package zgrab2 import ( "encoding/base64" "encoding/csv" "fmt" "net" "strings" "time" log "" "" ) // Shared code for TLS scans. // Example usage: // (include TLSFlags in ScanFlags implementation) // (in scanning code, where you would call tls.Client()): // tlsConnection, err := myScanFlags.TLSFlags.GetTLSConnection(myModule.netConn) // err := tlsConnection.Handshake() // myModule.netConn = tlsConnection // result.tls = tlsConnection.GetLog() // Common flags for TLS configuration -- include this in your module's ScanFlags implementation to use the common TLS code // Adapted from modules/ssh.go type TLSFlags struct { Heartbleed bool `long:"heartbleed" description:"Check if server is vulnerable to Heartbleed"` SessionTicket bool `long:"session-ticket" description:"Send support for TLS Session Tickets and output ticket if presented" json:"session"` ExtendedMasterSecret bool `long:"extended-master-secret" description:"Offer RFC 7627 Extended Master Secret extension" json:"extended"` ExtendedRandom bool `long:"extended-random" description:"Send TLS Extended Random Extension" json:"extran"` NoSNI bool `long:"no-sni" description:"Do not send domain name in TLS Handshake regardless of whether known" json:"sni"` SCTExt bool `long:"sct" description:"Request Signed Certificate Timestamps during TLS Handshake" json:"sct"` // TODO: Do we just lump this with Verbose (and put Verbose in TLSFlags)? KeepClientLogs bool `long:"keep-client-logs" description:"Include the client-side logs in the TLS handshake"` Time string `long:"time" description:"Explicit request time to use, instead of clock. YYYYMMDDhhmmss format."` // TODO: directory? glob? How to map server name -> certificate? Certificates string `long:"certificates" description:"Set of certificates to present to the server"` // TODO: re-evaluate this, or at least specify the file format CertificateMap string `long:"certificate-map" description:"A file mapping server names to certificates"` // TODO: directory? glob? RootCAs string `long:"root-cas" description:"Set of certificates to use when verifying server certificates"` // TODO: format? NextProtos string `long:"next-protos" description:"A list of supported application-level protocols"` ServerName string `long:"server-name" description:"Server name used for certificate verification and (optionally) SNI"` VerifyServerCertificate bool `long:"verify-server-certificate" description:"If set, the scan will fail if the server certificate does not match the server-name, or does not chain to a trusted root."` // TODO: format? mapping? zgrab1 had flags like ChromeOnly, FirefoxOnly, etc... CipherSuite string `long:"cipher-suite" description:"A list of cipher suites to use."` MinVersion int `long:"min-version" description:"The minimum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. 0 means that SSLv3 is the minimum."` MaxVersion int `long:"max-version" description:"The maximum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. 0 means use the highest supported value."` CurvePreferences string `long:"curve-preferences" description:"A list of elliptic curves used in an ECDHE handshake, in order of preference."` NoECDHE bool `long:"no-ecdhe" description:"Do not allow ECDHE handshakes"` // TODO: format? SignatureAlgorithms string `long:"signature-algorithms" description:"Signature and hash algorithms that are acceptable"` HeartbeatEnabled bool `long:"heartbeat-enabled" description:"If set, include the heartbeat extension"` DSAEnabled bool `long:"dsa-enabled" description:"Accept server DSA keys"` // TODO: format? ClientRandom string `long:"client-random" description:"Set an explicit Client Random (base64 encoded)"` // TODO: format? ClientHello string `long:"client-hello" description:"Set an explicit ClientHello (base64 encoded)"` } func getCSV(arg string) []string { // TODO: Find standard way to pass array-valued options reader := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(arg)) ret, err := reader.ReadAll() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error parsing CSV argument '%s': %s", arg, err) } if len(ret) != 1 { log.Fatalf("Bad CSV -- must have exactly one row (%s)", arg) } for i, v := range ret[0] { ret[0][i] = strings.Trim(v, " \t") } return ret[0] } func (t *TLSFlags) GetTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error) { var err error // TODO: Find standard names cipherMap := map[string][]uint16{ "dhe-only": tls.DHECiphers, "ecdhe-only": tls.ECDHECiphers, "exports-dh-only": tls.DHEExportCiphers, "chrome-only": tls.ChromeCiphers, "chrome-no-dhe": tls.ChromeNoDHECiphers, "firefox-only": tls.FirefoxCiphers, "firefox-no-dhe": tls.FirefoxNoDHECiphers, "safari-only": tls.SafariCiphers, "safari-no-dhe": tls.SafariNoDHECiphers, } ret := tls.Config{} if t.Time != "" { // TODO: Find standard time format var baseTime time.Time baseTime, err = time.Parse("20060102150405Z", t.Time) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing time '%s': %s", t.Time, err) } startTime := time.Now() ret.Time = func() time.Time { offset := time.Now().Sub(startTime) // Return (now - startTime) + baseTime return baseTime.Add(offset) } } if t.Certificates != "" { // TODO FIXME: Implement log.Fatalf("--certificates not implemented") } if t.CertificateMap != "" { // TODO FIXME: Implement log.Fatalf("--certificate-map not implemented") } if t.RootCAs != "" { // TODO FIXME: Implement log.Fatalf("--root-cas not implemented") } if t.NextProtos != "" { // TODO: Different format? ret.NextProtos = getCSV(t.NextProtos) } if t.ServerName != "" { // TODO: In the original zgrab, this was only set of NoSNI was not set (though in that case, it set it to the scanning host name) ret.ServerName = t.ServerName } if t.VerifyServerCertificate { ret.InsecureSkipVerify = false } else { ret.InsecureSkipVerify = true } if t.CipherSuite != "" { ret.CipherSuites = cipherMap[t.CipherSuite] if ret.CipherSuites == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid cipher suite", t.CipherSuite) } } if t.MinVersion != 0 { ret.MinVersion = uint16(t.MinVersion) } if t.MaxVersion != 0 { ret.MaxVersion = uint16(t.MaxVersion) } if t.CurvePreferences != "" { // TODO FIXME: Implement (how to map curveName to CurveID? Or are there standard 'suites' like we use for cipher suites?) log.Fatalf("--curve-preferences not implemented") } if t.NoECDHE { ret.ExplicitCurvePreferences = true ret.CurvePreferences = nil } if t.SignatureAlgorithms != "" { // TODO FIXME: Implement (none of the signatureAndHash functions/consts are exported from common.go...?) log.Fatalf("--signature-algorithms not implemented") } if t.HeartbeatEnabled { ret.HeartbeatEnabled = true } else { ret.HeartbeatEnabled = false } if t.DSAEnabled { ret.ClientDSAEnabled = true } else { ret.ClientDSAEnabled = false } if t.ExtendedRandom { ret.ExtendedRandom = true } else { ret.ExtendedRandom = false } if t.SessionTicket { ret.ForceSessionTicketExt = true } else { ret.ForceSessionTicketExt = false } if t.ExtendedMasterSecret { ret.ExtendedMasterSecret = true } else { ret.ExtendedMasterSecret = false } if t.SCTExt { ret.SignedCertificateTimestampExt = true } else { ret.SignedCertificateTimestampExt = false } if t.ClientRandom != "" { ret.ClientRandom, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(t.ClientRandom) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding --client-random value '%s': %s", t.ClientRandom, err) } } if t.ClientHello != "" { ret.ExternalClientHello, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(t.ClientHello) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding --client-hello value '%s': %s", t.ClientHello, err) } } return &ret, nil } type TLSConnection struct { tls.Conn flags *TLSFlags } type TLSLog struct { // TODO include TLSFlags? HandshakeLog *tls.ServerHandshake `json:"handshake_log"` // This will be nil if heartbleed is not checked because of client configuration flags HeartbleedLog *tls.Heartbleed `json:"heartbleed_log,omitempty"` } func (z *TLSConnection) GetLog() *TLSLog { handshake := z.Conn.GetHandshakeLog() if !z.flags.KeepClientLogs { handshake.ClientHello = nil handshake.ClientKeyExchange = nil handshake.ClientFinished = nil } var heartbleed *tls.Heartbleed if z.flags.Heartbleed { heartbleed = z.Conn.GetHeartbleedLog() } else { heartbleed = nil } return &TLSLog{ HandshakeLog: handshake, HeartbleedLog: heartbleed, } } func (z *TLSConnection) Handshake() error { if z.flags.Heartbleed { buf := make([]byte, 256) // TODO - CheckHeartbleed does not bubble errors from Handshake _, err := z.CheckHeartbleed(buf) return err } else { return z.Conn.Handshake() } } func (t *TLSFlags) GetTLSConnection(conn *net.Conn) (*TLSConnection, error) { cfg, err := t.GetTLSConfig() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting TLSConfig for options: %s", err) } tlsClient := tls.Client(*conn, cfg) wrappedClient := TLSConnection{ Conn: *tlsClient, flags: t, } return &wrappedClient, nil }