// Copyright 2012, Hailiang Wang. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /* Package socks implements a SOCKS (SOCKS4, SOCKS4A and SOCKS5) proxy client. A complete example using this package: package main import ( "git.tcp.direct/kayos/socks" "fmt" "net/http" "io/ioutil" ) func main() { dialSocksProxy := socks.Dial("socks5://") tr := &http.Transport{Dial: dialSocksProxy} httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: tr} bodyText, err := TestHttpsGet(httpClient, "https://h12.io/about") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } fmt.Print(bodyText) } func TestHttpsGet(c *http.Client, url string) (bodyText string, err error) { resp, err := c.Get(url) if err != nil { return } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return } bodyText = string(body) return } */ package socks // import "git.tcp.direct/kayos/socks" import ( "fmt" "net" "time" ) // Constants to choose which version of SOCKS protocol to use. // //goland:noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName const ( SOCKS4 = iota SOCKS4A SOCKS5 ) // DialWithConn returns the dial function to be used in http.Transport object. // Argument proxyURI should be in the format: "socks5://user:password@". // The protocol could be socks5, socks4 and socks4a. DialWithConn will use the given connection // to communicate with the proxy server. func DialWithConn(proxyURI string, conn net.Conn) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { cfg, err := parse(proxyURI) if err != nil { return dialError(err) } cfg.conn = conn return cfg.dialFunc() } // Dial returns the dial function to be used in http.Transport object. // Argument proxyURI should be in the format: "socks5://user:password@". // The protocol could be socks5, socks4 and socks4a. func Dial(proxyURI string) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { cfg, err := parse(proxyURI) if err != nil { return dialError(err) } return cfg.dialFunc() } // DialSocksProxy returns the dial function to be used in http.Transport object. // Argument socksType should be one of SOCKS4, SOCKS4A and SOCKS5. // Argument proxy should be in this format "". func DialSocksProxy(socksType int, proxy string) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return (&session{Proto: socksType, Host: proxy}).dialFunc() } func (sesh *session) dialFunc() func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { switch sesh.Proto { case SOCKS5: return func(_, targetAddr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) { return sesh.dialSocks5(targetAddr) } case SOCKS4, SOCKS4A: return func(_, targetAddr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) { return sesh.dialSocks4(targetAddr) } } return dialError(fmt.Errorf("unknown SOCKS protocol %v", sesh.Proto)) } func dialError(err error) func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return func(_, _ string) (net.Conn, error) { return nil, err } } func (sesh *session) internalDial() (conn net.Conn, err error) { // fmt.Printf("Dialing %s\n", sesh.Host) if sesh.conn == nil { return net.DialTimeout("tcp", sesh.Host, sesh.Timeout) } if sesh.Timeout > 0 { if err = sesh.conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(sesh.Timeout)); err != nil { return nil, err } } // fmt.Printf("Using existing connection: %v(local)->%v(remote)\n", sesh.conn.LocalAddr(), sesh.conn.RemoteAddr()) return sesh.conn, nil }