2018-03-22 17:06:44 -04:00

241 lines
7.3 KiB

package siemens
import (
// TPKTPacket is defined in RFC 1006
type TPKTPacket struct {
// Data is the packet's content
Data []byte
const tpktLength = 4 // 4 bytes (excluding Data slice)
// Marshal encodes a TPKTPacket to binary.
func (tpktPacket *TPKTPacket) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
totalLength := len(tpktPacket.Data) + tpktLength
bytes := make([]byte, 0, totalLength)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(3)) // version
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0)) // reserved
uint16BytesHolder := make([]byte, 2)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, uint16(totalLength))
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
bytes = append(bytes, tpktPacket.Data...)
return bytes, nil
// Unmarshal decodes a TPKTPacket from binary.
func (tpktPacket *TPKTPacket) Unmarshal(bytes []byte) error {
if len(bytes) < tpktLength {
return errS7PacketTooShort
tpktPacket.Data = bytes[tpktLength:]
return nil
// COTPConnectionPacket is defined in RFC 892.
type COTPConnectionPacket struct {
// DestinationRef is the DST-REF TPDU field
DestinationRef uint16
// SourceRef is the SCE-REF TPDU field
SourceRef uint16
// DestinationTSAP is the destination transport service access point.
DestinationTSAP uint16
// SourceTSAP is the source transport service access point.
SourceTSAP uint16
// TPDUSize is the size (in bytes) of the TPDU
TPDUSize byte
const cotpConnRequestLength = 18
// Marshal encodes a COTPConnectionPacket to binary.
func (cotpConnPacket *COTPConnectionPacket) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
bytes := make([]byte, 0, cotpConnRequestLength)
uint16BytesHolder := make([]byte, 2)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(cotpConnRequestLength-1)) // length of packet (excluding 1-byte length header)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0xe0)) // connection request code
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, cotpConnPacket.DestinationRef)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, cotpConnPacket.SourceRef)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0)) // class 0 transport protocol with no flags
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0xc1)) // code for identifier of the calling TSAP field
bytes = append(bytes, byte(2)) // byte-length of subsequent field SourceTSAP
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, cotpConnPacket.SourceTSAP)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0xc2)) // code fo identifier of the called TSAP field
bytes = append(bytes, byte(2)) // byte-length of subsequent field DestinationTSAP
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, cotpConnPacket.DestinationTSAP)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0xc0)) // code for proposed maximum TPDU size field
bytes = append(bytes, byte(1)) // byte-length of subsequent field
bytes = append(bytes, cotpConnPacket.TPDUSize)
return bytes, nil
// Unmarshal decodes a COTPConnectionPacket from binary that must be a connection confirmation.
func (cotpConnPacket *COTPConnectionPacket) Unmarshal(bytes []byte) error {
if bytes == nil || len(bytes) < 2 {
return errInvalidPacket
if sizeByte := bytes[0]; int(sizeByte)+1 != len(bytes) {
return errS7PacketTooShort
if pduType := bytes[1]; pduType != 0xd0 {
return errors.New("Not a connection confirmation packet")
// TODO: implement these fields with proper bounds checking
// cotpConnPacket.DestinationRef = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[2:4])
// cotpConnPacket.SourceRef = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[4:6])
// cotpConnPacket.DestinationTSAP
// cotpConnPacket.SourceTSAP
// cotpConnPacket.TPDUSize
return nil
// COTPDataPacket wraps the state / interface for a COTP data packet.
type COTPDataPacket struct {
Data []byte
const cotpDataPacketHeaderLength = 2
// Marshal encodes a COTPDataPacket to binary.
func (cotpDataPacket *COTPDataPacket) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
bytes := make([]byte, 0, cotpDataPacketHeaderLength+len(cotpDataPacket.Data))
bytes = append(bytes, byte(2)) // data header length
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0xf0)) // code for data packet
bytes = append(bytes, byte(0x80)) // code for data packet
bytes = append(bytes, cotpDataPacket.Data...)
return bytes, nil
// Unmarshal decodes a COTPDataPacket from binary.
func (cotpDataPacket *COTPDataPacket) Unmarshal(bytes []byte) error {
if bytes == nil || len(bytes) < 1 {
return errInvalidPacket
headerSize := bytes[0]
if int(headerSize+1) > len(bytes) {
return errInvalidPacket
cotpDataPacket.Data = bytes[headerSize+1:]
return nil
// S7Packet represents an S7 packet.
type S7Packet struct {
PDUType byte
RequestId uint16
Parameters []byte
Data []byte
Error uint16
const (
S7_PROTOCOL_ID = byte(0x32)
S7_REQUEST_ID = uint16(0)
S7_REQUEST = byte(0x01)
S7_REQUEST_USER_DATA = byte(0x07)
S7_RESPONSE = byte(0x03)
S7_SZL_REQUEST = byte(0x04)
S7_SZL_FUNCTIONS = byte(0x04)
S7_SZL_READ = byte(0x01)
S7_DATA_BYTE_OFFSET = 12 // offset for real data
const s7PacketHeaderLength = 3
// Marshal encodes a S7Packet to binary.
func (s7Packet *S7Packet) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
if s7Packet.PDUType != S7_REQUEST && s7Packet.PDUType != S7_REQUEST_USER_DATA {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid PDU request type")
bytes := make([]byte, 0, s7PacketHeaderLength+len(s7Packet.Data))
uint16BytesHolder := make([]byte, 2)
bytes = append(bytes, S7_PROTOCOL_ID) // s7 protocol id
bytes = append(bytes, s7Packet.PDUType)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, 0)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...) // reserved
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, s7Packet.RequestId)
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, uint16(len(s7Packet.Parameters)))
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uint16BytesHolder, uint16(len(s7Packet.Data)))
bytes = append(bytes, uint16BytesHolder...)
bytes = append(bytes, s7Packet.Parameters...)
bytes = append(bytes, s7Packet.Data...)
return bytes, nil
// Unmarshal decodes a S7Packet from binary.
func (s7Packet *S7Packet) Unmarshal(bytes []byte) (err error) {
if bytes == nil || len(bytes) < 1 {
return errInvalidPacket
if protocolId := bytes[0]; protocolId != S7_PROTOCOL_ID {
return errNotS7
var headerSize int
pduType := bytes[1]
if pduType == S7_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT || pduType == S7_RESPONSE {
headerSize = 12
s7Packet.Error = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[10:12])
} else if pduType == S7_REQUEST || pduType == S7_REQUEST_USER_DATA {
headerSize = 10
} else {
return errors.New("Unknown PDU type " + string(pduType))
s7Packet.PDUType = pduType
s7Packet.RequestId = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[4:6])
paramLength := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[6:8]))
dataLength := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes[8:10]))
if paramLength < 0 || dataLength < 0 || headerSize+paramLength+dataLength > len(bytes) {
return errInvalidPacket
s7Packet.Parameters = bytes[headerSize : headerSize+paramLength]
s7Packet.Data = bytes[headerSize+paramLength : headerSize+paramLength+dataLength]
return nil