
196 lines
5.3 KiB

package scaler
import (
type autoScalerState uint32
// for tests
var debugSwitch = false
func init() {
if os.Getenv("PROX5_SCALER_DEBUG") != "" {
debugSwitch = true
func debug(msg string) {
if debugSwitch {
func noopMsg(validated, dispensed int64, as *AutoScaler) string {
if !debugSwitch {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("noop: validated: %d, dispensed: %d, mod: %d, max: %d, threshold: %d",
validated, dispensed, atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod), atomic.LoadInt64(as.Max), atomic.LoadInt64(as.Threshold))
const (
stateDisabled autoScalerState = iota
type AutoScaler struct {
Max *int64
state autoScalerState
baseline *int64
mod *int64
Threshold *int64
func NewAutoScaler(baseline int, max int, differenceThreshold int) *AutoScaler {
zero64 := int64(0)
max64 := int64(max)
diff64 := int64(differenceThreshold)
baseline64 := int64(baseline)
return &AutoScaler{
baseline: &baseline64,
state: stateDisabled,
mod: &zero64,
Max: &max64,
Threshold: &diff64,
func (as *AutoScaler) Disable() {
atomic.StoreUint32((*uint32)(&as.state), uint32(stateDisabled))
func (as *AutoScaler) Enable() {
atomic.StoreUint32((*uint32)(&as.state), uint32(stateIdle))
func (as *AutoScaler) IsOn() bool {
return !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32((*uint32)(&as.state), uint32(stateDisabled), uint32(stateDisabled))
func (as *AutoScaler) StateString() string {
switch autoScalerState(atomic.LoadUint32((*uint32)(&as.state))) {
case stateDisabled:
return "disabled"
case stateIdle:
return "idle"
case stateScalingUp:
return "scaling up"
case stateScalingDown:
return "scaling down"
return "unknown"
func (as *AutoScaler) SetMax(max int) {
atomic.StoreInt64(as.Max, int64(max))
func (as *AutoScaler) SetThreshold(threshold int) {
atomic.StoreInt64(as.Threshold, int64(threshold))
func (as *AutoScaler) SetBaseline(baseline int) {
atomic.StoreInt64(as.baseline, int64(baseline))
// ScaleAnts scales the pool, it returns true if the pool scale has been changed, and false if not.
func (as *AutoScaler) ScaleAnts(pool *ants.Pool, validated int64, dispensed int64) bool {
if dispensed > validated {
// consider panicing here...
debug("dispensed > validated (FUBAR)")
dispensed = validated
if atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) < 0 {
panic("scaler.go: scaler mod is negative")
if !as.IsOn() {
debug("AutoScaler is off")
// try to get us back to baseline if the scaler is disabled but we're not there yet.
switch {
case atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) == 0:
debug("off and not dirty")
return false
case atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) > 0:
debug("off: mod > 0")
// we're dirty, but the scaler is off, so we need to get back to baseline
if !(pool.Cap() > int(atomic.LoadInt64(as.baseline))) {
debug("off: mod > 0, but pool is at baseline...")
return false
} else {
debug("off and dirty: pool cap > baseline, scaling down")
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() - 1)
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, -1)
return true
debug("off: default (no-op)")
return false
sPtr := (*uint32)(&as.state)
idle := atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateIdle), uint32(stateIdle))
needScaleUp := (validated-dispensed < atomic.LoadInt64(as.Threshold)) &&
(atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) < atomic.LoadInt64(as.Max))
needScaleDown := atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) > 0 &&
((validated - dispensed) > atomic.LoadInt64(as.Threshold))
noop := ((idle && !needScaleUp && !needScaleDown) ||
(needScaleUp && atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) >= atomic.LoadInt64(as.Max)) ||
(validated < atomic.LoadInt64(as.Threshold))) && atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) == 0
switch {
case noop:
debug(noopMsg(validated, dispensed, as))
return false
case ((!needScaleUp && !needScaleDown) || atomic.LoadInt64(as.mod) == 0) && !idle:
debug("not scaling up or down or mod is 0, and not idle, setting idle")
atomic.StoreUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateIdle))
return false
case needScaleUp && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateIdle), uint32(stateScalingUp)):
debug("scaling up")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, 1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() + 1)
return true
case needScaleUp && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateScalingUp), uint32(stateScalingUp)):
debug("scaling up (already scaling up)")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, 1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() + 1)
return true
case needScaleUp && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateScalingDown), uint32(stateScalingUp)):
debug("scaling up (was scaling down)")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, 1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() + 1)
return true
case needScaleDown && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateScalingUp), uint32(stateScalingDown)):
debug("scaling down (was scaling up)")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, -1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() - 1)
return true
case needScaleDown && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateIdle), uint32(stateScalingDown)):
debug("scaling down (was idle)")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, -1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() - 1)
return true
case needScaleDown && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(sPtr, uint32(stateScalingDown), uint32(stateScalingDown)):
debug("scaling down (already scaling down)")
atomic.AddInt64(as.mod, -1)
pool.Tune(pool.Cap() - 1)
return true
debug("default (no-op)")
return false