#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail # Do all integration tests for all protocols # To add tests for a new protocol, run `./integration_tests/new.sh ` and implement the appropriate test scripts. # Test procedure: # 1. For each module (subdirectory of integration_tests (%)): # a. Enter module directory # b. If there is a setup.sh, run it (*) # c. Run test.sh # d. If there is a cleanup.sh, run it (*) # 2. For each JSON file in zgrab-output: (^) # a. Dump the file to stdout # b. Validate that the output matches the protocol's schema (using the parent folder name as the protocol) # c. Check that data..status == "success" # # (*) Skip if the NOSETUP environment variable is set # (^) Skip if the NOSCHEMA environment variable is set # (%) The .templates directory is skipped, and if the TEST_MODULES # environment variables is set, only modules in that list are run # Any errors in the first part will cause an immediate failure. # During schema validation, all output is validated and the errors are dumped afterwards. # In either case, a failure leads to a nonzero exit code. # # Run from root of project TEST_DIR=$(dirname "$0") ZGRAB_ROOT="$TEST_DIR/.." INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV=".integration_tests.venv" cd "$ZGRAB_ROOT" ZGRAB_OUTPUT="zgrab-output" mkdir -p $ZGRAB_OUTPUT if ! which jp; then go get github.com/jmespath/jp && go build github.com/jmespath/jp export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin fi pushd integration_tests for mod in $(ls); do if [ ".template" != "$mod" ] && [ -d "$mod" ] && ( [ -z $TEST_MODULES ] || [ $mod = *"$TEST_MODULES"* ]); then pushd $mod for test in $(ls test*.sh); do echo "Running integration_tests/$mod/$test" # Given test.x.sh, find setup.x.sh and cleanup.x.sh setup=${test/test/setup} cleanup=${test/test/cleanup} if [ -z $NOSETUP ] && [ -f $setup ]; then ./$setup fi ./$test if [ -z $NOSETUP ] && [ -f $cleanup ]; then ./$cleanup fi done popd fi done popd if ! [ -z $NOSCHEMA ]; then echo "Skipping schema validation." exit 0 fi status=0 failures="" echo "Doing schema validation..." if ! [ -f "${INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV}/bin/python" ]; then virtualenv "${INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV}" "${INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV}/bin/pip" install zschema "${INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV}/bin/pip" install -r requirements.txt fi . "${INTEGRATION_TEST_VENV}/bin/activate" for protocol in $(ls $ZGRAB_OUTPUT); do for outfile in $(ls $ZGRAB_OUTPUT/$protocol); do target="$ZGRAB_OUTPUT/$protocol/$outfile" echo "Validating $target [{(" cat $target echo ")}]:" if ! python -m zschema validate zgrab2 $target --path . --module zgrab2_schemas.zgrab2 ; then echo "Schema validation failed for $protocol/$outfile" err="schema failure@$protocol/$outfile" if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then failures="$err" else failures="$failures, $err" fi status=1 else scan_status=$(jp -u data.${protocol}.status < $target) if ! [ $scan_status = "success" ]; then echo "Scan returned success=$scan_status for $protocol/$outfile" err="scan failure(${scan_status})@$protocol/$outfile" if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then failures="$err" else failures="$failures, $err" fi status=1 fi fi done done if [ -n "$failures" ]; then echo "One or more schema validations failed: $failures" fi exit $status