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2018-06-07 19:13:01 +00:00
// Package ipp provides a zgrab2 module that scans for ipp.
// TODO: Describe module, the flags, the probe, the output, etc.
package ipp
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
//TODO: Tag relevant results and exlain in comments
// ScanResults instances are returned by the module's Scan function.
type ScanResults struct {
// TODO: Add protocol
//TODO: Explain Protocol Version
ProtocolVersion int16 `json:"version"`
ServerVersion string `json:"version_string"`
//TODO: Explain CUPS-Version
CUPSVersion string `json:"cups_version,omitempty"`
//TODO: Uncomment this when implementing the TLS version of things
// Protocols that support TLS should include
// TLSLog *zgrab2.TLSLog `json:"tls,omitempty"`
//FIXME: We don't need this.
func readResultsFromResponseBody(body *io.ReadCloser) *ScanResults {
return &ScanResults{}
// TODO: Add more protocol-specific flags
// Flags holds the command-line configuration for the ipp scan module.
// Populated by the framework.
type Flags struct {
//TODO: Include once TLS is implemented
// Protocols that support TLS should include zgrab2.TLSFlags
Verbose bool `long:"verbose" description:"More verbose logging, include debug fields in the scan results"`
//TODO: Figure out what moduel-global state may be necessary
// Module implements the zgrab2.Module interface.
type Module struct {
// TODO: Add any module-global state
//TODO: Figure out what scan state may be necessary
// Scanner implements the zgrab2.Scanner interface.
type Scanner struct {
config *Flags
// TODO: Add scan state
// RegisterModule registers the zgrab2 module.
func RegisterModule() {
var module Module
_, err := zgrab2.AddCommand("ipp", "ipp", "Probe for ipp", 631, &module)
if err != nil {
// NewFlags returns a default Flags object.
func (module *Module) NewFlags() interface{} {
return new(Flags)
// NewScanner returns a new Scanner instance.
func (module *Module) NewScanner() zgrab2.Scanner {
return new(Scanner)
// Validate checks that the flags are valid.
// On success, returns nil.
// On failure, returns an error instance describing the error.
func (flags *Flags) Validate(args []string) error {
return nil
// Help returns the module's help string.
func (flags *Flags) Help() string {
//TODO: Write a help string
return ""
//TODO: Implement
// Init initializes the Scanner.
func (scanner *Scanner) Init(flags zgrab2.ScanFlags) error {
f, _ := flags.(*Flags)
scanner.config = f
//TODO: Take action in response to flags which were set
return nil
// InitPerSender initializes the scanner for a given sender.
func (scanner *Scanner) InitPerSender(senderID int) error {
return nil
// GetName returns the Scanner name defined in the Flags.
func (scanner *Scanner) GetName() string {
return scanner.config.Name
// Protocol returns the protocol identifier of the scan.
func (scanner *Scanner) Protocol() string {
return "ipp"
// GetPort returns the port being scanned.
func (scanner *Scanner) GetPort() uint {
return scanner.config.Port
// Scan TODO: describe what is scanned
func (scanner *Scanner) Scan(target zgrab2.ScanTarget) (zgrab2.ScanStatus, interface{}, error) {
conn, err := target.Open(&scanner.config.BaseFlags)
if err != nil {
return zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(err), nil, err
defer conn.Close()
// TODO: implement
//FIXME: Dummy result currently, replace with an actual result assignment
result := map[string]string{
"test_key": "FIXME: Remove this",
return zgrab2.SCAN_SUCCESS, &result, nil