2019-01-07 11:58:59 -05:00

210 lines
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# zschema sub-schema for zgrab2's ipp module
# Registers zgrab2-ipp globally, and ipp with the main zgrab2 schema.
from zschema.leaves import *
from zschema.compounds import *
import zschema.registry
import zcrypto_schemas.zcrypto as zcrypto
from . import zgrab2
# TODO: Eventually re-introduce (non-cicular) dependency on HTTP zgrab2 schema
# lib/http/header.go: knownHeaders
http_known_headers = [
http_unknown_headers = ListOf(SubRecord({
"key": String(),
"value": ListOf(String())
_http_headers = dict(
(header_name, ListOf(String()))
for header_name in http_known_headers
_http_headers["unknown"] = http_unknown_headers
# Format from the custom JSON Marshaller in lib/http/header.go
http_headers = SubRecord(_http_headers)
# net.url: type Values map[string][]string
http_form_values = SubRecord({}) # TODO FIXME: unconstrained dict
# lib/http/request.go: URLWrapper
http_url_wrapper = SubRecord({
"scheme": String(),
"opaque": String(),
"host": String(),
"path": String(),
"raw_path": String(),
"raw_query": String(),
"fragment": String()
# modules/http.go: HTTPRequest
http_request = SubRecord({
"method": String(),
"endpoint": String(),
"user_agent": String(),
"body": String()
# modules/http.go: HTTPResponse
http_response = SubRecord({
"version_major": Signed32BitInteger(),
"version_minor": Signed32BitInteger(),
"status_code": Signed32BitInteger(),
"status_line": String(),
"headers": http_headers,
"body": String(),
"body_sha256": String()
# lib/http/request.go: http.Request
http_request_full = SubRecord({
"url": http_url_wrapper,
"method": String(),
"headers": http_headers,
"body": String(),
"content_length": Signed64BitInteger(),
"transfer_encoding": ListOf(String()),
"close": Boolean(),
"host": String(),
"form": http_form_values,
"post_form": http_form_values,
"multipart_form": http_form_values,
"trailers": http_headers,
# The new field tls_log contains the zgrab2 TLS logs.
"tls_log": zgrab2.tls_log
# lib/http/response.go: http.Response
http_response_full = SubRecord({
"status_line": String(),
"status_code": Unsigned32BitInteger(),
# lib/http/protocol.go: http.Protocol
"protocol": SubRecord({
"name": String(),
"major": Unsigned32BitInteger(),
"minor": Unsigned32BitInteger(),
"headers": http_headers,
"body": String(),
"body_sha256": Binary(),
"content_length": Signed64BitInteger(),
"transfer_encoding": ListOf(String()),
"trailers": http_headers,
"request": http_request_full
# TODO: Determine whether value-tag types with same underlying form should have a different name in this mapping
# TODO: Add method to decode these values appropriately. Encoding of different tag's attribute values specified
# in Table 7 of RFC 8010 Section 3.9 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.9)
# "value-tag" values which specify the interpretation of an attribute's value:
# From RFC 8010 Section 3.5.2 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8010#section-3.5.2)
# Note: value-tag values are camelCase because the names are specified that way in RFC
ipp_attribute_value = SubRecord({
"raw": IndexedBinary(),
"integer": Signed32BitInteger(),
"boolean": Boolean(),
"enum": String(),
"octetString": IndexedBinary(),
"dateTime": DateTime(),
# TODO: Determine appropriate type for resolution
"resolution": IndexedBinary(),
# TODO: Determine appropriate type for range of Integers (probably {min, max} pair)
"rangeOfInteger": IndexedBinary(),
# TODO: Determine appropriate type for beginning of attribute collection
"bagCollection": IndexedBinary(),
"textWithLanguage": String(),
"nameWithLanguage": String(),
# TODO: Determine appropriate type for end of attribute collection
"endCollection": IndexedBinary(),
"textWithoutLanguage": String(),
"nameWithoutLanguage": String(),
"keyword": String(),
"uri": String(),
"uriScheme": String(),
"charset": String(),
"naturalLanguage": String(),
"mimeMediaType": String(),
"memberAttrName": String(),
ipp_attribute = SubRecord({
"name": String(),
"values": ListOf(ipp_attribute_value),
"tag": Unsigned8BitInteger(),
ipp_scan_response = SubRecord({
"result": SubRecord({
"version_major": Signed8BitInteger(doc="Major component of IPP version listed in the Server header of a response to an IPP get-printer-attributes request."),
"version_minor": Signed8BitInteger(doc="Minor component of IPP version listed in the Server header of a response to an IPP get-printer-attributes request."),
"version_string": String(doc="The specific IPP version returned in response to an IPP get-printer-attributes request. Always in the form 'IPP/x.y'", examples=["IPP/1.0", "IPP/2.1"]),
"cups_version": String(doc="The CUPS version, if any, specified in the Server header of an IPP get-attributes response.", examples=["CUPS/1.7", "CUPS/2.2"]),
"attributes": ListOf(ipp_attribute, doc="All IPP attributes included in any contentful responses obtained. Each has a name, list of values (potentially only one), and a tag denoting how the value should be interpreted."),
"attr_cups_version": String(doc="The CUPS version, if any, specified in the list of attributes returned in a get-printer-attributes response or CUPS-get-printers response. Generally in the form 'x.y.z'.", examples=["1.7.5", "2.2.7"]),
"attr_ipp_versions": ListOf(String(), doc="Each IPP version, if any, specified in the list of attributes returned in a get-printer-attributes response or CUPS-get-printers response. Always in the form 'x.y'.", examples=["1.0", "1.1", "2.0", "2.1"]),
"attr_printer_uris": ListOf(String(), doc="Each printer URI, if any, specified in the list of attributes returned in a get-printer-attributes response or CUPS-get-printers response. Uses ipp(s) or http(s) scheme, followed by a hostname or IP, and then the path to a particular printer.", examples=["ipp://", "", "ipp://BRNB8763F84DD6A.local./ipp/port1"]),
"response": http_response_full,
"cups_response": http_response_full,
"tls": zgrab2.tls_log,
"redirect_response_chain": ListOf(http_response_full, doc="Each response returned while following a series of redirects."),
}, extends=zgrab2.base_scan_response)
zschema.registry.register_schema("zgrab2-ipp", ipp_scan_response)
zgrab2.register_scan_response_type("ipp", ipp_scan_response)