package zgrab2 import ( "errors" "net" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "runtime/debug" ) var parser *flags.Parser func init() { parser = flags.NewParser(&config, flags.Default) } // NewIniParser creates and returns a ini parser initialized // with the default parser func NewIniParser() *flags.IniParser { return flags.NewIniParser(parser) } // AddGroup exposes the parser's AddGroup function, allowing extension // of the global arguments. func AddGroup(shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) { parser.AddGroup(shortDescription, longDescription, data) } // AddCommand adds a module to the parser and returns a pointer to // a flags.command object or an error func AddCommand(command string, shortDescription string, longDescription string, port int, m ScanModule) (*flags.Command, error) { cmd, err := parser.AddCommand(command, shortDescription, longDescription, m) if err != nil { return nil, err } cmd.FindOptionByLongName("port").Default = []string{strconv.FormatUint(uint64(port), 10)} cmd.FindOptionByLongName("name").Default = []string{command} modules[command] = m return cmd, nil } // ParseCommandLine parses the commands given on the command line // and validates the framework configuration (global options) // immediately after parsing func ParseCommandLine(flags []string) ([]string, string, ScanFlags, error) { posArgs, moduleType, f, err := parser.ParseCommandLine(flags) if err == nil { validateFrameworkConfiguration() } sf, _ := f.(ScanFlags) return posArgs, moduleType, sf, err } // ReadAvaiable reads what it can without blocking for more than // defaultReadTimeout per read, or defaultTotalTimeout for the whole session. // Reads at most defaultMaxReadSize bytes. func ReadAvailable(conn net.Conn) ([]byte, error) { const defaultReadTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond const defaultMaxReadSize = 1024 * 512 // if the buffer size exactly matches the number of bytes returned, we hit // a corner case where we attempt to read even though there is nothing // available. Otherwise we should be able to return without blocking at all. // So -- it's better to be large than small, but the worst case is getting // the exact right number of bytes. const defaultBufferSize = 8209 return ReadAvailableWithOptions(conn, defaultBufferSize, defaultReadTimeout, 0, defaultMaxReadSize) } // Make this implement the net.Error interface so that err.(net.Error).Timeout() works. type errTotalTimeout string const ( ErrTotalTimeout = errTotalTimeout("timeout") ) func (err errTotalTimeout) Error() string { return string(err) } func (err errTotalTimeout) Timeout() bool { return true } func (err errTotalTimeout) Temporary() bool { return false } // ReadAvailableWithOptions reads whatever can be read (up to maxReadSize) from // conn without blocking for longer than readTimeout per read, or totalTimeout // for the entire session. A totalTimeout of 0 means attempt to use the // connection's timeout (or, failing that, 1 second). // On failure, returns anything it was able to read along with the error. func ReadAvailableWithOptions(conn net.Conn, bufferSize int, readTimeout time.Duration, totalTimeout time.Duration, maxReadSize int) ([]byte, error) { min := func(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } var totalDeadline time.Time if totalTimeout == 0 { // Would be nice if this could be taken from the SetReadDeadline(), but that's not possible in general const defaultTotalTimeout = 1 * time.Second totalTimeout = defaultTotalTimeout timeoutConn, isTimeoutConn := conn.(*TimeoutConnection) if isTimeoutConn { totalTimeout = timeoutConn.Timeout } } if totalTimeout > 0 { totalDeadline = time.Now().Add(totalTimeout) } buf := make([]byte, bufferSize) ret := make([]byte, 0) // The first read will use any pre-assigned deadlines. n, err := conn.Read(buf[0:min(bufferSize, maxReadSize)]) ret = append(ret, buf[0:n]...) if err != nil || n >= maxReadSize { return ret, err } maxReadSize -= n // If there were more than bufSize -1 bytes available, read whatever is // available without blocking longer than timeout, and do not treat timeouts // as an error. // Keep reading until we time out or get an error. for totalDeadline.IsZero() || totalDeadline.After(time.Now()) { deadline := time.Now().Add(readTimeout) conn.SetReadDeadline(deadline) n, err := conn.Read(buf[0:min(maxReadSize, bufferSize)]) maxReadSize -= n ret = append(ret, buf[0:n]...) if err != nil { if IsTimeoutError(err) { err = nil } return ret, err } if err != nil { return ret, err } if n >= maxReadSize { return ret, err } } return ret, ErrTotalTimeout } var InsufficientBufferError = errors.New("not enough buffer space") // ReadUntilRegex calls connection.Read() until it returns an error, or the cumulatively-read data matches the given regexp func ReadUntilRegex(connection net.Conn, res []byte, expr *regexp.Regexp) (int, error) { buf := res[0:] length := 0 for finished := false; !finished; { n, err := connection.Read(buf) length += n if err != nil { return length, err } if expr.Match(res[0:length]) { finished = true } if length == len(res) { return length, InsufficientBufferError } buf = res[length:] } return length, nil } // TLDMatches checks for a strict TLD match func TLDMatches(host1 string, host2 string) bool { splitStr1 := strings.Split(stripPortNumber(host1), ".") splitStr2 := strings.Split(stripPortNumber(host2), ".") tld1 := splitStr1[len(splitStr1)-1] tld2 := splitStr2[len(splitStr2)-1] return tld1 == tld2 } func stripPortNumber(host string) string { return strings.Split(host, ":")[0] } type timeoutError interface { Timeout() bool } // IsTimeoutError checks if the given error corresponds to a timeout (of any type). func IsTimeoutError(err error) bool { if err == nil { return false } if cast, ok := err.(timeoutError); ok { return cast.Timeout() } if cast, ok := err.(*ScanError); ok { return cast.Status == SCAN_IO_TIMEOUT || cast.Status == SCAN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT } return false } // LogPanic is intended to be called from within defer -- if there was no panic, it returns without // doing anything. Otherwise, it logs the stacktrace, the panic error, and the provided message // before re-raising the original panic. // Example: // defer zgrab2.LogPanic("Error decoding body '%x'", body) func LogPanic(format string, args...interface{}) { err := recover() if err == nil { return } logrus.Errorf("Uncaught panic at %s: %v", string(debug.Stack()), err) logrus.Errorf(format, args...) panic(err) }