David Adrian b2bf9cbc41
Remove dependency on config in output.go (#250)
Refactor the output handlers to take the necessary writers as arguments.

2020-02-18 15:46:36 -05:00

149 lines
4.8 KiB

package zgrab2
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Config is the high level framework options that will be parsed
// from the command line
type Config struct {
OutputFileName string `short:"o" long:"output-file" default:"-" description:"Output filename, use - for stdout"`
InputFileName string `short:"f" long:"input-file" default:"-" description:"Input filename, use - for stdin"`
MetaFileName string `short:"m" long:"metadata-file" default:"-" description:"Metadata filename, use - for stderr"`
LogFileName string `short:"l" long:"log-file" default:"-" description:"Log filename, use - for stderr"`
LocalAddress string `long:"source-ip" description:"Local source IP address to use for making connections"`
Senders int `short:"s" long:"senders" default:"1000" description:"Number of send goroutines to use"`
Debug bool `long:"debug" description:"Include debug fields in the output."`
GOMAXPROCS int `long:"gomaxprocs" default:"0" description:"Set GOMAXPROCS"`
ConnectionsPerHost int `long:"connections-per-host" default:"1" description:"Number of times to connect to each host (results in more output)"`
ReadLimitPerHost int `long:"read-limit-per-host" default:"96" description:"Maximum total kilobytes to read for a single host (default 96kb)"`
Prometheus string `long:"prometheus" description:"Address to use for Prometheus server (e.g. localhost:8080). If empty, Prometheus is disabled."`
Multiple MultipleCommand `command:"multiple" description:"Multiple module actions"`
inputFile *os.File
outputFile *os.File
metaFile *os.File
logFile *os.File
inputTargets InputTargetsFunc
outputResults OutputResultsFunc
localAddr *net.TCPAddr
// SetInputFunc sets the target input function to the provided function.
func SetInputFunc(f InputTargetsFunc) {
config.inputTargets = f
// SetOutputFunc sets the result output function to the provided function.
func SetOutputFunc(f OutputResultsFunc) {
config.outputResults = f
func init() {
config.Multiple.ContinueOnError = true // set default for multiple value
config.Multiple.BreakOnSuccess = false // set default for multiple value
var config Config
func validateFrameworkConfiguration() {
// validate files
if config.LogFileName == "-" {
config.logFile = os.Stderr
} else {
var err error
if config.logFile, err = os.Create(config.LogFileName); err != nil {
if config.LocalAddress != "" {
parsed := net.ParseIP(config.LocalAddress)
if parsed == nil {
log.Fatalf("Error parsing local interface %s as IP", config.LocalAddress)
config.localAddr = &net.TCPAddr{parsed, 0, ""}
if config.InputFileName == "-" {
config.inputFile = os.Stdin
} else {
var err error
if config.inputFile, err = os.Open(config.InputFileName); err != nil {
if config.OutputFileName == "-" {
config.outputFile = os.Stdout
} else {
var err error
if config.outputFile, err = os.Create(config.OutputFileName); err != nil {
outputFunc := OutputResultsWriterFunc(config.outputFile)
if config.MetaFileName == "-" {
config.metaFile = os.Stderr
} else {
var err error
if config.metaFile, err = os.Create(config.MetaFileName); err != nil {
// Validate Go Runtime config
if config.GOMAXPROCS < 0 {
log.Fatal("invalid GOMAXPROCS (must be positive, given %d)", config.GOMAXPROCS)
//validate/start prometheus
if config.Prometheus != "" {
go func() {
http.Handle("metrics", promhttp.Handler())
if err := http.ListenAndServe(config.Prometheus, nil); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not run prometheus server: %s", err.Error())
//validate senders
if config.Senders <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("need at least one sender, given %d", config.Senders)
// validate connections per host
if config.ConnectionsPerHost <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("need at least one connection, given %d", config.ConnectionsPerHost)
// Stop the lowliest idiot from using this to DoS people
if config.ConnectionsPerHost > 50 {
log.Fatalf("connectionsPerHost must be in the range [0,50]")
// Stop even third-party libraries from performing unbounded reads on untrusted hosts
if config.ReadLimitPerHost > 0 {
DefaultBytesReadLimit = config.ReadLimitPerHost * 1024
// GetMetaFile returns the file to which metadata should be output
func GetMetaFile() *os.File {
return config.metaFile
func includeDebugOutput() bool {
return config.Debug