
179 lines
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package name5
import (
type IPName struct {
Name string
IPs []string
// DNSMap is used for resolving and keeping track of DNS query results and their relationships
type DNSMap struct {
IPToPTR cmap.ConcurrentMap
NameToIPs cmap.ConcurrentMap // map[string]*IPName
// SeenIPs is a map of IP addresses that have been seen in the DNS query results
// in theory this will be merged into an out of scope key/value store when the DNSMap is destroyed
SeenIPs cmap.ConcurrentMap // map[string][]string
Working *int64
born *time.Time
ctx context.Context
func newPtr(i int64) *int64 {
return &i
func (dnm *DNSMap) initCounters() {
dnm.Working = newPtr(0)
func (dnm *DNSMap) initMaps() {
dnm.IPToPTR = cmap.New()
dnm.NameToIPs = cmap.New() // make(map[string]*IPName)
dnm.SeenIPs = cmap.New() // make(map[string][]string)
// NewDNSMap creates a new DNSMap type
func NewDNSMap(name string) *DNSMap {
tn := time.Now()
name = dns.Fqdn(name)
dnsmap := &DNSMap{ // ipaddr[domain][ipaddr]boolean
born: &tn,
ctx: context.Background(),
ipa := net.ParseIP(name)
if _, ok := dns.IsDomainName(name); !ok && ipa != nil {
var err error
name, err = dns.ReverseAddr(name)
if err != nil {
return &DNSMap{}
atomic.AddInt64(dnsmap.Working, 2)
go dnsmap.process(Query4(name))
go dnsmap.process(Query6(name))
return dnsmap
func (dnm *DNSMap) waitUntilDone() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
var count = 0
for {
select {
case <-dnm.ctx.Done():
time.Sleep(1250 * time.Millisecond)
if atomic.LoadInt64(dnm.Working) <= 0 {
if count > 2 {
} else {
log.Trace().Msgf("Waiting for %d DNS queries to finish", atomic.LoadInt64(dnm.Working))
func (dnm *DNSMap) isPTRResolved(object string) bool {
return dnm.IPToPTR.Has(object)
func (dnm *DNSMap) chipOff(delay int) {
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond)
atomic.AddInt64(dnm.Working, -1)
func (dnm *DNSMap) process(in *dns.Msg) {
defer dnm.chipOff(100)
question := in.Question[0].Name
var addrs []string
for _, resource := range in.Answer {
/*log.Trace().Int64("working", atomic.LoadInt64(dnm.Working)).
Interface("resource", resource).Msg("working...")*/
switch record := resource.(type) {
case *dns.NULL:
case *dns.A:
a := record.A.String()
addrs = append(addrs, a)
atomic.AddInt64(dnm.Working, 1)
go dnm.process(QueryPTR(a))
case *dns.AAAA:
aaaa := record.AAAA.String()
addrs = append(addrs, aaaa)
atomic.AddInt64(dnm.Working, 1)
go dnm.process(QueryPTR(aaaa))
case *dns.PTR:
ptr := record.Ptr
ogIP, ok := arpaToIP.Get(in.Question[0].Name)
if !ok {
log.Warn().Caller().Interface("in", in).
Msg("no IP for rev ARPA name from question...")
dnm.IPToPTR.Set(ogIP.(string), ptr)
if !dnm.NameToIPs.Has(ptr) {
atomic.AddInt64(dnm.Working, 2)
go dnm.process(Query4(ptr))
go dnm.process(Query6(ptr))
case *dns.CNAME:
cname := record.Target
if !dnm.NameToIPs.Has(cname) {
atomic.AddInt64(dnm.Working, 2)
go dnm.process(Query4(cname))
go dnm.process(Query6(cname))
log.Warn().Caller().Interface("resource", record).Msg("unhandled record")
if len(addrs) < 0 || in.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypePTR {
var unseenIPs []string
for _, addr := range addrs {
if !dnm.SeenIPs.Has(addr) {
unseenIPs = append(unseenIPs, addr)
dnm.SeenIPs.Set(addr, []string{question})
oldList, ok := dnm.SeenIPs.Get(addr)
if !ok {
log.Panic().Msg("unexpected error")
newList := append(oldList.([]string), question)
dnm.SeenIPs.Set(addr, newList)
addrs = unseenIPs
current, ok := dnm.NameToIPs.Get(question)
if !ok {
dnm.NameToIPs.Set(question, &IPName{Name: question, IPs: addrs})
resolved := current.(*IPName)
resolved.IPs = append(resolved.IPs, addrs...)
dnm.NameToIPs.Set(question, resolved)