2018-12-18 16:32:44 -05:00

993 lines
32 KiB

package mssql
import (
var (
// ErrTooLarge is returned when a size is larger than 64k.
ErrTooLarge = errors.New("data too large")
// ErrBufferTooSmall is returned when a buffer is smaller than necessary.
ErrBufferTooSmall = errors.New("buffer too small")
// ErrInvalidData is returned when we receive data from the server that
// cannot be interpreted as a valid packet.
ErrInvalidData = errors.New("received invalid data")
// ErrNoServerEncryption is returned if the client requires encryption but
// the server does not support it.
ErrNoServerEncryption = errors.New("server doesn't support encryption")
// ErrServerRequiresEncryption is returned if the server requires encryption
// but the client does not support it.
ErrServerRequiresEncryption = errors.New("server requires encryption")
// ErrInvalidState is returned when attempting to take an action that is not
// allowed in the current state of the connection.
ErrInvalidState = errors.New("operation cannot be performed in this state")
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd358342.aspx
const (
// TDSStatusNormal is a "Normal" message
TDSStatusNormal uint8 = 0x00
// TDSStatusEOM is an End of message (EOM). The packet is the last packet in
// the whole request.
TDSStatusEOM = 0x01
// TDSStatusIgnore: Ignore this event (0x01 MUST also be set).
// Client-to-server.
TDSStatusIgnore = 0x02
// TDSStatusResetConnection reset this connection before processing event.
// Only set for event types Batch, RPC, or Transaction Manager request.
// This status bit MUST NOT be set in conjunction with
// Client-to-server.
TDSStatusResetConnection = 0x08
// Reset the connection before processing event but do not modify the
// transaction state. This status bit MUST NOT be set in conjunction with
// Client-to-server.
TDSStatusResetConnectionSkipTran = 0x10
// TDSPacketType represents the Type entry in the TDSPacket.
// Values are defined at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd304214.aspx.
type TDSPacketType uint8
const (
// TDSPacketTypeSQLBatch identifies a SQL batch.
TDSPacketTypeSQLBatch TDSPacketType = 0x01
// TDSPacketTypePreTDS7Login is the packet type for clients using "legacy"
// pre-TDS7 logins.
TDSPacketTypePreTDS7Login = 0x02
// TDSPacketTypeRPC identifies an RPC packet.
TDSPacketTypeRPC = 0x03
// TDSPacketTypeTabularResult identifies a tabular result.
TDSPacketTypeTabularResult = 0x04
// TDSPacketTypeAttentionSignal identifies an attention signal.
// Packet does not contain data.
TDSPacketTypeAttentionSignal = 0x06
// TDSPacketTypeBulkLoadData identifies a bulk-load-data packet.
TDSPacketTypeBulkLoadData = 0x07
// TDSPacketTypeFederatedAuthToken identifies a federated authentication
// token.
TDSPacketTypeFederatedAuthToken = 0x08
// TDSPacketTypeTransactionManagerRequest identifies a transaction manager
// request.
TDSPacketTypeTransactionManagerRequest = 0x0E
// TDSPacketTypeTDS7Login identifies a TDS7 login.
TDSPacketTypeTDS7Login = 0x10
// TDSPacketTypeSSPI identifies an SSPI packet.
TDSPacketTypeSSPI = 0x11
// TDSPacketTypePrelogin identifies a PRELOGIN packet.
TDSPacketTypePrelogin = 0x12
var knownTDSPacketTypes = map[TDSPacketType]bool{
TDSPacketTypeSQLBatch: true,
TDSPacketTypePreTDS7Login: true,
TDSPacketTypeRPC: true,
TDSPacketTypeTabularResult: true,
TDSPacketTypeAttentionSignal: true,
TDSPacketTypeBulkLoadData: true,
TDSPacketTypeFederatedAuthToken: true,
TDSPacketTypeTransactionManagerRequest: true,
TDSPacketTypeTDS7Login: true,
TDSPacketTypeSSPI: true,
TDSPacketTypePrelogin: true,
// PreloginOptionToken represents a PL_OPTION_TOKEN value, defined at
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd357559.aspx.
type PreloginOptionToken uint8
const (
// PreloginVersion is the VERSION token. Its value is the concatenation of
// { major, minor, build >> 8, build & 0xff }.
PreloginVersion PreloginOptionToken = 0x00
// PreloginEncryption is the ENCRYPTION token. It is a single byte that
// specifies what encryption options the client/server support (see
// EncryptionMode)
PreloginEncryption = 0x01
// PreloginInstance is the INSTOPT token. Its value is the null-terminated
// instance name.
PreloginInstance = 0x02
// PreloginThreadID is the THREADID token. Its value is the server's
// internal thread ID for the connection, an unsigned long.
PreloginThreadID = 0x03
// PreloginMARS is the MARS token. Its value is a single byte specifying
// whether the sender is requesting MARS support.
PreloginMARS = 0x04
// PreloginTraceID is the TRACEID token. Its value is the concatenation of
// the server's GUID for the client (16 bytes), the server's activity GUID
// (16 bytes) and the sequence ID (unsigned long).
PreloginTraceID = 0x05
// PreloginFedAuthRequired is the FEDAUTHREQUIRED token. Its value is a
// byte representing whether the sender requires federated authentication.
PreloginFedAuthRequired = 0x06
// PreloginNonce is the NONCEOPT token. Its value is a 32-byte nonce.
PreloginNonce = 0x07
// PreloginTerminator is the TERMINATOR token. It is not an actual tag, but
// a standalone marker.
PreloginTerminator = 0xFF
// Mapping to documented names, also serves to identify unknown values for JSON
// marshalling
var knownPreloginOptionTokens = map[PreloginOptionToken]string{
PreloginVersion: "VERSION",
PreloginEncryption: "ENCRYPTION",
PreloginInstance: "INSTOPT",
PreloginThreadID: "THREADID",
PreloginMARS: "MARS",
PreloginTraceID: "TRACEID",
PreloginFedAuthRequired: "FEDAUTHREQUIRED",
PreloginNonce: "NONCE",
// PreloginOption values are stored as byte arrays; actual types are specified
// in the docs
type PreloginOption []byte
// PreloginOptions maps the token to the value for that option
type PreloginOptions map[PreloginOptionToken]PreloginOption
// EncryptMode is defined at
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd357559.aspx
type EncryptMode byte
const (
// EncryptModeUnknown is not a valid ENCRYPTION value
EncryptModeUnknown EncryptMode = 0xff
// EncryptModeOff means that encryption will only be used for login
EncryptModeOff = 0x00
// EncryptModeOn means that encryption will be used for the entire session
EncryptModeOn = 0x01
// EncryptModeNotSupported means that the client/server does not support
// encryption
EncryptModeNotSupported = 0x02
// EncryptModeRequired is sent by the server when the client sends
// EncryptModNotSupported but the server requires it
EncryptModeRequired = 0x03
// These are the macro values defined in the MSDN docs
var stringToEncryptMode = map[string]EncryptMode{
"UNKNOWN": 0xff,
"ENCRYPT_OFF": 0x00,
"ENCRYPT_ON": 0x01,
"ENCRYPT_REQ": 0x03,
var encryptModeToString = map[EncryptMode]string{
EncryptModeOff: "ENCRYPT_OFF",
EncryptModeOn: "ENCRYPT_ON",
EncryptModeNotSupported: "ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP",
EncryptModeRequired: "ENCRYPT_REQ",
EncryptModeUnknown: "UNKNOWN",
// ServerVersion is a direct representation of the VERSION PRELOGIN token value.
type ServerVersion struct {
Major uint8 `json:"major"`
Minor uint8 `json:"minor"`
BuildNumber uint16 `json:"build_number"`
// Decode a VERSION response and return the parsed ServerVersion struct
// As defined in the MSDN docs, these come from token 0:
func decodeServerVersion(buf []byte) *ServerVersion {
if len(buf) != 6 {
return nil
return &ServerVersion{
Major: buf[0],
Minor: buf[1],
BuildNumber: binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[2:4]),
// String returns the dotted-decimal representation of the ServerVersion:
func (version *ServerVersion) String() string {
if version == nil {
return "<nil version>"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", version.Major, version.Minor, version.BuildNumber)
// TDSHeader is an 8-byte structure prepended to all TDS packets.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd340948.aspx for details.
type TDSHeader struct {
// Type is the TDSPacketType.
Type uint8
// Status is a bit field indicating message state.
Status uint8
// "Length is the size of the packet including the 8 bytes in the packet
// header. It is the number of bytes from the start of this header to the
// start of the next packet header. Length is a 2-byte, unsigned short int
// and is represented in network byte order (big-endian). Starting with TDS
// 7.3, the Length MUST be the negotiated packet size when sending a packet
// from client to server, unless it is the last packet of a request (that
// is, the EOM bit in Status is ON), or the client has not logged in."
Length uint16
// SPID is the process ID on the server for the current connection.
// Provided for debugging purposes (e.g. identify which server thread sent
// the packet).
SPID uint16
// Called PacketID in the docs. Incremented (modulo 256) each time a packet
// is sent. Allegedly ignored by the server.
SequenceNumber uint8
// "This 1 byte is currently not used. This byte SHOULD be set to 0x00 and
// SHOULD be ignored by the receiver."
Window uint8
// decodeTDSHeader interprets the first 8 bytes of buf as a TDSHeader.
func decodeTDSHeader(buf []byte) (*TDSHeader, error) {
if len(buf) < 8 {
return nil, ErrBufferTooSmall
return &TDSHeader{
Type: buf[0],
Status: buf[1],
Length: binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[2:4]),
SPID: binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[4:6]),
SequenceNumber: buf[6],
Window: buf[7],
}, nil
// readTDSHeader attempts to read 8 bytes from conn using io.ReadFull, and
// decodes the result as a TDSHeader.
func readTDSHeader(conn io.Reader) (*TDSHeader, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
_, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return decodeTDSHeader(buf)
// Encode returns the encoding of the header as a byte slice.
func (header *TDSHeader) Encode() []byte {
ret := make([]byte, 8)
ret[0] = header.Type
ret[1] = header.Status
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(ret[2:4], header.Length)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(ret[4:6], header.SPID)
ret[6] = header.SequenceNumber
ret[7] = header.Window
return ret
// HeaderSize calculates the length of the PRELOGIN_OPTIONs, i.e. the number of
// bytes before the payload starts.
// Each PRELOGIN_OPTION is a 1-byte token, a 2-byte length and a 2-byte offset,
// and each is followed by a single-byte TERMINATOR, giving 5 * len(*self) + 1.
func (options PreloginOptions) HeaderSize() int {
return 5*len(options) + 1
// Size returns the total size of the PRELOGIN packet body (so not including the
// TDSPacket header).
// Specifically, it is the header size + the size of all of the values.
func (options PreloginOptions) Size() int {
// 5 bytes per option for token/offset/length + 1 byte for terminator
ret := options.HeaderSize()
// + actual sizes of each option
for _, option := range options {
ret += len(option)
return ret
// GetByteOption returns a single-byte PRELOGIN option for the given token. If
// there is no value for that token present, or if the value is not exactly one
// byte long, returns an ErrInvalidData.
func (options PreloginOptions) GetByteOption(token PreloginOptionToken) (byte, error) {
ret, ok := options[token]
if !ok || len(ret) != 1 {
return 0, ErrInvalidData
return ret[0], nil
// GetUint16Option returns a big-endian uint16 PRELOGIN option for the given
// token. If there is no value for that token present, or if the value is not
// exactly two bytes long, returns an ErrInvalidData.
func (options PreloginOptions) GetUint16Option(token PreloginOptionToken) (uint16, error) {
ret, ok := options[token]
if !ok || len(ret) != 2 {
return 0, ErrInvalidData
return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(ret[0:2]), nil
// GetVersion decodes the VERSION response value if present; if not (or it is
// invalid), returns nil.
func (options PreloginOptions) GetVersion() *ServerVersion {
version, hasVersion := options[PreloginVersion]
if !hasVersion {
return nil
return decodeServerVersion(version)
// Encode returns the encoding of the PRELOGIN body as described in
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd357559.aspx.
func (options PreloginOptions) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
size := options.Size()
if size > 0xffff {
return nil, ErrTooLarge
ret := make([]byte, size)
// cursor always points to the location for the next PL_OPTION header value
cursor := ret[0:]
// offset always points to the next-available location for values in body,
// starting just after the TERMINATOR token
offset := options.HeaderSize()
// Ensure that the tokens are encoded in ascending order
var sortedKeys []int
for k := range options {
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, int(k))
for _, ik := range sortedKeys {
k := PreloginOptionToken(ik)
v := options[k]
if len(cursor) < 5 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encode: size mismatch (options.Size()=%d)", options.Size())
cursor[0] = byte(k)
if offset > 0xffff {
return nil, ErrTooLarge
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(cursor[1:3], uint16(offset))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(cursor[3:5], uint16(len(v)))
copy(ret[offset:offset+len(v)], v)
offset += len(v)
cursor = cursor[5:]
if len(cursor) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encode: size mismatch (options.Size()=%d, len(sortedKeys)=%d)", options.Size(), len(sortedKeys))
// Write the terminator after the last PL_OPTION header
// (and just before the first value)
cursor[0] = 0xff
return ret, nil
// Decode a PreloginOptions object from the given body. Any extra bytes are
// returned in rest.
// If body can't be decoded as a PRELOGIN body, returns nil, nil, ErrInvalidData
func decodePreloginOptions(body []byte) (result *PreloginOptions, rest []byte, err error) {
if len(body) < 1 {
return nil, nil, ErrInvalidData
cursor := body[:]
options := make(PreloginOptions)
max := 0
for cursor[0] != 0xff {
if len(cursor) < 6 {
// if the cursor is not pointing to the terminator, and we do not
// have 5 bytes + terminator remaining, it's a bad packet
return nil, nil, ErrInvalidData
token := PreloginOptionToken(cursor[0])
offset := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(cursor[1:3])
length := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(cursor[3:5])
if len(body) < int(offset+length) {
return nil, nil, ErrInvalidData
options[token] = body[offset : offset+length]
if int(offset+length) > max {
// max points to the byte after the last byte consumed in body
max = int(offset + length)
cursor = cursor[5:]
return &options, body[max:], nil
// preloginOptionsJSON is an auxiliary struct that holds the output format of
// the PreloginOptions
type preloginOptionsJSON struct {
Version *ServerVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`
Encryption *EncryptMode `json:"encrypt_mode,omitempty"`
Instance string `json:"instance,omitempty"`
ThreadID *uint32 `json:"thread_id,omitempty"`
// Using a *uint8 to distinguish 0 from undefined
MARS *uint8 `json:"mars,omitempty"`
TraceID []byte `json:"trace_id,omitempty"`
FedAuthRequired *uint8 `json:"fed_auth_required,omitempty"`
Nonce []byte `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
Unknown []unknownPreloginOptionJSON `json:"unknown,omitempty"`
// unknownPreloginOptionJSON holds the raw PRELOGIN token and value for unknown
// tokens.
type unknownPreloginOptionJSON struct {
Token uint8 `json:"token"`
Value []byte `json:"value"`
// MarshalJSON puts the map[PreloginOptionToken]PreloginOption into a more
// database-friendly format.
func (options PreloginOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
opts := options
aux := preloginOptionsJSON{}
aux.Version = options.GetVersion()
theEncryptMode, hasEncrypt := opts[PreloginEncryption]
if hasEncrypt && len(theEncryptMode) == 1 {
temp := EncryptMode(theEncryptMode[0])
aux.Encryption = &temp
instance, hasInstance := opts[PreloginInstance]
if hasInstance {
aux.Instance = strings.Trim(string(instance), "\x00")
threadID, hasThreadID := opts[PreloginThreadID]
if hasThreadID && len(threadID) == 4 {
temp := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(threadID[:])
aux.ThreadID = &temp
mars, hasMars := opts[PreloginMARS]
if hasMars && len(mars) == 1 {
aux.MARS = &mars[0]
traceID, hasTraceID := opts[PreloginTraceID]
if hasTraceID {
aux.TraceID = traceID
fedAuthRequired, hasFedAuthRequired := opts[PreloginFedAuthRequired]
if hasFedAuthRequired {
temp := uint8(0)
if len(fedAuthRequired) > 0 {
temp = fedAuthRequired[0]
} else {
logrus.Debugf("fedAuthRequired was present but empty (options=%#v)", options)
aux.FedAuthRequired = &temp
nonce, hasNonce := opts[PreloginNonce]
if hasNonce {
aux.Nonce = nonce
for k, v := range opts {
_, ok := knownPreloginOptionTokens[k]
if !ok {
aux.Unknown = append(aux.Unknown, unknownPreloginOptionJSON{
Token: uint8(k),
Value: v,
return json.Marshal(aux)
// TDSPacket is a header followed by the body. Length is calculated from the
// start of the packet, NOT the start of the body.
type TDSPacket struct {
Body []byte
// decodeTDSPacket decodes a TDSPacket from the start of buf, returning the
// packet and any remaining bytes following it.
func decodeTDSPacket(buf []byte) (*TDSPacket, []byte, error) {
header, err := decodeTDSHeader(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(buf) < int(header.Length) {
return nil, nil, ErrBufferTooSmall
body := buf[8:header.Length]
return &TDSPacket{
TDSHeader: *header,
Body: body,
}, buf[header.Length:], nil
// Encode returns the encoded packet: header + body. Updates the header's length
// to match the actual body length.
func (packet *TDSPacket) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
if len(packet.Body)+8 > 0xffff {
return nil, ErrTooLarge
packet.TDSHeader.Length = uint16(len(packet.Body) + 8)
header := packet.TDSHeader.Encode()
ret := append(header, packet.Body...)
return ret, nil
// String returns a string representation of the EncryptMode.
func (mode EncryptMode) String() string {
ret, ok := encryptModeToString[mode]
if !ok {
return encryptModeToString[EncryptModeUnknown]
return ret
// MarshalJSON ensures that the EncryptMode is encoded in the string format.
func (mode EncryptMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(mode.String())
// getEncryptMode returns the EncryptMode value for the given string label.
func getEncryptMode(enum string) EncryptMode {
ret, ok := stringToEncryptMode[enum]
if !ok {
return EncryptModeUnknown
return ret
// Connection wraps the state of a single MSSQL connection.
// NOT thread safe, due e.g. to the state (e.g. messageType) in tdsConnection.
type Connection struct {
// rawConn is the raw network connection. Both tlsConn and tdsConn wrap this
rawConn net.Conn
// tlsConn is the TLS client. During the handshake, it wraps an active
// tdsConnection. Afterwards, the inner tdsConnection is deactivated.
tlsConn *zgrab2.TLSConnection
// tdsConn allows sending / receiving TDS packets through the net.Conn
// interface. Wraps either rawConn or tlsConn.
// The genesis of this is the fact that MSSQL requires the TLS handshake
// packets to be wrapped in TDS headers.
tdsConn *tdsConnection
// sequenceNumber is the sequence number used for the last packet (though
// they are sent to the server mod 256).
sequenceNumber int
// readValidTDSPacket gets set to true once we have read a valid TDS packet
// on any TDSConnection.
readValidTDSPacket bool
// PreloginOptions contains the values returned by the server in the
// PRELOGIN call, once it has happened.
PreloginOptions *PreloginOptions
// SendTDSPacket sends a TDS packet with the given type and body.
// NOTE - sets tdsConn.messageType to packetType and leaves it there.
func (connection *Connection) SendTDSPacket(packetType uint8, body []byte) error {
connection.tdsConn.messageType = packetType
_, err := connection.tdsConn.Write(body)
return err
// readPreloginPacket reads and decodes an entire Prelogin packet from tdsConn
func (connection *Connection) readPreloginPacket() (*TDSPacket, *PreloginOptions, error) {
packet, err := connection.tdsConn.ReadPacket()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if packet.Type != TDSPacketTypeTabularResult {
return packet, nil, &zgrab2.ScanError{Status: zgrab2.SCAN_APPLICATION_ERROR, Err: err}
defer zgrab2.LogPanic("Error decoding Prelogin packet %#v", packet.Body)
plOptions, rest, err := decodePreloginOptions(packet.Body)
if err != nil {
return packet, nil, err
if len(rest) > 0 {
return packet, nil, ErrInvalidData
return packet, plOptions, nil
// Prelogin sends the Prelogin packet and reads the response from the server.
// It populates the connection's PreloginOptions field with the response, and
// specifically returns the ENCRYPTION value (which is used to determine whether
// a TLS handshake needs to be done).
func (connection *Connection) prelogin(clientEncrypt EncryptMode) (EncryptMode, error) {
if clientEncrypt < 0 || clientEncrypt > 0xff {
return EncryptModeUnknown, ErrInvalidData
clientOptions := PreloginOptions{
PreloginVersion: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
PreloginEncryption: {byte(clientEncrypt)},
PreloginInstance: {0},
PreloginThreadID: {0, 0, 0, 0},
PreloginMARS: {0},
preloginBody, err := clientOptions.Encode()
if err != nil {
return EncryptModeUnknown, err
err = connection.SendTDSPacket(TDSPacketTypePrelogin, preloginBody)
if err != nil {
return EncryptModeUnknown, err
packet, response, err := connection.readPreloginPacket()
if response != nil {
connection.PreloginOptions = response
if err != nil {
if packet != nil {
// FIXME: debug packet info?
logrus.Debugf("Got bad packet? type=0x%02x", packet.Type)
return EncryptModeUnknown, err
serverEncrypt := connection.getEncryptMode()
if clientEncrypt == EncryptModeOn && serverEncrypt == EncryptModeNotSupported {
return serverEncrypt, ErrNoServerEncryption
if clientEncrypt == EncryptModeNotSupported && serverEncrypt == EncryptModeRequired {
return serverEncrypt, ErrServerRequiresEncryption
return serverEncrypt, nil
// Close closes / resets any resources associated with the connection, and
// returns the first error (if any) that it encounters.
func (connection *Connection) Close() error {
connection.sequenceNumber = 0
connection.tdsConn = nil
connection.tlsConn = nil
temp := connection.rawConn
connection.rawConn = nil
return temp.Close()
// tdsConnection is an implementation of net.Conn that adapts raw input (e.g.
// from an external library like tls.Handshake()) by adding / removing TDS
// headers for writes / reads.
// For example, wrapped.Write("abc") will call
// wrapped.conn.Write(TDSHeader + "abc"), while wrapped.Read() will read
// TDSHeader + "def" from net.Conn, then return "def" to the caller.
// For reads, this reads entire TDS packets at a time -- blocking until it
// can -- and returns partial packets (or data from multiple packets) as needed.
type tdsConnection struct {
// The underlying conn. Traffic sent to this conn is sent as-is, but when
// using the higher-level APIs, this sends and receives TDS-wrapped packets.
conn net.Conn
// The connection this wrapper is attached to.
session *Connection
// If enabled == false, reads and writes to the wrapped connection pass
// directly through to conn.
enabled bool
// messageType is the header type added to written packets.
messageType byte
// remainder contains bytes read from net.conn that have not yet been
// returned to Read() calls on this instance.
remainder []byte
// return the lesser of a, b
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
// Check if the given header is likely to be a valid TDS header (for detection
// purposes).
func isValidTDSHeader(header *TDSHeader) bool {
if header == nil {
logrus.Debug("nil header")
return false
if header.Status != TDSStatusEOM {
// The only valid/recognized values for the server status are 0x00 and
// 0x01 -- the rest of the bits are either client-to-server flags or
// undefined.
// We don't say we've read a packet until we've received the final
// packet in a sequence, so 0x00 is also out.
return false
if header.Window != 0 {
// "This 1 byte is currently not used. This byte SHOULD be set to 0x00
// and SHOULD be ignored by the receiver."
return false
_, ok := knownTDSPacketTypes[TDSPacketType(header.Type)]
if !ok {
return false
return true
// Read a single packet from the connection and return the whole packet (this is
// the only way to see the packet type, sequence number, etc).
func (connection *tdsConnection) ReadPacket() (*TDSPacket, error) {
if !connection.enabled {
return nil, ErrInvalidState
header, err := readTDSHeader(connection.conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := make([]byte, header.Length-8)
_, err = io.ReadFull(connection.conn, buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if isValidTDSHeader(header) {
connection.session.readValidTDSPacket = true
return &TDSPacket{
TDSHeader: *header,
Body: buf,
}, nil
// The wrapped Read() call. If not enabled, just passes through to conn.Read(b).
// If it has sufficient data in remainder to satisfy the read, just return that.
// Otherwise, attempt to read a header (FIXME: with a 1s timeout), then block
// oreading the entire packet and add it to the remainder.
// Then, consume and repeat. If there is an error reading, return the error back
// to the user with the corresponding bytes read.
func (connection *tdsConnection) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if !connection.enabled {
return connection.conn.Read(b)
output := b
soFar := 0
for len(output) > len(connection.remainder) {
copy(output, connection.remainder)
output = output[len(connection.remainder):]
soFar = soFar + len(connection.remainder)
connection.remainder = make([]byte, 0)
header, err := readTDSHeader(connection.conn)
if err != nil {
return soFar, err
connection.remainder = make([]byte, header.Length-8)
_, err = io.ReadFull(connection.conn, connection.remainder)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error reading body: %v", err)
return soFar, err
toCopy := min(len(output), len(connection.remainder))
copy(output, connection.remainder[0:toCopy])
output = output[toCopy:]
connection.remainder = connection.remainder[toCopy:]
soFar = soFar + toCopy
// now len(output) <= len(remainder)
copy(output, connection.remainder)
connection.remainder = connection.remainder[len(output):]
return len(b), nil
// The wrapped Write method. If not enabled, just pass through to conn.Write.
// Otherise, wrap b in a TDSHeader with the next sequence number and packet type
// given by messageType, and send it in a single conn.Write().
func (connection *tdsConnection) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if !connection.enabled {
return connection.conn.Write(b)
if len(b)+8 > 0xffff {
return 0, ErrTooLarge
header := TDSHeader{
Type: connection.messageType,
Status: TDSStatusEOM,
Length: uint16(len(b) + 8),
SPID: 0,
SequenceNumber: uint8(connection.session.sequenceNumber % 0x100),
Window: 0,
buf := header.Encode()
output := append(buf, b...)
ret, err := connection.conn.Write(output)
if ret > 0 {
ret = ret - 8
if ret < 0 {
ret = 0
return ret, err
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) Close() error {
return connection.conn.Close()
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return connection.conn.LocalAddr()
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return connection.conn.RemoteAddr()
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return connection.conn.SetDeadline(t)
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return connection.conn.SetReadDeadline(t)
// Passthrough to the underlying connection.
func (connection *tdsConnection) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return connection.conn.SetWriteDeadline(t)
// NewConnection creates a new MSSQL connection using the given raw socket
// connection to the database.
func NewConnection(conn net.Conn) *Connection {
ret := &Connection{rawConn: conn}
ret.tdsConn = &tdsConnection{conn: conn, session: ret, enabled: true}
return ret
// Login sends the LOGIN packet. Called after Handshake(). If
// self.getEncryptMode() == EncryptModeOff, disables TLS afterwards.
// NOTE: Not currently implemented.
func (connection *Connection) Login() {
// TODO: send login
if connection.getEncryptMode() != EncryptModeOn {
// Client was only using encryption for login, so switch back to rawConn
connection.tdsConn = &tdsConnection{conn: connection.rawConn, enabled: true, session: connection}
// tdsConnection.Write(rawData) -> net.Conn.Write(header + rawData)
// conn.Read() -> header + rawData -> tdsConnection.Read() -> rawData
// getEncryptMode returns the EncryptMode enum returned by the server in the
// PRELOGIN step. If PRELOGIN has not yet been called or if the ENCRYPTION token
// was not included / was invalid, returns EncryptModeUnknown.
func (connection *Connection) getEncryptMode() EncryptMode {
if connection.PreloginOptions == nil {
return EncryptModeUnknown
ret, err := connection.PreloginOptions.GetByteOption(PreloginEncryption)
if err != nil {
return EncryptModeUnknown
return EncryptMode(ret)
// Handshake performs the initial handshake with the MSSQL server.
// First sends the PRELOGIN packet to the server and reads the response.
// Then, if necessary, does a TLS handshake.
// Returns the ENCRYPTION value from the response to PRELOGIN.
func (connection *Connection) Handshake(flags *Flags) (EncryptMode, error) {
encryptMode := getEncryptMode(flags.EncryptMode)
mode, err := connection.prelogin(encryptMode)
if err != nil {
return mode, err
connection.tdsConn.messageType = 0x12
if mode == EncryptModeNotSupported {
return mode, nil
tlsClient, err := flags.TLSFlags.GetTLSConnection(connection.tdsConn)
if err != nil {
return mode, err
// do handshake: the raw TLS frames are wrapped in a TDS packet:
// tls.Conn.Handshake() ->
// -> tdsConnection.Write(clientHello) ->
// -> net.Conn.Write(header + clientHello)
// net.Conn.Read() => header + serverHello ->
// -> tdsConnection.Read() => serverHello ->
// -> tls.Conn.Handshake()
err = tlsClient.Handshake()
if err != nil {
return mode, err
// After the SSL handshake has been established, wrap packets before they
// are passed into TLS, not after.
// tdsConnection.Write(rawData) ->
// -> tls.Conn.Write(header + rawData) ->
// -> net.Conn.Write(protected[header + rawData])
// net.Conn.Read() => protected[header + rawData] ->
// -> tls.Conn.Read() => header + rawData ->
// -> TDSWrappedClient.Read() => rawData
connection.tdsConn.enabled = false
connection.tdsConn = &tdsConnection{conn: tlsClient, enabled: true, session: connection}
connection.tlsConn = tlsClient
return mode, nil