// Package ipp provides a zgrab2 module that scans for ipp. // TODO: Describe module, the flags, the probe, the output, etc. package ipp import ( "bytes" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/binary" "errors" //"fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "mime" "net" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/zmap/zgrab2" "github.com/zmap/zgrab2/lib/http" ) const ( ContentType string = "application/ipp" VersionsSupported string = "ipp-versions-supported" CupsVersion string = "cups-version" PrinterURISupported string = "printer-uri-supported" ) var ( // ErrRedirLocalhost is returned when an HTTP redirect points to localhost, // unless FollowLocalhostRedirects is set. ErrRedirLocalhost = errors.New("Redirecting to localhost") // ErrTooManyRedirects is returned when the number of HTTP redirects exceeds // MaxRedirects. ErrTooManyRedirects = errors.New("Too many redirects") // TODO: Explain this error ErrVersionNotSupported = errors.New("IPP version not supported") Versions = []version{{Major: 2, Minor: 1}, {Major: 2, Minor: 0}, {Major: 1, Minor: 1}, {Major: 1, Minor: 0}} AttributesCharset = []byte{0x47, 0x00, 0x12, 0x61, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x75, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2d, 0x63, 0x68, 0x61, 0x72, 0x73, 0x65, 0x74} ) type scan struct { connections []net.Conn transport *http.Transport client *http.Client results ScanResults url string tls bool } //TODO: Tag relevant results and exlain in comments // ScanResults instances are returned by the module's Scan function. type ScanResults struct { //TODO: ?Include the request sent as well?? Response *http.Response `json:"response,omitempty" zgrab:"debug"` CUPSResponse *http.Response `json:"cups_response,omitempty" zgrab:"debug"` // RedirectResponseChain is non-empty if the scanner follows a redirect. // It contains all redirect responses prior to the final response. RedirectResponseChain []*http.Response `json:"redirect_response_chain,omitempty"` MajorVersion *int8 `json:"version_major,omitempty"` MinorVersion *int8 `json:"version_minor,omitempty"` VersionString string `json:"version_string,omitempty"` CUPSVersion string `json:"cups_version,omitempty"` Attributes []*Attribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` AttributeCUPSVersion string `json:"attr_cups_version,omitempty"` AttributeIPPVersions []string `json:"attr_ipp_versions,omitempty"` AttributePrinterURIs []string `json:"attr_printer_uris,omitempty"` TLSLog *zgrab2.TLSLog `json:"tls,omitempty"` } // Flags holds the command-line configuration for the ipp scan module. // Populated by the framework. type Flags struct { zgrab2.BaseFlags zgrab2.TLSFlags Verbose bool `long:"verbose" description:"More verbose logging, include debug fields in the scan results"` //FIXME: Borrowed from http module, determine whether this is all needed MaxSize int `long:"max-size" default:"256" description:"Max kilobytes to read in response to an IPP request"` MaxRedirects int `long:"max-redirects" default:"0" description:"Max number of redirects to follow"` UserAgent string `long:"user-agent" default:"Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x" description:"Set a custom user agent"` TLSRetry bool `long:"ipps-retry" description:"If the initial request using TLS fails, reconnect and try using plaintext IPP."` // FollowLocalhostRedirects overrides the default behavior to return // ErrRedirLocalhost whenever a redirect points to localhost. FollowLocalhostRedirects bool `long:"follow-localhost-redirects" description:"Follow HTTP redirects to localhost"` // TODO: Maybe separately implement both an ipps connection and upgrade to https IPPSecure bool `long:"ipps" description:"Perform a TLS handshake immediately upon connecting."` } // Module implements the zgrab2.Module interface. type Module struct { // TODO: Add any module-global state if necessary } type version struct { Major int8 Minor int8 } // Scanner implements the zgrab2.Scanner interface. type Scanner struct { config *Flags // TODO: Add scan state if any is necessary } // RegisterModule registers the zgrab2 module. func RegisterModule() { var module Module _, err := zgrab2.AddCommand("ipp", "ipp", "Probe for ipp", 631, &module) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // NewFlags returns a default Flags object. func (module *Module) NewFlags() interface{} { return new(Flags) } // NewScanner returns a new Scanner instance. func (module *Module) NewScanner() zgrab2.Scanner { return new(Scanner) } // Validate checks that the flags are valid. // On success, returns nil. // On failure, returns an error instance describing the error. func (flags *Flags) Validate(args []string) error { return nil } // Help returns the module's help string. func (flags *Flags) Help() string { //TODO: Write a help string return "" } // Init initializes the Scanner. func (scanner *Scanner) Init(flags zgrab2.ScanFlags) error { f, _ := flags.(*Flags) scanner.config = f // TODO: Remove debug logging for unexpected behavior after 1% scan if f.Verbose { log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) } return nil } // InitPerSender initializes the scanner for a given sender. func (scanner *Scanner) InitPerSender(senderID int) error { return nil } // GetName returns the Scanner name defined in the Flags. func (scanner *Scanner) GetName() string { return scanner.config.Name } // GetTrigger returns the Trigger defined in the Flags. func (scanner *Scanner) GetTrigger() string { return scanner.config.Trigger } // Protocol returns the protocol identifier of the scan. func (scanner *Scanner) Protocol() string { return "ipp" } // GetPort returns the port being scanned. func (scanner *Scanner) GetPort() uint { return scanner.config.Port } // FIXME: Add some error handling somewhere in here, unless errors should just be ignored and we get what we get func storeBody(res *http.Response, scanner *Scanner) { b := bufferFromBody(res, scanner) res.BodyText = b.String() if len(res.BodyText) > 0 { m := sha256.New() m.Write(b.Bytes()) res.BodySHA256 = m.Sum(nil) } } func bufferFromBody(res *http.Response, scanner *Scanner) *bytes.Buffer { b := new(bytes.Buffer) maxReadLen := int64(scanner.config.MaxSize) * 1024 readLen := maxReadLen if res.ContentLength >= 0 && res.ContentLength < maxReadLen { readLen = res.ContentLength } io.CopyN(b, res.Body, readLen) res.Body.Close() res.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(b) return b } type Value struct { Bytes []byte `json:"raw,omitempty"` } type Attribute struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Values []Value `json:"values,omitempty"` ValueTag byte `json:"tag,omitempty"` } func shouldReturnAttrs(length, soFar, size, upperBound int) (bool, error) { if soFar + length > size { // Size should never exceed upperBound in practice because of truncation, but this is more general if size >= upperBound { return true, nil } return true, zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR, errors.New("Reported field length runs out of bounds.")) } return false, nil } func detectReadBodyError(err error) error { if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR, errors.New("Fewer body bytes read than expected.")) } return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(err), err) } /* An IPP response contains the following data (as specified in RFC 8010 Section 3.1.8 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.1.8) bytes name ---------------------------- 2 version-number 2 status-code 4 request-id (0 or more instances of the following pair of fields) 1 delimiter-tag OR value-tag x empty if delimiter-tag to begin a group OR rest of attribute if value-tag 1 end-of-attributes-tag ---------------------------- Those x bytes of any given attribute consist of the following (as specified in RFC 8010 Section 3.1.4 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.1.4) ---------------------------- 2 name-length = u u name 2 value-length = v v value ---------------------------- */ func readAllAttributes(body []byte, scanner *Scanner) ([]*Attribute, error) { var attrs []*Attribute bytesRead := 0 buf := bytes.NewBuffer(body) // Each field of this struct is exported to avoid binary.Read panicking var start struct { Version int16 StatusCode int16 ReqID int32 } // Read in pre-attribute part of body to ignore it if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &start); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead += 8 // Read in first delimiter tag, usually a begin-attribute-group-tag (which is equal to 1) var tag byte if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &tag); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead++ var lastTag byte // Until encountering end-of-attributes-tag (which is equal to 3): for tag != 0x03 { // If tag is a delimiter-tag ([0x00, 0x05]), read the next tag, which corresponds to the first // attribute's value-tag if tag <= 0x05 { lastTag = tag if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &tag); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead++ // Start a new iteration after reading this tag, since the next tag could be another // delimiter to be caught by this same if block continue } // TODO: Implement parsing attribute collections, since they're special // Read in length of attribute's name, which will be used to determine whether this attribute stands alone // or provides an additonal value for the previous attribute var nameLength int16 if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &nameLength); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead += 2 // If reading the name would entail reading past body, check whether body was truncated if should, err := shouldReturnAttrs(int(nameLength), bytesRead, len(body), scanner.config.MaxSize * 1024); should { // If body was truncated, return all attributes so far without error // Otherwise, return a protocol error because name-length should indicate the // length of the following name when obeying the protocol's encoding return attrs, err } var attr *Attribute // If sequential tags match and name-length of the latter is 0, the second attribute is // an additional value for the former, so we read and append another value for that attr if tag == lastTag && nameLength == 0 { attr = attrs[len(attrs)-1] // Otherwise, create a new attribute and read in its name } else { attr = &Attribute{ValueTag: tag} attrs = append(attrs, attr) } // Read in name into this slice (or no name into an empty slice if nameLength == 0) name := make([]byte, nameLength) if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &name); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead += int(nameLength) if attr.Name == "" { attr.Name = string(name) } // Determine length of current value of the current attribute var length int16 if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &length); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead += 2 // If reading the name would entail reading past body, check whether body was truncated if should, err := shouldReturnAttrs(int(length), bytesRead, len(body), scanner.config.MaxSize * 1024); should { // If body was truncated, return all attributes so far without error // Otherwise, return a protocol error because name-length should indicate the // length of the following name when obeying the protocol's encoding return attrs, err } if length > 0 { // Read and append a value to the current attribute val := make([]byte, length) if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &val); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead += int(length) attr.Values = append(attr.Values, Value{Bytes: val}) } // Read in the following tag to be assessed at the next iteration's start lastTag = tag if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &tag); err != nil { return attrs, detectReadBodyError(err) } bytesRead++ } return attrs, nil } func (scanner *Scanner) tryReadAttributes(resp *http.Response, scan *scan) *zgrab2.ScanError { body := []byte(resp.BodyText) // A well-formed IPP response MUST include the required status-code field. // "If an IPP status-code is returned, the HTTP status-code MUST be 200" // Therefore, an HTTP Status Code other than 200 indicates the response is not a well-formed IPP response. // RFC 8010 Section 3.4.3 Source: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.4.3 if resp.StatusCode != 200 { return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, errors.New("Response returned with status " + resp.Status)) } // Reject successful responses which specify non-IPP MIME mediatype (ie: text/html) // RFC 8010's abstract specifies that IPP uses the MIME media type "application/ipp" if !isIPP(resp) { return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR, errors.New("IPP Content-Type not detected.")) } attrs, err := readAllAttributes(body, scanner) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error appropriately log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "body": resp.BodyText, }).Debug("Failed to read attributes from body with error.") } scan.results.Attributes = append(scan.results.Attributes, attrs...) for _, attr := range scan.results.Attributes { if attr.Name == CupsVersion && scan.results.AttributeCUPSVersion == "" { scan.results.AttributeCUPSVersion = string(attr.Values[0].Bytes) } if attr.Name == VersionsSupported && len(scan.results.AttributeIPPVersions) == 0 { for _, v := range attr.Values { scan.results.AttributeIPPVersions = append(scan.results.AttributeIPPVersions, string(v.Bytes)) } } if attr.Name == PrinterURISupported { scan.results.AttributePrinterURIs = append(scan.results.AttributePrinterURIs, string(attr.Values[0].Bytes)) } } return nil } func versionNotSupported(body string) bool { if body != "" { buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(body)) // Ignore first two bytes, read second two for status code var reader struct { _ uint16 StatusCode uint16 } err := binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &reader) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "body": body, }).Debug("Failed to read statusCode from body.") return false } // 0x0503 in the second two bytes of the body denotes server-error-version-not-supported // Source: RFC 8011 Section 4.1.8 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8011#4.1.8) return reader.StatusCode == 0x0503 } return false } // TODO: Genericize this with passed-in getIPPRequest function and *http.Response for some result field to store into func (scanner *Scanner) augmentWithCUPSData(scan *scan, target *zgrab2.ScanTarget, version *version) *zgrab2.ScanError { cupsBody := getPrintersRequest(version.Major, version.Minor) cupsResp, err := sendIPPRequest(scan, cupsBody) //Store response regardless of error in request, because we may have gotten something back scan.results.CUPSResponse = cupsResp if err != nil { return err } // Store data into BodyText and BodySHA256 of cupsResp storeBody(cupsResp, scanner) if versionNotSupported(scan.results.CUPSResponse.BodyText) { return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, ErrVersionNotSupported) } if err := scanner.tryReadAttributes(scan.results.CUPSResponse, scan); err != nil { return err } return nil } // TODO: Let this receive generic *io.Reader rather than *bytes.Buffer in particular func sendIPPRequest(scan *scan, body *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Response, *zgrab2.ScanError) { request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", scan.url, body) if err != nil { // TODO: Log the error to see what exactly went wrong return nil, zgrab2.DetectScanError(err) } request.Header.Set("Accept", "*/*") request.Header.Set("Content-Type", ContentType) resp, err := scan.client.Do(request) if err != nil { if urlError, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok { err = urlError.Err } } if err != nil { switch err { case ErrRedirLocalhost: break case ErrTooManyRedirects: return resp, zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, err) default: return resp, zgrab2.DetectScanError(err) } } // TODO: Examine whether an empty response overall is a connection error; see RFC 8011 Section if resp == nil { return resp, zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, errors.New("No HTTP response")) } // Empty body is not allowed in IPP because a response has required parameter // Source: RFC 8011 Section 4.1.1 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8011#section-4.1.1) if resp.Body == nil { return resp, zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR, errors.New("Empty body.")) } return resp, nil } func hasContentType(resp *http.Response, contentType string) bool { // Removal of everything post-comma added in response to empirical examples of Virata-EmWeb // print servers listed with "Content-Type" of "application/ipp, public" cType := strings.Split(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), ",")[0] // Parameters can be ignored, since there are no required or optional parameters // IPP parameters specified at https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/ipp mediatype, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(cType) // Certainly doesn't have correct Content-Type if there was a malformed or empty Content-Type if mediatype == "" && err != nil { return false } // Check for only subtype added in resonse to empirical examples of Rapid Logic print servers // listed with "Content-Type" of "IPP" subType := strings.Split(contentType, "/")[1] return strings.HasPrefix(mediatype, contentType) || strings.HasPrefix(mediatype, subType) } func isIPP(resp *http.Response) bool { hasIPP := hasContentType(resp, ContentType) body := []byte(resp.BodyText) // If Content-Type header doesn't clearly indicate IPP, but "attributes-charset" // attribute is specified in the correct format for IPP, still indicate a positive detection // This is in response to empirical evidence of all false negatives specifying "attributes-charset" // in the correct format. return resp.StatusCode == 200 && (hasIPP || bytes.Contains(body, AttributesCharset)) } func (scanner *Scanner) Grab(scan *scan, target *zgrab2.ScanTarget, version *version) *zgrab2.ScanError { // Send get-printer-attributes request to the host, preferably a print server body := getPrinterAttributesRequest(version.Major, version.Minor, scan.url, scan.tls) // TODO: Log any weird errors coming out of this resp, err := sendIPPRequest(scan, body) //Store response regardless of error in request, because we may have gotten something back scan.results.Response = resp if err != nil { return err } storeBody(resp, scanner) if versionNotSupported(scan.results.Response.BodyText) { return zgrab2.NewScanError(zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, ErrVersionNotSupported) } protocols := strings.Split(resp.Header.Get("Server"), " ") for _, p := range protocols { if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(p), "IPP/") { scan.results.VersionString = p protocol := strings.Split(p, "/")[1] components := strings.Split(protocol, ".") // Reads in signed integers because "every integer MUST be encoded as a signed integer" // (Source: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3) var major, minor int8 if len(components) >= 1 { if val, err := strconv.Atoi(components[0]); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "string": components[0], }).Debug("Failed to read major version from string.") } else { major = int8(val) scan.results.MajorVersion = &major } } if len(components) >= 2 { if val, err := strconv.Atoi(components[1]); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "string": components[1], }).Debug("Failed to read minor version from string.") } else { minor = int8(val) scan.results.MinorVersion = &minor } } } if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(p), "CUPS/") { scan.results.CUPSVersion = p } } if err := scanner.tryReadAttributes(scan.results.Response, scan); err != nil { return err } if scan.results.CUPSVersion != "" { err := scanner.augmentWithCUPSData(scan, target, version) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, }).Debug("Failed to augment with CUPS-get-printers request.") } } return nil } //Taken from zgrab/zlib/grabber.go -- check if the URL points to localhost func redirectsToLocalhost(host string) bool { if i := net.ParseIP(host); i != nil { return i.IsLoopback() || i.Equal(net.IPv4zero) } if host == "localhost" { return true } if addrs, err := net.LookupHost(host); err == nil { for _, i := range addrs { if ip := net.ParseIP(i); ip != nil { if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.Equal(net.IPv4zero) { return true } } } } return false } // Taken from zgrab/zlib/grabber.go -- get a CheckRedirect callback that uses redirectToLocalhost and MaxRedirects config func (scan *scan) getCheckRedirect(scanner *Scanner) func(*http.Request, *http.Response, []*http.Request) error { return func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response, via []*http.Request) error { if !scanner.config.FollowLocalhostRedirects && redirectsToLocalhost(req.URL.Hostname()) { return ErrRedirLocalhost } scan.results.RedirectResponseChain = append(scan.results.RedirectResponseChain, res) storeBody(res, scanner) if len(via) > scanner.config.MaxRedirects { return ErrTooManyRedirects } return nil } } // Taken from zgrab2 http library, slightly modified to use slightly leaner scan object func (scan *scan) getTLSDialer(scanner *Scanner) func(net, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { return func(net, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { outer, err := zgrab2.DialTimeoutConnection(net, addr, scanner.config.BaseFlags.Timeout) if err != nil { return nil, err } scan.connections = append(scan.connections, outer) tlsConn, err := scanner.config.TLSFlags.GetTLSConnection(outer) if err != nil { return nil, err } // lib/http/transport.go fills in the TLSLog in the http.Request instance(s) err = tlsConn.Handshake() scan.results.TLSLog = tlsConn.GetLog() return tlsConn, err } } // This doesn't use ipp(s) scheme, because http doesn't recognize them, so we need http scheme // We convert as needed later in convertURIToIPP func getHTTPURL(https bool, host string, port uint16, endpoint string) string { var proto string if https { proto = "https" } else { proto = "http" } return proto + "://" + host + ":" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(port), 10) + endpoint } // Adapted from newHTTPScan in zgrab2 http module func (scanner *Scanner) newIPPScan(target *zgrab2.ScanTarget, tls bool) *scan { newScan := scan{ client: http.MakeNewClient(), } newScan.results = ScanResults{} transport := &http.Transport{ Proxy: nil, // TODO: implement proxying DisableKeepAlives: false, DisableCompression: false, MaxIdleConnsPerHost: scanner.config.MaxRedirects, } transport.DialTLS = newScan.getTLSDialer(scanner) transport.DialContext = zgrab2.GetTimeoutConnectionDialer(scanner.config.Timeout).DialContext newScan.client.CheckRedirect = newScan.getCheckRedirect(scanner) newScan.client.UserAgent = scanner.config.UserAgent newScan.client.Transport = transport newScan.client.Jar = nil // Don't transfer cookies FIXME: Stolen from HTTP, unclear if needed newScan.tls = tls host := target.Domain if host == "" { // FIXME: I only know this works for sure for IPv4, uri string might get weird w/ IPv6 // FIXME: Change this, since ipp uri's cannot contain an IP address. Still valid for HTTP host = target.IP.String() } // FIXME: ?Should just use endpoint "/", since we get the same response as "/ipp" on CUPS?? newScan.url = getHTTPURL(tls, host, uint16(scanner.config.BaseFlags.Port), "/ipp") return &newScan } // Cleanup closes any connections that have been opened during the scan func (scan *scan) Cleanup() { if scan.connections != nil { for _, conn := range scan.connections { defer conn.Close() } scan.connections = nil } } // TODO: Do you want to retry with TLS for all versions? Just one's you've already tried? Haven't tried? Just the same version? func (scanner *Scanner) tryGrabForVersions(target *zgrab2.ScanTarget, versions []version, tls bool) (*scan, *zgrab2.ScanError) { scan := scanner.newIPPScan(target, tls) defer scan.Cleanup() var err *zgrab2.ScanError for i := 0; i < len(versions); i++ { err = scanner.Grab(scan, target, &versions[i]) if err != nil && err.Err == ErrVersionNotSupported && i < len(versions)-1 { continue } break } return scan, err } // TODO: Incorporate status into this? I don't think so, b/c with certain statuses, we should return // early, so special casing seems to make sense func (scan *scan) shouldReportResult(scanner *Scanner) bool { if scan.results.Response != nil { return true } else if scan.tls { l := scan.results.TLSLog return l != nil && l.HandshakeLog != nil && l.HandshakeLog.ServerHello != nil } return false } // Scan TODO: describe how scan operates in appropriate detail //1. Send a request (currently get-printer-attributes) //2. Take in that response & read out version numbers func (scanner *Scanner) Scan(target zgrab2.ScanTarget) (zgrab2.ScanStatus, interface{}, error) { // Try all known IPP versions from newest to oldest until we reach a supported version scan, err := scanner.tryGrabForVersions(&target, Versions, scanner.config.TLSRetry || scanner.config.IPPSecure) if err != nil { // If versionNotSupported error was confirmed, the scanner was connecting w/o TLS, so don't retry // Same goes for a protocol error of any kind. It means we got something back but it didn't conform. if err.Err == ErrVersionNotSupported || err.Status == zgrab2.SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR { return err.Unpack(&scan.results) } if scanner.config.TLSRetry && !scanner.config.IPPSecure { retry, retryErr := scanner.tryGrabForVersions(&target, Versions, false) if retryErr != nil { if retry.shouldReportResult(scanner) { return retryErr.Unpack(&retry.results) } // Use original result as a fallback when retry result shouldn't be returned if scan.shouldReportResult(scanner) { return err.Unpack(&scan.results) } return zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(retryErr), nil, retryErr } return zgrab2.SCAN_SUCCESS, &retry.results, nil } if scan.shouldReportResult(scanner) { return err.Unpack(&scan.results) } return zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(err), nil, err } return zgrab2.SCAN_SUCCESS, &scan.results, nil }