# r2pipe.clj `"Know only Clojure and want to work with r2? I got you fam."` r2pipe.clj is a Clojure library to interact with [radare2](https://github.com/radareorg/radare2). This requires you to have r2 installed on your system. It spawns a new process and communicates with it over pipes. ## Installation In Leiningen: [![Clojars Project](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/org.clojars.chinmay_dd/r2pipe.svg)](https://clojars.org/org.clojars.chinmay_dd/r2pipe) ## Usage ```clojure ;; Start up the REPL and include r2 pipe lib user=> (require '[r2pipe.core :refer :all]) ;; Configure the r2 path. It will default to "/usr/bin/r2". user=> (configure-path "/usr/bin/r2") ;; Open the file into r2 user=> (r2open "binary") #'r2pipe.core/pipe ;; Execute a command in r2 user=> (r2cmd "pi 5") "xor ebp, ebp\npop esi\nmov ecx, esp\nand esp, 0xfffffff0\npush eax\n" ``` ### Todo A lot of things!