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package ipp
import (
type Connection struct {
Conn net.Conn
//func ReadResponse(body *io.ReadCloser) *ScanResults {
// result := &ScanResults{}
// Returns a byte-encoded "attribute-with-one-value" with the provided "value-tag", "name", and "value"
// attribute-with-one-value encoding described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.1.4
// Example (runnable from ipp_test.go):
// Input: 0x47, "attributes-charset", "us-ascii"
// Output: [71 0 18 97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 115 45 99 104 97 114 115 101 116 0 8 117 115 45 97 115 99 105 105]
// TODO: Should return an error when fed an invalid valueTag?
// TODO: Determine whether this should remain public. Currently is for Testable Example
func AttributeByteString(valueTag byte, name string, value string) []byte {
//special byte denoting value syntax
b := []byte{valueTag}
//append 16-bit signed int denoting name length
l := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(l, binary.BigEndian, int16(len(name)))
b = append(b, l.Bytes()...)
//append name
b = append(b, []byte(name)...)
//append 16-bit signed int denoting value length
l = new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(l, binary.BigEndian, int16(len(value)))
b = append(b, l.Bytes()...)
//append value
b = append(b, []byte(value)...)
return b
// IPP request encoding described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.1.1
//TODO: Store everything except uri statically?
//Construct a minimal request that an IPP server will respond to
func getPrinterAttributesRequest(uri string) bytes.Buffer {
var b bytes.Buffer
//version 2.1 (newest as of 2018)
b.Write([]byte{2, 1})
//operation-id = get-printer-attributes
b.Write([]byte{0, 0xb})
//request-id = 1
b.Write([]byte{0, 0, 0, 1})
//operation-attributes-tag = 1 (begins an attribute-group)
b.Write(AttributeByteString(0x47, "attributes-charset", "utf-8"))
b.Write(AttributeByteString(0x48, "attributes-natural-language", "en-us"))
b.Write(AttributeByteString(0x45, "printer-uri", uri))
b.Write(AttributeByteString(0x44, "requested-attributes", "all"))
//end-of-attributes-tag = 3
return b