2019-01-07 11:58:59 -05:00

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# zschema sub-schema for zgrab2's oracle module
# Registers zgrab2-oracle globally, and oracle with the main zgrab2 schema.
from zschema.leaves import *
from zschema.compounds import *
import zschema.registry
import zcrypto_schemas.zcrypto as zcrypto
from . import zgrab2
FlagsSet = zgrab2.FlagsSet
global_service_options = [
connect_flags = [
nsn_services = [
descriptor_entry = SubRecord({
"key": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The dot-separated path to the descriptor", examples=["DESCRIPTION.ERR", "DESCRIPTION.CONNECT_DATA.CID.PROGRAM"]),
"value": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The descriptor value."),
oracle_scan_response = SubRecord({
"result": SubRecord({
"handshake": SubRecord({
"accept_version": Unsigned16BitInteger(doc="The protocol version number from the Accept packet."),
"global_service_options": FlagsSet(global_service_options, doc="Set of flags that the server returns in the Accept packet."),
"connect_flags0": FlagsSet(connect_flags, doc="The first set of ConnectFlags returned in the Accept packet."),
"connect_flags1": FlagsSet(connect_flags, doc="The second set of ConnectFlags returned in the Accept packet."),
"did_resend": Boolean(doc="True if the server sent a Resend packet request in response to the client's first Connect packet."),
"redirect_target_raw": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The connect descriptor returned by the server in the Redirect packet, if one is sent. Otherwise, omitted.", examples=[
"redirect_target": ListOf(descriptor_entry, doc="The parsed connect descriptor returned by the server in the redirect packet, if one is sent. Otherwise, omitted. The parsed descriptor is a list of objects with key and value, where the keys strings like 'DESCRIPTION.CONNECT_DATA.SERVICE_NAME'."),
"refuse_error_raw": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The data from the Refuse packet returned by the server; it is empty if the server does not return a Refuse packet.", examples=[
"refuse_error": ListOf(descriptor_entry, doc="The parsed descriptor returned by the server in the Refuse packet; it is empty if the server does not return a Refuse packet. The keys are strings like 'DESCRIPTION.ERROR_STACK.ERROR.CODE'."),
"refuse_version": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The parsed DESCRIPTION.VSNNUM field from the RefuseError descriptor returned by the server in the Refuse packet, in dotted-decimal format.", examples=[""]),
"refuse_reason_app": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The 'AppReason' returned by the server in the RefusePacket, as an 8-bit unsigned hex string. Omitted if the server did not send a Refuse packet.", examples=["0x22", "0x04"]),
"refuse_reason_sys": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The 'SysReason' returned by the server in the RefusePacket, as an 8-bit unsigned hex string. Omitted if the server did not send a Refuse packet.", examples=["0x00", "0x04"]),
"nsn_version": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The ReleaseVersion string (in dotted-decimal format) in the root of the Native Service Negotiation packet.", examples=[""]),
"nsn_service_versions": SubRecord({
service: WhitespaceAnalyzedString() for service in nsn_services
}, doc="A map from the native Service Negotation service names to the ReleaseVersion (in dotted-decimal format) in that service packet."),
}, doc="The log of the Oracle / TDS handshake process."),
"tls": zgrab2.tls_log,
}, extends=zgrab2.base_scan_response)
zschema.registry.register_schema("zgrab2-oracle", oracle_scan_response)
zgrab2.register_scan_response_type("oracle", oracle_scan_response)