2018-02-13 13:25:47 -05:00

356 lines
10 KiB

package redis
import (
// fakeIO is a simple fake Reader/Writer. Read pulls data from the output
// channel; Writes are NOOPs.
type fakeIO struct {
output chan byte
// Read from output until it would block.
func (fakeio *fakeIO) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
// read what can be read from the channel without blocking
for i := 0; i < len(buf); {
select {
case b := <-fakeio.output:
buf[i] = b
return i, nil
return len(buf), nil
// Write does nothing.
func (fakeio *fakeIO) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
return len(buf), nil
// Provide data to the output channel.
func (fakeio *fakeIO) Provide(buf []byte) {
go func() {
// send new bytes as the buffer clears
for _, v := range buf {
fakeio.output <- v
var bigSimpleString = strings.Repeat("simple,", 1024*1024)
var bigBulkString = "--- BEGIN BULK STRING ---\r\n" + bigSimpleString + "\r\n--- END BULK STRING---\r\n"
// simpleStrings maps the string value to its encoding
var simpleStrings = map[string]string{
"": "+\r\n",
"foo": "+foo\r\n",
"0123456789abcdef": "+0123456789abcdef\r\n",
bigSimpleString: "+" + bigSimpleString + "\r\n",
// bulkStrings maps the string value to its encoding
var bulkStrings = map[string]string{
"": "$0\r\n\r\n",
"foo": "$3\r\nfoo\r\n",
"0123456789abcdef": "$16\r\n0123456789abcdef\r\n",
bigBulkString: fmt.Sprintf("$%d\r\n%s\r\n", len(bigBulkString), bigBulkString),
"\r\n\n\r\r\n": "$6\r\n\r\n\n\r\r\n\r\n",
// integers maps integer values to their encoding
var integers = map[int64]string{
0: ":0\r\n",
1: ":1\r\n",
-1: ":-1\r\n",
// Largest signed 64-bit integer
(1 << 63) - 1: ":9223372036854775807\r\n",
// Smallest signed 64-bit integer
-(1 << 63): ":-9223372036854775808\r\n",
12345: ":12345\r\n",
// redisErrors maps error strings to their encoding
var redisErrors = map[string]string{
"": "-\r\n",
"ERR something went wrong": "-ERR something went wrong\r\n",
"singleword": "-singleword\r\n",
// redisErrors maps error strings to their prefixes
var redisErrorPrefixes = map[string]string{
"": "",
"ERR something went wrong": "ERR",
"singleword": "singleword",
// redisErrorMessages maps error strings to their "messages"
var redisErrorMessages = map[string]string{
"": "",
"ERR something went wrong": "something went wrong",
"singleword": "singleword",
// redisArrays maps encoded array values to the corresponding array (Note: reverse key/value order from other maps)
var redisArrays = map[string]RedisArray{
"*0\r\n": RedisArray{},
"*1\r\n+\r\n": RedisArray{SimpleString("")},
"*2\r\n*1\r\n*0\r\n*1\r\n$5\r\n12345\r\n": RedisArray{RedisArray{RedisArray{}}, RedisArray{BulkString("12345")}},
"*5\r\n" +
"+simpleString\r\n" +
"-ERR error message\r\n" +
":12345\r\n" +
"$47\r\n*5\r\n+simpleString\r\n-ERR error message\r\n:12345\r\n\r\n" +
"*0\r\n": RedisArray{
ErrorMessage("ERR error message"),
BulkString([]byte("*5\r\n+simpleString\r\n-ERR error message\r\n:12345\r\n")),
// getConnection backed by a fakeIO, and the fakeIO instance.
func getConnection() (*Connection, *fakeIO) {
fakeio := fakeIO{
output: make(chan byte, 1024),
conn := Connection{conn: &fakeio}
return &conn, &fakeio
// strip s down to 32 chars
func strip(s interface{}) string {
var stringVal string
switch v := s.(type) {
case SimpleString:
stringVal = string(v)
case string:
stringVal = v
case BulkString:
stringVal = string([]byte(v))
case []byte:
stringVal = string(v)
stringVal = fmt.Sprintf("%v", s)
if len(stringVal) > 32 {
return stringVal[0:20] + "..." + stringVal[len(stringVal)-10:]
return stringVal
// Check that the two strings are equivalent, and if not, log the expected/actual
func assertEquals(t *testing.T, actual string, expected string) {
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("Expected [<%s>], got [<%s>]", strip(expected), strip(actual))
// Read a value from the connection, or throw a fatal error
func rawRead(t *testing.T, conn *Connection) RedisValue {
ret, err := conn.ReadRedisValue()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error reading value: %v", err)
return ret
// Read a value from the connection and convert it to a string for easy comparison
func read(t *testing.T, conn *Connection) string {
ret := rawRead(t, conn)
b, ok := ret.(BulkString)
if ok {
return string(b)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", ret)
// Encode a value and return a string for easy comparison
func encode(a RedisValue) string {
return string(a.Encode())
// Recursively compare two arrays, with the given path prefix
func _compareArrays(a, b RedisArray, path string) error {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return fmt.Errorf("Length mismatch (%d != %d)", len(a), len(b))
for i, ai := range a {
subPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", path, i)
bi := b[i]
aType := reflect.TypeOf(ai)
bType := reflect.TypeOf(bi)
if aType != bType {
return fmt.Errorf("Type mismatch at %s: %s != %s", subPath, aType.Name(), bType.Name())
switch ait := ai.(type) {
case RedisArray:
if err := _compareArrays(ait, bi.(RedisArray), subPath); err != nil {
return err
case BulkString:
if !bytes.Equal(ait, bi.(BulkString)) {
return fmt.Errorf("Bulk string mismatch at %s: %s != %s", subPath, strip(ai), strip(bi))
if ai != bi {
return fmt.Errorf("Mismatch at %s: %s != %s", subPath, strip(ai), strip(bi))
return nil
// Compare two RedisValues directly (without using their encodings)
func compareRedisValues(a, b RedisValue) error {
if reflect.TypeOf(a) != reflect.TypeOf(b) {
return fmt.Errorf("different types (%s != %s)", reflect.TypeOf(a).Name(), reflect.TypeOf(b).Name())
switch c := a.(type) {
case RedisArray:
return compareArrays(c, b.(RedisArray))
case BulkString:
if !bytes.Equal(c, b.(BulkString)) {
return fmt.Errorf("byte array mismatch (%s != %s)", strip(a), strip(b))
return nil
case NullType:
return nil
case Integer:
if int64(c) != int64(b.(Integer)) {
return fmt.Errorf("int mismatch (%d != %d)", c, int64(b.(Integer)))
return nil
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", a) != fmt.Sprintf("%v", b) {
return fmt.Errorf("Generic mismatch (%s != %s)", strip(a), strip(b))
return nil
// Push the encoding to the fake IO, then read it off and compare it to the expected value
func writeThenRead(t *testing.T, conn *Connection, io *fakeIO, encoded string, expected RedisValue) {
assertEquals(t, encoded, encode(expected))
decoded, err := conn.ReadRedisValue()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error decoding value for %s: %v", strip(string(encoded)), err)
if err = compareRedisValues(decoded, expected); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Read value did not match original value: %s != %s: %v", strip(decoded), strip(expected), err)
// TestSimpleString checks that SimpleStrings are encoded/decoded as expected.
func TestSimpleString(t *testing.T) {
conn, io := getConnection()
for str, encoding := range simpleStrings {
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, encoding, SimpleString(str))
// TestInteger checks that Integers are encoded/decoded to the expected values.
func TestInteger(t *testing.T) {
conn, io := getConnection()
for val, encoding := range integers {
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, encoding, Integer(val))
// TestBulkString checks that SimpleStrings are encoded/decoded as expected.
func TestBulkString(t *testing.T) {
conn, io := getConnection()
for str, encoding := range bulkStrings {
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, encoding, BulkString([]byte(str)))
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "$-1\r\n", NullValue)
// TestIsNullValue checks that only the null value causes IsNullValue to return true
func TestIsNullValue(t *testing.T) {
if !IsNullValue(NullValue) {
t.Errorf("!IsNullValue(&global RedisNull)")
for str, array := range redisArrays {
if IsNullValue(array) {
t.Errorf("Non-null array '%s' returned IsNullValue", strip(str))
for err := range redisErrors {
if IsNullValue(ErrorMessage(err)) {
t.Errorf("Non-null error message '%s' returned IsNullValue", strip(err))
for val := range integers {
if IsNullValue(Integer(val)) {
t.Errorf("Non-null integer '%d' returned IsNullValue", val)
for str := range bulkStrings {
bulk := BulkString([]byte(str))
if IsNullValue(bulk) {
t.Errorf("Non-null bulk string '%s' returned IsNullValue", strip(str))
for str := range simpleStrings {
if IsNullValue(SimpleString(str)) {
t.Errorf("Non-null simple string '%s' returned IsNullValue", strip(str))
// TestErrorMessage checks that ErrorMessages are encoded/decoded as expected.
func TestErrorMessage(t *testing.T) {
conn, io := getConnection()
for str, encoding := range redisErrors {
assertEquals(t, ErrorMessage(str).ErrorPrefix(), redisErrorPrefixes[str])
assertEquals(t, ErrorMessage(str).ErrorMessage(), redisErrorMessages[str])
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, encoding, ErrorMessage(str))
// compareArrays recursively compares two arrays (loops not supported)
func compareArrays(a, b RedisArray) error {
return _compareArrays(a, b, "")
// TestRedisArray checks that RedisArray encoding and decoding match the expected values.
func TestRedisArray(t *testing.T) {
conn, io := getConnection()
// Slowly build up array, checking its encoding after each element is added
var array RedisArray
e0 := SimpleString("foo")
e1 := BulkString([]byte(bigBulkString))
e2 := Integer(0)
e3 := Integer((1 << 62))
e4 := make(RedisArray, 0)
e5 := ErrorMessage("ERR some error")
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*0\r\n", array)
array = append(array, e0)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*1\r\n"+encode(e0), array)
array = append(array, e1)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*2\r\n"+encode(e0)+encode(e1), array)
array = append(array, e2)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*3\r\n"+encode(e0)+encode(e1)+encode(e2), array)
array = append(array, e3)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*4\r\n"+encode(e0)+encode(e1)+encode(e2)+encode(e3), array)
array = append(array, e4)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*5\r\n"+encode(e0)+encode(e1)+encode(e2)+encode(e3)+encode(e4), array)
array = append(array, e5)
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, "*6\r\n"+encode(e0)+encode(e1)+encode(e2)+encode(e3)+encode(e4)+encode(e5), array)
// Check calculated values
for expectedEncoding, redisValue := range redisArrays {
writeThenRead(t, conn, io, expectedEncoding, redisValue)