[ { "name": "Generic Access", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.generic_access", "uuid": "1800" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Alert Notification Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.alert_notification", "uuid": "1811" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Automation IO", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.automation_io" , "uuid": "1815" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Battery Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.battery_service" , "uuid": "180F" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Blood Pressure", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.blood_pressure" , "uuid": "1810" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Body Composition", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.body_composition" , "uuid": "181B" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Bond Management Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.bond_management" , "uuid": "181E" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Continuous Glucose Monitoring", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.continuous_glucose_monitoring" , "uuid": "181F" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Current Time Service" , "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.current_time" , "uuid": "1805" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Cycling Power" , "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.cycling_power" , "uuid": "1818" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Cycling Speed and Cadence", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.cycling_speed_and_cadence" , "uuid": "1816" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Device Information", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.device_information" , "uuid": "180A" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Environmental Sensing", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.environmental_sensing" , "uuid": "181A" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Fitness Machine", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.fitness_machine" , "uuid": "1826" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Generic Attribute", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.generic_attribute" , "uuid": "1801" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Glucose", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.glucose" , "uuid": "1808" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Health Thermometer", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.health_thermometer" , "uuid": "1809" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Heart Rate", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.heart_rate" , "uuid": "180D" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "HTTP Proxy", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.http_proxy" , "uuid": "1823" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Human Interface Device", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.human_interface_device" , "uuid": "1812" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Immediate Alert", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.immediate_alert" , "uuid": "1802" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Indoor Positioning", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.indoor_positioning" , "uuid": "1821" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Insulin Delivery", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.insulin_delivery" , "uuid": "183A" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Internet Protocol Support Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.internet_protocol_support" , "uuid": "1820" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Link Loss", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.link_loss" , "uuid": "1803" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Location and Navigation","identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.location_and_navigation" , "uuid": "1819" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Mesh Provisioning Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.mesh_provisioning" , "uuid": "1827" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Mesh Proxy Service", "identifier": " org.bluetooth.service.mesh_proxy" , "uuid": "1828" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Next DST Change Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.next_dst_change" , "uuid": "1807" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Object Transfer Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.object_transfer" , "uuid": "1825" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Phone Alert Status Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.phone_alert_status" , "uuid": "180E" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Pulse Oximeter Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.pulse_oximeter" , "uuid": "1822" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Reconnection Configuration", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.reconnection_configuration" , "uuid": "1829" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Reference Time Update Service", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.reference_time_update" , "uuid": "1806" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Running Speed and Cadence", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.running_speed_and_cadence" , "uuid": "1814" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Scan Parameters", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.scan_parameters" , "uuid": "1813" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Transport Discovery", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.transport_discovery" , "uuid": "1824" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Tx Power", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.tx_power" , "uuid": "1804" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "User Data", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.user_data" , "uuid": "181C" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Weight Scale", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.weight_scale", "uuid": "181D" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Firmware Revision", "identifier": "org.bluetooth.service.firmware_revision", "uuid": "2A26" , "source": "gss"}, { "name": "Apple Notification Center Service", "identifier": "com.apple.service.notification_center", "uuid": "7905F431-B5CE-4E99-A40F-4B1E122D00D0" , "source": "apple"}, { "name": "Apple Media Service", "identifier": "com.apple.service.media", "uuid": "89D3502B-0F36-433A-8EF4-C502AD55F8DC" , "source": "apple"}, { "name": "micro:bit Accelerometer Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.accelerometer", "uuid": "E95D0753-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit Magnetometer Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.magnetometer", "uuid": "E95DF2D8-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit Button Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.button", "uuid": "E95D9882-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit IO Pin Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.io_pin", "uuid": "E95D127B-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit LED Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.led", "uuid": "E95DD91D-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit Event Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.event", "uuid": "E95D93AF-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit DFU Control Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.dfu_control", "uuid": "E95D93B0-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "micro:bit Temperature Service", "identifier": "org.microbit.service.temperature", "uuid": "E95D6100-251D-470A-A062-FA1922DFA9A8" , "source": "microbit"}, { "name": "Thingy Configuration Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy_configuration", "uuid": "EF680100-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Thingy Weather Station Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy_weather_station", "uuid": "EF680200-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Thingy UI Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy_ui", "uuid": "EF680300-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Thingy Motion Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy_motion", "uuid": "EF680400-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Thingy Sound Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy_sound", "uuid": "EF680500-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Nordic LED and Button Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.led_and_button", "uuid": "00001523-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Nordic UART Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.uart", "uuid": "6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Eddystone", "identifier": "com.google.service.eddystone", "uuid": "FEAA" , "source": "google"}, { "name": "Eddystone Configuration Service", "identifier": "com.google.service.eddystone.configuration", "uuid": "A3C87500-8ED3-4BDF-8A39-A01BEBEDE295" , "source": "google"}, { "name": "Fast Pair Service", "identifier": "com.google.service.fast_pair", "uuid": "FE2C" , "source": "google"}, { "name": "Legacy DFU Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.dfu.legacy", "uuid": "00001530-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Secure DFU Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.dfu.secure", "uuid": "FE59" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Experimental Buttonless DFU Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.dfu.buttonless_experimental", "uuid": "8E400001-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50" , "source": "nordic"}, { "name": "Exposure Notification Service", "identifier": "com.apple.service.contacttracing", "uuid": "FD6F" , "source": "apple"}, { "name": "SMP Service", "identifier": "io.runtime.mcumgr.ble.smp", "uuid": "8D53DC1D-1DB7-4CD3-868B-8A527460AA84" , "source": "apache"} ]