
201 lines
5.1 KiB

package zgrab2
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Grab contains all scan responses for a single host
type Grab struct {
IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"`
Data map[string]ScanResponse `json:"data,omitempty"`
// ScanTarget is the host that will be scanned
type ScanTarget struct {
IP net.IP
Domain string
func (target ScanTarget) String() string {
if target.IP == nil && target.Domain == "" {
return "<empty target>"
} else if target.IP != nil && target.Domain != "" {
return target.Domain + "(" + target.IP.String() + ")"
} else if target.IP != nil {
return target.IP.String()
return target.Domain
// Open connects to the ScanTarget using the configured flags, and returns a net.Conn that uses the configured timeouts for Read/Write operations.
func (target *ScanTarget) Open(flags *BaseFlags) (net.Conn, error) {
timeout := time.Second * time.Duration(flags.Timeout)
address := net.JoinHostPort(target.IP.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", flags.Port))
return DialTimeoutConnection("tcp", address, timeout)
// OpenUDP connects to the ScanTarget using the configured flags, and returns a net.Conn that uses the configured timeouts for Read/Write operations.
// Note that the UDP "connection" does not have an associated timeout.
func (target *ScanTarget) OpenUDP(flags *BaseFlags, udp *UDPFlags) (net.Conn, error) {
timeout := time.Second * time.Duration(flags.Timeout)
address := net.JoinHostPort(target.IP.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", flags.Port))
var local *net.UDPAddr
var err error
if udp != nil && (udp.LocalAddress != "" || udp.LocalPort != 0) {
local = &net.UDPAddr{}
if udp.LocalAddress != "" && udp.LocalAddress != "*" {
local.IP = net.ParseIP(udp.LocalAddress)
if udp.LocalPort != 0 {
local.Port = int(udp.LocalPort)
remote, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", local, remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TimeoutConnection{
Conn: conn,
Timeout: timeout,
}, nil
// grabTarget calls handler for each action
func grabTarget(input ScanTarget, m *Monitor) []byte {
moduleResult := make(map[string]ScanResponse)
for _, scannerName := range orderedScanners {
defer func(name string) {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
log.Errorf("Panic on scanner %s when scanning target %s", scannerName, input.String())
// Bubble out original error (with original stack) in lieu of explicitly logging the stack / error
scanner := scanners[scannerName]
name, res := RunScanner(*scanner, m, input)
moduleResult[name] = res
if res.Error != nil && !config.Multiple.ContinueOnError {
var ipstr string
if input.IP == nil {
ipstr = ""
} else {
s := input.IP.String()
ipstr = s
raw := Grab{IP: ipstr, Domain: input.Domain, Data: moduleResult}
// TODO FIXME: Move verbosity to global level, or add a Verbosity() method to the Module interface.
stripped, err := output.Process(raw)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Error processing results: %v", err)
stripped = raw
result, err := json.Marshal(stripped)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to marshal data: %s", err)
return result
// Process sets up an output encoder, input reader, and starts grab workers
func Process(mon *Monitor) {
workers := config.Senders
processQueue := make(chan ScanTarget, workers*4)
outputQueue := make(chan []byte, workers*4)
//Create wait groups
var workerDone sync.WaitGroup
var outputDone sync.WaitGroup
// Start the output encoder
go func() {
out := bufio.NewWriter(config.outputFile)
defer outputDone.Done()
defer out.Flush()
for result := range outputQueue {
if _, err := out.Write(result); err != nil {
if err := out.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
//Start all the workers
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
go func(i int) {
for _, scannerName := range orderedScanners {
scanner := *scanners[scannerName]
for obj := range processQueue {
for run := uint(0); run < uint(config.ConnectionsPerHost); run++ {
result := grabTarget(obj, mon)
outputQueue <- result
// Read the input, send to workers
input := bufio.NewReader(config.inputFile)
for {
obj, err := input.ReadBytes('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
st := strings.TrimSpace(string(obj))
ipnet, domain, err := ParseTarget(st)
if err != nil {
var ip net.IP
if ipnet != nil {
if ipnet.Mask != nil {
for ip = ipnet.IP.Mask(ipnet.Mask); ipnet.Contains(ip); incrementIP(ip) {
processQueue <- ScanTarget{IP: duplicateIP(ip), Domain: domain}
} else {
ip = ipnet.IP
processQueue <- ScanTarget{IP: ip, Domain: domain}