2018-03-21 16:27:28 -04:00

114 lines
2.5 KiB

package bacnet
import "bytes"
type VLC struct {
Type byte
Function byte
Length uint16
type NPDU struct {
Version byte
Control byte
type SegmentParameters struct {
raw byte
set bool
type APDU struct {
TypeAndFlags byte `json:"type_and_flags"`
SegmentSizes SegmentParameters `json:"segment_sizes"`
InvokeID byte `json:"invoke_id"`
ServerChoice byte `json:"server_choice"`
type Frame struct {
VLC *VLC `json:"vlc,omitempty"`
NPDU *NPDU `json:"npdu,omitempty"`
APDU *APDU `json:"apdu,omitempty"`
Payload interface{} `json:"payload,omitempty"`
const vlcLength = 4
// Marshal encodes a VLC header to binary
func (vlc *VLC) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
out := make([]byte, vlcLength)
out[0] = vlc.Type
out[1] = vlc.Function
out[2] = byte(vlc.Length >> 8)
out[3] = byte(vlc.Length)
return out, nil
// Unmarshal decodes a VLC header from binary
func (vlc *VLC) Unmarshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(b) < vlcLength {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
if b[0] != 0x81 {
return b, errNotBACNet
vlc.Type = b[0]
vlc.Function = b[1]
vlc.Length = (uint16(b[2]) << 8) + uint16(b[3])
rb := b[vlcLength:]
return rb, nil
const npduLength = 2
// Marshal encodes an NPDU header to binary
func (npdu *NPDU) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, npduLength)
b[0] = npdu.Version
b[1] = npdu.Control
return b, nil
// Unmarshal decodes an NPDU header from binary
func (npdu *NPDU) Unmarshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(b) < 2 {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
npdu.Version = b[0]
npdu.Control = b[1]
return b[2:], nil
// Marshal encodes a full APDU to binary
func (apdu *APDU) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if apdu.SegmentSizes.set {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Unmarshal decodes a full APDU from binary
func (apdu *APDU) Unmarshal(b []byte) (out []byte, err error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
if apdu.TypeAndFlags, err = buf.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
if apdu.SegmentSizes.set {
if apdu.SegmentSizes.raw, err = buf.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
if apdu.InvokeID, err = buf.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
if apdu.ServerChoice, err = buf.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return b, errBACNetPacketTooShort
bytesRead := len(b) - buf.Len()
return b[bytesRead:], nil