Jeff Cody ec59b49540
Add support for BytesReadLimit parameter in BaseFlags
Some protocols may require more data than others.  To accomodate those,
allow the BytesReadLimit to be changed by means of BaseFlags.

By setting BaseFlags.BytesReadLimit prior to calling .Open(), scanners
can override the default limit to one that is appropriate for the data
2018-10-22 21:59:01 -04:00

189 lines
5.1 KiB

package zgrab2
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Grab contains all scan responses for a single host
type Grab struct {
IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"`
Data map[string]ScanResponse `json:"data,omitempty"`
// ScanTarget is the host that will be scanned
type ScanTarget struct {
IP net.IP
Domain string
Tag string
func (target ScanTarget) String() string {
if target.IP == nil && target.Domain == "" {
return "<empty target>"
res := ""
if target.IP != nil && target.Domain != "" {
res = target.Domain + "(" + target.IP.String() + ")"
} else if target.IP != nil {
res = target.IP.String()
} else {
res = target.Domain
if target.Tag != "" {
res += " tag:" + target.Tag
return res
// Host gets the host identifier as a string: the IP address if it is available,
// or the domain if not.
func (target *ScanTarget) Host() string {
if target.IP != nil {
return target.IP.String()
} else if target.Domain != "" {
return target.Domain
log.Fatalf("Bad target %s: no IP/Domain", target.String())
// Open connects to the ScanTarget using the configured flags, and returns a net.Conn that uses the configured timeouts for Read/Write operations.
func (target *ScanTarget) Open(flags *BaseFlags) (net.Conn, error) {
address := net.JoinHostPort(target.Host(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", flags.Port))
return DialTimeoutConnection("tcp", address, flags.Timeout, flags.BytesReadLimit)
// OpenUDP connects to the ScanTarget using the configured flags, and returns a net.Conn that uses the configured timeouts for Read/Write operations.
// Note that the UDP "connection" does not have an associated timeout.
func (target *ScanTarget) OpenUDP(flags *BaseFlags, udp *UDPFlags) (net.Conn, error) {
address := net.JoinHostPort(target.Host(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", flags.Port))
var local *net.UDPAddr
if udp != nil && (udp.LocalAddress != "" || udp.LocalPort != 0) {
local = &net.UDPAddr{}
if udp.LocalAddress != "" && udp.LocalAddress != "*" {
local.IP = net.ParseIP(udp.LocalAddress)
if udp.LocalPort != 0 {
local.Port = int(udp.LocalPort)
remote, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", local, remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewTimeoutConnection(nil, conn, flags.Timeout, 0, 0, flags.BytesReadLimit), nil
// grabTarget calls handler for each action
func grabTarget(input ScanTarget, m *Monitor) []byte {
moduleResult := make(map[string]ScanResponse)
for _, scannerName := range orderedScanners {
scanner := scanners[scannerName]
trigger := (*scanner).GetTrigger()
if input.Tag != trigger {
defer func(name string) {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
log.Errorf("Panic on scanner %s when scanning target %s: %#v", scannerName, input.String(), e)
// Bubble out original error (with original stack) in lieu of explicitly logging the stack / error
name, res := RunScanner(*scanner, m, input)
moduleResult[name] = res
if res.Error != nil && !config.Multiple.ContinueOnError {
var ipstr string
if input.IP == nil {
ipstr = ""
} else {
s := input.IP.String()
ipstr = s
raw := Grab{IP: ipstr, Domain: input.Domain, Data: moduleResult}
var outputData interface{} = raw
if !includeDebugOutput() {
// If the caller doesn't explicitly request debug data, strip it out.
// Take advantage of the fact that we can skip the (expensive) call to
// process if debug output is included (TODO: until Process does anything else)
processor := output.Processor{Verbose: false}
stripped, err := processor.Process(raw)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error processing results: %v", err)
stripped = raw
outputData = stripped
result, err := json.Marshal(outputData)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to marshal data: %s", err)
return result
// Process sets up an output encoder, input reader, and starts grab workers.
func Process(mon *Monitor) {
workers := config.Senders
processQueue := make(chan ScanTarget, workers*4)
outputQueue := make(chan []byte, workers*4)
//Create wait groups
var workerDone sync.WaitGroup
var outputDone sync.WaitGroup
// Start the output encoder
go func() {
defer outputDone.Done()
if err := config.outputResults(outputQueue); err != nil {
//Start all the workers
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
go func(i int) {
for _, scannerName := range orderedScanners {
scanner := *scanners[scannerName]
for obj := range processQueue {
for run := uint(0); run < uint(config.ConnectionsPerHost); run++ {
result := grabTarget(obj, mon)
outputQueue <- result
if err := config.inputTargets(processQueue); err != nil {