![Banner](./assets/banner.png) # Bottom Bar A nice, simple looking, bottom bar. - This addon was inspired from [CapnKitten's](https://github.com/CapnKitten) [Spotify Discord](https://github.com/CapnKitten/Spotify-Discord)! ![Preview](./screenshots/preview.png) ## Installation For **[Powercord](http://powercord.dev/)** or **[Vizality](https://vizality.com/)** installation, go to **Themes -> Open a CMD / Powershell / Terminal / Gitbash** in the folder, and enter the following: ``` git clone https://github.com/Discord-Theme-Addons/bottom-bar ``` **For BetterDiscord:** - [Direct Download](https://betterdiscord.net/ghdl?id=3481) - [View Source](https://raw.githack.com/Discord-Theme-Addons/bottom-bar/main/src/support/BottomBar.theme.css) **For Browser / Web:** 1. Install the Stylus extension for [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/styl-us/) / [Opera](https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki/Opera,-Outdated-Stylus). 2. After installing, head over to [this link](https://raw.githack.com/Discord-Theme-Addons/bottom-bar/default/src/support/BottomBar.user.css). 3. Press the "Install Style" button. ## Revert Discord Support If you would like to use [Revert Discord](https://github.com/fluffingtons/revert-discord) with Bottom Bar, go to your Quick CSS and paste the following: ```css #app-mount .form-2fGMdU { border-top: none; padding: 1px 16px 0 16px; top: 0; margin-bottom: -9px; margin-left: 0; width: 100%; } ``` # Credits Thank you to everyone for their help! - [@Hoofer](https://github.com/HooferDevelops) for helping me figure out how to get the bottom area below the members list to work as well as finding multiple issues.