input) if e == nil { fmt.Println("ERRONOUS INPUT") continue } client.Send(e) } }