
754 lines
18 KiB

package host
import (
// ""
const maxInputLength int = 1024
// ServerHost is our global variable so we can kick from UserDB
var ServerHost *Host
// GetPrompt will render the terminal prompt string based on the user.
func GetPrompt(user *message.User) string {
name := user.Name()
cfg := user.Config()
if cfg.Theme != nil {
name = cfg.Theme.ColorName(user)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", name)
// Host is the bridge between sshd and chat modules
// TODO: Should be easy to add support for multiple rooms, if we want.
type Host struct {
listener *sshd.SSHListener
commands chat.Commands
auth *auth.UserDB
// Version string to print on /version
Version string
// Default theme
theme message.Theme
mu sync.Mutex
motd string
count int
// GetMOTD is used to reload the motd from an external source
GetMOTD func() (string, error)
// OnUserJoined is used to notify when a user joins a host
OnUserJoined func(*message.User)
// NewHost creates a Host on top of an existing listener.
func NewHost(listener *sshd.SSHListener, auth *auth.UserDB) *Host {
room := chat.NewRoom()
h := &Host{
Room: room,
listener: listener,
commands: chat.Commands{},
auth: auth,
// Make our own commands registry instance.
ServerHost = h
go room.Serve()
return h
// SetTheme sets the default theme for the host.
func (h *Host) SetTheme(theme message.Theme) {
h.theme = theme
// SetMotd sets the host's message of the day.
// TODO: Change to SetMOTD
func (h *Host) SetMotd(motd string) {
h.motd = motd
func (h *Host) isOp(conn sshd.Connection) bool {
u, err := h.auth.GetUser(conn.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("this shouldn't happen!?")
return false
if u.Privs >= auth.Operator {
return true
return false
// Connect a specific Terminal to this host and its room.
func (h *Host) Connect(term *sshd.Terminal) {
id := identity.NewIdentity(term.Conn)
user := message.NewUserScreen(id, term)
user.OnChange = func() {
cfg := user.Config()
apiMode := strings.ToLower(term.Term()) == "bot"
if apiMode {
cfg.Theme = message.MonoTheme
cfg.Echo = false
} else {
term.SetEnterClear(true) // We provide our own echo rendering
cfg.Theme = &h.theme
go user.Consume()
// Close term once user is closed.
defer user.Close()
defer term.Close()
motd := h.motd
count := h.count
// Send MOTD
if motd != "" {
if err := user.Send(message.NewAnnounceMsg(motd)); err != nil {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msg("failed sending motd")
member, err := h.Join(user)
if err != nil {
id.SetName(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", id.Name(), count))
member, err = h.Join(user)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("caller", term.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()).Err(err).Msg("failed to join")
// Load user config overrides from ENV
// TODO: Would be nice to skip the command parsing pipeline just to load
// config values. Would need to factor out some command handler logic into
// accessible helpers.
env := term.Env()
for _, e := range env {
switch e.Key {
if e.Value != "" && e.Value != "0" {
cmd := "/timestamp"
if e.Value != "1" {
cmd += " " + e.Value
if msg, ok := message.NewPublicMsg(cmd, user).ParseCommand(); ok {
cmd := "/theme " + e.Value
if msg, ok := message.NewPublicMsg(cmd, user).ParseCommand(); ok {
// Successfully joined.
if !apiMode {
term.AutoCompleteCallback = h.AutoCompleteFunction(user)
if err := user.SetHighlight(user.Name()); err != nil {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msg("failed to set highlight")
// Should the user be op'd on join?
if h.isOp(term.Conn) {
member.IsOp = true
// ratelimit := rateio.NewSimpleLimiter(3, time.Second*3)
log.Debug().Str("caller", term.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()).Str("user", user.ID()).Msg("joined")
if h.OnUserJoined != nil {
for {
line, err := term.ReadLine()
if err == io.EOF {
// Closed
} else if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("caller", term.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()).Msg("Terminal read error")
/* err = ratelimit.Count(1)
if err != nil {
user.Send(message.NewSystemMsg("Message rejected: Rate limiting is in effect.", user))
if len(line) > maxInputLength {
user.Send(message.NewSystemMsg("Message rejected: Input too long.", user))
if line == "" {
// Silently ignore empty lines.
if _, err := term.Write([]byte{}); err != nil {
log.Debug().Err(err).Caller().Msg("failed to send 0 length byte?")
m := message.ParseInput(line, user)
if !apiMode {
if m, ok := m.(*message.CommandMsg); ok {
// Other messages render themselves by the room, commands we'll
// have to re-echo ourselves manually.
if err := user.HandleMsg(m); err != nil {
log.Debug().Caller().Str("user", user.ID()).Err(err).Msg("error handling message?")
// FIXME: Any reason to use instead?
if apiMode {
// Skip the remaining rendering workarounds
err = h.Leave(user)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("caller", term.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()).Err(err).Msg("failed to leave")
log.Debug().Str("caller", term.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()).Err(err).Msg("leaving")
// Serve our chat room onto the listener
func (h *Host) Serve() {
h.listener.HandlerFunc = h.Connect
func (h *Host) completeName(partial string, skipName string) string {
names := h.NamesPrefix(partial)
if len(names) == 0 {
// Didn't find anything
return ""
} else if name := names[0]; name != skipName {
// First name is not the skipName, great
return name
} else if len(names) > 1 {
// Next candidate
return names[1]
return ""
func (h *Host) completeCommand(partial string) string {
for cmd := range h.commands {
if strings.HasPrefix(cmd, partial) {
return cmd
return ""
// AutoCompleteFunction returns a callback for terminal autocompletion
func (h *Host) AutoCompleteFunction(u *message.User) func(line string, pos int, key rune) (newLine string, newPos int, ok bool) {
return func(line string, pos int, key rune) (newLine string, newPos int, ok bool) {
if key != 9 {
if line == "" || strings.HasSuffix(line[:pos], " ") {
// Don't autocomplete spaces.
fields := strings.Fields(line[:pos])
isFirst := len(fields) < 2
partial := ""
if len(fields) > 0 {
partial = fields[len(fields)-1]
posPartial := pos - len(partial)
var completed string
if isFirst && strings.HasPrefix(line, "/") {
// Command
completed = h.completeCommand(partial)
if completed == "/reply" {
replyTo := u.ReplyTo()
if replyTo != nil {
name := replyTo.ID()
_, found := h.GetUser(name)
if found {
completed = "/msg " + name
} else {
} else {
// Name
completed = h.completeName(partial, u.Name())
if completed == "" {
if isFirst {
completed += ":"
completed += " "
// Reposition the cursor
newLine = strings.Replace(line[posPartial:], partial, completed, 1)
newLine = line[:posPartial] + newLine
newPos = pos + (len(completed) - len(partial))
ok = true
// GetUser returns a message.RegisteredUser based on a name.
func (h *Host) GetUser(name string) (*message.User, bool) {
m, ok := h.MemberByID(name)
if !ok {
return nil, false
return m.User, true
// InitCommands adds host-specific commands to a Commands container. These will
// override any existing commands.
//goland:noinspection GoUnhandledErrorResult
func (h *Host) InitCommands(c *chat.Commands) {
sendPM := func(room *chat.Room, msg string, from *message.User, target *message.User) error {
m := message.NewPrivateMsg(msg, from, target)
txt := fmt.Sprintf("[Sent PM to %s]", target.Name())
if isAway, _, awayReason := target.GetAway(); isAway {
txt += " Away: " + awayReason
sysMsg := message.NewSystemMsg(txt, from)
return nil
Prefix: "/msg",
PrefixHelp: "USER MESSAGE",
Help: "Send MESSAGE to USER.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
args := msg.Args()
switch len(args) {
case 0:
return errors.New("must specify user")
case 1:
return errors.New("must specify message")
target, ok := h.GetUser(args[0])
if !ok {
return errors.New("user not found")
return sendPM(room, strings.Join(args[1:], " "), msg.From(), target)
Prefix: "/reply",
PrefixHelp: "MESSAGE",
Help: "Reply with MESSAGE to the previous private message.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
args := msg.Args()
switch len(args) {
case 0:
return errors.New("must specify message")
target := msg.From().ReplyTo()
if target == nil {
return errors.New("no message to reply to")
_, found := h.GetUser(target.ID())
if !found {
return errors.New("user not found")
return sendPM(room, strings.Join(args, " "), msg.From(), target)
Prefix: "/whois",
PrefixHelp: "USER",
Help: "Information about USER.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("must specify user")
target, ok := h.GetUser(args[0])
if !ok {
return errors.New("user not found")
if target.Config().Zombie {
whois := "SHELL: " + target.Config().ZombieConn.RemoteAddr().String()
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(whois, msg.From()))
return nil
id := target.Identifier.(*identity.Identity)
var whois string
switch room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
case true:
whois = id.WhoisAdmin(room)
case false:
whois = id.Whois(room)
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(whois, msg.From()))
return nil
// Hidden commands
Prefix: "/version",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(h.Version, msg.From()))
return nil
timeStarted := time.Now()
Prefix: "/uptime",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(humantime.Since(timeStarted), msg.From()))
return nil
// Op commands
Op: true,
Prefix: "/kick",
PrefixHelp: "USER",
Help: "Kick USER from the server.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("must specify user")
target, ok := h.GetUser(args[0])
if !ok {
return errors.New("user not found")
body := fmt.Sprintf("%s was kicked by %s.", target.Name(), msg.From().Name())
go target.Close()
return nil
Op: true,
Prefix: "/ban",
PrefixHelp: "QUERY [DURATION]",
Help: "Ban from the server. QUERY can be a username to ban the fingerprint and ip, or quoted \"key=value\" pairs with keys like ip, fingerprint, client.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
// TODO: Would be nice to specify what to ban. Key? Ip? etc.
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("must specify user")
query := args[0]
target, ok := h.GetUser(query)
if !ok {
query = strings.Join(args, " ")
if strings.Contains(query, "=") {
return h.auth.BanQuery(query)
return errors.New("user not found")
id := target.Identifier.ID()
if err := h.auth.Ban(id); err != nil {
return err
body := fmt.Sprintf("%s was banned by %s.", target.Name(), msg.From().Name())
log.Debug().Msgf("BanList: \n-> %s", id)
return nil
Op: true,
Prefix: "/unban",
PrefixHelp: "QUERY",
Help: "Unban from the server. QUERY needs to match your the query used when /ban was used.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("must specify user")
query := args[0]
target, ok := h.GetUser(query)
if !ok {
query = strings.Join(args, " ")
if strings.Contains(query, "=") {
return h.auth.UnBanQuery(query)
return errors.New("user not found")
id := target.Identifier.ID()
if err := h.auth.UnBan(id); err != nil {
return err
body := fmt.Sprintf("%s was unbanned by %s.", target.Name(), msg.From().Name())
log.Debug().Msgf("UnbanList: \n-> %s", id)
return nil
Op: true,
Prefix: "/banned",
Help: "List the current ban conditions.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
bannedNames, bannedIPs, bannedFingerprints, bannedClients := h.auth.Banned()
var cat = map[string][]string{"name": bannedNames, "ip": bannedIPs, "client": bannedClients, "fingerprint": bannedFingerprints}
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "BanList:")
for label, keys := range cat {
for _, key := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n \"%s=%s\"", label, key)
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(buf.String(), msg.From()))
return nil
Op: true,
Prefix: "/motd",
PrefixHelp: "[MESSAGE]",
Help: "Set a new MESSAGE of the day, or print the motd if no MESSAGE.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
args := msg.Args()
user := msg.From()
motd := h.motd
if len(args) == 0 {
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(motd, user))
return nil
if !room.IsOp(user) {
return errors.New("must be OP to modify the MOTD")
var err error
var s = strings.Join(args, " ")
if s == "@" {
if h.GetMOTD == nil {
return errors.New("motd reload not set")
if s, err = h.GetMOTD(); err != nil {
return err
fromMsg := fmt.Sprintf("New message of the day set by %s:", msg.From().Name())
room.Send(message.NewAnnounceMsg(fromMsg + message.Newline + "-> " + s))
return nil
/* c.Add(chat.Command{
Op: true,
Prefix: "/op",
PrefixHelp: "USER [DURATION|remove]",
Help: "Set USER as admin. Duration only applies to pubkey reconnects.",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("must specify user")
opValue := true
var until time.Duration
if len(args) > 1 {
if args[1] == "remove" {
// Expire instantly
until = time.Duration(1)
opValue = false
} else {
until, _ = time.ParseDuration(args[1])
member, ok := room.MemberByID(args[0])
if !ok {
return errors.New("user not found")
member.IsOp = opValue
id := member.Identifier.(*Identity)
h.auth.Op(id.PublicKey(), until)
var body string
if opValue {
body = fmt.Sprintf("Made op by %s.", msg.From().Name())
} else {
body = fmt.Sprintf("Removed op by %s.", msg.From().Name())
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(body, member.RegisteredUser))
return nil
/* c.Add(chat.Command{
Op: true,
Prefix: "/rename",
Help: "Rename USER to NEW_NAME, add optional SYMBOL prefix",
Handler: func(room *chat.Room, msg message.CommandMsg) error {
if !room.IsOp(msg.From()) {
return errors.New("must be op")
args := msg.Args()
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("must specify user and new name")
member, ok := room.MemberByID(args[0])
if !ok {
return errors.New("user not found")
symbolSet := false
if len(args) == 3 {
s := args[2]
if id, ok := member.Identifier.(*Identity); ok {
} else {
return errors.New("user does not support setting symbol")
body := fmt.Sprintf("Assigned symbol %q by %s.", s, msg.From().Name())
room.Send(message.NewSystemMsg(body, member.RegisteredUser))
symbolSet = true
oldID := member.ID()
newID := sanitize.Name(args[1])
if newID == oldID && !symbolSet {
return errors.New("new name is the same as the original")
} else if (newID == "" || newID == oldID) && symbolSet {
if member.RegisteredUser.OnChange != nil {
return nil
err := room.Rename(oldID, member)
if err != nil {
return err
body := fmt.Sprintf("%s was renamed by %s.", oldID, msg.From().Name())
return nil