justinbastress a1fca68c04
Port FTP module from zgrab (#32)
* remove unnecessary indirection on net.Conn

* Ignore *.pyc

* fix NPE on nil handshake

* refactoring -- move status to status.go; add Open() methods for ScanTarget

* cherry-pick .gitignore fix

* pull in TLS fix

* status.go comments

* trim over-generalizations

* use /usr/bin/env bash instead of absolute path

* remove debug tcpwrap

* add integration tests for postgres

* hack for cleanup.sh to work on mingw -- use //var/lib instead of /var/lib

* cleanup should actually stop the process though

* comments / rearrange

* Bump up timeout in postgres tests; only pass user if explicitly requested to do so

* add schema stubs to new.sh

* Integration test fixes -- use /usr/bin/env bash; log all validation failures

* add postgres schemas

* fill out zcrypto.client_hello schema

* handle early get of TLSLog

* postgres: return SCAN_SUCCESS on success

* cleanup

* fix new.sh

* fix typo

* postgres container cleanup

* build.sh docs

* standardize container/image names

* add not to check for success

* shift mysql's connection management to ScanTarget.Open(); wrap Read/Write methods returned by ScanTarget.Open() to enforce timeouts

* catch schematically-valid but non-successful scans

* postgres: clean up output format; more scanning

* cleanup; better error handling; get detailed protocol version error

* refactor modules

* clean up dangling connections

* split gigantic postgres.go

* remove unused

* ServerParams gets its own type

* refactor integration tests: run zgrab2 in its own container, which is linked to the service containers, so that we don't need to keep track of unique ports on the host any more

* rename entrypoint; remove duplicate postgres tests

* comments for postgres schema

* port over ftp support from the original zgrab; add schema / integration tests for FTP; fix log line in ssh test

* Use param expansion to check for env variable [minor]

This is a *very* minor change to `docker-runner/docker-run.sh` checks to
see if the environment variable required to run the script has been set
to a non-empty string. If not, the script exits with a non-zero status
code and displays a default message:

❯ docker-runner/docker-run.sh
docker-runner/docker-run.sh: line 7: CONTAINER_NAME: parameter null or not set

This was the behavior before, but just uses a one-liner declarative bash

For further reading on parameter expansion, see

@justinbastress can tell me if I did something wrong and broke the
intent of the script :-)

* Add integration_test targets to makefile; use makefile instead of directly calling go build everywhere; run postgres schema through PEP8 linter

* use make in docker-runner entrypoint

* add .integration_test_setup to .gitignore

* cleanup

* add ftp schema

* more .gitignore items

* Makefile updates: Windows support; add docker-runner target; better cleanup.

* docker-runner Dockerfile: start from zgrab2_runner_base image

* cleanup postgres setup

* make travis use make

* add .gitattributes, try to prevent it from overriding lfs with crlfs in shell scripts at least

* fix folder name in Makefile

* update go (one of our dependencies now works only with >= 1.9)

* From travis: `I don't have any idea what to do with '1.9.0'.`

* explicit clean make

* fix dep order

* fix build.sh location

* popd

* use make to ensure zgrab2_runner exists

* Make docker-runner an order-dependency for integration-test-cleanup; don't do a cleanup after each integration test

* use explicit tag name for zgrab2_runner

* Add container-clean target to Makefile, to remove cyclic dependency on docker; use .id files to track docker images; add servce-base image; use Make to build / track images

* use LF in Makefiles; update .gitignore; use zgrab_service_base image in ssh container; fix line endings (?)

* remove overzealous cleanup

* let setup continue even if some containers are already running

* ftp: use zgrab2_service_base for ftp container; restart container if already running

* FTP: remove redundant prefix; add non-authtls test

* zgrab depends on *.go

* docker-runner depends on zgrab2 binary

* clean output before running integration tests

* address Zakir's comments: rename auth_*_resp -> auth_*, 'a FTP banner' -> 'an FTP banner'

* fix schema

* update/rebuild when necessary in container
2018-01-18 13:41:51 -05:00

190 lines
5.9 KiB

package modules
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// FTPScanResults is the output of the scan. Identical to the original from zgrab, with the addition of TLSLog.
type FTPScanResults struct {
Banner string `json:"banner,omitempty"`
AuthTLSResp string `json:"auth_tls,omitempty"`
AuthSSLResp string `json:"auth_ssl,omitempty"`
TLSLog *zgrab2.TLSLog `json:"tls,omitempty"`
// FTP-specific command-line flags. Taken from the original zgrab (TODO: should FTPAuthTLS be on by default?).
type FTPFlags struct {
Verbose bool `long:"verbose" description:"More verbose logging, include debug fields in the scan results"`
FTPAuthTLS bool `long:"authtls" description:"Collect FTPS certificates in addition to FTP banners"`
// FTPModule implements the zgrab2.Module interface
type FTPModule struct {
// FTPScanner implements the zgrab2.Scanner interface, and holds the state for a single scan instance
type FTPScanner struct {
config *FTPFlags
// FTPConnection holds the state for a single connection to the FTP server.
type FTPConnection struct {
buffer [1024]byte // temp buffer for sending commands -- so, never interleave sendCommand calls on a given connection
config *FTPFlags
results FTPScanResults
conn net.Conn
// ftp.init() registers the ftp zgrab2 module
func init() {
var module FTPModule
_, err := zgrab2.AddCommand("ftp", "FTP", "Grab an FTP banner", 21, &module)
if err != nil {
func (m *FTPModule) NewFlags() interface{} {
return new(FTPFlags)
func (m *FTPModule) NewScanner() zgrab2.Scanner {
return new(FTPScanner)
func (f *FTPFlags) Validate(args []string) error {
return nil
func (f *FTPFlags) Help() string {
return ""
func (s *FTPScanner) Init(flags zgrab2.ScanFlags) error {
f, _ := flags.(*FTPFlags)
s.config = f
return nil
func (s *FTPScanner) InitPerSender(senderID int) error {
return nil
func (s *FTPScanner) GetName() string {
return s.config.Name
func (s *FTPScanner) GetPort() uint {
return s.config.Port
// ftpEndRegex matches zero or more lines followed by a numeric FTP status code and linebreak, e.g. "200 OK\r\n"
var ftpEndRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:.*\r?\n)*([0-9]{3})( [^\r\n]*)?\r?\n$`)
// FTPConnection.isOKResponse() returns true iff the given response code indicates success (e.g. 2XX)
func (ftp *FTPConnection) isOKResponse(retCode string) bool {
// TODO: This is the current behavior; should it check that it isn't garbage that happens to start with 2 (e.g. it's only ASCII chars, the prefix is 2[0-9]+, etc)?
return strings.HasPrefix(retCode, "2")
// FTPConnection.readResponse() reads an FTP response chunk from the server. It returns the full response, as well as the status code alone.
func (ftp *FTPConnection) readResponse() (string, string, error) {
respLen, err := zgrab2.ReadUntilRegex(ftp.conn, ftp.buffer[:], ftpEndRegex)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
ret := string(ftp.buffer[0:respLen])
retCode := ftpEndRegex.FindStringSubmatch(ret)[1]
return ret, retCode, nil
// FTPConnection.GetFTPBanner() was taken over from the original zgrab. Read the banner sent by the server immediately after connecting. Returns true iff the server returns a succesful status code.
func (ftp *FTPConnection) GetFTPBanner() (bool, error) {
banner, retCode, err := ftp.readResponse()
if err != nil {
return false, err
ftp.results.Banner = banner
return ftp.isOKResponse(retCode), nil
// FTPConnection.sendCommand() sends a command to the server and waits for / reads / returns the response.
func (ftp *FTPConnection) sendCommand(cmd string) (string, string, error) {
ftp.conn.Write([]byte(cmd + "\r\n"))
return ftp.readResponse()
// FTPConnection.SetupFTPS() was taken over from the original zgrab. Returns true iff the server reported support for FTPS. First attempt AUTH TLS; if that fails, try AUTH SSL.
func (ftp *FTPConnection) SetupFTPS() (bool, error) {
ret, retCode, err := ftp.sendCommand("AUTH TLS")
if err != nil {
return false, err
ftp.results.AuthTLSResp = ret
if ftp.isOKResponse(retCode) {
return true, nil
} else {
ret, retCode, err = ftp.sendCommand("AUTH SSL")
if err != nil {
return false, err
ftp.results.AuthSSLResp = ret
if ftp.isOKResponse(retCode) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// FTPConnection.GetFTPSCertificates() was taken over from the original zgrab. If the server supports TLS/SSL, perform the handshake. The connection's results field is populated with the results.
func (ftp *FTPConnection) GetFTPSCertificates() error {
ftpsReady, err := ftp.SetupFTPS()
if err != nil {
return err
if !ftpsReady {
return nil
var conn *zgrab2.TLSConnection
if conn, err = ftp.config.TLSFlags.GetTLSConnection(ftp.conn); err != nil {
return err
ftp.results.TLSLog = conn.GetLog()
if err = conn.Handshake(); err != nil {
// NOTE: With the default config of vsftp (without ssl_ciphers=HIGH), AUTH TLS succeeds, but the handshake fails, dumping "error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:ssl3_get_client_hello:no shared cipher" to the socket.
return err
ftp.conn = conn
return nil
// FTPScanner.Scan() was taken over from the original zgrab. Reads the initial banner, then, if FTPAuthTLS is set, attempt an upgrade to FTPS.
func (s *FTPScanner) Scan(t zgrab2.ScanTarget) (status zgrab2.ScanStatus, result interface{}, thrown error) {
var err error
conn, err := t.Open(&s.config.BaseFlags)
if err != nil {
return zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(err), nil, err
ftp := FTPConnection{conn: conn, config: s.config, results: FTPScanResults{}}
is200Banner, err := ftp.GetFTPBanner()
if err != nil {
return zgrab2.TryGetScanStatus(err), &ftp.results, err
if s.config.FTPAuthTLS && is200Banner {
if err := ftp.GetFTPSCertificates(); err != nil {
return zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, &ftp.results, err
return zgrab2.SCAN_SUCCESS, &ftp.results, nil