ZGrab 2.0 schemas for zschema ============================= ## Validating [integration_tests.sh](../integration_tests.sh) automatically validates output from the integration tests; to manually validate a zgrab2 result, you can follow these steps: 0. Get [zschema](https://github.com/zmap/zschema) (e.g. `git clone https://github.com/zmap/zschema`) 1. Run the zschema validator: 1. Run the zschema module's main function 2. Pass it the `validate` command 3. Give the path to the zgrab2 schema [`schemas/__init__.py:zgrab2`](schemas/__init.py__) 4. Pass in the zgrab2 JSON file to validate * ``` echo | ./cmd/zgrab2/zgrab2 mysql > output.json PYTHONPATH=/path/to/zschema python -m zschema validate schemas/__init__.py:zgrab2 output.json ``` ## Adding new module schemas There are two steps to adding a new zgrab2 module schema: 1. Add the module a. Register the response type with the zgrab2 schema 2. Register the module in `__init__.py` ### Add the module Create your python file; if your protocol identifier (the default name in the result table) is *my_protocol*, name the file `my_protocol.py` (this allows a static schema validation from `protocol_name` to `protocol_schema`; unfortunately, this means that multiple scans on a single host, or scans using custom identifiers, will not validate). Your module should include a `SubRecord` that extends from `zgrab2.base_scan_response`, specifically, overridding the `result` field. See [schemas/mysql.py](schemas/mysql.py) for an example. ### Register the module In [`schemas/__init__.py`](schemas/__init__.py), add an import for your module (e.g. `import my_protocol`). This will ensure that the module code is executed and that the response type is registered with the zgrab2 module.